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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:48 pm
Ray wouldn't be at all ashamed to admit that she had a fondness for makeup, Black make up, and not a whole variety of it, but makeup all the same.
She was rarely seen without a heavy layer of black eyeshadow, and eyeliner, contrasting her eyes and making them look bigger, and honestly making her look a little more eccentric then she already seemed.

But, like the kind of equipment she got for traveling, she didn't go with the cheap stuff. Oh no no no.
Her make up had to be able to last through what the survivalist put it through during her daily routine.
Makeup like that was expensive, and could only be reliably sold in high end boutiques.
Luckily for her, Camphoreon was full of high end malls, and today was the day that she noticed that her eyeshadow was running dangerously low.

Looking good was always something Ray took pride in, its something all trainers had to consider very seriously. You can't just walk out into the stadium in rags looking unkempt and unappealing, you don't get supported easily like that.
That said, having a unique style always helped, and Ray certainly found hers.
Malls like this however, tended to cater to those who had something of a less active... or sporty life, and that was cool too.
Ray just needed to remind herself, if anyone gave her those odd looks, that she could beat any one of them down without even breaking a sweat.

The thought caused a smirk to crack over her lips.  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:11 pm
A teenaged girl stopped just past the entrance to the boutique, backpedaled, and made a rather overdramatic gesture. "Make-up! I knew I was forgetting something!"



"Mordecai, stay out here."

"Metang!" He hummed happily before placing himself in the middle of the corridor with all of his Mistress's bags of new clothes. People could easily walk around him if he were in the middle, right? Right!

With a vague nod of approval, the girl motioned to her beloved first pokemon. "Come on Anya, let's go find some make-up~" With that, Seraphine turned with a flourish and a twirl of her short, poofy dress as she casually - and strategically - flung a few locks of her thick, wavy brown hair back behind her shoulders, and sauntered into the store like she owned it and was just here to pick up a few things.

For all she cared, she might as well own it. Why not? It'd be nice to have her own boutique she could get whatever she wanted from. ...not that she couldn't get whatever she wanted now, but it was different.

Seraphine strode confidently past all the cheaper junk to her favorite brand's section - which also happened to be the most expensive - before she suddenly came to a halt in the aisle.

There was another girl there, in her way.

A really tall girl.

A really tall girl that looked really odd. Seriously, what was with those clothes? What was a girl like that doing in a store like this?

Ever the most tactful person around, Sera quirked an eyebrow as high as it could go with an obvious 'what the ********' look on her face - the expression wasn't even registered, it was just a subconscious reaction at this point - before she walked over to the section nearby where her favorite make-up was. Arceus be damned if she'd let someone else get between her and her make-up.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:34 pm
Black black black, that was the only color in makeup she needed, and it was always in such wonderful abundance.
The tall women was contently shuffling through the different brands, reading over labels and comparing the different shades.

Now, there were very few things that would draw her attention away from a situation like this, most of them would be far too extreme and destructive to realistically happen in the middle of a mall's makeup boutique, but probably at the top of the list, was something that rivaled her love for.... well pretty much everything-


And what was this that she heard? the clicking of nailed paws on the hard floor? oh! and whats this that she saw as she glanced over her shoulder, shaking the long strands of gray hair out of her right eye.

A long sharp whistle sank from the women's lips before a long smile joined her features.
"Now that is one -impressive- looking Umbreon! You don't see breeding that specialized every day."

Without even a second thought, Rayan was crouching down at a lower level to examine the pokemon.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:28 am
The whistle was what pulled Sera's attention from her make-up, and she would have promptly ignored the tall woman if it weren't for the fact she was addressing - complimenting - her Anastasia.

The Umbreon had sat obediently by her Mistress's fancy heeled shoes while the girl looked at make-up, and her head twisted up right when Seraphine's did. This very tall woman was addressing her at first before kneeling down to her level. "Bree~" She trilled in greeting to the woman. Even though she remained seated, she moved a paw to lean closer and sniffed the stranger's hands.

Seraphine had done a complete 180. While before she was skeptical and dismissive at best, now she glowed with a certain inner radiance called shallow pride and materialism. "Isn't she just? She cost my parents quite a bit, but she was worth it completely. Her name is Anastasia."

As if to verify, the Umbreon trilled another "breee" at the mention of her name.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:52 pm
Breeding for looks and radiance, Rayan was aware that this was becoming a much more popular practice, especially with the wealthy families and league contest trainers.
the tall women didn't know much about it herself personally, She remembered a whole long debate on the subject in the league boards a while back, when she was still part of the League; Breeding for looks tended to jeopardize the pokemon's ability to preform in battle, but at the same time, there has been proof of just the opposite.
In the end Rayan just assumed it depended on the breeder.

Mossy eyes lit up as the pokemon greeted her passively, the women holding her hand out quietly.
The Umbreon from her structure alone certainly looked like an ideal pokemon for training and battle, Though Rayan had to admit, the trainer didn't exactly look like the type to really give two shakes about that kind of thing.
Either way, once Ray was satisfied that the Umbreon wasn't offended by her presence, the women tilted her chin up, giving the girl in front of her one of her ling crooked grins.
"Oh yeah? She sure looks it, I know most trainers can only dream of getting a pokemon like this, you're pretty lucky."
Rayan reached out to scratch the Umbreon's ear, "Anastasia, how's it going girl?"  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:34 am
Rayan's assessment of both pokemon and trainer were entirely correct - especially in regards to the trainer. Sera had done just fine coasting along on rather unenthusiastic and not-very-well-guided training sessions, and had mostly observed her friends and fellow trainers and told her pokemon to 'do that too.' It had worked for her so far, and she had no reason to change her attitude. "I know I am," Seraphine agreed quite readily, her tones dripping with pride and s certain vanity she didn't even know was there, let alone have the sense to try to suppress. "My parents looked up the finest, most reputable breeders before buying her for me. They really did their research, because she's gorgeous." Sera certainly had no qualms whatsoever of complimenting her own pokemon.

Luckily though, the words didn't seem at all to go into Anya's head, and she churred happily when Ray reached out to scratch her ear. She even leaned into the gesture and closed her light blue eyes in pleasure. "Breon, bree~"

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:57 pm
Pride was in abundance with this one, though Rayan would be the last to hold it against her, that was something that could commonly be found in her previous like of work and sport.
Though Rayan couldn't help but notice the lack of boasting upon the actual abilities of her training.

The women continued to smile as broadly as ever, patting the Umbreon a few more times before returning to her full wiry height.
"I bet she's won you a nice number of badges."  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:21 pm
Sera's pride hit a roadblock when Rayan mentioned badges, and the sudden obstacle in her train of thought was obvious, with the furrowing of her brow and the sudden shift in her posture. "Oh. Kodo doesn't have badges, actually," the girl said matter-of-factly, as if this girl should obviously be aware of such things, "but I did go to Hoenn with my friends for a while. I think they got some badges, but I didn't. Battling isn't really my thing," she said with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"Besides," Sera shifted her weight to the other foot, "I don't really want her to battle too much. It's dangerous, she could get scars or something." Or worse, her collar could be torn or her eyes hurt - limbs broken.. No, safe training battles were better for her dear Anastasia.

The Umbreon just peered up at both humans, her head tilted slightly in curiosity as they talked about her.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:09 pm
The explanation was met with an amused quirk of her notched eyebrow, in shadow of judgment on the girl. If this girl really was a trainer, like Rayan was gathering from a few things she said then she certainly wasn't a very good one.

"Ah" Rayan waved a hand dismissively, before lacing her thumb into the strap on her pants. "Whats important is that your pokemon and you have the same goal anyway."
She gave the younger girl a wink, one that was shared with the pretty Umbreon. "It's just too bad that's whats wasting such impressive potential for this pokemon ."
Her grin didn't even miss a beat at her last statement, her eyes almost giving the impression of superiority.
A hand was reached out toward the girl "My names Rayan, I'm new to Kodo."  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:06 pm
"Pfft. Of course we have the same goal." Actually she probably didn't even have a specific goal in mind apart from 'look pretty.' "Isn't that right, Anastasia?" The girl cooed down at her Umbreon, and the dark-type trilled in response. The way she straightened up, her ears perking up as well, gave more hints towards wanting to please her mistress than actually agreeing with her. Sera seemed to be pleased with the response regardless of what it actually meant, and waved one hand as she pulled out a small container of make-up to study while she spoke. "And if you're talking about entering her in contests, please. We have much better things to do than those." They were too much work anyway.

Ray's hand went completely unnoticed - or possibly even ignored. "Seraphine," the brunette responded quite readily as she replaced the container she had and pulled out two more, one for each hand and squinted at them. "Seraphine von Renata."

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:52 am
Ray let out a hearty laugh, pulling her hand back onto her hip. The implications certainly flew past the girl unnoticed, aided by the princess' conceded air, Ray was sure.
"Not my thing really, besides, I hear that around this city that kind of sport's pretty dangerous, League news had been buzzing like a hive of Combees about this island's misfortions for a while now."

Who knows if the girl even knew about the crap that was going on in her own home town, she would certainly be surprised if the girl payed any mind to anything that went on under her nose.

It couldn't be said that Ray was annoyed with the girl, since she still wore that boarder line manic smirk on her face, eyes locked on Seraphine as if interested in what she had to say.  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:14 am
"Oh, you mean the contest a while back that was raided by Team Rocket? Yeah, it was all over the news, but I never watch that," she sniffed dismissively, holding onto one container of make-up while she replaced the other on the shelf, then moved over for some blush next. "Only reason I know anything about it is cuz some of my friends went and wouldn't stop talking about it. Actually that's why they started training a lot, I think - cuz of Team Rocket." Her tone of voice was disinterested, to say the least - as if she were talking about a bent street sign or a slightly tilted picture hung on a wall. Almost as if the topic held no significance to her whatsoever. Team Rocket bothered other people - they didn't bother her.  

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:21 am
The notched eyebrow twitched up a little at the girl's words; oh. so she actually did know what Rayan was talking about... okay then that actually surprised her.

There was a sharp clicking as the women clucked her tongue to the back of her teeth, before leaning forward, joined with a new found interest. Though one she suspected wouldn't be properly appeased.
"Well you don't seem all that worried about it. You say your friends took up training, pretty smart move on their part." this was joined with a chuckle and she squinted her visible eye at the girl.
"And what about you? ready to jump in and take up arms side by side with the league to valiantly take down that evil Team Rocket?"  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:30 pm
The clicking of her tongue went unnoticed - or she just ignored it. Anastasia's ear twitched at the noise, however, and she tilted her head to look up at the taller woman. Seraphine was still focused on comparing make-up. "Eh," she replied with a shrug, "I try not to worry about things." Things that didn't involve her appearance, at any rate, or the latest fashions. "We all went to Hoenn together, and I guess they all trained a lot and stuff. I dunno, it seemed like more of a vacation to me." Although that couldn't be at all because she treated it like one right from the start, of course not.

Another container of make-up was kept in her grasp, and she moved further down the aisle, coincidentally away from Ray. Her movement had less to do with the other woman and more to do with the fact this section of the aisle was where her choice make-up was. "Eh." Another shrug. "My pokemon can go help, I guess, if we ever actually see a Team Rocket person."

If nothing else, her tone and behavior made it clear she hadn't actually come across one herself yet, and obviously didn't take them as a serious threat.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:48 pm
Rayan let out a boisterous laugh, one that seemed both out of place and a little inappropriate for a public place like this.
The tall women didn't seem to really care about the looks.

"A holiday, that is SUCH an accurate description for league trainer." this was followed with a snort, though the women's smile still stayed in place.
turning back to the makeup, plucking up a few more options and comparing colors.
"Its kind of a strut show if you ask me, popularity, and appearances. you're PERFECT for the league. Considering nothing they throw out will be any help against someone who doesn't follow the rules. You're realistic, I like that. First real person I've seen from the league."

she gestured a hand in the air "And why should you even care right?"  

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