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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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The Edgeworth Family ~ Accepted

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MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50
PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:59 pm

xxxx× × ×xxxxTHExxxE D G E W O R T Hxxx FAMILYxxxx× × ×xxxx
(( Family originally owned by Cara MiaKitty, joint-ownership with The Forgotten Weasley declared 7 March 2017 6:10 PM CST ))

xxxFAMILY TREExxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Damien Edgeworth, son of Wesley and Dahlia, stepson of Siobhan
Played Cara MiaKitty
♥ Marina Edgeworth, née Aldred wife of Damien, daughter of Dustin and Bernadette Aldred
Played by The Forgotten Weasley, accepted 3/05/2015 10:17 PM CST
xxx↪ Gideon Edgeworth, child of Damien and Marina
xxxPlayed by The Forgotten Weasley, accepted 5/28/2015 4:11 PM CST
xxx↪ Lucia Edgeworth, child of Damien and Marina
xxxPlayed by Cara MiaKitty

Prudence Lowery, daughter of Davin and Siobhan Lowery, stepdaughter of Wesley
Played by The Forgotten Weasley, accepted 09/26/2015 9:33 PM CST

xxxFAMILY NPC'Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wesley Edgeworth, father of Damien, stepfather of Prudence
Siobhan Edgeworth, mother of Prudence, stepmother of Damien
Jarlath Lowery, brother of Prudence
Adrienne Lowery, brother of Prudence

xxxOTHER FAMILYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[x] The Blake Family, via Damien
[x] The Whitethorne Family, via Damien
[x] The McHalen Family, via Damien
[x] The Wynters Family, via Damien
[x] The Nott Family, via Damien

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRECENT UPDATESxxx

Date of Updates: 13 December 2017

- - -
- - -
- - -
Moved to Collins Thread

xxxAccepted byxxx
kiska [23/03/2017]
xxxUpdates Accepted byxxx
~ murrue ❤ 01/06/18
xxxAccepted Charactersxxx
Damien [23/03/2017], Marina [23/03/2017],
Gideon [23/03/2017], Prudence [23/03/2017]
Lucia [6/29/17]
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:07 am

xxxxW E S L E YxxxJ A C K S O NxxxE D G E W O R T H xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

NPC as of March 2017

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Wes

              AGE 53

              BIRTHDAY 22 December 1977

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 12 inches, Blackthorn, Dragon Heartstring, Rigid, Smooth

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              FACECLAIM - - - [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Slytherin

              CLASS OF 1996

              BEST LESSONS
                  Wizard Law
                  History of Magic

              WORST LESSONS
                  World Studies

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Wizard Law ~ O
                  Wandless Magic ~ A
                  World Studies ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Wizard Law ~ O

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Hogwarts Board of Governors

              DREAM JOB He is perfectly happy with his current position.

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ REFINED Raised as the heir to a long and noble pureblood line, Wesley is extremely proper. His mannerisms all show a distinct air of grace and poise. He was taught manners from the moment he learned to walk and talk, and it shows in his actions. Sometimes he can come across as snooty, but he finds it difficult to loosen up and behave in any other manner.
              ■ SERIOUS Having been raised as he was, Wesley has a hard time treating any given situation as though it were anything less than entirely serious. Every interaction is done with a calm face and a quiet but firm voice, and he rarely lets himself relax. While he can have fun, he never feels particularly uninhibited; his raising prevents him from truly letting go.
              ■ KIND In spite of a seemingly cold exterior, Wesley is a kind man. Even in his past, when he was by all account a blood purist, he never failed to treat muggles or their magical offspring with respect. He acts as a guiding force, but a gentle one, happy to help when he is needed. He is not known to be cruel, even to those he should (or does) consider beneath him.
              ■ DEDICATED Wesley takes his job very seriously; he took a position on the Board of Governors for Hogwarts so that he could keep an eye on the school and on how it is being run. This has always been to ensure that his son would receive the best education. Now that Damien is grown, he has not relaxed this drive at all; Wesley is determined that all children should receive as good (or better) an education as his son had. The prospect of grandchildren might play a part in that, but he would care just as much if such were not a possibility.
              ■ TRADITIONAL While his views have become increasingly progressive in recent years, Wesley has not given up on the institution of tradition. He believes there are certain ways that things must, or should, be done, and dislikes when people don't hold true to these plans.
              ■ ADAPTABLE Though it isn't something he would have expected of himself, Wesley has learned that he is exceptionally comfortable with growing as a person. He does find it difficult to let go of the past at times, but for the most part, he is incredibly open-minded and willing to learn and change. What was at first a desperate attempt to cultivate a connection with his son has become one of the first things to make him feel happy in a very long time, and so he works hard to continue to adapt to the changes in his life and to let go of the past when possible.

                  Classic literature
                  Being alone
                  Classical music
                  Fine wine

                  Loud sounds
                  Obnoxious music
                  People of low intelligence
                  Annoying children
                  Unreliable help


                  He is very clever and quite astute.
                  He is very level-headed and his emotions rarely get the better of him.

                  He has trouble relaxing or being comfortable when with company.
                  Occasionally old ways of thinking overtake him and he finds himself looking down on others.

                  Something happening to his son
                  Ants, bees, any sort of bug that bites or stings

xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      CHILDHOOD Wesley was born the eldest of two siblings and only male, and therefore was named the heir to his family line. His childhood was mostly quiet, with his parents being far too busy to care for him even if they were of a mind to, which they were not. Instead, he was mostly raised by the family's House-Elf, Brownie. While he naturally considered himself her master and above her, she was an important part of his life, especially with his parent's negligence. They were around just enough to instill in him the knowledge that his name and his blood made him better than others, and to teach him how to comport himself like a proper pureblooded son.

      SCHOOL YEARS While in school, Wesley cared little for socializing; he focused all of his attention on his studies for all of his years, preferring lessons in Law and History over others. However, at age sixteen, his father grew concerned that he was not doing all that he could to ensure that his bloodline was continued; Wesley had focused so little on his classmates that he had seemed like a rather poor prospect for a husband aside from his money and name. So, in his sixth year, he sought to remedy the situation. He met Dahlia Wynters, a girl in his house a year younger than he, and after deciding that she was a suitable match, courted her. Finding that he should prove to be an optimal match, she accepted his suit, and they were engaged in her final year at school.

      POST GRADUATION As soon as Dahlia graduated, they were wed, and for the most part, they ignored on another aside from what was expected of them as a married couple. He spent his days at work and she at home, overseeing its care and calling on other socialites in their circle. They found that they cared little for one another, but it hardly mattered; their marriage had been a business proposition and nothing else. So long as he earned the money and she didn't have to work, she was more than happy to take his name. They had trouble conceiving, but eventually were graced with the birth of a son. Dahlia nearly died giving birth, so they decided not to try for any more children. Their lives continued on monotonously. When Damien was seven, however, he befriended a young girl who lived nearby, a halfblood with little to her. Wesley and Dahlia agreed that she was not a suitable playmate for their son, although the reason why was varied between the pair. Dahlia handled the situation poorly, which led to a bit of disquiet between the two. Then, in his first year of school, he was attacked by a professor and nearly died saving the life of a fellow student, another halfblood girl. Wesley was proud of his son for acting so valiantly, but Dahlia was disgusted with the predilection he seemed to have for 'filth.' Over Damien's school years, his decision to befriend and later pursue a romantic relationship with the girl would prove to be a wedge between his parents, driving his mother mad. Eventually, Wesley caught her in the act of attempting to murder their House-Elf, the same one who had raised him. Before he could alert the authorities, she was gone. Some months later, he was called to St. Mungo's to identify her body; the cause of death was suicide.

xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
      FAMILY Wife Dahlia (deceased) ■ Son Damien ■ Sister Laurellia McHalen (NPC) ■ Nieces Elliryanna and Verily McHalen ■ Niece Michelle Catlin ■ Brother-In-Law Gregory Wynters (deceased) ■ Sister-In-Law Charlize Wynters ■ Nephews Alan, Seth and William Wynters ■ Niece Marzaan Wynters ■ Sister-In-Law Selena Wynters ■ Niece Branwen Wynters
      FRIENDS Michael McHalen ■ Deveron Whitethorne
      BEST FRIEND Michael McHalen
      ROMANTIC INTEREST Wife Siobhan Edgeworth
      ENEMIES - - -
      PETS Owl Gavin, Dog Gabrielle

MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50

MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:14 am

Profile of Dahlia Vivian Edgeworth, deceased

Hi, my name is Dahlia Vivian Edgeworth

I'm a female.

I'm 45 years old.

My birthday is January 28.

My dream job is ... well, I suppose, were I to choose something, I would want to be a higher up in the Ministry. Not the head, of course, such a position is better suited for a man, but someone who had his ear. Influence. That's what I want.

My blood status is Pureblood. Such a pointless question to ask. As if the answer isn't obvious.

The house I was in was Slytherin.

I'm interested in men.

I'm currently with ... well, I suppose I'm technically still with my husband. We are still legally married, after all. But, he's thrown me out of my rightful home, so I'm living and, yes, sleeping with Remington Nott.

I may seem like a simple housewife, but I'm really a very shrewd, very intelligent woman. I know how to get my way. While I spend most of my time in my home, I know more about what is going on at my husband's office, and in the world, than he does. I have connections and I know how to use them. I have been accused by some of sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, but often those who say such things are below my notice.

My background story is that I come from a old magical lineage, the Wynters, distantly related to the Malfoy family (hence our similar looks). I was raised very properly, taught that as a woman my place was in the home, and that I was to speak when spoken to, and do whatever I was told. I was never expected to do very well in school, as it was assumed that I would find a husband while attending Hogwarts. I did take my studies a tad more seriously than one would have expected, but I still was much more concerned with landing the perfect husband than with being top of my class. I knew from the beginning of my third year exactly who I would have; I tried for years to get him to notice me, but it wasn't until his seventh year that Wesley finally took the time to look for a potential wife. I made myself available and was of course the very picture of the perfect pureblood wife for him.

We were wed after my graduation, and he got a job on the Hogwarts Board of Governors. I personally was to stay home, caring for the home and our children. Unfortunately, we had trouble conceiving. It wasn't until I was almost thirty that we succeeded. Because of my age and other factors, I had a difficult pregnancy. Luckily, the child was a boy, so we weren't obligated to try for another. I stayed home and raised the child. There was a time when I got more involved in my husband's work than usual, but we ceased this once Wesley discovered that Damien had befriended a local girl, a half-blood. Naturally, I was devastated and took full responsibility. From that time until he began attending Hogwarts, he was my primary focus. However, in the time he was gone, I found myself without much to do... I spent a lot of time around Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade Village and was honestly quite appalled at how society is declining... I had half a mind to do something about all the filth running about.

Then, tragedy struck my family, and it's been spiraling downward ever since. At the end of Damien's first year, he was viciously attacked by some crazed professor, and some moronic Halfblood girl got involved somehow. Rather than doing the smart thing and simply running, Damien decided that it was a better idea to get himself nearly killed trying to save the brat. He returned home in quite a state, completely mindless, really. Served him right, I thought it would teach him a lesson about making such foolish decisions. When he began to improve, he wanted to go out and about, but I couldn't allow it. If we'd had company, and they'd seen him in such a state... unacceptable, of course. But I was branded as a villain for it, both he and his father acted like I'd done something horrible by keeping him in his room. But what was I to do? The child would be sitting there, perfectly normal, and suddenly he'd go blank as a slate, and nothing would rouse him! It would have been so utterly embarrassing to have someone see him!

The next year, he continued having trouble, but he eventually got better, according to my husband, but of course I didn't want to take such a chance! That next summer break, Wesley essentially banished me from my own son's presence, which was utterly ridiculous. And the one after that, he sent him away to some friend's home to keep him away from me. I swear, the nerve of that man... and the result was exactly as I suspected. While Damien was away at school for his Fourth Year, I caught wind that he was actually dating that filthy Haflblood who'd nearly gotten him killed. Remington Nott was the one to tell me, of course, though I later discovered that Wesley had known for ages.

Lately it's seemed like Remington is the only one I can truly trust... which is ridiculous, seeing as his entire trade is secrets and lies. But, I enjoy his company far more than I do that of my family, so I'll take it. In any case, when I went to confront Damien upon his return, Wesley turned it onto me, accusing me of having an affair with Remington, as if I would do such a thing! Just because I despise my marriage to the fool doesn't mean I would bring such shame upon it! But... he'd already accused me, and I'd had my fill of his acceptance of Damien's defection. He actually is allowing the boy to continue to see that brat! And if Damien can bring shame to us, why can't I? So I'll have my affair. I've already been accused of it, so why not? I'm done with this family in all but my name.

My affair with Remington was an enjoyable diversion, but one evening I arrived at his home, as I had all other nights, but there was no answer at his door. The next night was the same. I admit, I only waited for a minute or so. When he didn't come, I simply wandered the alley until morning, unable o return home. The third night, I waited a bit longer, perhaps ten minutes. But, there was still no answer. I was enraged, and returned home, having no patience for wandering around. I continued to try his door for a week before I gave up. Yes, perhaps I was a bit desperate, a bit pathetic. But if he was through with me, he should have at least had the decency to tell me. I spent the next week trapped inside my home, feeling like a prisoner and a stranger. It enraged me. I eventually decided I couldn't continue to wallow in my desperation. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I started by torturing the pathetic Elf; she offended me with her very breath. So, I would spend some time making her suffer, as I had, and then be done with her. But, before I could kill the creature, Wesley arrived home. He caught me in the act. I tried to take control of his mind, planning on doing the same to my son when he arrived home. I wanted to fix things, to set them to rights. I would have held them under my control until they saw that they were wrong, that their actions were appalling. But he shook off my control, and threatened to call the Aurors to take me in. I had no choice; I fled. I went to Remington's, a foolish decision, perhaps, but the only option I felt I had. He looked like hell, and he wasn't his usual sly self. It was like he was a shell of his former self. But, I'll have to live with it, until I can figure something else out.

I enjoy keeping up to date on the goings on of the magical community, getting fitted for new clothing, tending to my home, having house elves to do the menial labor around the house, and the luxury of both being from and marrying into a wealthy family.

I despise the mixing of magical and muggle blood, the modernization and bastardizing of our culture, modern fashion styles and mingling with lower classes. But more than anything, I utterly despise my husband and son, foolish, moronic bastards that they are.

I'm afraid of the Aurors finding me, and incarcerating me in Azkaban, as Wesley threatened. I can't go to prison; it would do irreparable damage to my reputation, after all.

My strengths are that I am shrews and cunning, and know how to get my way in any situation.

My flaws are that at times I have trouble keeping up appearances... mostly because it offends me that I have to.

I look like this.

My wand is a 10 and 1/3 inches Chestnut wand with a Jobberknoll Feather core.

My O.W.L. Scores Were:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
Herbology: P
History of Magic: O
Potions: P
Transfiguration: E
Arithmancy: E
Healing Class: E
Apparition: A
Wizard Law: A
World Studies: O
Mind Magic Occlumency: A

My N.E.W.T. Scores Were:
Charms: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: A
History of Magic: O
Transfiguration: O
Arithmancy: A
Healing Class: A
World Studies: O

Her death was faked in an immensely complicated plot and she has assumed the identity of Callidora Tempest.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:17 am

xxxxxxD A M I E N xxxW A R R E Nxxx E D G E W O R T Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              AGE »» 45
              BIRTHDAY »» 7 April 2007
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» »» Stuart Townsend
              BLOOD STATUS »» Pureblood
              WAND »» 11 1/2 inches, Laurel with Griffin Hair, pliable with a spiraled shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, some French
              ACCENT »» »» Received Pronunciation
              PET »» Owl Geri

              xxx»» Playing with his kids
              xxx»» House-Elves
              xxx»» Calm music
              xxx»» Wands
              xxx»» Bigotry
              xxx»» Foolishness
              xxx»» Uncertainty
              xxx»» His wife's job
              xxx»» Loud noises
              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Tai Chi
              xxx»» Wandlore

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Raised to be the heir to an old family, Damien was bred to be noble, although the sort of noble he turned out as isn't quite was what intended. He carries himself well and is incredibly well spoken. He also has a strong sense of self and of right and wrong. He believes in doing what is right, no matter what, and will do whatever he can to ensure that he has done all he can in any situation.

              xxx»» Damien isn't particularly playful or silly; he can be at times, but he rarely lets go enough for that side of him to show. Most of the time, he is quiet and thoughtful, and he takes every situation incredibly seriously. While he isn't a stranger to happiness or laughter, his version of having a good time is a lot more low-key than some others. The only exception is with his children, who he is not above acting like a fool to entertain.

              xxx»» Damien would do anything to protect the people he cares about. While typically he's more of an artist than a warrior, when called to he is more than willing to fight. He will step in to fight battles for his loved ones if he thinks they need support, and never hesitates to defend them from attack. He would rather things stay calm, with no arguing or fighting, but once the line has been crossed he is prepared to do or say whatever he has to in order to look out for his family and friends.

              xxx»» Damien likes to approach a situation slowly, to get a good look at it from all angles and try to figure out as many possible solutions as possible. He's no stranger to trial and error, but he does his research before he starts the trail phase. He likes to watch how things go, but he's not prone to diving in headfirst. He'd rather take a slow approach and think things through.

              xxx»» Becoming a husband and father has brought out a side of Damien that few ever saw before. While he was never one to hesitate to show his wife affection, he tended to err on the side of polite. But, in more recent years he has grown more open with his displays of affection, his will to remain civilized crumbling under the need to show his love. He knows his typically cool behavior is a result of a strict upbringing, and sees little value in trying to act with his own children the way his parents did with him. He would never want them to doubt his love, or that he loves their mother.

              xxx»» Damien was taught from an early age that he existed to uphold his family name; while he has somewhat grown out of feeling like his family name is the most important thing in his life, he hasn't lost the sense of dedication. He simply applies it to other areas; his career path, his girlfriend, and rather than his family name, his family itself. He devotes himself entirely to these relationships and endeavors.

              xxx»» Quick thinker
              xxx»» Calm under pressure
              xxx»» Can come across as snobby
              xxx»» Stubborn
              xxx»» Fire
              xxx»» Losing Mari or his kids

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Damien spent most of his childhood alone; he was raised by Brownie, a House-Elf, though his mother oversaw his lessons and ensured that he was raised to be noble. He rarely left the home. When he was seven, he snuck off the grounds to try and escape for a while and met a young girl named Adalaide. The pair befriended each other easily and became very close for a span of about two months; at that time, his mother discovered the friendship and decided that Adalaide, a halfblood, was not a suitable playmate for her son. His father, concerned more with the child's station than her blood, determined that the daughter of a Potioneer was not one his son needed to have. The relationship was severed, and Damien's mother limited his exposure to Brownie and to other children after that to ensure that he understood the importance of blood purity and would not make the same mistake. His father, assuming that the child was being taught the importance of ambition, left her to her do as she would and mostly ignored him.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Damien’s first year began on a frustrating note as he discovered that he wasn’t particularly skilled at wandwork. Towards the end of the year, fed up with being outshone by classmates, particularly those he considered beneath him, he snuck out one night to practice his spells. While there, he witnessed a professor murder his own cat, and was unable to escape without being seen. Another classmate, Marina Aldred, who had been a thorn in his side all year, was present as well. Damien attempted to get himself and Marina out of the situation without causing the professor to snap, but failed. The man attacked them with a fire spell. Damien grabbed Marina and tried to get them to safety, but was badly burned in the attempt. They were saved by another professor, who took them to the Hospital Wing, where he spent the remainder of the year.
                  SECOND YEAR »» Damien spent the Summer before his second year locked in his bedroom. His mother told him that this was for his health, but he suspected she had ulterior motives, given that his state seemed to offend her. His father, on the other hand, was quite proud of him for acting so valiantly and saving his classmate. Damien’s physical wounds healed, leaving a scar on his ribs and stomach, but his mind remained somewhat broken. During the school year, he continually blacked out. At the end of the term, his father brought his Pensieve to the school, theorizing that if Damien (and Marina) were to observe the events from a safe place, it would help them both cope. His theory proved correct when, after the exercise, Damien’s mental state was greatly improved.
                  THIRD YEAR »» During Damien’s third year, he and Marina developed a very strong friendship. At the end of the year, she kissed him, which left him feeling very conflicted. He did consider her a good friend and cared for her, but was still very concerned with her bloodline. He reacted poorly, however, and their friendship was strained.
                  FOURTH YEAR »» Damien spent the Summer before fourth year at his friend Dominic’s home at the behest of his father, who wanted to get him away from his mother, who was determined to have him spend his Summer in his room again. While there, Damien made a decision about his relationship with Marina, that he cared for her and felt she was more important than what his parents might think of him. The pair mended their friendship on the train to school and began officially dating later that year, though Damien would always consider the day of the train ride their anniversary (if only because it was an easy date to remember). Things were fine until the End of Term feast, when his mother sent a Howler threatening Marina. Thankfully, Marina was mostly unphased, and the immaturity of the action just cemented Damien’s decision that he’d rather be with Marina than make his parents happy.
                  FIFTH YEAR »» Damien returned home to find his parents arguing with one another over his relationship. Damien interrupted to inform them that it wasn’t a phase (to his father, who had said it might be) and that he didn’t care what they thought (to his mother). He went to his room to pack his things, assuming that he would be disowned, but was surprised when his father followed him and told him that, in spite of his past, he was willing to try and take this in stride. They arranged for Marina’s family to come to their home for dinner. No arrangements were made concerning Dahlia because after the night Damien returned home, she would leave each night and not return until the morning, having begun a rather public affair to try and get revenge on Damien and Wesley for shaming her. However, on the night of the dinner, she made an appearance, insulting Marina and her parents at the dinner table until Brownie expelled her from the room and locked her in her chambers. While Damien was away at school, Dahlia grew sick of having to deal with the shame of her son’s actions and her husband’s apathy, so she devised a plan to Imperious the pair and force them to do as she saw fit. She began by attempting to murder Brownie, but was caught by Wesley. Unfortunately, before he could summon the authorities, she fled, and he barred her from the home.
                  SIXTH YEAR »» Damien’s sixth year began unpleasantly, with him and Marina and Dom entering their Common Room to find that someone had put up a portrait of Marina which continually repeated things that the real Marina had said the previous year, most of which had been part of private conversations. They managed to remove the painting from the wall and hide it away, but were troubled by the evidence that Marina and her family were being stalked, something she had suspected for a while. Then, after the Christmas break, Damien received a letter, informing him that his mother, who hadn’t been seen since the incident with Brownie, had been found dead, seemingly having committed suicide.
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» During the Summer before their Seventh Year, Damien and Marina went to the Spiny Serpent, a shop in Knockturn Alley that had seemingly sold the frame on the portrait from the beginning of sixth year. The owner, after some coercion, provided them with a bill of sale which labelled his mother as the buyer. But, Marina thought that it didn’t make sense for her to be the culprit, and decided he had conned them. During their final year at school, Damien focused on his studies to ensure he scored well on his NEWTs, as well as discussing their plans post-graduation with Marina. Together, they decided to get a flat together in London.

              xxx»» After graduation, Damien moved in with Mari and got hired on as an assistant at the Ollivander's satellite location in Hogsmeade Village, learning as an apprentice under the owner. Meanwhile, Mari applied to the Ministry to be an Auror, and was accepted, a feat he was quite proud of despite his trepidation regarding her career choice. He had been hoping on a relaxed home life, but such hopes were shattered when Dominic and Gracie moved into the flat across from theirs. For the most part, Damien ignored them as best he could and focused on learning his trade. Eventually, Adalaide and her boyfriend Chris also moved into the building, she swears by coincidence. In their case, he believed them when they claimed it was a coincidence, if only because he couldn't imagine the pair wanting Dominic and Grace invading their privacy constantly. Such invasions of privacy included but were not limited to the night Ada announced she was pregnant to him and Mari, only to discover that Dom had been listening by the door.
              xxx»» As per Marina's wishes, Damien held back on proposing to her while they were still teenagers. However, he didn't wait very long; less than a month after her 20th birthday, he invited her on a romantic date to the beach, seemingly an odd destination in the middle of winter. But, they'd first said 'I love you' on a beach, and he'd wanted to be romantic to the point of ridiculousness, so that had been his destination. The engagement was a long one, more out of necessity than anything else, as they were both rather busy.
              xxx»» Marina's job continued to give Damien intense anxiety, particularly when there was an attack on Hogsmeade Village. As if that weren't enough, shortly after the attack, Adalaide was targeted by a stalker in the alley by their building, stabbed and left to die. Mari happened upon the scene and saved her, then revealed to Damien that night that she was pregnant, as if she were trying to give him a heart attack. They had a spat over it, but it was short-lived, and a few months later their son Gideon was born. After that, life calmed down, with the only real excitement being the birth of their daughter Lucia three years after their son.

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDED »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Slytherin
              GRADUATED »» 2025
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» D
              xxxCHARMS »» EE
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» D
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
              xxxPOTIONS »» EE
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» A
              xxxALCHEMY »» A
              xxxANCIENT STUDIES »» EE
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O
              xxxWANDLORE STUDIES »» O
              xxxWIZARD LAW »» T

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxCHARMS »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» EE
              xxxPOTIONS »» EE
              xxxANCIENT STUDIES »» A
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» EE
              xxxWANDLORE STUDIES »» O

              CURRENT JOB »» Wandmaker, owner of Ollivander's
              DREAM JOB »» Wandmaker

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Straight
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Married
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Marina Edgeworth (nee Aldred)

              xxx»» Son Gideon, Daughter Lucia
              xxx»» Parents Wesley and Dahlia Edgeworth, Stepmother Siobhan Edgeworth, Stepfather Remington Nott
              xxx»» Stepbrothers Jarlath and Adrienne Lowery, Stepsister Prudence Lowery, Half-brother Edric Nott
              xxx»» Aunt Charlize Wynters
              xxx»» Cousins Alan, Seth, William, and Marzaan Wynters
              xxx»» Aunt Selena Wynters
              xxx»» Cousin Branwen Wynters
              xxx»» Uncle Michael McHalen
              xxx»» Cousin Verily Holt, husband Kenneth, daughter Sawyer
              xxx»» Cousin Elliryanna Whitethorne, husband Chalmes, children Chance, Kory, Lillith, and Lilah
              xxx»» Cousins Aimee and Victoria McHalen
              xxx»» In-laws Dustin and Bernadette Aldred
              xxx»» 'Uncle' Ciaran Blake
              xxx»» 'Cousins' Kenneth, Rhys, and Catheryn Blake
              xxx»» Best Friend Dominic McHalen
              xxx»» Marina Edgeworth
              xxx»» Seth Wynters
              xxx»» Richard Drage
              xxx»» Adalaide and Christopher Whitethorne
              xxx»» Rose and Chantale Ellis-Hall
              xxx»» Grace McHalen
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» Diagon Alley shopowners and residents

MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50

MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50
PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:18 pm

xxxxS I O B H A NxxxR O S ExxxE D G E W O R T H xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

NPC as of March 2017

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              AGE 48

              BIRTHDAY 7 May 1982

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 11 inches, Chestnut with a Griffin hair core, knobby and springy

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Gaelic

              FACECLAIM - - - [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              YEAR/CLASS OF 2000

              BEST LESSONS
                  Care of Magical Creatures
                  Cooking with Magic

              WORST LESSONS
                  Ghoul and Ghost Studies

              OWL SCORES
                  ■ Astronomy ~ A
                  ■ Charms ~ O
                  ■ Defence Against the Dark Arts ~ E
                  ■ Flying ~ A
                  ■ Herbology~ E
                  ■ History of Magic ~ A
                  ■ Potions ~ O
                  ■ Transfiguration ~ E
                  ■ Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  ■ Cooking with Magic ~ O
                  ■ Cursebreaking ~ E
                  ■ Divination ~ A
                  ■ Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ A
                  ■ Mythology ~ E
                  ■ Wandlore Studies ~ A
                  ■ World Studies ~ E

              NEWT SCORES
                  ■ Charms ~ O
                  ■ Defence Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  ■ Herbology ~ A
                  ■ Potions ~ E
                  ■ Transfiguration ~ O
                  ■ Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  ■ Cooking with Magic ~ E
                  ■ Cursebreaking ~ A
                  ■ Mythology ~ A
                  ■ World Studies ~ E

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Owner of The Magical Menagerie

              DREAM JOB She's perfectly happy with her current job, though she would like to be able to travel.

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ ENERGETIC Siobhan never does anything by half; she believes that there no sense in doing something if you're not going to give it everything you've got. That said, she tends to be excitable. She gets very enthusiastic about a new project, and can be somewhat obnoxious as a result. She dislikes being idle and tries to fill her time with as much to do as possible.
              ■ STUBBORN Siobhan has a core set of values, and she sticks to them. She doesn't waver in her convictions. She also tends to be something of an immovable object; it is hard to get her to stand down, unless she's presented with a solid argument as to why she should.
              ■ NURTURING She is at heart a mother; she cares very strongly for those she considers part of her clan, and this doesn't only mean blood family. If she has even the smallest claim to you, she will do whatever she can to keep you happy and healthy. She believes in the importance of family, and in keeping your loved ones close. She has little tolerance for those who don't give their family their due, and often seeks to fill a gap left by neglectful parents.
              ■ PATIENT Coming from a large family with many cousins, and then having three children of her own, Siobhan has had to learn patience. It's very helpful in her line of work, since she has to deal with a lot of very loud, very young animals, all of whom need some level of training. It also means that, in spite of her excitable nature, she can usually be relied on to remain calm in a crisis... usually.
              ■ AFFECTIONATE Siobhan has never been one to keep her emotions to herself; she is passionate, and feels no need to put up a front. In general, she can be trusted to be open with her affection for her loved ones. She likes to let the people in her life know that they are important to her, be it by smothering them with affection, or with food (which is her second favorite way to show her love).
              ■ ADVENTUROUS Siobhan never quite grew out of her childhood wonder phase. She still sees the world as a big, amazing thing that she desperately wants to see. She would take an offer to visit a foreign country in a heartbeat, and still tries to find time to go running around in the woods or swimming in a lake, just as an outlet for her need to explore. Her mother has remarked that she's gotten too old for such nonsense, but Siobhan firmly believes that you're only as old as you feel. She's never wanted to grow out of her adventurous spirit, and likely never will.

                  Long baths

                  Uptight people
                  Sterile environments
                  Full moons

                  Reading in the bathtub
                  Pretty much anything outdoors

                  Her fearlessness
                  Her big heart

                  Tends to overreact
                  No verbal filter

                  Rogue werewolves

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Siobhan was the only daughter born to her branch of the McCann family, an old but not particularly prominent pureblood line hailing from Ireland. The majority of her family was quite prolific, and she grew up with more cousins than she could count. As such, she was rarely alone, and would cherish what time she did manage to get to herself. She developed a penchant for wandering out into the woods alone and exploring, just to get away from the noise inside her home. Still, she was quite reliant on her family, and looked to them greatly for support in all things.

              SCHOOL YEARS Upon entering Hogwarts, Siobhan was sorted into Gryffindor, making her something of a rarity among her family, which was made up primarily of Hufflepuffs. The Sorting Hat saw that she had a strong sense of adventure in her, and told her to nourish that, so nourish it she did. While she was a smart enough child and did well in her lessons, she didn't focus on them too terribly much; she was much too busy exploring the school grounds and, yes, the Forbidden Forest. She got caught out of bed regularly, and even served a month of detention when a professor caught her sneaking out of the forest one night. Her brash behavior attracted the attention of one Davin Lowery, a Hufflepuff two years ahead of her who came from a similar background. Most notably, both of their families were terribly old-fashioned, and Davin's infatuation with her inspired their parents to arrange for them to be married. At first, Siobhan was reluctant, but Davin managed to steal her heart and the two fell deeply in love.

              POST GRADUATION The wedding was set for roughly two years after Siobhan graduated, in order to give the couple time to grow accustomed to one another since Davin had graduated so shortly after meeting her. After they wed, it was some time before they were able to conceive, and Siobhan feared that she had taken after her mother. However, in the end they were blessed with three children, two boys and a girl, all of whom they loved very much. Siobhan remained at home with the family, looking after the children and home while her husband worked. He had chosen to go into the Werewolf Capture Unit, something that filled her both with a strong sense of pride and made her worry half to death. Her worrying proved justified when he was killed on the job by a rogue. After that, Siobhan used some of the money they'd had in savings to purchase The Magical Menagerie so that she could help keep the family in good finances, and to take her mind off of how terribly she missed her husband. Not long after, she met a man, Wesley Edgeworth, who she took a strong liking to in spite of his being the exact opposite of what she normally liked about a person. He was too stiff, and too proper, and too uptight, but she found that getting him to loosen up and try to enjoy things made her feel less alone. Eventually the two of them developed a romantic relationship. At some point, the pair agreed to marry, and did so shortly before the wedding of his own son Damien and his longtime girlfriend Marina.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Current Husband Wesley Edgeworth ■ First Husband Davin Lowery (deceased) ■ Sons Jarlath and Adrienne Lowery ■ Daughter Prudence Lowery ■ Stepson Damien Edgeworth ■ Daughter-In-Law Marina Edgeworth ■ Brother-In-Law Aedan Lowery ■ Brother-In-Law Ciaran Lowery-Blake ■ Nephews Kenneth and Rhys Lowery ■ Niece Catheryn Lowery ■ Sister-In-Law Andrea Lowery ■ Sister-In-Law Faylinn Lowery (NPC)
              FRIENDS Wesley Edgeworth, Amata Harlowe, Nell Ellis
              BEST FRIEND Wesley Edgeworth
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Husband Wesley Edgeworth
              ENEMIES - - -
              PETS Owl Angus
PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:21 pm

xxxxM A R I N A xxxE U G E N I E xxxE D G E W O R T H xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxx× × ×xxxxNPCxxxx× × ×xxxx
(( as of May 2022 ))

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Mari

              AGE 39

              BIRTHDAY January 17th, 2007

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 11 inches, Makore wood, aethenon feather, sturdy, spiraled shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English (fluent), French (proficient), Irish Gaelic (limited)

              FACECLAIM Isla Fisher x

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Slytherin

              CLASS OF 2025

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  Wandless Magic

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ E
                  History of Magic ~ E
                  Potions ~ E
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ E
                  Cursebreaking ~ O
                  Mythology ~ O
                  Wandless Magic ~ O
                  Wizard Law ~ O
                  Healing ~ O

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ E
                  Potions ~ E
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Mythology ~ O
                  Healing ~ E
                  Cursebreaking ~ E
                  Wizard Law ~ E
                  Wandless Magic ~ A

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Auror

              DREAM JOB Auror

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ UNPREDICTABLE Marina has always been hard to pin down when it comes to her reactions to just about anything. Emotional and often fluctuating dramatically from one mood to the next, anyone who knows her is generally just along for the ride when it comes to how she's feeling. Sometimes she seems to have attained a level of deadly calm or neutrality, before erupting in anger or irritation. To a certain extent she strives to be erratic like this, since it ensures some level of surprise she can work to her advantage, though this is basically null with people who know her very well and are used to her mood swings.
              ■ PASSIONATE She's never been someone you want to make angry, not because of any grand revenge schemes or chilling tales of retribution- though she's always hoped to work her way up to that someday- but just because an angry Marina is someone no one wants to have to deal with. Quick to snap and just as fiery as her hair color, short tempered is almost an understatement. When she believes in something or someone, she believes in them strongly. When she detests something or someone, she detests them like they're the Devil himself. She's known to make vehement arguments and not drop an issue until she's satisfied.
              ■ DETERMINED It's very had to sway Marina on the things she cares about. Once she sets her mind on something, it'll take a lot of work to break her down. Daunted by very little, she fancies herself indomitable, at least in spirit. While she has her bad days and loses her confidence in herself and her abilities on occasion, she's always stuck to the same general path, even if she's taken some twists and turns on it that she never expected. She's used to working hard for what she wants, and getting it.
              ■ AMBITIOUS Marina has always wanted to succeed in life, be it academically, socially, physically... From the time she was young she's had high aspirations for herself, and she always wants to reach the next rung in the ladder. To feel happy with herself, she's always needed a goal, a purpose, and a plan to get there. While she's not really power hungry, she does want to be someone other people look up to because of how she worked to get to where she was, not because she stumbled into it by chance or was handed it as a present.
              ■ QUICK WITTED Marina is clever, with a sometimes scathing tongue to boot. She was a good student when in school, and she prides herself on making sure she's continuing to learn new things and broaden her mind. She tries to be as perceptive and and discerning as possible, especially considering her job an Auror, which requires her to think quickly on the spot at times and consider many possible outcomes at once. She'd love to always be one step ahead, and sometimes, but not always, she is.
              ■ FAIR Marina strives to be fair, to give second chances when she feels people deserve them, to be an upstanding person. To some extent, she feels as though she has succeeded in that. She lives an honest life and she's responsible for apprehending those who break some of society's most basic laws and moral codes- those who kill, abuse, terrorize, and threaten. But she knows she can be petty, and seethe for revenge or retribution just like everyone else. Still, she tries not to judge people on anything other than what they display in front of her, and she believes strongly in giving people the benefit of the doubt- unless, of course, there is no doubt.

                  Mystery novels
                  Wizarding chess
                  Recording her thoughts
                  Debating, or a good intelligent argument
                  Dueling, usually to let off steam

                  Snobbery, and people looking down on others for no good reason
                  Annoyances like not getting enough sleep or people being idiots
                  Liars, and those whom maliciously deceive others
                  Monotonous adults, even if she is an adult herself
                  Blood purity rubbish, as she terms it




                  Being totally alone
                  Her job hurting the people closest to her

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Marina was born to a muggleborn witch and a halfblood wizard in Dunstable, England. Her mother was tortured by dark wizards during the Second Wizarding War, and suffered from PTSD throughout Marina's childhood as a result, as well as having a crippled right arm from the attack. Her father had a job in the Ministry with the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, and would later be promoted to head of his office, the Goblin Liasion. His wish was always for his daughter to work with magical creatures in some form as well. Her childhood was a fairly happy one, if not always peaceful. Her parents occasionally had their disagreements over how to raise their daughter, and money was always tight, but at the end of the day the family still loved each other. The Aldreds were very close knit, Marina being their only child. Only Marina's maternal grandparents and her mother's two sisters, all muggles, were aware of their magical abilities. Marina never saw them very often because they'd never been overwhelmingly approving of their daughter's marriage to an 'oddball', and her life in the magical world. Marina was elated to get my letter, though she knew to expect it. Her magic showed itself often growing up, especially as a young child. When she was two, all the windows in the house broke because of a particularly intense tantrum. Her reputation as a 'weirdo' made her the frequent target of bullying in the muggle school she attended, and her hot temper and overly sensitive nature didn't help much either. She eagerly looked forward to being able to control her volatile magic at Hogwarts.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Marina's first year was, to be blunt, eventful. She was shocked at being sorted into Slytherin, her house of choice having been Ravenclaw, like her mother, while her parents expected her to be put in Gryffindor due to her temper and bouts of recklessness. Unfortunately, being one of the only non-purebloods in Slytherin did not gain her many immediate friends, and not being the easiest child to get along with in the first place didn't help much either. Marina struggled on and had some hope for making friends until she almost died. Apparently showing up in class with mysterious bandages and a traumatized look about her didn't exactly do wonders for her in the friend making department. Marina's disagreeable cat, Jet, ran away at night into the school gardens, causing her to chase after and run right into a very bad situation. A mentally deranged professor had just violently dispatched his own cat, and Damien Edgeworth, a house mate of Marina's and a bit of an enemy as well, being a pureblood with no love for halfbloods, happened to witness the sinister deed. Marina wandered into the midst of this chaos and froze up, terrified. Luckily, Damien kept his wits about him and put aside his dislike of her to save her life, shoving her out of the way of the professor's curse and getting horrifically burned in the process. The boy almost died, and this left Marina an emotional mess, seeing as she felt gratitude towards him for saving her, and it seemed as though she owed him one, but also having despised him for his attitude and everything he stood for previously. She visited him in the hospital wing, but got the feeling that he blamed her, as he had every right to, for what happened to him.
              SECOND YEAR Marina's second year was much better than her first. She actually made of friends in two Hufflepuffs, Nell and Ada, was made of a member of a secret club, the Chimeras, and reached a truce of sorts with Damien Edgeworth. After suffering from vivid nightmares of the incident, and not wanting her parents to know for fear they'd pull her out of school, she sought answers in the school library, where she ran into Damien, whom was suffering from the effects of traumatizing event himself. The two, no longer nearly as antagonistic towards each other, managed to actually work together and opened up about themselves to one another, a first for both of them. Together they approached the professor who'd stepped in and saved them from their would-be murderer the year before, Amata Harlowe, and with her and Damien's father, Wesley's, help, worked through their problems with the use of a pensieve to relive the memories of the event and move past them. Over the following summer, members of the club Marina had been recruited for, the Chimeras, were kidnapped by dark wizards. She joined in the rescue attempt, along with Nell, whom she'd been spending part of the summer with, and managed to survive the ensuing battle with only minor injuries, though her and Nell's parents were furious at their daughters. She was on house arrest for the rest of the summer, but began writing Damien.
              THIRD YEAR Marina's third years consisted of two duels, one kiss, some screaming, and a few tears shed. Her grandfather, the muggle father of her mother, passed away with his family gathered around his hospital beside just a few week before the school year started. While Marina had never been particularly close with the man, her parents had been on slightly better terms with him than with his wife, her maternal grandmother, and to see him so weak and fading deeply shook her. She'd never watched anyone die right in front of her eyes before. Her mother was heartbroken over having never fully reconciled with him before he died, and his funeral was a tense, somber affair. Once Marina started her third year, however, she managed to move on, quickly getting caught up in other events at school. She was eager to begin electives, seeing them as one step closer to her dream of becoming an Auror, and had several with Damien, though some with Dominic Montague, Damien's best friend, whom she wasn't on nearly as good terms with, as well. She ended up dueling him after he accidentally hit her in the head with a bludger, but it was the start of some sort of quiet tolerance between the two of them, even though she was a somewhat ungracious winner. The second duel was with Dueling Club, at the end of the year, where Eretria Whitethorne, an older Slytherin, soundly beat her. The end of the year also brought about some conflict between Marina and Damien, as she kissed him in the spur of the moment upon running into him one afternoon. He reciprocated at first, but then broke it off and rejected her, which was a blow to her pride at the very least. After a talk with Ada she decided that she didn't regret her actions, but didn't want it to be the end of their friendship, either. She ended the year unsure of where they stood with one another.
              FOURTH YEAR Marina's fourth year was easily her best. Though she felt awkward about seeing Damien after the way things had last ended between them, he cornered her on the train and ended up admitting that he had feelings for her, as well. They spent the train ride talking things out- but mostly snogging- and he asked her to be his girlfriend officially a week or so into the school term. She put his family ring on her finger herself, and spent the majority of the year in the happy puppy love stage of a relationship, even noticing that Dominic Montague and Gracie McHalen, a halfblood Ravenclaw, seemed to have started a relationship of their own. Belle, Dominic's older cousin, even asked her to take over running the Dueling Club after she graduated, and Marina happily accepted. The only sour note of the year was at the very end, as Damien's fuming mother, Dahlia Edgeworth, sent a Howler to her son's 'unworthy' girlfriend implying some rather nasty things. Marina was mortified, as the entire school heard it, and ran out, Damien following. She ended up returning to the feast with him, determined to not let his mother's bigotry affect their feelings for one another.
              FIFTH YEAR The summer before Marina's fifth year was extremely intense. First her parents met Damien's father, Wesley, with her and Damien over dinner, which went well, except that Mrs. Edgeworth herself burst in to make accusations and even pointed her wand around, until the family's house elf, Brownie, threw her out. But Damien and his father's defense of her won her parents over into fully supporting the relationship between the two. Her family also started being stalked, to her horror, and she received threatening notes and letters about some secret of her mother's. Trying to shake off a growing sense of unease she attended a Masquerade carnival with Damien, which many schoolmates also attended. This was attacked by dark wizards, and resulted in a large amount of carnage and bloodshed, though Marina, Damien, and their friends made it out for the most part unharmed. Though she was struck with a Sectumsempra that put her out of the fighting, she was healed, and recovered with some scarring on her abdomen and stomach. The school year itself was tense and stressful, as muggleborn students kept slipping into comas, which was eventually revealed to be a sinister plot to rid the school of those of 'lesser' blood, as attempted by Tom Riddle in the 1990s. Luckily the enchantment was broken, and everyone awoke unharmed. Marina still managed to do very well on her OWL exams, to her immense relief.
              SIXTH YEAR Marina considered her sixth year a mess. Whoever was stalking her family had to have connections in her house, she learned, when upon entering the Common Room leading the first years after the feat, she saw a portrait of herself up on the wall, repeating back things she'd said over the past year or so, some in private conversations. Marina was shocked, as were Damien and Dominic, and she remained paranoid about eavesdroppers and spies for the rest of the year. With Dominic's help a clue on the frame of the painting was discovered, leading back to one Remington Nott, owner of a shop in Knockturn Alley. The body of a young student was also discovered in the dungeons, which added to the lingering sense of dread that school year. At a Hogwarts hosted Fall Festival that autumn, a group of rogue vampires wandered into the festivities and started feeding, causing a widespread panic and chaos, as some of the people there family members of students. Marina was stopped from fighting from being handed off a baby by a young man, and had to look after the toddler until his family could be located. On the other hand, the stress of the whole thing brought her and Damien closer together, as they had had a spat just before the attack, which was quickly resolved afterwards when they realized how fortunate they were to both be unharmed.
              SEVENTH YEAR The summer before Marina's seventh year she and Damien tracked down Nott's shop. While he gave them the sales receipt, after some desperate threatening on Marina's part, the receipt claimed it had been purchased by one Dahlia Wynters, Damien's mother, whom they knew to be dead from suicide at that point. Marina was furious at being conned, but doubted she'd be able to get any more information out of the man, who had to be in some way part of the conspiracy as well. She was certain it had to do with what had happened to her mother as a young woman, something she knew that couldn't be publicly known. She spent the majority of her seventh year studying for NEWTs, as well as performing her duties as Head Girl, and Youth Representative to the Wizengamot. She did 'well enough' in her own words, on her NEWTs, and after some consideration she and Damien decided to move in together after graduation, rather than immediately get married.

          POST GRADUATION Marina and Damien got a flat in London, with him working as an apprentice wandmaker in Hogsmeade and her going through training after being accepted to become an Auror for the Ministry. Coincidentally, or maybe not so coincidentally, Dominic and Gracie and Ada and her boyfriend, now husband, Chris, ended up residing in the same building. She continued searching for the people who'd been blackmailing and threatening her family, and Damien proposed to her shortly after her twentieth birthday.

          Marina finally got a lead from Belle Rich leading her to an abandoned estate in Pendleside, rumored to be haunted by the locals. The house itself seemed out to get her, but she gathered enough evidence to piece together the majority of the mystery- that her mother had stumbled across evidence during the war that the Kamenev family and several other families had managed to develop a sort of binding charm that ensured loyalty from one person to another, and split into parts. She'd been tortured into keeping her silence on the matter, having planned to reveal it in her writing speaking out against the dark wizards of the time. The memories had long been repressed by the trauma of the incident. Knowing she was nowhere near capable of taking down the entire family and their associates herself, Marina gathered what evidence she could and turned it into her higher ups at the Ministry, who presumably went after the culprits themselves, bringing who they could to trial. Marina hoped it was the end of the entire mess. Especially since she had a wedding coming up- her own.

          She officially became Mrs. Marina Edgeworth the June of 2029, and she and Damien were married at the Edgeworth estate. Shortly before he became a full fledged wandmaker and took over Ollivander's in Diagon Alley, and the same year she became a true Auror, having passed her training. Marina's first child, a son named Gideon, was born in 2031, and her second, a daughter named Lucia, was born in 2034.

          As it turned out, Dahlia was not in fact dead, which became apparent when she went on a killing spree of her surviving family. After attacking the Edgeworth flat in the middle of the night, Marina held her off while Damien took Lucia to safety, and then finally put her mother-in-law down once and for all. No one was terribly broken up about it.

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Mother: Bernadette Aldred, Father: Dustin Aldred, Husband: Damien Edgeworth, Son: Gideon Edgeworth, Daughter: Lucia Edgeworth: Father-in-law: Wesley Edgeworth, Stepmother-in-law: Siobhan Edgeworth, Stepbrothers-in-law: Jarlath and Adrienne Lowery, Stepsister-in-law: Pru Lowery
          FRIENDS Damien Edgeworth, Nell Ellis, Ada Whitethorne, Chris Whitethorne, Dominic Montague, Gracie McHalen, Rose Hall, Rick Drage, Niall Hughes
          BEST FRIEND Nell Ellis
          ROMANTIC INTEREST Damien Edgeworth
          ENEMIES The Kamenev Family
          PETS Orange Tabby named Winona

The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100

The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100
PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 5:28 pm

xxxxxxG I D E O NxxxD E A NxxxE D G E W O R T Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Gid
              AGE »» 17
              BIRTHDAY »» March 19th, 2031
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» Random
              BLOOD STATUS »» Pureblood
              WAND »» Alder, unicorn hair core, 12 and 1/6 inches, pliable, bent shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English
              ACCENT »» Recieved
              PET »» Rat named Sunny

              xxx»» Comics
              xxx»» Exploding Snaps
              xxx»» Drawing
              xxx»» Jokes landing
              xxx»» Gullible people
              xxx»» History
              xxx»» Rigidity
              xxx»» 'Intellectuals'
              xxx»» 'High society'
              xxx»» Comparison
              xxx»» Procrastinating
              xxx»» Quidditch
              xxx»» Singing to himself

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Gideon is an easily distracted person who often has difficulty focusing on the bigger forest in lieu of the individual, far more interesting trees. He doodles when he should be taking notes and consistently 'glazes over' when someone is telling him something, particularly if it's in the style of a lecture. He hates to work on just one thing of a time and can often be seen multitasking (with varying degrees of success) or jumping from thing to thing. He doesn't do well in highly structured, rigid environments and would fail miserably at an office job.

              xxx»» Gideon is frequently called lazy, 'work-avoidant', and 'unmotivated', all of which have some grain of truth to them. If he has a vice, it's certainly sloth, and while he will help someone out if asked and isn't self-absorbed enough to force someone else to do all the work in the project, it can be difficult to get him to do much of anything without some prodding. If he had his way, he'd spend much of the day eating, sleeping, or just lounging around. It's not that he's depressed or uninterested in anything; he just didn't inherit his parents' ambition, and is stubborn enough to dig his heels in when someone tries to force him to do something.

              xxx»» Gideon is quite honestly a very difficult person to argue with. He's very laid-back and easygoing, usually keeping a calm, if a bit impulsive outlook. Even if he disagrees strongly with someone, he'd rather crack jokes and roll his eyes than really debate it out with them- that'd expend too much energy, and be, in his opinion, a waste of time. Gideon is generally very easy to get along with, so long as you're not actively antagonizing him, and is often unruffled and bemused when others are outraged and indignant. The only time he seems to become genuinely offended is when someone insults his family, particularly his sister.

              xxx»» Gideon tends to see everything as a bit of a joke, and was the type of child who often succumbed to giggles or snickers when being scolded. He often finds things funny, even when others do not, and prefers to make light of most situations. Other people often view this as immature and at times frustrating, since Gideon can spend more time cracking jokes and making sly comments than actually trying to find a solution. However, this is often a coping mechanism, as he doesn't want to be too vulnerable and open with his emotions in front of others, particularly when he's upset or disappointed.

              xxx»» Gideon can be very dry and sarcastic, which many people don't expect, coming from him. While he doesn't go around picking fights with anyone, when annoyed or upset he tends to revert to mockery, rather than raising his voice or throwing a punch. He'd much rather shame someone out of bad behavior than try to lecture them out of it, and enjoys knocking others down a peg or two when he feels they're being self righteous or worse, hypocritical. He is not overly respectful of authority, and was occasionally a bit of a troublemaker as a small child.

              xxx»» Gideon has many flaws, but arrogance is not one of them. He was raised to never lord himself over others, or to act as if he was better than anyone because his father was from a notable pureblood family or his mother was a successful auror. Gideon would never sneer or scoff at someone else, and was raised to treat everyone as equals, no matter their background. He despises displays of wealth or snobs, and is much more concerned with people's character, rather than their nice clothes or big house. If he does puff himself up, it's all joking, and his sense of humor is generally very self-deprecating; he rarely puts other people down while praising himself.

              xxx»» Keeping things in perspective.
              xxx»» Making friends quickly.
              xxx»» Not taking things seriously.
              xxx»» His lack of ambition or motivation.
              xxx»» Losing his mother due to her line of work.
              xxx»» Disappointing his family.

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Gideon is the eldest child and only son of Damien Edgeworth, a wandmaker, and Marina Edgeworth (nee Aldred), an auror. His parents met during their first year at Hogwarts, where they were both Slytherins. While they initially despised one another, they eventually became friends and later married, having two children, Gideon and Lucia. Gideon was born three years before his sister and grew up in the family's flat above Ollivander's, which his father owns and operates, located in Diagon Alley, London, England. Gideon spent much of his childhood running around the shop and bothering his father, as his mother was often away on Auror business. In contrast to his quiet, well-behaved younger sister, Gideon was somewhat of a wild child, although he claims this is only because anyone would seem unruly or loud, compared to Lucia. The family was quite close and had a wide social circle, so Gideon had plenty of playmates and was very eager to go away to Hogwarts at the age of eleven. He doubted he'd be in Slytherin like his parents, but they'd assured him that his house mattered very little in the long run.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Gideon was sorted into Hufflepuff upon arriving at Hogwarts, to the surprise of pretty much no one, and the delight of his aunts Ada and Nell, as well as his cousin Desi. While obviously excited to finally be at Hogwarts, the reality of classes and homework soon settled in, as did some homesickness. Luckily, Gid never had any issues being social and was never very lonely, since he knew plenty of people to talk to. The most exciting part of the whole year was probably when his dad's supposedly dead mother broke into their flat while he was away at school and tried to kill everyone, and he even missed that.
                  SECOND YEAR »» Gid enjoyed his second year since he was no longer a coddled first year, although things were basically the same as the year before. He was also a lot less homesick, and time seemed to go much quicker. He went on a picnic/'adventure' with a bunch of his year mates, and spent time with the McHalen twins. He also befriended a quiet housemate, Stella Connolly.
                  THIRD YEAR »» Gid's third year was much busier than his previous two, mostly because he'd started taking electives and thus had a lot more homework and a lot less free time during the week. Still, he for the most part enjoyed his new classes, especially Care of Magical Creatures, which was outdoors and much more fun than a stuffy classroom. He also got to visit Hogsmeade for the first time, to his delight, and he set about wasting all his pocket money on sweets.
                  FOURTH YEAR »» Gideon had a fairly relaxed fourth year, now used to his new classes and knowing his way around the castle, even at night. He decided to take advantage of his freedom before OWLs next year and spent perhaps less time in class than was academically wise. That said, he counted himself lucky to have only gotten two detentions for goofing off.
                  FIFTH YEAR »» Gideon went into his fifth year dreading it, knowing that for all his slacking off and laziness, there was no avoiding his OWLs. His grades might be subpar, but if he bombed his exams his parents would murder him, or at least attempt to. Nevertheless, while he put his nose as close to the grindstone as he could bear it, he still managed to go to some quidditch matches and hang out in Hogsmeade on the weekend. He even asked his friend Stella out on a date, shocking both of them. While he was as close to a nervous wreck as he'd ever been during many of his exams, he got through it more or less okay.
                  SIXTH YEAR »» Gid's little sister Lucia began at Hogwarts, to his delight, as the two were quite close and he'd missed her 'sobering' presence over the past several years. He was very proud when she was promptly sorted into Slytherin like their parents, and very invested in making sure she was not the target of any harassment or teasing, be it from her fellow students or Peeves. He also began dating Stella, something he was initially very hesitant to admit to his family, but was exasperated when he learned his mother had been 'predicting it' for years with her 'auror's intuition'.
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» - - -

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts
              HOUSE »» Hufflepuff
              YEAR »» Seventh
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» Care of Magical Creatures
              xxx»» DADA
              xxx»» Charms
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» History of Magic
              xxx»» Potions
              xxx»» Astronomy
              DREAM JOB »» Comic book artist

              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» P
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» EE
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» D
              xxxPOTIONS »» P
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» A
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» EE
              xxxHEALING »» EE
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» -
              xxxCHARMS »» -
              xxxDEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS »» -
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» -
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» -
              xxxPOTIONS »» -
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» -
              xxxELECTIVE »» -
              xxxELECTIVE »» -
              xxxELECTIVE »» -

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Bisexual
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Dating
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Stella Connolly

              xxx»» PARENTS Damien and Marina Edgeworth
              xxx»» SIBLINGS Lucia Edgeworth
              xxx»» BEST FRIEND Stella Connolly
              xxx»» Desiree and Zachary Whitethorne, Dagrun and Donner Eide, Sissy Masters, Rhydian and Gwyneth McHalen
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» Elvira Hughes, Mahalia Ellis, Jackson, Wilson, and Isabella Hawthorne

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 2:53 pm

xxxxP R U D E N C ExxxB R I G H I DxxxL O W E R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Pru

              AGE 21

              BIRTHDAY 25 December 2015

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND Thirteen inches, Birch, Dragon Heartstring, Sturdy, Knobby.

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Demisexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Irish Gaelic

              FACECLAIM Crystal Reed x

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              CLASS OF 2034

              BEST LESSONS
                  Care of Magical Creatures

              WORST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ P
                  Charms ~ A
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ D
                  Potions ~ P
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Cooking with Magic ~ A
                  Ghost and Ghoul Studies ~ EE
                  Healing ~ O
                  Muggle Mythology ~ O
                  Muggle Studies ~ O
                  Wizard Law ~ EE
                  World Studies ~ EE

              NEWT SCORES
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Healing ~ EE
                  Wizard Law ~ A

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Magizoologist (accepted)

              DREAM JOB Magizoologist

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ AMIABLE In general, Pru is typically a friendly, pleasant person, more than capable of making small talk with strangers or introducing herself to people she's never met before. She's for the most part good-natured, and rarely moody or one to mope much. She prides herself on being easy to be around and talk to. Pru gets along well enough with most people she meets and isn't one to pick arguments, though she'll be the one to finish them. While this makes it pretty easy for her to make friends, it also ensures she holds her tongue more often that not, letting emotions simmer inside her.
              ■ RESOLUTE Pru hates to stand around and do nothing when she thinks there's something she ought to do, and while she enjoys her downtime just as much as other people, once she knows she needs to do something, she's going to do it without wavering. She's not one to be wishy washy or have long internal debates over what to do. She decides, then does it. Unfortunately, this also makes her intensely stubborn and very slow to change her opinion of someone or something. It's not that she's always convinced she's right or even in the right, but personal change doesn't necessarily come that easily to her.
              ■ MORALISTIC Pru has her own honor code of sorts, and while it's as if she's taken any sort of oath, she does strongly believe in 'sticking to her guns', so to speak. If something feels wrong to her, she's simply not going to do it. She does tend to see the world in more stark black and white, but only because she believes it's very easy to cloak your own actions in grey. The ends do not ever justify the means, in Pru's opinion, and if someone has to tell themselves that, she's willing to bet they're doing a lot more wrong than they're ready to admit. To her some things are simply not acceptable, and never will be.
              ■ UNAFRAID Pru is very slow to become overwhelmed with nerves or anxiety. She's usually pretty calm, and solid as a rock to boot. She's not easily intimidated, and, generally not one to back down in face of a challenge or hurdle. Pru rarely hesitates, even in the face of difficulties and disappointments, and is willing to put herself in danger for what she believes is right. Because of this she is prone to playing knight, even when people don't really need her help or are better off helping themselves without her riding in on a white horse to try to save them. But to her credit this trait doesn't translate into recklessness on her part.
              ■ LOYAL Pru is above many other things firm in her support of the people she loves and cares about. She tries to be a constant friend, even when it's difficult. If she promises someone something, she'll give her all in order to uphold that promise. She's willing to stand by her friends even in the darkest of times, but her unwavering loyalty can at times blind her to the flaws of others or make her reluctant to discuss things that need to be discussed, if it means a fight or fracturing of the relationship between her and someone else. Her loyalty could be her downfall; particularly with how important she considers it.
              ■ PRACTICAL Practicality has always been something near and dear to Pru's heart. She's more concerned with the hands on part than the theory bit. She has more common sense than book smarts, and it's served her fairly well thus far. She prides herself on being more sensible than most people she knows, especially coming from a house known for it's wild child reputation. In this way she does partly live up to her literal name; she has a more cautious, realistic side to her that influences a lot of what she says and does. She hates pretension and people acting high and mighty, and prides herself on her down to earth nature.

                  Learning about magical creatures
                  Reading for short amounts of time
                  Drawing in her free time
                  Anything athletic or physical
                  Telling stories, especially scary ones

                  Being forced to sit still and do nothing
                  Being in the dark
                  Cold foods

                  Being outside
                  Helping out at her mum's shop

                  Dealing with animals
                  Physical activity

                  Doesn't forgive easily
                  Very set in her ways

                  Losing her mother

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Pru was born the youngest child and only daughter of Davin and Siobhan Lowery, both from old Irish pureblood lines. The child of a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor, respectively, Pru adored her mother and idolized her father as a little girl. Her father's death while working for the Werewolf Capture Unit devastated her. She had seen her father as a giant among men. He was the hero of her fairy tale, and his death shook her to her core. After that, Pru, her mother, and her two older brothers, Jarlath and Adrienne, resided in one big estate with her uncles, cousins, aunt, and her father's cousin. Her mother bought a pet shop in Diagon Alley, the Magical Menagerie, and many of Pru's happy childhood memories are from there. It inspired her love of animals and magical creatures, though a lingering preoccupation with werewolves remained with her. When she was around nine or so her mother began dating again; a man named Wesley Edgeworth. Pru wasn't exactly pleased by this development; her older brothers even less so. However, she warmed to the man as time went on, and had come to accept him as part of her mother's life by the time she was about to enter Hogwarts.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Pru went into her first year with high expectations, all of which were fulfilled. She was sorted into Gryffindor, the house of her mother and her brother Adrienne, and quickly made friends with her classmates. She enjoyed school and even attended the Yule Ball hosted that year, going with a house mate as friends. She was slightly homesick towards the middle of the school year, but was almost reluctant to leave when it was time to return home for the summer.
              SECOND YEAR Pru found her second year less exciting and new than her first, but was thrilled to make reserve keeper for her house's quidditch team. Her uncle being a broom maker, she had always taken a keen interest in the sport. Her mother also married Wesley during the year, though it was less a formal wedding and more a signing of papers at the Ministry. Pru found herself happy for them.
              THIRD YEAR Pru's third year was fairly quiet, except for the very beginning and very end. The summer before her third year she moved into the Edgeworth Manor, given her mother's recent marriage, and also attended the wedding of her new stepbrother, Damien, to his fiancee. At the very end of the year Hogsmeade was attacked by dark wizards as students boarded the train, but Pru saw none of the action, her cousin Kenny apparating her and his girlfriend, Jojo, out of harm's way almost immediately. He then went back to serve as transport for trapped younger years, and Pru was furious with him for leaving her and his panicking girlfriend, but relieved when he made it out safely. He'd moved in at the Edgeworth Manor at the holidays due to issues with one of his fathers, after all, and Pru saw him as more of a brother than her own.
              FOURTH YEAR The summer right before Pru's fourth year her longtime friend Addison invited her over, revealed he'd had a crush on her for some time now, and asked her to be his girlfriend. Pru was caught completely off guard by this, having been totally oblivious to his growing feelings, but accepted and found herself very suddenly in her very first relationship. On the one hand, she didn't feel she was quite ready or prepared at all for any of it, but on the other she cared deeply for Addy and enjoyed spending time with him. She also had to deal with the shock of having been named team captain at the unusually young age of fourteen, since the vice captain of the Gryffindor Team had been killed during the attack at the start of the summer. Pru wasn't quite thrilled with this, especially since she was convinced everyone thought it was favoritism on her Head of House, Amata Harlowe's, part, as she'd known Amata since she was small, the woman being her uncle Ciaran's best friend. Her cousin Rhys also started his first year at Hogwarts, and she tried not to think about her uncles's splintering marriage, which had caused the boy to stop speaking entirely. Gryffindor's quidditch season was terrible, which caused her a great deal of stress, and her uncles's divorced. It was not really a year she'd count as her 'best'.
              FIFTH YEAR Pru certainly liked her fifth year better than her fourth year, even if she had OWLs and Rhys being a 'right little t**t' to contend with. She completely overhauled the Gryffindor quidditch team, and while they played better than they had the year before, didn't win any awards. Her cousin Caty started her first year at Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin, which neither surprised nor upset Pru, though she had been hoping to no longer be the only Gryffindor student in the family. At the Valentine's Masquerade she and Addy told each other they loved one another for the first time, and while her OWLs were difficult, she survived. She even got a kitten off of the Transfiguration exam.
              SIXTH YEAR Pru's sixth year was fairly quiet. Gryffindor didn't develop a sudden winning streak, but they did manage to beat Slytherin in a game, something she found herself quite proud of. She mostly enjoyed a peaceful year and found herself hoping to enjoy her last summer as a carefree teen before NEWTs and graduation. The only downside to it was that Kenny's girlfriend had seemingly vanished off the face of the earth, and no one had any idea where she was.
              SEVENTH YEAR Pru's seventh year was a mixed bag. She did well on her NEWTs, Gryffindor won their last game, and she and Addy made plans to move in together after they'd secured jobs. Kenny was reunited with his girlfriend and Rhys seemed to be making progress. However, Caty's moods seemed off all year, even to Pru, who was hardly the most observant person, and she worried about her youngest cousin.

          POST GRADUATION Immediately after graduating Pru applied to become a magizoologist. After she began her work with that, and Addy began Auror training, the two began looking for a place to live together, and eventually settled on a flat in Dublin, moving into it two summers after their graduation.

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Siobhan Edgeworth (mother), Wesley Edgeworth (stepfather), Jarlath Lowery (older brother), Adrienne Lowery (older brother), Damien Edgeworth (stepbrother), Marina Edgeworth (stepsister in law), Gideon Edgeworth (step-nephew), Lucia Edgeworth (step-niece), Aedan Lowery (paternal uncle), Ciaran Blake (paternal uncle), Kenneth Blake (cousin), Rhys Blake (cousin), Catheryn Blake (cousin), Andrea Lowery (paternal aunt), Faylinn Lowery (paternal cousin)
          FRIENDS Victoria Macclellan, Addison Collins, Lyall Thompson, Rider Wilson, Feather Snow, Dakota Vann
          BEST FRIEND Victoria Macclellan
          ROMANTIC INTEREST Addison Collins
          ENEMIES None
          PETS Owl named Wallace, British shorthair cat named Saoirse

The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100

MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50
PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 6:02 pm

xxxxxxL U C I A xxxM A D E L I N Exxx E D G E W O R T Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Luce, Lucy
              AGE »» 16
              BIRTHDAY »» September 1, 2034
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Clare Foley Luca Hollestelle
              BLOOD STATUS »» Halfblood
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, German
              ACCENT »» Received Pronunciation
              PET »» Birman cat Miss Pennyworth

              xxx»» Teatime
              xxx»» Fancy clothes
              xxx»» Snow
              xxx»» Holidays
              xxx»» Animals
              xxx»» Loud noises
              xxx»» Messes
              xxx»» Parts of Grandfather Wesley's house
              xxx»» Science Fiction
              xxx»» Rudeness
              xxx»» Dancing
              xxx»» Painting
              xxx»» Playing pretend

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Lucia was never a particularly loud child. It seems as though any and all ability to create cacophonous noises was inherited by her older brother, leaving her to be nearly silent in turn. She speaks in a voice barely above a whisper, quite slowly, and pointedly, as if she's constantly speaking in a language she's unfamiliar with and wants to be sure she gets right. She prefers quieter pastimes than Gideon, such as reading or coloring. She doesn't really like loud noises, except when her brother is making them, in which case she doesn't mind so much, because at least he's typically quite funny when he does it.

              xxx»» Like her parents, Lucia is prone to watching and analyzing her environment. She's a little creepy, in fact, eyes wide and constantly staring at any and everything around her. She tends to stare off, seemingly into space, but really she's analyzing and cataloguing everything. Her memory is also excellent. She's very particular about things as a result, and likes for things to stay the way they're 'supposed' to be. Chaos doesn't suit her very well, though she's learned to make an exception for her older brother.

              xxx»» Lucia has impeccable manners. She picked the behaviors up from mimicking her Edgeworth grandparents, and a little from her father, though he's not formal all of the time like her grandfather is. Wesley, after having dealt with his niece and nephews, and stepsons, and grandson, was utterly thrilled to have such a well-behaved child, and took to her. As such, the pair bonded quite easily and Lucia took after him more than most of her other relatives. He was always quite amused when his granddaughter would copy his actions, and so she did so constantly, until it was second nature.

              xxx»» Though not as rambunctious as her brother, Lucia is prone to getting into her own sort of trouble. Specifically, she doesn't know when to leave something alone. She likes to investigate strange noises, or odd smells, to find the source. She has sent her father into a panic more than once when he suddenly looked up to realize she'd gone missing, only to find her tucked away in some dark corner, poking at an interesting bug or tracing patterns in the wall. She isn't satisfied until her questions have been answered, though she'll usually seek to find the answers herself rather than bothering someone else for them.

              xxx»» Lucia isn't one for large shows of emotion. She's hardly apathetic, but her methods of expression are certainly more collected than most. Rather than jumping for joy, she'll offer a small smile. She rarely weeps, instead choosing to express sadness with a sigh and a slump of her shoulders. While she does get excited, it's rather hard to properly gauge her level of enthusiasm for any given thing. Her version of a dramatic response is to get hyper-focused on whatever it is and not relent until she is either satisfied, or it becomes boring.

              xxx»» It's something of a mystery where Lucia picked up this particular trait, but it can't be denied that, for a child, she can come across as rather snobby. It's not that she thinks she's better than anyone, far from it, but she tends to give off the air that she does. Truthfully, it's mostly a matter of confidence. The best guess is that she gets it from combining the independence and strong will of her mother with the old world class of her grandfather, as they are her two favorite people. Still, it reminds her father of someone he'd much rather forget, and makes him incredibly uncomfortable.

              xxx»» Perceptive
              xxx»» Well-mannered
              xxx»» Cold
              xxx»» Hyper focuses
              xxx»» Monsters
              xxx»» Losing her Mum

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Lucia was the second child born to Damien and Marina Edgeworth, and God willing, the last. Compared to her rambunctious older brother, she seemed like the perfect baby. She rarely cried, wasn't fussy. As a toddler she didn't seem inclined to get into much mischief or make messes. In fact, her father has said that she's the most grown up child he's ever seen. In spite of being his complete opposite, she adored her brother, and was inclined to follow him on whatever adventures he chose to undertake, though typically she could be found cleaning up after him. She was also always quick to rat him out when their parents questions who'd caused a commotion, but this was more because it was obvious than out of any lack of loyalty. Truthfully, she would do anything for him, and she knows he would do anything for her. It was rather difficult for her when he went away to school, and she missed him a great deal.
              xxx»» Her life was always rather simple, and even a bit boring, but she quite liked it that way. Of course, her brother, who lived for excitement, would be the one to miss the only truly interesting thing to happen to them, at least in Lucia's memory. While he was away at school, late one night, the family home was attacked by a woman claiming to be their grandmother. Lucia ran and alerted her parents, and her father took her to the family estate while her mother and Brownie handled it. It took some explaining from both parents later before she understood what had occurred, but she didn't really care. Her family was safe, and the woman was dead, so that was all that really mattered.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SECOND YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  THIRD YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  FOURTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  FIFTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SIXTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Slytherin
              YEAR »» Sixth
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              DREAM JOB »» Event Planner

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Single
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» - - -

              xxx»» Father Damien Mother Marina
              xxx»» Brother Gideon
              xxx»» Grandfather Wesley Edgeworth Grandmother Siobhan
              xxx»» Grandfather Dustin Aldred Grandmother Bernadette
              xxx»» Aunt Prudence Collins Uncle Addison
              xxx»» Great Uncle Michael McHalen Aimee and Victoria McHalen
              xxx»» First cousin, once removed Seth Wynters Ariana Hawthorne-Wynters Mackenzie Hawthorne, Ian Wynters
              xxx»» First cousin, once removed Elliryanna Whitethorne Chalmes Chance, Kory, Lillith and Eve
              xxx»» First cousin, once removed Verily Holt Kenneth Sawyer
              xxx»» Best friend - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
Family Profiles

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