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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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[Ghost] Serafina Arai's Watercooler

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Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:04 am

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Squealing the entire way, the acceptance bin made came to a fork in the path, also known as stairs. Which way should it take - up or down? - the shouts were already halfway across the hallway. Without a further thought, well, as much as a thought as a piece of office appliance reanimated could have, it plunged down into the abyss of stairs, past another hallway, and then scuttered into the abandoned other bathroom.

With a small sigh, after the coast seem relatively clear, it sadly regurgitated several of the application forms it had stowed away, staring at them sadly - which was a strange feat considering it was an acceptance bin with no eyes.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:06 am

"Let's Itemize the List Today..."

o1. Introduction
o2. Table of Contents
o3. Serafina Arai
o4. Serafina Arai Personality
o5. Battle Stats
o6. Year One RP Listing
o7. Year Two RP Listing
o8. Year Three RP Listing
o9-15: Seiana sucks at journals and will figure this out later 101


Codebreaking Conversationalist


Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:08 am

"Ah! Hello there~ So what's the latest news today?"


Name: Serafina Arai

Nicknames: The name 'Sera' sounds familiar to her, so she would like to request that used.

Gender: Female

Age: She died at about eighteen, and appears that way in this life, too. As far as ghosts go, she is relatively young, only having been brought to Halloween within the past few years.

Faction/Race Ghost/Kuchisake-onna

Natural Ability: Alluring - All Kuchisake-onna have the ability to lure others in with their visible beauty, before moving in with their questions and for their strike.

Blink - Serafina can blink short distances horizontally and vertically as a mode of teleportation.

Blink Further - Serafina can now blink greater distances in both the horizontal and vertical directions. She can also now blink through thin walls.

FEAR: T3 Swift Strikes -- Snip Snip...~ -- Kuchisake-onna tend to prefer to inflict death on others the same way it was inflicted on them in life--with sharp objects to the face. Serafina is no exception, and her FEAR abilities manifest in such a way. Briefly, for durations that increase as her grade in Amityville does, her fingers become razor sharp, ready to cut across like scissors or slash like knives and draw blood--or ectoplasm, or FEAR, or whatever an enemy may possess--in the most efficient way possible.

T2 The Mist -- Glasgow Grin -- Serafina rips her mask off, revealing her wide Glasgow Grin. If she channels her fear into it, this can make her grin appear even more frightening, making her harder for the opponent to concentrate on.

T1 The Bite -- Intimidation Drain -- Serafina channels her fear in such a way that makes her seem more intimidating and frightening, lengthening her fingers and becoming more imposing. While in this form, she will attempt to pull the increased fear from her opponent, replenishing her own.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Being her defining facial feature, with most else covered by her surgical mask, Serafina is determined to make sure her eyes stand out. Usually lined with dark eye liner and blue eyeshadow, her eyes are a midnight blue, nearly black in color. They are single-lidded.

Hair Colour/Style: Her hair is kept medium-length and fashionable, echoing her own love for beauty. In general, she crimps or waves it a little, and ends up with hair that waves along the sides of her face. Her bangs are side-brushed, with a triangle slit upwards into her hairline over one eye and hanging low, over her brows, on the other. Similar to this?

Skin Colour: Serafina's skin takes on a pale, ghastly shade in her new life as a Kuchisake-onna. Like all ghosts, her skin has a light glow to it, amplified by her pale skin.

Clothing Style/Colours: Kuchisake-onna are vain creatures, and Serafina comes as no exception. Despite being rather dead, Serafina wishes to look as beautiful as she ever was, taking particular care of her clothing, hair, and make-up. To help bring out some of her other features, Serafina tends towards darker colors, with dark blues, dark purples, and blacks finding the most frequent appearances in her wardrobe.

Chances are, whatever currently finds itself in Halloween dark fashion, she is finding a way to wear. Dresses? Sure! Corsets? Gotcha! High heels? Mmhm~ Flowing pants? Okay! Tattered scarves? Sure, why not!

There is one particular garment she never removes, her vanity preventing even herself from spending too long looking at such a disgusting mess in the mirror. Over her mouth an nose she wears a Surgical Mask, hiding the mutilation that declares her particularly as a Kuchisake-onna. As she never takes it off publicly, she is rather creative with her surgical mask, and makes efforts to wear a new one every day that matches her particular outfit.

Perhaps feature her symbol on the surgical mask? I'm willing to see what the artist might find fitting~

Extra: Besides for the mutilation hidden underneath her surgical mask, there is nothing particular of note here.

References: (n/a, but I'd love some?~)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:10 am

"There are many types of personalities, but this one is mine~"

"Me? I love to talk~" Put Serafina in a room with enough boils and ghouls and she will be going on a mile a minute. She's an outgoing type, thriving off the existance of other Halloween denizens. It would be hard to believe she was killed so violently, her love of people still managing to shine through to the point where she can't stand to be without them. In fact, she's so social she's almost a nuisance. If she sees you, expect her to say hello. You didn't acknowledge her? She'll say it again. And again. And once she has your attention, she won't stop talking. Until she gets bored, anyway. Then she'll probably just drag you somewhere.

But she does love people! And being around people. And being around so many people...

Don't tell her to shut up, though. She doesn't necessarily take well to it--unless she's trying to impress--and will tend to ignore requests and continue talking. That being said, her love to talk to other Halloween denizens and share her thoughts and observations is a bit of a compulsion, and sometimes, she's not really ... able to stop herself.

"They say I'm like a sponge~" Perhaps the only reason why Serafina's low attention span will ever manage to survive in Amityville Academy, Serafina is quite good at remembering, and memorizing, what she is told. Don't remember what happened two days ago during lunchtime and now are trying to figure out why the teachers are mad at you? No problem! Serafina will quite cheerfully tell you exactly what happened down to the nitty gritty detail, all with a grin while doing it. Don't remember what was gone over in class? If Serafina was there, she could easily tell you, almost reciting what the class was about back word-for-word.

This does, of course, make her a rather good source of typical school gossip, something that Serafina just eats all up. More chances to talk to people? Fantastic! She will totally tell you what she caught the Knobgoblins doing! The administration would have a fit, let her tell you...

She's also one of those few people who have an instant knack for faces and names, so once she meets someone, she will be certain to completely recognize them next time around, even if the other has no idea who she is. Can this verge on creepy? Perhaps, but Serafina probably doesn't notice.

Does it bother her at all that she can't recall her past life in the human world? Yes, but there isn't much she can do about that, is there? She'll just make an effort to remember everything else clearly... And when she doesn't, she'll try to shake it off ... after concentrating on it for a while and figuring out how exactly she managed to forget yet something else...

"Aww, I'm sorry they did that!" Serafina wants to be told everyone's problems so she can make them better. When her eyes aren't inevitably wandering to something else, Serafina makes an excellent person to talk with. She'll most always respond at the right times during your story and will most always say what she has deemed just the right thing to make the problem seem not so bad, or perhaps the burden a little lighter. Perhaps she's a mini-counselor in her own right. Besides, you would much rather come to her, right? The counselor's office is... full of living daisies. Isn't that disgusting? (Appearance of counselor's office subject to exaggeration)

In the end, maybe she's only sympathetic because she likes any excuse to talk to people, but she seems honest enough. ...Even if she is gleaning information the entire time you are telling her about your latest problem.

That being said, if she hits the target wrong, it tends to frustrate her and she'll back up and try and figure out where she went wrong. She doesn't take particularly well to her attempts at being friendly failing, and would prefer to make sure they don't happen a second time, so she tends to ... focus on them and obsess with them a bit until something new and scandalous catches her attention.

"Nothing's wrong with care about appearance." She's so vain she probably thinks every song is about her, really. Before her death, in the human world, she had been incredibly concerned with her appearance. After her death, her mind seems to have clung onto the feeling of self-love, amplifying it further. Perhaps typical of a Kuchisake-onna, Serafina likes knowing she's pretty. She will purposely do whatever she can to make herself what she interprets as prettier, from keeping up with the latest Halloween fashions to putting on the most ghoulish make-up to even attempting to make her voice sound lighter and more attractive.

Note that part of the reason why Serafina's vanity surged was to compensate for how much the marking on her face hurts her. Whenever she looks at the mirror without her mask, she cringes, and she tries to do everything she can to look even more beautiful so it simply rarely ever comes up.

Seriously, don't ask her about the mask.

She might make excuses if someone does, but prodding further tends to be met with hostility. Prodding so far to remove or break the mask physically brings out the true ghoul in Serafina, inclined to attack on sight. This can be, well, problematic...

"Keep your hands off my things!" Serafina is one possessive little ghoul. If it's hers, it's not yours. If it's hers, it's not anyone else's to touch. She has a possessive hold over her belongings mostly reserved for haunts over their haunted object, unable to make herself let other people even borrow her objects. No, her pen cannot be borrowed, as she possesses it, and therefore it is hers alone. If anyone does attempt to borrow something from her, her usual jovial nature will disappear and she will quite happily lunge at them if they will not leave her stuff alone. Will this get her in trouble? ...Probably.

Does Serafina care? No, that was hers you were holding!

This possessiveness also extends to people, though it isn't quite as bad... for the most part, anyway. She is willing to let her friends socialize to others, but ultimately, she would prefer they socialize with her and others. If her friends start hanging out with her too little, and too little might be a few days at best, she will start to become agitated and attempt to drag them back to her. On the other hand, any significant others she gains would have to be willing to deal with the fact that she will barely let them see anyone else. A significant other is treated much like a physical object, much to the misfortune of the significant other...

"But where's the excitement?" Part of the reason why she joined up with Amityville Academy was because she thought the surrounding area was getting old. In general, Serafina grows bored with the same old routine rather quickly, and is the type that prefers spontaneity to a stable, solid schedule. There are some days where she will get up and decide that she is going to dress totally different that day, and there are other days where she gets up and decides that she is going to do something completely unexpected. Serafina is one of those types who will, eventually, end up skipping class on a fairly regular basis, but she thinks she's intelligent enough to keep up anyway.

Besides, she would much rather go tromp through the Scarefari's new areas today than sit around in class. How old.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Serafina, like many ghosts, is rather baffled with her new life and new existance, and wishes to come to Amityville Academy to help herself adjust and learn about her new abilities.

Or so she says, anyway.

Serafina's real reasoning involves the variety of peoples she has seen come in and out of the halls of Amityville Academy over the past few years, while she watches wistfully from the sidelines. She wants to be part of that. She wants to be part of a social group and gain ground amoungst her peers. Besides, honestly, this whole milling around as a ghost is getting rather old.

Lots of denizens in one location? That meant that things would never get old!


Codebreaking Conversationalist


Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:25 pm

"Fighting isn't really my forte..."

HP: 50/50
Attack: 2d10-6
Defend: 1d8

Y3 Swift Strikes
Tier Three:SS3
Dice: 11d4
First Dice:
xxxxx 1: Miss
xxxxx 2: HIT however the resulting damage is divided by 2. Only 50% of the damage is dealt.
xxxxx 3-4: HIT however the resulting damage is multiplied by .8. Only 80% of the damage is dealt.
Damage: Ignore the first dice, total up the remaining dice. Divide or multiply the total by the modifier depending.
Average Damage: 13 (50%), 20 (80%)

Y2 The Mist
Tier Two:MND2
Dice: 3d4
First Dice: represents your Accuracy.
xxxxx 1: Miss
xxxxx 2-4: Success!
Second Dice: represents your Modifier.
xxxxx 1-2 means your opponent adds -1 to their modifier. If their modifier was -6, it is now -7!
xxxxx 3-4 means your opponent adds -2 to their modifier. If their modifier was -6, it is now -8!
Third Dice:
xxxxx 1: affects your opponent's next turn
xxxxx 2-4: affects your opponent's next two turns

Y1 The Bite
Tier One:BIT1
Dice: 2d4
First Dice: indicates how many turns the effect will last, starting with your next regular attack.
xxxxx 1-2: 1 Turn
xxxxx 3-4: 2 Turns
Second Dice: represents how much health you steal per hit.
xxxxx 1: 0% (Absorb no health)
xxxxx 2-3: 25% (divide your damage by 4)
xxxxx 4: 50% (divide your damage by 2)
PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2013 11:53 am

"You mean I actually have to do things?"

[ 800 words on any RP Based Requirement ]
[ Must reach 50 points ]

- Five pieces of fanart (Total: 1)
[ by Saint Sergio ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ]
- One complete RP (Total: 2)

[ King x Serafina ]
[ Of Ghosts and Grumps (Molan x Serafina) ]

- One complete classroom RP (Total: 12)
[ Professor Elk's Class, marked map ]
[ Kenner's Class, posted in more than one round, 800+ words, double points week ]

- One complete homework assignment for a class. (Total: 2)

[ Professor Elk's Homework ]
- One complete solo. (Total: )
- One complete battle (2 points each) (Total: )
- Event RPs (Total: 22)

[ Medea Rallies in Undergrounds ] (+1 particip, +1 over 800 words)
[ Deth Field Trip ] (+1 Particip, +2 over 800 words)
[ Fright Night Part One ]
[ Dance Dance Dedolution ] (+1 RPing in non-ran booth, +1 RPing in booth ran by character mine never met)
[ Shroom Toss ] [ NAP Club ] [ Fright Music Club ] [ Frighteningly Fashionable Freaks ] (I don't even remember them all anymore...@A@) (+3 over 800 words total)
[ Seven Kings ]
[ Kingdom Thread ] (+3 over 600 words)
[ Event ORP Thread ] (+2 over 600 words)
[ Death Solo ] (+1 over 600 words)
[ Seven Kings Finale Subforum ] (+3 over 600 words)
[ Battlefield ORP ] (+2 for 3 attacks, +1 over 400 words)

- Five minipets grown to their final stage. (Total: 5)
[ Minis Profile ]
- One scaretine (Total: 5)
[ Here ]
- One Battle Card (2 points each) (Total: 2)
[ Here ]

Running Total: 51/50


Codebreaking Conversationalist


Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 7:45 pm

"Every year, it gets harder."

[ 800 words on any RP Based Requirement ]
[ Must reach 75 points ]

- Five pieces of fanart (Total: 0)
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ]
- One complete RP (Total: 1)
[ Alexander and his Chaperones ]

- One complete classroom RP (Total: 10)
[ Rengath takes Students to the Human World! ]
Holiday Doors Main Class Thanksgiving Town PRP +2 800+ Words, +1 600+ in PRP
Hot Bats +3 More Than Two Rounds, +1 800+ words, +1 Student Used (Summer Sale Event)
- One complete homework assignment for a class. (Total: 0)
- One complete solo. (Total: )
- One complete battle (2 points each) (Total: 6)
Follow the yellow brick coffin (Serafina vs Trisha) (+3 due to Summer Sale Event)
Nothing's Changed At All (Serafina vs Brenley) (+3 due to Summer Sale Event)
- Event RPs (Total: 49)
[ Career Aptitude Test ] (+2 over 800 words, +2 RP Participation)
[ Legacy ] (+1 Major Blessings, +1 Common Weapon, +1 Part Two of the Finale, +1 Solo 600+ words, +1 600+ words in Finale = 5 Points)

[ House Cup ] (Total: 6 Points)
Obstacle Course (+1 Participation, +1 800 words)
Quiz (+1 Participation)
Tug-O-War (+1 Participation)
Battle Exhibition (+1 Participation, +1 800 words)

[ Wonderland ] (Total: 20 Points)
(4 Main Quests +2 Points each = 8
3 Finale Portions +2 Points Each = 6
K, so that s**t happened... (Tavern ORP) +1 Point = 1
Feast Your Soul/Sugar Cups +1 Point = 1
Keep Your Temper/The Flower Garden +1 Point = 1
The Lake/The Cheshire Cat +1 Point = 1
The Sealed Door +1 Point = 1
T???GEY WOOD +1 Point = 1
(various others for > 20, 20 is limit though!)

[ The Purge ] ( Total: 14 Points )
Coffee Brewing = 2
The Investigator's Story = 1
Corridor of Madness = 2
Artifact found in Corridor of Madness
Corridor of Time = 2
The Gathering of Legacies (800+ words) = 2
Boss Battle Medea Redux = 3
Desserts (800+ words) = 2

- Five minipets grown to their final stage. (Total: 5)
[ Minis Profile ]
- One scaretine (Total: 0)
- One Battle Card (2 points each) (Total: 2)
[ Here ]
- Bonus from Entering Anniversary Scavenger Hunt (Total: 2)
Proof of Entry
- Exam
Maze of Madness

Running Total: 75/75
PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 7:33 am

"Eventually, though, it's alright."

[ 800 words on any RP Based Requirement ]
[ Must reach 50 points + Grad Requirements ]

- Five pieces of fanart (Total: 0)
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ]
- One complete RP (Total: 0)
That's So 1000 Years Ago (Neith x Serafina)
- One complete classroom RP (Total: 2)
Welcome Class! +2
- One complete homework assignment for a class. (Total: 0)
- One complete solo. (Total: )
- One complete battle (2 points each) (Total: 4)
Put Up Your Dukes (Seiji x Serafina)
Time to Practice (Davyne x Serafina)
- Event RPs (Total: 18 )
[ Miasma Village ] (Total: 10)
GM ORP: Welcome to Miasma Village
Quest 4: Eggstraction: It Begins = 2
Quest 8: Eggstraction 2: More Mountains = 2
Quest 8: Eggstraction 2: It Returns Again = 2
Quest 8: Eggstraction 2: It Returns For More = 2
Quest 15: Eggstration 3: The Finale! = 2

[ House Cup ] (Total: 8 )
The Jolly Obstacle Course = 2
The Candy Cane Quiz = 2
The Cheerful Caroling! = 2
The Festive Fight = 2

- Five minipets grown to their final stage. (Total: 5)
[ Minis Profile ]
- One scaretine (Total: 0)
- One Battle Card (2 points each) (Total: 2)
[ Here ]
- Graduation Dungeon

Running Total: 31/50


Codebreaking Conversationalist

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