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Hiei cleared his throat, walking up to Kurama's front door, knocking lightly, "Can't believe I'm doing this. . ." Kurama looked up away from the book he was reading and stared at the door for a moment. Then put the book down and answered the door. "Hello?"

Hiei shoot a glare at him, a blush spreading across his face, "Look down you jackass!" he snapped, clenching the box of sweets in his hand tightly, trembling with embarrassment. "Oh Hiei didn't see you there sorry!" when thruth be told Kurama knew Hiei was there. "Oh! What's this?" Kurama said while staring at the box of chocolates.

Hiei looked away, shoving the box to Kurama, the blush spreading throughout his face, "Shut up and take it!" "Okay!" Kurama says while he begins to blush as well. Kurama opens the box slowly and sees what's inside. His face turned bright red. "Oh why thank you Hiei!" He said with a smile on his face. "Umm....Come in Hiei."

Hiei starched his cheek gently while he walked in, trying not to show any kind of emotion towards him, acting all cool like, "Hm....". Hiei looked around, seeing the place was neat. "Thank you Hiei this was really sweet of you....." Kurama said well blushing hard.

"Don't......" he whispered, leaning onto the wall, crossing his arms, "Just did it for a cause, thats all" he spat out, hating to show any emotion towards him. "Hiei......" Kurama said while looking at Hiei. "I said Don't" he snapped, slowly walking past him to the door, "I'll be going now..." "Hiei wait!" Kurama says as he grabs Hiei's tiny arm.

"What!" Hiei snapped out, turning around quickly, facing Kurama, eye to eye. Pulls Hiei towards him and kisses him gently while blushing bright red. Hiei gasped in the kiss, trying to pull away, "W-what!" Kurama falls to floor covering eyes with one arm. "I'm sorry....."
He said still covering eyes.

Hiei hissed softly, thoughts popping into his head, sighing softly, "K-Kurama..." he began, holding his hand out for him. Kurama removed his arm and looked up with tears in his eyes. He slowly and hesitantly to grad Hiei's hand. He pulled him up gently, seeing the tears in his eyes, "Don't cry you wuss...." he said, brushing his hair from his face.

"I am not......" He said with an irritated tone. "It's just....." he turned his head away from Hiei. Hiei raised a brow, "Hm...". Hiei then started to walk to the door, "I'm not needed anymore, I shall take my leave." Kurama looked back at Hiei and said quietly but still loud enough for Hiei to here ""

Hiei stopped, did he hear right? Maybe. "What?" he questioned, turning back to the red head, his eyes a bit widened, trying hard not to show emotion. "" Kurama said quietly but still loud enough for Hiei to hear. Hiei blushed, "No, lies" he said, glaring at him, biting his lower lip gently. "Why would lie about something like this?!?!" Kurama snaped.

"Don't use that voice with me!" he snapped back, blushing hard at what he said, "N-nevermind! I'm leaving!" "Is that all you can do! I just told you my feelings!" Kurama said with an irritating tone of voice. "What makes you think I feel the same?!" he snapped, wishing he would take it back, but at the same time no.

Kurama stared back at Hiei with shocked and sad eyes. The lights in his eye's faded away. ".......I'm sorry.....that I told you.." He managed to spit out. Then Kurama put on a fake smile and said "Just forget about what I said, you can leave now." "Wipe that fake smile off your face!" he sighed, feeling a bit bad for saying that, seeing he was very hurt by that comment, not knowing what to do at this moment, feeling the need to stay longer.

Kurama's smile faded away. He didn't know what to say and he didn't want Hiei to stay longer fearing he would catch Kurama's true feelings of sadness. Hiei just stood there, dammit, why didn't he just walk out the door. He took a deep sigh, glancing over at Kurama, "Food" he demanded, brushing past him, not making any eye contact. "Okay..." Kurama said as he went to the kitchen. Kurama tied uo his hair in a high pony tail and put on his apron. He began cooking some pasta. Hiei just followed, a bit confused that he accepted, "That was easy..." he muttered to himself, taking a seat at the table, watching him closely.

Kurama was still upset, his eyes where the only way you could tell he was upset. He tapped his fingers on the table, watching him closely, taking a quick look at his arse, coughing softly. Kurama felt Hiei staring at him he caught a glimpse of Hiei looking at his a**. Kurama finished making the pasta and served it to him and Hiei. He sat down without a word and began to eat.

Hiei looked down at his plate, poking it with his fork, glancing up at Kurama, shrugging a bit, taking small mouthfuls of the pasta. "Well?" Kurama said looking up at Hiei. "Its... good." he said, putting his fork down, not feeling so hungry now. "That's good." Kurama noticed Hiei putting down his fork and thought Hiei wasn't feeling well. "Hiei are you alright?"