Hello everyone! I'm Wuppa and I'll be your designated driver for today
(given that you've had something to drink). Anyhow, I'm going to draw some art for people, as long as you answer the questions below, alright? That's your 'payment' to me, since these are sort of freebies- unless you
want to tip me, but I'm just saying.
emotion_eyebrow QUESTIONS ❯Question ①: Your avatar; did you base it off of anything? An Anime, show, song or anything else?
Question ②: Does your avatar have a theme? Is it sad, happy, bright, emotional or powerful?
Question ③: If you could base your avatar on a song, given that you haven't already - what song would it be? Please give a
Question ④: Since I'm going to do headshots of avatars, is there any preference? Is the face going to be towards, away, to the side or what exactly?
Question ⑤: If you answer this question correctly, I'll even color your headshot for you- no charge. With evidence to my profile- who is my favorite video game character? It's a 50/50 chance because I mention two- which one do you suppose?
Question ⑥: What do I aspire to be? P.S: Check my profile