The Anima
The Protected One~
The Captured One~
The One in Hiding~
The Unknowing One~
Arya Cecilia Rivet
Candles on my Cake: I just turned Seventeen
I was born as: Aristocrat
My power is: Anima
What I do is: I'm a student at a magic academy, but I don't attend
I'm best at: I have a photographic memory, so I remember everything I have ever seen or read.
If I was to write a book about myself, this is what you would find: I was born to a low bearing Aristocratic family. I'm the middle of three children, but my parents favor my siblings over me. I rufused to attend classes at age 13 because I was teased for my strangely colored hair. I also showed no affinity to any element, but no one really noticed and I didn't know why. My parents weren't against me not going to school so they hired a tutor to teach me what I needed to know. My tutor taught me all the magic spells I needed to know, but I never tried to attempt them. I prefered to have the knowldge than use it. By the time I was sixteen I had learned all I needed to know about magic and my tutor wasn't needed any more. I chose to turn to books to learn what ever I wanted to learn, though I tended to focus on non-magic subjects. For an Aristocrat, I never really cared that I could use magic.
Some say I'm: I'm usually friendly and curtious to others. I don't have many friends, but I would like some more. I tend not to be a know-it-all, so even if people are wrong I try not to correct them too much unless its completely wrong.
+Quiet places
+Having friends
-My parents, sometimes
-The people at the magic academy
-My siblings
-Being in small spaces
Things you don't know about me: I always wear a black hat to cover my hair.
Pay no attention to the person behind the curtain: Untouchable_Sanity
The One In Denial~
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