Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:12 am
Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:51 am
☆ Priestess My name is Lilium Monceros
and I am the Priestess. No matter how people look at me, I am a proud unicorn person. Others may think differently, but I'm pretty sure I see 23 candles on that wonderful cake. My abilities are Moon abilities; Healing- it's the strongest of the full moon and weakest during the new moon and conjuring spirits; only on important matters. Don't laugh at me even though I do not like fires, ignorance, selfishness, death, fighting and negativity. But, what makes me happy is singing, dancing, getting a response from the gods and goddesses, being with friends, meeting new people and children! People say I'm strange, but I really am wise, helpful, optimistic, despite the tragedy back at the village. I get a sadness spell, but I pull myself back together for the sake of the creatures and leaders. and you can't judge me before reading my book. I was a Priestess at the temple in Berkenau. It was quite a lovely place to be, so welcoming and kind to everyone. My family was very proud of what I had become and my role in the town. I felt like I was needed and happy. I even found love in the town. It was perfect. My best friend, a elf and my fiance, another unicorn person and I was the Priestess at the temple, helping, healing and praying to the Gods and Goddesses that I loved. The day of my wedding, I was running late. I had smelled smoke and soon later, I heard screaming and crying. Yelling and swearing. Then next thing I know, I see the temple on fire, with my friends, family, fiance and best friend. The smell of burning hair and flesh stenched the air. I had screamed for help, but was pulled away into the forest, watching people fight, die and burn. After a few weeks of sorrow, weeping and depression, the leaders of different species and I had to remain strong and start working on our little village. We adjusted fine in the forest, some it came more naturally than others. The leaders and I know each others disaster and tragedy in our last day of Burkenau. We never talk about it or bring it up. One day, I was gathering some herbs away from the village. To help naturally heal some people when the new moon comes around this month. I cannot believe it's September already. Winter is only three months away... While I was gathering and thinking, I had heard a twig snap and the sound of birds had dismissed. I saw a human; hunter obviously. I ran over to a trap and thankfully, it caught him. I brought him back to the village, most people were unhappy with me bringing him back; like half the leaders. Some people are skeptical of my wisdom now due to my current decision. But if we can get this human to see that we are not so called 'demons' and people like him and other humans, that he can speak to the other humans and remind them of who we really are.
Something else you may want to know is that the only time you will know when I'm weeping or feeling sad is a certain song I will sing.
My puppet is Countess Scarlet.
Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:38 pm
♚ Leader of the Kitsunes My name is Axiosand I am the Leader of the Kitsunes. No matter how people look at me, I am a proud Kitsune. Others may think differently, but I'm pretty sure I see 27 candles on that wonderful cake. My abilities are the way I'm able to move through the brush without hardly a noise. My dexterous nature, and my ability to shoot a crossbow repeatedly, reloading on the move.Don't laugh at me even though I do not like, being around people for too long, the loud noises they produce make me uneasy, I disdain not seeing my enemy, the unknown makes me uneasy, this is because, what I can't see, I can't dodge. I'm also not fond of love. But, what makes me happy is the quiet of the forest, especially if the rain is dropping. It almost lulls me to sleep every time. Secretly, i like being scratched behind my ears, though that's only if I'm in the mood. Especially not around other people, it embarrasses me. People say I'm strange, but I really am weary of those I don't trust, thought if I do happen to trust someone, I am very kind and gentle to them and incredibly tolerable. I am quiet, most say too quiet, though it matters little to me. and you can't judge me before reading my book. Axios used to be able to speak, though even then he barely did. It's a gift that he misses from time to time. He curses the humans for betraying them like this. At the time of the great burning, he was spending his time at home with a lovely wife and two kits. Then the screams started. Smoke clouded the air and panic ran rampant through the streets. Fire began to eat away at the thatch roofing, Axios told his family to go out through a hidden door the kids used from time to time when they wanted to be playful. He turned his attention to gather items that were very fond to him and his family. There was a loud cracking noise and a portion of the thatching fell, blocking his family's escape from the burning house. The smoke was engulfing them now, suffocating them. The kitsunes were forced to crawl. Axios was still standing and was ripping apart the framing to hold in a window. It was their only chance of escape. He was the last one out. They fled into the forest, coughing the entire way. After they could no longer see the burning town, they stopped and hid by a stream. His wife wailed not only for the town but for the younger of the kits, who had succumb to the smoke. They cleansed their throats of the smoke with water from the stream and buried the little one. Axios's vocal cords had been destroyed by the smoke and the constant coughing, leaving him a mute. Weeks past and Axios eventually found the Priestess and the other survivors. In those few weeks his wife and last kit died from after effects and lack of medicine. He carries with him always the necklace his wife wore and attached to the necklace, the bracelets of his kits. Though only the Priestess knows the reason for him never taking it off an why his hand instinctively reaches for it for comfort. Others have theories but he refuses to answer them. He had managed to save his crossbow and a few bolts, more had to be made later. Having the weapon helped him hunt and protect if anything happened to pass by that wasn't all too healthy for the survivors.Something else you may want to know is that I'm a mute and I always have a crossbow and bolts on me or near me. Also, I enjoy being in my fox form if I want to be truly comfortable and feel normal, since I wouldn't be able to talk in fox form anyways. My puppet is Kelez.
Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:36 pm
♛ Leader of the Dark Elves My name is Nyra Wootendell and I am the leader. No matter how people look at me, I am a proud Dark Elf. Others may think differently, but I'm pretty sure I see 25 candles on that wonderful cake. My abilities are the Dark Arts (spell casting, incantations, summons) Don't laugh at me even though I do not like, Bugs, Rude and Arrogant people, Stuck ups, Tomatoes. But, what makes me happy is love! Making others happy, sarcasm, friends, cake! People say I'm strange, but I really am a very caring individual who wants nothing more than peace with all races. and you can't judge me before reading my book. Nyra's father was the leaders of the Dark Elf. A loving caring man that raised Nyra just like him and his wife, to love all and cherish your life. He was killed in the fire and her mother still to this day was so burned the village medic keeps her in enduced coma. Thus making Nyra the leader of her kind. She prays everyday to the sub and moon God that her mother will be ok. She also prays for peace and that one day the humans will come to learn their mistakes and she forgives them for everything they did. Something else you may want to know is that she's rather clumsy, but very dedicated to her job as Dark Elf leader. My puppet is Fame God.
Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:39 pm
♕ Leader of the Trolls My name is Zenma-Jin
and I am the Leader of the Trolls. No matter how people look at me, I am a proud Troll.
Others may think differently, but I'm pretty sure I see 26 candles on that wonderful cake.
My abilities include attracting spirits to do my bidding through music, chants, dances, brewing potions and alchemical goods and I am a master practitioner of the Voodoo, dealing with darker spirits of this world.
Don't laugh at me even though I do not like spiders, spoiled food, quietness, men who disrespect women, and the cold.
But, what makes me happy is heat, body art, skirts, dried fruit, and Loa, our goddess.
People say I'm strange, but I really am Observant, Calm, Serene,Joyful at times, a little Adventurous, and you can't judge me before reading my book:
My name is Zenma-Jin. Before the massacre, I taught many younglings of our ways and that of Loa, our goddess. I spent many nights conjuring good spirits of the night to watch over us as our men went hunting in the jungles. I created voodoo dolls as a gift to everyone wishing them good health. However, during the massacre, I watched many of my kin die and even have some battle scars to prove what happened. Although I spent a few days with hatred in my heart, many members of the Kitsune race helped me to regather my wits. As of now, I currently am finishing up the voodoo dolls I made for my kin to wish them safe travel to our mother Loa. I no longer hate the enemy, but wish to speak to them sternly of their wrongful ways. I now understand that they did what they did out of beliefs but I do not agree with their ways. Earlier today a human was brought to our village by our Priestess. I can see conflicting emotions in the human but not so much in the Priestess. She wishes to keep him here for the time being, which is fine by me...but I do not know what kinds of things this human wishes to do and for now I will be keeping a wary eye on him.
Something else you may want to know is that I am 6ft tall. My puppet is sakura-schan.
Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 9:16 pm
♔ Leader of the Wolves My name is Cameron Gioto.and I am the Alpha of the Wolves.No matter how people look at me, I am a proud Wolf.Others may think differently, but I'm pretty sure I see 26 candles on that wonderful cake. My abilities are shape-shifting(full wolf, half wolf, and full human form at will), ability to learn almost any weapon I put my hands on, tracking, and the ability to talk with animals.Don't laugh at me even though I do not like water, being told to calm down, having a fight broken up, being sober, and humans. But, what makes me happy is being alone, my pack, a sharp blade, and seeing a woman smile.People say I'm strange, but I really am harsh, brutal, unforgiving, merciless, and physical,and you can't judge me before reading my book. I wasn't born into my position. I was actually a lone wolf seeking refuge while traveling years ago. The pack I am now Alpha of had begged me to stay, giving me a position as a guard over the previous Alphas. I had only wanted to stay one, maybe two winters at best, but they became my family. Before the massacre, I had been a happy and carefree gentleman. And I had accepted all beings who came to me with open arms. The day of the massacre was the day I was going to ask the woman I had been seeing to be my wife. I was at the tavern we'd met at early, and I was one of the first to see the fires start. My love was cut down in front of my eyes when I ran through the village to find her, beheaded by a fat human with a blunt axe. The rest of that day is now a red-hazed blur, though I know I ripped a few throats out. Now, Lilium is expecting my pack and I to play nice with a hunter. I vowed, before her and the other leaders, that I will kill the stupid man if he lays a finger on any of my wolves. I wish to kill him now, but I don't want to upset the delicate balance we have at the moment. We need it to stay alive.Something else you may want to know is that despite my pack's requests, I have not yet taken a mate. I don't want to, either. My puppet is BakaYYHLover.
Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:11 pm
☽ Hunter My name is Varok Versikiand I am the HunterNo matter how people look at me, I am a proud human, pure and strongOthers may think differently, but I'm pretty sure I see 25 candles on that wonderful cake.My ability is the art of stalking one's prey, no matter how difficult the quarry eludes my eyeDon't laugh at me even though I do not like, Aristocrats, Obnoxious people, loud noises, bright light, forced marriages But, what makes me happy is dim light for atmosphere, quiet places, temples of worship, the twisted tongues of a flame People say I'm strange, but I really am the quiet predator, always searching for his quarry no matter the cost. Varok makes sure to show no emotion during a hunt, for if he does the guilt may overwhelm his sense causing him to leave his prey unharmed. He can be sincere and poetic when he is not hunting and every once in a while his soft side shows to the rest of the world though he quickly covers this up so he doesn't show weaknessand you can't judge me before reading my book. Varok was an assassin for hire before the fires, for the right coin he would place a silent knife into someones back, an arrow in their eye, a poison for their stomach. He was a mysterious man with a stranger past. Most of his work was for the stuffy aristocrats that wished to raise their own positions in the court. He didn't care but it taught him the darker side of people, whether they were human or creature in the court. The balance of power shifted however, the humans taking control of their own slowly, corrupting the minds of their peers. Varok became caught up in this crusade and wields his daggers for its purpose. During the day of the fire he was supposed to assassinate the priestess of the creatures temples. He had his aim on his prey when suddenly a burst of flame caught the temple, shaking it and throwing off his mark as he tossed the blade. The wickedly sharp blade bounced around viciously, slicing through women and men but the wicked blade never did find its way into the heart of the one it was meant for. The priestess fled and Varok was shamed for the first time in his life, his prey having escaped him. Ever since that day he has been tracking the beasts relentlessly, still wanting his pay for the death of the priestess, his job incomplete and his honor as an assassin tarnished. His blades will find the priestess's heart no matter the consequence, even if it means his death, the honor for his name will be greater that way.My puppet is Kami GearX