Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:03 pm
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:05 pm
nomDakota Nicole Davis omnomnom{ ★ }nomThey Call Meomnomnomnomnom▍ Kota, Dakotaomnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Young Lifeomnomnomnomnom▍ seventeenomnomnom{ ★ }nomObviously I'momnomnomnomnom▍ femaleomnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Scales Sayomnomnomnomnom▍ 5'7'' 109lbs.omnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Skill Goesomnomnomnomnom▍ Gymnastomnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Addiction Goesomnomnomnomnom▍ DrugsThe Actnom{ ★ }omnomnom
xxxYou know, I used to be the sweetest girl out there. I would bake cookies for my neighbors just because I could. I would do anything to help anyone in need, all that jazz. Though, I really never used to be like this, I used to be such a rotten sour puss that all I did was sit in silence, never talk, and when I did talk it was only to be rude or harsh. I guess you could chalk that all up to my past. Then I met Ms. Davis. She changed me, gave me something to be compassionate about, gymnastics. All my anger, all my frustrations, gone, just with the simple activity. From this, I grew a personality. I was a fiery girl, one who wouldn't back down no matter what, knew what I wanted, and would do anything to get it. I was really stubborn. I became a girl who didn't shy away from helping people, no matter the task. I became a girl who had too many friends to count, all because I was just a sociable person. It was great. Nothing good ever lasts though. When my mother died, I changed. I lost the girl who I was and slowly went back to my old ways. I became a bad girl so to speak. Anything to help deal with the pain, I tried it. Soon enough, I met this group of people. They showed me so many things. Didn't take me long to get addicted. I became a drug whore, doing anything to get them, and using them up till the savory last. I wasn't nice to anyone really, just a sarcastic b***h. I wrote on kids lockers just to annoy them, skipped class, did pretty much anything to get in trouble, and whenever the principle called me in, all I had to say was that I was just so distraught by my mother's death. I was a manipulative girl and I knew it.
The Storynom{ ★ }omnomnom
xxxWhen I was about seven, my mother came into my room in the middle of the night, dragged me down stairs and pushed me into the stairs closet. I was so confused. She told me to just stay there and not make any noises. When she closed the door I could hear voices, and by peaking through the little hole in the door knob, I could see men barging into my house, and attacking my parents. They came for me when my parents were dead, but the police showed up just in time. After the men were cleared, a CPS officer found me and carried me out of the house, they tried to cover my eyes, but I had already seen them. My parents, their shreds all over the living room.
xxxI moved from foster home to foster home for years, never truly fitting in. I was a freak. I never spoke. I just sat there and watched the people go about their daily lives. They always sent me away. When I was nine, I was adopted. The woman, Ms. Davis, couldn't have kids, and she had seen something in me. She told me years after that she had seen that all I needed was a passion, and she would give me just that. She put me in tumbling classes at first, then more advanced classes, and soon enough, I was an amazing gymnast, and even more, I was blossoming into, well, into me. I was no longer a vegetable.
xxxWhen I was fifteen, a tragedy hit. My mother died of an unknown disease, and it hit home. I can't even explain how much pain I went through. I lost all of my friends, I changed into a girl I normally would hate. I became a bad girl, the typical cliche kind. I did so many things that inside had me churning, but it helped, it helped sooth the pain. The drugs, well, the drugs are the best things I've found so far. I haven't tumbled in almost two years. I don't intend to. I doubt I could really, I've lost so much weight, it's sickening. ▍-AngelusVindemia- ▍ ❤
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:06 pm
nomNatalia Mia Kingsley omnomnom{ ★ }nomThey Call Meomnomnomnomnom▍ Talia, Tally, Natomnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Young Lifeomnomnomnomnom▍ Seventeenomnomnom{ ★ }nomObviously I'momnomnomnomnom▍ Femaleomnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Scales Sayomnomnomnomnom▍ 5' 6" and 122 lbsomnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Skill Goesomnomnomnomnom▍ Dancingomnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Addiction Goesomnomnomnomnom▍ CuttingThe Actnom{ ★ }omnomnom
xxxNatalia was like a puppy dog when she was younger, she followed her sister Kira around everywhere, wanted to do anything Kira did. Basically she wanted to be Kira's equal. So she worked hard to dance as beautifully as her sister, and together they were amazing. Talia was such an open young girl, practically radiating sunlight from how joyous she was. But when Kira died she did a full 180 and was the opposite of what she used to be. Losing her sister tore her up inside, and no longer was she joyful, no longer was she as hardworking, and she became very bitter. She would snap at her parents, at anyone really who came near her. It ebbed away as time went on, but she never went back to who she was. Mostly she keeps to herself now, and sometimes, if her mood is low or someone just says the wrong thing, she'll chew their head off.
The Storynom{ ★ }omnomnom
xxxNatalia and Kira, despite being three years apart in age, were twin sisters. They both came from the same group of embryos, via ICSI, Talia having been sitting in a freezer for three years until her parents decided to have her. This was done after many failed attempts to have children. Kira was already starting dance lessons by the time Natalia was born, and when Talia was old enough, she wanted to join too. The girls were inseparable, and when their parents were too busy to do more than drive them to lessons, they had one another for company. For ten years they shone as exceptional young dancers, winning awards left and right, both as individuals and as a team. Talia was always grateful that her sister didn't push her away as they got older, that they got to stay best friends. Losing Kira to pancreatic cancer when they were both so young, damaged Natalia greatly. She could remember Kira complaining about stomach pains for months, and even watching her sister slowly get thinner and thinner, but it never occurred to them that it was cancer. Talia thought it was just some teenager fad, and Kira thought maybe she wasn't eating right. When Kira finally saw a doctor about it, it was too late to do anything. Natalia quit dancing for a year and a half, feeling no more enjoyment from it, and she turned pretty nasty in character too. She discovered cutting, and it helped to clear her mind of the emotional pain. When she went back to dance, it was to honor her sister's memory, and it was the only thing she had to connect her to her lost twin. She has since won more trophies, but they feel so hollow to her without Kira to celebrate with her anymore. ▍Cadenza of the Heart ▍ ❤
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:20 pm
nomDarren Christopher Hale omnomnom{ ★ }nomThey Call Me omnomnomnomnom▍ Dare, Darren omnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Young Life omnomnomnomnom▍ Seventeen omnomnom{ ★ }nomObviously I'm omnomnomnomnom▍ A Guy omnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Scales Say omnomnomnomnom▍ 5’9” 160lbs omnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Skill Goes omnomnomnomnom▍ Drawing and Painting omnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Addiction Goes omnomnomnomnom▍ Alcohol The Actnom{ ★ }omnomnom xxxIn the beginning Darren was a sweat kid, always nice to everyone. Anything anyone wanted he could get for them or do for them. It was a happy time then. Everyone wanted to be around him because he was so nice and respectful, even parents liked him. But that all changed when he drank too much at that party, that smiling happy kid changed into a cold-hearted jerk. Darren didn’t care about other people anymore, all the light in his world was taken away and he didn’t want anyone to get close to him anymore. Better off alone than hurting someone the same way he hurt his ex.
The Storynom{ ★ }omnomnom xxxFrom a young age Darren was able to do amazing things with paints, pencils, crayons, colored pencils, oil paints, anything that had color or could be used to create his master pieces. It was a better time then, everyone liked him and wanted to be around him because he was loyal and would try to do anything for anyone. His friends loved to be around him. One day he was with his friends in a park, he wanted to paint the landscape when this beautiful girl came into his view. That girl walked over to them curious to see what the boys were doing and watched Darren paint the trees and the sky. It took a little effort and work but she said yes to being his girlfriend.
She was everything to him and supported him more than anyone else. If there was a prize for number one fan she would have won it, always taking care of him when he worked or even when he was just around her. It didn’t matter because he loved her and she loved him, in a short time she became his muse and they shared so many memories together. He could remember this one time he had started on a project and painted the day away, she came to check on him around dinner and made him something to eat. She liked to watch him work and she did, sitting there with the setting sun hitting her just right. Then later that night she brought him some hot chocolate so that he didn’t have to get up and stop painting and finally when it was time for sleep she pulled him away from his work and made him get some sleep with a promise to be there to help him in the morning. She was perfect like that, dedicated to him no matter what. It all turned south when he went to a party with her. Darren told her that he shouldn’t go, he had a masterpiece to finish but she wanted him to take a break and have some fun. Darren was apprehensive but anything to make her smile and keep her happy. So he went to the party and started to drink, one drink turned into two then three and finally ended when he got to six. Alcohol turned him into someone else, it made him angry. Then he did something he would regret for the rest of his life, he force his girlfriend, the woman he loved, to do something she didn’t want to. She screamed at him and begged him not to but he was too drunk to stop himself or even understand her. After that night he returned to his paintings and destroyed most of them, painting and drawing repulsed him. It reminded him of what he did and who he lost. Darren didn’t try to reason with her or beg her to take him back because he knew no matter what he didn’t deserve her and that’s what hurt the most. All the pain that came from losing her and his mistake led him to go out to more parties and drink until he couldn’t remember. It made him want to hurt other people to push them away from him. No one was safe from him…not even the woman he loved, so he needed to protect them from him by forcing them to hate him or at least not like him anymore. It was all his fault. ▍Nebulous Knight ▍ ❤
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:47 pm
nomTobias Anthony Mayer omnomnom{ ★ }nomThey Call Me omnomnomnomnom▍ Tobias omnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Young Life omnomnomnomnom▍ seventeen omnomnom{ ★ }nomObviously I'm omnomnomnomnom▍ male omnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Scales Say omnomnomnomnom▍ 5'7" 145 omnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Skill Goes omnomnomnomnom▍ Acting omnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Addiction Goes omnomnomnomnom▍ Drug AddictionThe Actnom{ ★ }omnomnom
xxxBefore the accident, I was considered a very sweet person. I was nice to everyone, very rarely did I snap at someone unless they were truly frustrating. I did, however, take advantage of my connections on multiple occasions, which may make me seem somewhat manipulative. I tried my hardest not to be, but it always ended up the same way, I wanted something, so I got it. Acting was my first love and I was very dedicated to it. It meant everything to me.
However, after the accident, things changed drastically. I pretty much stopped talking, I took things too seriously and people pissed me off a hell of a lot more than usually. All someone had to do was look at me funny and I flew off the handle. It was weird being angry all the time, but it was hard to control. And it still is. I'm very argumentative and I'm very stubborn now, things I wasn't before the accident. But the drugs... they took away that negative attitude and all that pain that I felt. They made me feel the way I used to when I was younger, the nice kid I used to be. I just wish those highs lasted forever.
The Storynom{ ★ }omnomnom
xxxGrowing up, I had virtually everything. My mother was an actress, my father a lawyer and brother was an actor as well. I soon began to lean towards acting as well, and it seemed to captivate my interest the most. Fortunately, I excelled greatly with my acting. I was even told that I was better than my mother! It was hard to believe and none of it really felt right, I owe it all to Jasen anyways, he was basically my teacher. I felt really bad and it all got worse when they both died... That day is permanently embedded in my mind. My mother, brother and I were in the car, driving home from getting lunch while my father was at work. I don't remember exactly what happened right before the crash, but I do remember the shattering of the windshield and the crack of the metal as it slammed against an 18-wheeler. I shouldn't have lived, but I did. My mother and brother however... my mom was pronounced dead on the scene and my brother was put on life support for about a week, but could not sustain himself. It was heart-breaking. I hardly was injured in the wreck, why couldn't it have been me instead of them? After the accident, I just shut down. I hardly spoke, I couldn't continue to act, and I began to abuse drugs. They take me to a better place and take away all the pain I held within myself. I feel new again when I'm on those highs but I'm always brought back down to reality and I feel lonely all over again. All I want is a happy ending... ▍Flawless Fire ▍ ❤
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:48 am
nomKacey Rocco Cruz omnomnom{ ★ }nomThey Call Me omnomnomnomnom▍ Kacey, Kace, Kay... or anything you want to call me, sweety. omnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Young Life omnomnomnomnom▍ Eighteen. And completely legal. omnomnom{ ★ }nomObviously I'm omnomnomnomnom▍ Male. Does this turn you on? omnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Scales Say omnomnomnomnom▍ 6 feet, 5 inches; 192 pounds - and all of this could be yours. omnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Skill Goes omnomnomnomnom▍ A prodigy of music. omnomnom{ ★ }nomThe Addiction Goes omnomnomnomnom▍ Sex. And it's a perfectly healthy enjoyment, thank you. The Actnom{ ★ }omnomnom
xxxI suppose people could say that I have 'changed' over the past few years, but I don't understand what they hell they are talking about. I've grown; that's just what happens to people. I've found who I am after a few hard struggles and I embrace it. And I like it. I stand out more than I ever did before; before I was just a nobody. I didn't stand out, I was barely noticeable. Now all eyes are on me. I know the right things to say to people, especially to those of which I want something from... A certain something. Before I was some spineless boy that felt too much for others when they barely did to me. But now, I'm head-strong and I fight for what I want. I suppose some may call me 'stubborn', and that could be deemed true. I guess I am a flirt, but women fawn over me so could I simply dismiss that? I am witty, I am frank; I speak what I will no matter what the cause. I am quick to learn and quick to respond - though at times that does not come out into my favor. I will do what I please and especially so if my mind is set onto something I really want. I enjoy a good challenge. I have the ability to be calm and 'laid back' as it is dubbed to be. Also, some people could call me self centered, but how could I deny myself that I am something special. None can deny that fact. I'm proud, I'm sure and head strong. I'm finally worth something now. I'm finally something that people want and could have never been if I maintained that idiotic spineless outlook.
The Storynom{ ★ }omnomnom
xxxI was a prodigy when I was younger; I had a way with music like no other could imagine. Many would just fawn over me as I played any instruments alike. Some would even say listening to me was pure magic; that it was a gift, a blessing, even. I really had a simple life with not much worth complaining over. My mother died giving birth to me so it was really just my father and I getting through the days together. We were all we had and we got by quite nicely. I would role with the punches and deal when and if things came my way.I was a stupid, abnormal child with too high of hopes that cared all too much, but I learned quick not to feel too much towards anyone, even as if it seems you know someone. It started when I was fifteen; when something happened to my best friend that no one could have predicted it so.
We were just teenagers. We were stupid and reckless as everyone are. But things when bad quite quickly and with such sudden haste. We were in a car, that's as much as I seem to remember. Laughing; having a good time; a bright light; screams; flashing lights; blood everywhere; then sudden, brightly lit rooms. My friend and I had been in an accident. An eighteen wheeler had apparently hit us from the driver's side, my friend's side of course. They say he died nearly almost instantly. I was scared, of course, as would any fifteen-year-old that had been in a car accident, being in a hospital, having a the death of a best friend burdened down on onto your shoulders. But once I had finally been released and allowed to go back home was the real problem. That was when I realized I could never really and truly feel towards people that you think you know well.
I saw a side of my father that I never knew. I saw a man that changed almost instantly to an mistrustful man. Though I made such a simple mistake, the man reacted too violently for my or any liking for that matter. He was full of hate and anger, speaking of how my mother would be ashamed and how stupid I was - he only spoke of how terrible I was and not the fact that at least I was alright and alive. II bailed at the first possible chance I saw. I avoided the man as often as I could, doing things that he may not have been too proud or happy about. Though, my feelings of remorse had disconnected a time back since my 'rebellion'. I sought for, well, thing to brighten my spirits. Parties and such were, of course, some of the first options that were inviting. But the parties had not been the only things found inviting. Women began fawning over me and how could I dare to resist? needless to say, I liked it very much then and I still like it now. I have no complains nor regrets. ▍Felixxia ▍ ❤