The Fragile Feline
T h e x B a s i c s
My Name: Naota Anima
My You're Old: 20
What Am I: Male
In This World I'm Simply: Race: Neko
I n t o xM y xH e a d
Don't Compare Me: Personality: Naota is quiet but kind. He's not shy, but more hesitent, as he has reason to be. But he is adventurous, and stealthy, feline like. Takes a bit to rile him but with the right buttons pushed he's vicious like a cat with it's claws out and at the ready. He's very protective once he's got a bond with someone.
Story of My Life: Biography: Noata's been a fragile one always, sickly a lot. But he is active as if he were stronger and healthier. His pet/friend Miki a black cat with what strangely seems to be twin tails, is always by his side. The irony of a neko having a cat friend, a non humanoid type. He's stealthy and flexible and very feline like. Even playful, but Naota has his limits. He hates always being sick, and it takes its toll when he's too active. But it doesn't stop him when he's dead set on something, whether it be helping someone out for instance or something else. He was different from his siblings. A family of spies, for the right amount of money. Much as Naota couldn't accept the profession both morally and physically because of his health, he still loved his family. The few that had remained. He left though when he felt at his strongest wanting to pursue his own path without having to be taken care of at every turn.
What I Love:
♥ warm summer-y weather to relax in the sun
♥ A good glass of milk
♥ meeting new people...sometimes
What I Hate:
✘ Thunderstorms
✘ Being too sick and frail to keep moving on
✘ people abandoning him
Why I Am Me: Naota is a neko and very much in tune with his feline abilities to be sneaky and agile, flexible, etc. Only real weapon is a dagger he carries with him to have something to defend himself with.
My Little Secrets: He fears being abandoned by anyone, or betrayed, left to die, just because he's too weak. His secret, he loves cuddling in against someone when the feeling strikes him, or in cases of thunderstorms. They terrify him and he feels safest then curled up with someone being close to them. The birthmark on his shoulder is connected to Miki the black cat with the twin tails, a mysterious cat it just seemed to appear the one day when Naota was missing and seemingly at his worst. He'd collapsed and they'd found him by following the strange black cat. Miki is in the sense his guardian.
Miscellaneous: Has this cute little birthmark that looks like a pair of wings on one shoulder. Once heard one sibling claiming it's his guardian angel, always making sure Naota is alright, since the boy is so frail seeming.
My True Self: Naota looks as he does in his picture, except no cat ears. In Azalea he has cat ears and different life. In his real life he's always bedridden, sleeping, wanting something new to happen where he can move around. So...his life in Azalea is just that, except he's still sick.