Right hello now first I'll tell you my idea then what I require.
I want to do an RP that doesn't exactly stick to a straight timeline, start to finish story. The cast of this RP will be many both with the main roles and the npcs.
I was was thinking we follow with the main characters and proceed as if telling a story, flashback sort of thing. A teacher and a student, fantasy genre.
I'm not sure if it's clear what I want so. The two main characters have their section, then they start talking about a story or their past, they we play as younger versions of those character or maybe completely different character and act out the past. Then fast-forward to the present and continue with that story then maybe having a short spin off with certain characters they meet then returning to the main story.
Basically side stories and flashbacks as well as the main story line.
I'm looking for someone who...
-likes the idea.
-Can write the bare minimal of two paragraphs.
-Can play as multiple characters at any one time and also adapt to a sudden change in the story
-Also to be as active as possible, ideally I'd like at least a single post every 2-3 days.
-Is creative, your brain exploding with new inventive ideas for characters, side-stories and generally everything.
I understand this may be asking a lot but it is something I would really like to do, please post and quote me here if your interested. Thank you for your time.