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PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:50 am
The halls were empty and eerie. Elena wondered why she was assigned to work alone. She was still not accustomed to Team Rockets policies and figured it must just have been mandatory. She still just longed for company, they didn't even have to speak. Elena wished that her brother would pop out any minute and talk to her cheerfully as he always would. Sadly, she knew this was not the case. Her brother was far from happy and refused to leave his room. She knew it would take time for him to adjust, and tried to focus on her task, which was cleaning. She didn't like the fact that she had to clean up the mess when she had just gotten there, but orders were orders right? As the Trainee swept, she felt like something was watching her. A high tale sign that a Haunter was near. Her heart jumped to her throat, but she tried to control her nerves.

A few minutes of silence had past and she called out to the dark, "Lythyn, I know you are behind me." Turning to confirm what she knew, stood the long empty hallway. Elena figured that he must have merged into the wall. Turning back to what she was doing, she was startled to find that the Haunter was in front of her. She jumped a bit. Elena tried hard to contain her fear from him, "Nice try Lythyn. Only a jump this time." Elena smirked to hide her nervousness. The Haunter gave a screech that Elena covered her ears from. Elena recognized what Lythyn was doing as she watched him merge through the walls with speed, he was throwing a tantrum. It seemed to be a habit of his after an unsuccessful scare attempt. Elena had only had him for a few months, but he was a drama queen. Lythan finally floated towards Elena, a disappointed look came across his ghostly eyes. "Haunter" He said, sounding almost angry. "Sorry Lythyn. Not scary enough." Elena spoke as she began sweeping once more, guessing that was what he was talking about.

Elena glanced at the Ghost for a moment, he looked so defeated. Soon a creepy smile appeared on his face. Lythyn opened up his mouth and stuck out his tongue. Elena jumped. Fear did creep up on her face as the Haunter inched closer. She had read that licks from Haunters ultimately lead to the prey's death. She had found herself smacking the broom stick against Lythyn's face. She panted, and realized that she just made a huge mistake. The Pokemon looked confused, before closing his mouth to smile triumphantly. The Ghost disappeared into the wall. Elena sat against the wall after a few seconds to stop the shaking she was experiencing. Elena began crying softly as the adrenaline began to wear off. She wondered why she was so fascinated in Haunter's in the first place, and even more confused why she wanted one as her first Pokemon. Haunters were dangerous and terrifying. She needed to put Lythyn in his Pokeball the moment she found him. It was dangerous to leave him roaming around until she could train him better. She shuddered at the thought of him doing anything to anyone else.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 12:48 pm
"Shuppet...Shup pet!" Jabari's irritated voice echoed loudly down the hallway. "And I'm telling you that there is absolutely no way that it is possible." Zacharie countered with a roll of his uncovered eye. "Gastly Gastly!" The teen threw his good arm up in exasperation. "Not you too Essex, I am telling you both that a time machine is impossible." Virus chirped skeptically. "Well if it is possible, why hadn't it been made yet? Give me a good reason and I will believe you." All three of his pokemon started conversing among themselves, presumably trying to think of a way to convince him. It was at that moment that he spotted a small figure curled up against the wall, though it seemed that he wasn't the only one that noticed. "Gast Gastly?" The teen shrugged as well as he could with a Porygon on his shoulder and came to a stop a few feet from the figure. "...The floors are filthy and there are likely poisonous mold spores, sitting on the ground is unwise." He called out awkwardly, shifting his weight from one foot to another.

Should he make sure that the person isn't injured? It would eventually be his job to care for the sick and injured members of Team Rocket...so he may as well start now. Straightening up a bit, the purple haired boy strode purposefully over to the crouched, apparently crying, figure. Oh lord, he could not handle crying people. Upon closer inspection he found that the figure was a female trainee, one that he had yet to meet. "Are you...injured?" He asked slowly. He would ask if she was alright but it was obvious that she was not alright or else she would not be crying on the floor.  


Bashful Bunny


PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:37 pm
Elena looked up to see a purple haired male standing next to her. Quickly whipping her eyes, she slowly stood up, "No I am not injured. I am sorry you had to see me like this..." She trailed off as she looked to the three Pokemon he had around him. The only one she could identify was the Gastly, "... I am Annabelle, by the way," She stuck her hand out, "I go by Elena though if you prefer to call me that." The shaking girl realized that the boy was shorter than her by a few inches, she giggled to herself. Elena was surprisingly shocked that she was conversing fairly well, due to just meeting him. It might as well have been the fact that she was trying to hide that she had been crying. "Are... Are these all your Pokemon?" Elena asked with awe.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:42 pm
This girl....Elena, certainly changed moods rather quickly.

"It's good that you are not injured." Zacharie said slowly as Elena stood up from the floor. He had the overwhelming urge to dust her off, but decided that perhaps more positive interaction was needed until he could go about invading her personal space. "...You should really dust yourself off." He insisted, drawing a handkerchief from his pocket. Oh, she was trying to shake his hand. He stared at her extended hand before his eyes flicked to his own extended, and full, hand and he again mourned the temporary loss of use of his left arm. "Pory-Porygon." Virus helpfully hovered down beneath the little bit of fabric letting the teen drop it onto his body. "I am Zacharie, it is nice to meet you." Which was true, she seemed fairly nice. He took the offered hand in a firm grip and shook precisely three times before immediately letting go and taking back up the handkerchief. "Shup Shuppet." Jabari's angry voice came from over his left shoulder. "And this is Jabari," He motioned to the Shuppet who preened under being recognized, "Essex," Said Gastly hid timidly behind his head, "And Virus." The little Porygon gave a pleased trill as it landed back on his trainer's good shoulder. "Yes, they are all my pokemon." The teen said proudly.  


Bashful Bunny


PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:44 pm
Elena looked at Zacharie's Pokemon, absently dusting herself off. Jabari didn't seem too keen on her presents. Essex, shyly hid away from her, and Virus chirped on his shoulder. "It's a pleasure to meet you. You are actually the first person I have met, besides the higher ups who gave me cleaning duty. Your Pokemon look... awesome?" The Purple haired girl rubbed her arm after a rather firm hand shake with Zacharie. She studied the Male. He seemed to have multiple injuries. His hair hung in front of his eyes. He seemed pretty lanky, almost awkward, but at least he seemed confident in who he was. "What happened to you? If you don't mind my asking? You look pretty beaten up?" Elena wondered if she was being too blunt right off the get go? But honestly, the kid looked like he wouldn't last long in a fight with a gold fish. It was wise of her to keep that to herself for the time being. She was trying to make friends not enemies. Being a Member of Team Rocket meant more to her than High school. It was a fresh start, No more being called the weirdo or the witch if she could help it. "Do you need any assistance?" She asked cautiously.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:10 pm
Zacharie looked at all of his pokemon before giving a very slight shrug. "...I appreciate that." Basically as close to a spoken 'thank you' as anyone would likely get with Zacharie. "Shuppet." Said pokemon preened under the compliment, a wide smile spreading over his face. Virus gave another elated trill at the compliment, it was only a baby and yet it had been deemed 'awesome' while Essex peered over his shoulder with a shy smile. "They are also pleased with the compliment." It wasn't often that his pokemon were complimented, they were rather sub par when it came to some of the other pokemon around the base.

"Ah, I was injured while we were evacuating the old headquarters." He explained, making a vague motion to his injuries. "I hadn't been fully covered during a sandstorm created by the base being blown up and was hit with debris." He shrugged his good shoulder again. Jerome had done well and if it wasn't for the older man he would probably be dead. He frowned slightly at the offer for help and glanced around the hallway. "I didn't really have plans to do anything more than walk around." He admitted, though he soon gave an awkward smile. "Though when you are done if you would like to give me a hand with some experiments I would not object your presence."  


Bashful Bunny


PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:40 pm
Elena felt warm to all of his Pokemon smiling at her. "Well, they are all very beautiful. I am actually only familiar with Essssssssssex? Right? Your Gastly?" Elena strained trying to remember his name. "I am not too familiar with a lot of Pokemon actually." Elena grabbed her arm and looked slightly to the ground, an indication of being nervous.

"I had heard about the base being attacked. I was actually on my way there when we were told to retreat to Ambergris..." Elena looked up to Zacharie's injuries, "Well either way I am glad you made it out alive. It just makes for a cool story later." Elena smiled shyly. The teen girl felt bad after Zacharie seemed to dismiss her question for assistance, she forgot Male's tended on having a huge ego when it came to their injuries, but she understood it. Oliver was always so defensive on his injuries when she insisted that she help him.

"Sure! I could use a walk. I'm sick of being alone and I've already done enough work for two. I could use a break." Elena smiled cheerfully. Seeing it weird that her mood was fluctuating, she just tried to be happy. Zacharie seemed nice. When offered to help with some experiments, she gave a warm smile as she loved helping her brother with his, "Sure I'd love to give a hand. Seeing as you might need another one." She giggled, making a joke, but praying she didn't offend Zacharie even more than she had.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:51 pm
Having heard his name, Essex slowly came out from behind his trainer. "...Gastly?" The teen nodded. "Yes, this is Essex. He is very shy but he likes to pull pranks so I would be careful about that." Said pokemon hovered around his head a few times, pleased with the attention he was getting. "You'll become more accustomed to different types of pokemon the longer you are here." He assured the purple haired girl. "You can also find information in your Rocket Dex." He motioned to the little electronic device attached to his belt. "I suggest that you study, the more you learn about pokemon the easier it is to relate to them and in turn make easy connections with your own." He advised with a small smile. He himself loved meeting new pokemon and finding out their little quirks and habits.

At her confirmation to help him, his smile grew. "Excellent, you may follow me then. I have a room set up out of the way where I can work on my projects." With that, he brushed past Elena and continued down the hallway. "You were lucky to have missed the evacuation. It was...stressful." Everything had seemed so chaotic to him but perhaps that had just been because he was new.  


Bashful Bunny


PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:22 pm
Elena smiled at the gas Pokemon's delight, She almost wished she could have gotten Lythyn when he was a Gastly, he might have been more impressionable then and not so.... scary now. She shook the thought from her head as she followed Zacharie. She chose Lythyn the way he was and wouldn't wish for him different. Zacharie seemed happy that she offered to help and that made the purple haired girl feel good that she could be helpful.

"Oh, I left my Rocket Dex in my room. I haven't messed around with it too much yet. Thank you for the advice. I will surely use it from now on." Elena brushed one of her ringlets behind her ear even if it messed it up. She looked up to Zacherie as a higher up because he was obviously here longer than she was. Unlike her brother, she was fine taking orders from people who were here longer than she was, even if they were the same rank.

"I am glad I wasn't there honestly, it sounded terrifying. I don't really know how I would've reacted to being in a situation like that. I might have wound up injured or dead. Maybe even ended up getting someone else injured or killed." Elena shuttered at the thought. She gazed up to the floating Pokemon and smiled. She couldn't wait to get a team together, although she knew she had a lot of work to do with Lythyn at the moment. As she walked the hallway with Zacharie and his three Pokemon, Elena could hear a faint, yet creepy voice, "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaunteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer." Recognizing it as Lythyn's she swallowed hard and stuck close to Zacharie at a suitible distance for just meeting someone, knowing Lythyn was already planning another attack.  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 4:19 pm
"You're quite welcome. It's very important to have a strong, stable relationship with your pokemon, otherwise they won't listen to you." Zacharie said, his gaze flickering up to where Jabari was floating off to his left. "...Though, sometimes they just don't want to listen unless it's important." Knowing that the teen was talking about him, the Shuppet stuck his tongue out at them and floated off a little bit ahead of them. "Shuppet Shup." Zacharie scowled and gave a huff. "I'm not an idiot, you're the one that believes in time machines."

With that, the two began bickering.

Essex occasionally piped up some comment or another and that just seemed to add fuel to the fire. The three had momentarily forgotten that they were in fact in the company of another human, but Virus had not. "Pory-goooon~" It trilled as it hovered around Elena's head. Virus enjoyed meeting new people just as much as its trainer did. Though it didn't know why she seemed so anxious, perhaps she was afraid of the dark? The Porygon looked around the hallway intently, searching for any sign of something that might pop out and scare the new human. While it didn't hear anything....it did hear something. "Pory Porygooooon!" Zacharie paused and glanced back at his virtual pokemon before he scanned the surrounding area. Beside him, Essex and Jabari were doing the same. "Hm..." The boy hummed thoughtfully before shrugging. "A ghost pokemon most likely. They like to skulk around here." Essex made a happy noise of agreement.  


Bashful Bunny


PostPosted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 3:14 pm
Elena caught onto Zacharie's pointed look to Jabari about listening. She fell silent at the bickering. She found it quite entertaining to listen to them argue about time machines, she quickly caught herself smiling. Virus began to chirp and hovered above her head. She gave out a giggle, though she was anxious.

She could hear Lythyn faintly, by now she was used to his original tactics of scaring people. She wondered if she should tell Zacharie about him, but just kept quiet as Zacharie noticed the presence of a Ghost Pokemon. Elena contemplated what had happened with Lythyn earlier. She began feeling bad about hitting him with the broomstick, and for over reacting. Yes, she knew Haunters were dangerous, but the Lythyn was different. If he wanted to hurt her, he would have done it by now. The Ghost Pokemon was harmless, as far as she was concerned, he had never tried to hurt her... that she knew of. Elena tried to reassure herself that there must be a reason that he decided to stick with her, he decided that, not her. Lythyn would take a lot of work to understand and train. He was fairly independent, but a mystery. She thought she might just be getting anxious thinking about what happened to her mother, and maybe that was why she over reacted? She didn't hate Pokemon like her brother, but she was still weary of them, it was going to have to take trust to make them work.

Elena quickly snapped out of her thoughts, after hearing Lythyn again, "Haaaaaaaaaunteeeeeeeeeeer." She turned her attention to Zacharie, "You can hear that right?" She looked for confirmation that it wasn't her mind playing tricks on her.  
PostPosted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:42 pm
Oliver stared at the ceiling from his bed, sulking. He sighed heavily, thinking about the life he left behind. He planned on going to College, and some day having a family, now all of that seemed to far from his reach. His thoughts turned to his sister. Oliver wondered how Elena seemed completely fine being told what she was going to do with her life, and being imprisoned by the Rockets. No matter which way Elena looked at it they were prisoners here. Elena said this would be a new start for them, but Oliver didnt want this, he was content with the way his life was. The blonde Jock sighed deeply once again as his Father popped into mind. He slid a hand down his face. "Dad must be worried sick, he already lost mom, now we are both gone too." He said to himself upset. He had locked himself in his room and refused to come out, though Elena begged him too. She came by when she could to see how he was doing, but she was busy cleaning since she took over his cleaning duties as well due to the fact that he refused to do it, and she didn't want him to get into trouble.

Oliver got up from his bed and looked around the place, it wasn't very clean and smelt like dust. This place hadn't been used for awhile. Oliver remembered hearing about the Raid on the Rockets' base, while him and Elena were on their way up there. They were told to go to Ambergrist and so here they were.

Oliver began thinking of Elena, and getting worried. He opened the door and peeked his head out before taking a deep breath, hesitantly grabbing the Trainee Jacket he was issued, slinging it over his shoulder, and leaving to find his sister. He wanted to make sure she was okay, as something felt wrong to him now.  



Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:46 pm
Zacharie glanced over at the girl before turning his attention back to the surrounding hallways. "Of course I can." He muttered, glancing at his own pokemon before continuing on his way. "I suggest we just ignore it. It'll show itself when its ready." He said sagely, reaching up with his good arm to gingerly fix the strap of his sling. "Most of the time, pokemon are just looking to get a reaction out of you. If you don't give them a reaction then they'll leave you alone." That's generally how he dealt with Jabari when the Shuppet got a little too out of control. Let it be said that the silent treatment actually was rather effective.


Essex seemed particularly excited to hear that there was a pokemon lurking about, if the lagging behind and repeated looking around was anything to go by. He knew that he wouldn't be scared, he was the master of pranking after all! Jabari gave an annoyed, "Shup-pet." and continued on with their owner, though he warily kept an eye out. Their human was already badly injured, he wasn't going to let some idiot come along and hurt him any more. "Do you have much experience with ghost pokemon?" The teen asked curiously.  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:26 pm
Elena looked looked behind her shoulder, "Not a lot, I only have one Ghost Pokemon. I have had him for about a month or two. He's my first and only Pokemon, so far. I am still learning more about his mannerisms, habits, likes, dislikes. He listens to me sometimes, but he usually leaves to do his own thing if he gets bored or frustrated. Its going to be a challenge to train him, but I am sure eventually we will be a great team," Elena paused for a moment as she listened for Lythyn, "I enjoy learning more about him though. He can be challenging to work with but I know he can be a sweetheart."

Elena remembered the few times her Ghost Pokemon had been sweet to her. She looked at Essex, who seemed to be quite happy. "What type of experiments do you work on Zacharie? How long have you been here in Team Rocket?" Elena asked Zacharie curiously.  



PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:51 pm
Oliver walked slowly through the dim hallway. He could hear noises in the distance. He looked ahead of him, confused as to who or what was making the noise. He sighed deeply, hoping that it was not any Pokemon, he wasn't in the mood to deal with them. The Blonde Jock grumbled to himself about leaving his room, he was still upset and didn't want to interact with anyone. Even though he knew Elena was probably okay, he didn't trust anyone here. Though he knew Elena had no control over them being recruited into Team Rocket, he still couldn't help but feel a bit upset at her for the situation they were now in. Oliver sighed again, though he didn't like being here, Elena was his sister, and they needed to stick together and get through this.

Oliver didn't know how long he would last here, considering the fact that he hated Pokemon. He still didn't understand Team Rocket a lot, nor did he really even want to, but he knew they used Pokemon. Oliver listened to the echos once more, the faster he found Elena, the faster he could go back to his room.  

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