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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:51 pm
Instead of his usual morning coffee at his usual cafe, Akira decided to get his daily dose of caffeine from a nearby tea shop instead. The strength of the brew's scent filled his nostrils and woke him a little from his groggy state of mind. After a moment of consideration, he ordered a bagel with cream cheese as well and took the lot outdoors to sit at a table.

In spite of his coat, the brunet had double-looped a scarf around his neck to keep extra warm. After a long night shift at work, he was ready to go home and curl up under a warm, layered mountain of blankets for a nap. But the stock clerk also wanted to spend a few of his daylight hours doing something other than sleeping the day away.

So he sat there drowsily, sipping at the cup of tea before him as he glanced through a book on musical theory, too tired to properly process the actual words.  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 2:59 pm
Why were so many people out so early in the morning?

This wouldn't be the first time he'd asked himself this question while he quietly waited in line to order his morning cup of Earl Grey. He himself would rather be in the warm bed he'd been sharing with Vincent (there was only one bed in his hotel room and the blonde had insisted that they share "to keep ya comfy cozy, boss".) than be here listening to people prattle on and on about inane subjects. But sadly he had found himself restless and in need of something to do. He had opted out of staying in the hotel room out of courtesy of his sleeping bedmate, which is how he found himself resisting the urge to strangle the man complaining loudly about the lack of whipped cream on his drink.

Next time he would just wake Vincent up.

Luckily for the man, his order was soon called and his tea was safely cupped in his quickly warming palms. Now it was a small matter of finding a place to sit. Inside was packed with distracting noises and smells so it seemed that a table outside would be his best bet. The purple haired man weaved through a group of chattering girls with ease and let out a sigh of relief as he pushed the door open and was greeted with the crisp air. Despite it being a bit chilly there were an impressive amount of people sitting outside as well. With a frown, Andre chose a table off to the side with a lone, quiet occupant. "I hope you don't mind if I sit here. Everywhere else is quite full." He gave the brunette sitting across from him a polite smile as he settled down into his seat.  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 4:38 pm
It took the foggy-headed table occupant a moment to process the sudden stranger's words. As soon as they had sunk in, waved a hand and shook his head. "Oh, no, not at all. Please." Upon closer inspection of the man, however, Akira felt that this was no average Joe.

His first impression was instantly that of a former schoolmate from the prestigious private high school he used to attend. This fellow had the same aristocratic air of sophistication, the metrosexual looks of a male (with rather feminine features) who took careful care of his appearance, and the polite detachment from others that all those of Akira's former society had been expected to demonstrate. It unnerved the brunet and it was a little while before he realized he was staring. Immediately, he dropped his gaze.

"I...I'm sorry," he spoke up hesitantly, unable to supress the thoughts and questions that abounded in his now-wide-awake mind, "but...may I ask what it is you do? For a living, I mean." He hesitated. "If it wouldn't be too bold." He would have introduced himself first, but why would this man want to know anything about a supposed commoner such as himself, particularly if he came to his table get away from other people? If he could have, the stranger probably would have chosen an empty area. Besides, maybe he was wrong about the kind of person this man was.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:52 am
Andre watched the brunette from his peripherals, a small, amused smile quirking the corners of his lips as he caught him staring. It's not like he minded or anything, he quite liked being the center of attention. He was curious about what the boy could be thinking though, what with that curious and slightly awed expression. "Oh my, you certainly are quick to cut to the chase aren't you?" He chuckled, finally letting his amusement show. "I had always been under the impression that you start conversations by introducing yourself." He raised a slender eyebrow before taking a sip of his tea. He liked this kid, he certainly was quick to get answers. It wasn't often that someone talked to him in such a manner. It was rather obvious that the boy had been a part of some high social status. Did the other male think that he was of some sort of royalty? The way he dressed and held himself gave many people that impression but it was always entertaining when they would go out of their way to be polite. "It certainly is a bold question but not so much that I won't answer. I'm an information consultant; or an information broker if you prefer." He smiled charmingly and motioned to the other. "And you? Judging from your grogginess and the book you have there...I'm going to take a guess at a student with a night job." He cocked his head slightly as he regarded the boy, "Or perhaps you were just up late studying."  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:34 pm
"Ah - my apologies," Akira answered quickly at the other's comment, his face reddening as he dropped his gaze back to his book. Involuntarily, his hand flew up to tug at his bangs. "I'm a little tired from work and I don't have my wits about me. If I was rude, please ignore the question. I meant no offense." His manner of speaking, though maybe a little overly polite or formal for an average person, was second nature to Akira. Thus, his fatigued mind didn't comprehend that it was a dead giveaway in regards to his own upbringing.

At the mention of an introduction, the brunet paused. "Yes...that may be true. But I fear I got the impression you were avoiding other people when you came to sit at this table, which consequently led me to believe you wanted nothing to do with them. Particularly with a random stranger." He dipped his head, both as a sign of remorse and to hide his face, which continued to flush an even darker crimson. "I'm Akira Midoriyama. I moved here to Kodo from Sinnoh a few months ago, but I'm afraid I'm still not entirely familiar with the customs and people here. I...don't get out much."

Upon receiving the answer to his question, the brunet's brows shot up. "Oh." That was something he clearly hadn't expected at all. "That's...interesting to know." And good to keep in mind. He wasn't sure he could trust the last man he'd gone to for information any longer. Then again, what did he know of this one? For starters, at least he seemed honest. And charismatic, which was more than he could have said for his previous confidant.

Suddenly Akira wasn't so sure his face was heating up merely from his own embarrassment. "Ah, heh...I suppose you're not an information broker for no reason, are you?" He chuckled lightly at the purple-haired man's observation. "Close. I was a student, but..." He paused, his inner conflict visible on his features. "...um, tuition was too expensive to keep it up, so it's just a night job for me. I've just been working graveyard shifts at a local convenience store to pay bills and hopefully save up to finish school. Nothing special." He tugged on his bangs harder, forcing a smile to his face. Now he knew his blushing wasn't just from embarrassment. "Even if it's not the case, I'm flattered you would believe me to be so studious."  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:56 pm
"I have to wonder...if I gave the impression of not wanting anything to with people, why did you think it wise to start a conversation?" Andre asked before taking a long sip from his cup. "You were right though, I'm afraid I'm not much of a people person so early in the morning. Your company, however, is proving to be quite enjoyable though." He smiled, an eyebrow raising as he noticed the flush slowly coming to the other's face. "Akira Midoriyama." He repeated slowly, as if tasting something delicious for the first time. "What a lovely name." A name that he would remember for possible further use. "Does it mean anything? Please forgive me if my question is stereotypical."

Was it healthy for a person to blush so much? "Oh dear, you've gotten quite flushed. Are you alright?" He asked, his tone revealing nothing more than polite concern. Though honestly...it was a bit funny. "Ah, there's no shame in that." He gave a reassuring smile. "You're being responsible and saving to go back. A lot of people would have just given up." With a slight shrug he took another sip of his cooling tea.  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 5:23 pm
"Ahhh...you're right, that was stupid," the brunet answered, more embarrassed than ever as he tugged harder on his bangs. "I suppose I just...couldn't help asking that one question. Curiosity, you know," he said with a sheepish shrug. "I'm very sorry; I hope you'll forgive my intrusiveness." Akira blinked, perplexed, when he was told his company was proving to be enjoyable. That was a far cry from the first impressions he usually gave. Was this man just flattering him again? "O-oh. Thank you; yours is a pleasure as well."

Finding himself staring again, Akira shook his head frantically when he realized he was being asked another question. "Oh...thank you, but it's a common name. Entirely common," he assured Andre. "In my native language, 'Akira' has several meanings along the lines of 'bright and intelligent' or 'clear'. 'Midoriyama' just means 'green mountain.'" He smiled slightly. "There's no harm in asking stereotypical questions of a stranger, is there? Ah, speaking of which," he added, "I don't believe I caught your name. Unless you preferred not to give it, of course."

Arceus, he just wanted to bury his head in his book and hide. "Am I? Sorry, must be the cold morning air," he blurted with a forced laugh, withdrawing his hand from his bangs once he realized he had been tugging on them. Stupid, stupid, stupid... "That, and it's possible it's been entirely too long since I met anyone new. The fact that you're being such a gentleman about my deteriorated social skills just makes it worse," he confessed, taking a sip of his own beverage. His throat was feeling dry. "Thank you."  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 3:22 pm
Andre chuckled quietly, his eyes fluttering open to fix Akira with an intent gaze as he rested his chin on top of of laced fingers. "There's nothing to forgive." He assured the younger male, his eyes roaming over the other's appearance. "In my humble opinion a person is rather dull if they don't have a sense of curiosity." This boy, Akira, certainly seemed to have a healthy sense of curiosity. A fact that pleased him greatly. There was nothing more boring than conversing with someone that had no sense of intrigue.

"Ah, I see." He mulled over the information he'd been given. "That's interesting. Is choosing names with specific meanings still popular, or is that a bit dated?" He knew, at least in his family, quite a bit of thought went into naming a child. "Well, despite being a common name you are anything but." He complimented with a friendly smile before blinking owlishly. "Oh that's right, how rude of me." He chuckled quietly. "My name is Andre; and please...there's no need to be so nervous." He reached across the table to smooth down a stray strand of brown hair, letting his fingers linger for just a moment before retreating to pick up his own cup. "Your 'deteriorated social skills' are quite charming." He grinned before lifting his cup to his lips to finish off the remains of his tea.  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:42 am
Those eyes. That gaze - something about it was inexplicably unnerving. It wasn't just the fact that he had that polite mask that was so obviously hiding something nor was it his charm, his poise, his confidence, or metrosexual looks. The intense feel behind those eyes was something else entirely. Vaguely Akira wondered at the back of his mind if what he was feeling was what animals did the moment they realized a predator's sight was on them. Mere apprehension, fear, or even fascination could not describe it, but Akira felt transfixed. Even if he'd wanted to, he was fairly certain he could not have gotten himself to bolt at that moment.

So he forced a shaky laugh instead. "Maybe so...but from what I understand, those people tend to live longer lives, being cautious in what they pursue. After all, one never knows what sort of unimaginable dangers await down rabbit holes." He scratched the back of his head and stared at his drink, doing his best to avoid the direct intensity of those eyes. "There are some that run so deep that no one realizes just how deep until they're scrambling to climb back up." ...Where had that come from? He shook his head to clear it. The effect this fellow was having on him was becoming quite alarming; he couldn't even put his finger on what kind, exactly, it was.

There was some hesitation before he replied to the question asked of him. "I believe enough aristocratic families still hold dated traditions dear for that to still be common practice, yes," he expressed, though quickly added, "But not mine, of course. I'm just a...a..." Don't say 'commoner'. "...normal person." It was likely 'Akira Midoriyama' had been chosen simply for the popularity and common use of the name, but Akira did not particularly care. It hadn't been the one his parents had given him anyway.

'You are anything but'? Oh. Oh s**t, was this guy flirting with him? No, no no, that couldn't be. He was looking too much into things (as usual) and getting far too flustered. Besides, this man had 'dangerous' written all over him. No, there was no reason for either of them to be interested in one another in any other way besides...what was this? Stranger curiosity? Well, whatever. It didn't matter. "You are...an extraordinary flatterer," Akira said with difficulty, smiling so hard that his cheeks hurt. Cheeks that were blossoming a deep, deep rose-red. "But I understand that most people of your apparent status often are. So...might I ask, Mr...Andre, that you save some of that overflowing sweet talk for a young woman you actually intend to court? I fear it...seems a little...overwhelming for a first conversation between new acquaintances." And if you keep it up for much longer, all this blood rushing to my face this early in the morning might make me faint in public and then I might as well die of embarrassment.

Oh god oh GOD OH GOD - that wasn't fair. He had been about to ask what Andre's name meant in turn, but the sly fox called him out on his anxiety and reached out to touch his hair. Still transfixed by that predatory gaze on him, Akira's searching mind was still coming up blank as to how to deal with the situation. His body - including the heart that threatened to beat out of his chest - screamed at him to run, to move, but with his brain too tangled in the implications of the situation, the results were mixed.

Barely able to register Andre's latest compliment, the full extent of his social skills' deterioration was revealed when he tried to stand, putting his hand down next to his cup. Instead, his unsteady knees gave way under him and he fell as he tried to grasp the table for support. As he did so, his hand caught his cup of hot tea - still mostly undrunk thanks to distractions - and it tumbled down on top of him, drenching him and eliciting a sharp noise of pain. Cursing sharply in Japanese under his breath, Akira pulled himself back up onto the chair enough to see where the napkins were on the table and grab a few. "I'm sorry; I'm so terribly sorry," he kept repeating, remembering instantly that he wasn't the only one seated at said table.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 10:56 pm
"That's quite the analogy." The older man hummed as he set his empty cup down on the table. "And yes, I'd have to agree with you. If one were to go down the 'rabbit hole', to continue on with your rather clever analogy, one might want to be fully prepared. Who knows what dangers wait for you at the end?" He leaned forward against the table and smiled mischievously. "Some seek it out though and what's life without danger? Wouldn't life be rather tedious and boring without the thrill of the unknown?" He couldn't fathom living such a boring existence.

"Mmn...I suppose that's true." It wouldn't hurt to share a bit about his family, it's not like he gave his last name or anything. "My family is rather interested in the meanings behind names. Not that mine means anything in particular. My..." He paused before smiling politely. "My parents named me after my great grandfather. Andre is just the french form of Andrew, nothing as exciting or interesting as your name." He laughed lightly as he cocked his head slightly, "Normal? Normal is rather boring and I don't think you're boring."

Oh ho ho.
Akira was so endearingly responsive~

"Who said anything about young women?" He purred. He couldn't help it. How could he not tease the younger male when he reacted like that? "I apologize if I've made you uncomfortable, Akira. That wasn't my intention." He smiled apologetically and held his hands up in a show of surrender. "I admit it's difficult not to say such things when your reactions are so cute." And entertaining. Though he didn't voice this, he was embarrassing the young man enough as it was.

Which was made incredibly apparent as Andre watched the other male fumble and fall, spilling tea on himself in the process.

Suppressing his laughter the purple haired man jumped up from his seat and rounded the table, snatching up a handful of napkins as he went. "Are you alright?" He asked, crouching beside the brunette with a faint wince. Though it'd been some time since he'd received injuries from the attack on the Rocket base, he was still a bit sore. "Goodness, that was quite the spill." He held a few of the napkins out for the other to take as he started mopping up the mess with the remaining. "Don't apologize, darling. No harm has been done." Pale eyes scanned over the other in search of injury. "Your tea must have been hot, I can check you for burns if you do not mind. I was a doctor on Grande Ile." ....Not legally but it was all the same.  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:23 pm
"I-I-I'm fine. I'm fine," he responded as soon as he comprehended Andre's question, doing his best to mop up the remainder of the spilled tea. The wince on the purple-haired man's face roused his curiosity yet again, however, and he stopped a moment. "Are you, though?" It had all happened so fast; had he maybe accidentally knocked something over or hit Andre in the process?

"Yes, well...I'm afraid I'm fairly clumsy. Especially when others find it amusing to fluster me." It was now fairly clear to Akira that the poised gentleman had merely been playing around. He'd certainly suffered enough teasing at the amusement of people like Ryuu and Sera to recognize when people were toying with him. Well, he supposed he deserved it for having interrupted the man's quiet morning in the first place. Andre probably hadn't meant a word he'd said, either.

That's how all the high society people were - raised to impress and decieve; not to be honest. Much as he would have liked to, he could hardly blame any of them for acting as they were taught, but it still tended to sting knowing just how gullible and blind he was to such things. Akira thought he'd have learned his lesson by now.

"Thank you," he told Andre, accepting a few more napkins. Though, the term 'darling' earned him a momentary flash of annoyance in the reddened features of Akira's face. "I'm fine, really. I...I'll check at home." He tried not to think about having to undress for this man he only just met. As if the tea hadn't been hot enough.

Grande Ile...hm. That explained a lot. "I've been enough of a nuisance for you this morning, Doctor Andre. I dare not risk making myself out to be any more of fool than I already have." He inclined his head to check Andre for injuries as well. "Perhaps you ought to tend to yourself first. You seemed to be in pain."  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 12:14 am
Oh dear, it seemed like he'd hurt the other's feelings.

"I believe I said it was cute, not amusing." Andre said softly, eyes lowered as if upset. "Apologies, it hadn't been my intention to upset or offend you." He murmured as he wadded up the used napkins and tossed them up onto the table. Twisting his fingers together, he peered up at the brunette through his eyelashes, "I...I do hope that you haven't been burnt. If you'd rather I not have a look I could give you the money to buy the necessary ointments..." He shifted with a quiet grunt so he was kneeling completely, unconcerned about his white trousers possibly becoming dirty.

"Ah feel terreeble about zis." He said fretfully, letting his French accent slip out. "Ah had not meeant for you to become hurt." He looked around in search of a glass of water or something to get rid of the stickiness. "Many, many ahpologies. Je tout gâcher. Je dois juste rester calme." He rocked back onto his feet and winced, his hands coming down to knead his thighs. "Ah am fine, worry not. Still healing from past injury." He said in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. He didn't much feel like explaining what had happened, he was already playing to get back into Akira's good graces. "T'inquiète pas."  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 12:35 am
He nodded slowly, dabbing the front of his coat with another napkin before tossing it in the nearest trash bin. "I know what you said. But I also know how to read between the lines; particularly those of...upper-class citizens." Sighing, he finished the last of the tea that remained in his cup before setting it back down on the table. "It's been my experience that they rarely say what they mean, if ever. But no matter; it's really alright."

With a half-hearted smile, Akira shook his head at Andre's offer. "That won't be necessary, but thank you for the offer. As I said, it was my own fault that caused the incident. You just happen to be very good at what you do is all."

He blinked with some confusion as Andre spoke with an accent that was unfamiliar to Akira, but it caused his smile to broaden as he found himself amused. "I'm sorry, I don't...I don't understand," he apologized, wondering if Andre was messing with him again. Still, it was funny to hear the foreign words. He knew now that it had to be French, the common language spoken on Grande Ile.

Pushing himself up to his feet, he took a hold of the gentleman's hands in order to help him stand as well and maybe escort him back to his chair. "Oh, I see. Well in that case, I hope you'll please forgive me for inconveniencing you. Again." His brown gaze glanced away as he once more began to tug on his bangs. Oh...he'd forgotten that he still had a bagel with cream cheese to eat.  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:03 am
"Ah meeant every word. Ah would not geeve a compleement if Ah did not meen it. Vous êtes beaucoup trop mignon pour mentir." Andre said earnestly as he brushed his hair back from his face. "But Ah suppose not all enjoy teasing." He nodded quickly as he reached out to grasp the table for balance. "Ah reeally am sorry, Ah hope zhere is no...no..." He paused and glanced around as if looking for the right word. "No 'mauvais sang' between us."

"Oh...Ah...Ah am sorry. Eet happens when Ah get a bit flustared." He cleared his throat and smiled sheepishly, though it was quickly wiped away at the other's rather thoughtful gesture. For a moment, all he could do is blink owlishly up at the brunette before he got a hold of himself and gingerly gripped the other's hand in return. "Merci beaucoup, Akira. You are very kind." With the younger male's help he staggered to his feet with a grunt. "You aren't an inconvenience, I do wish you would believe me when I tell you that." He muttered as he dusted his trousers off.  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:22 am
"It's just...a little difficult for someone like me to take," Akira admitted in regards to the teasing. "I tend to be rather gullible. And - as you've noticed - easily flustered." With an awkward smile, he tilted his head inquiringly. "'Mauvais sang'...?" He wasn't quite sure whether it was French or simply heavily-accented English. Usual English was tricky enough for him as it was.

He wasn't quite sure whether or not he believed that Andre had truly gotten flustered or that his accent slipped up on accident, but he appreciated the purple-haired male's suggestion that he, too, could fall victim to emotions such as embarrassment. "You give me too much credit," Akira answered in response to yet another compliment. "I've simply been returning the same kindness you've been showing me."

Because, all teasing aside, Andre had remained ever-friendly, polite, considerate, and seeming eager to assist. Whatever his intentions were, they wouldn't change his actions. "But I do have to question your relationship status. If for nothing else, then the simple possibility that I may have some very angry young lady - or man - come after me with the idea that we have an interest in each other. Is that a fair reason for asking?"  

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