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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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Diamond Wales

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19,800 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:21 pm

xxxT H ExxD A V E N P O R TxxF A M I L Yxxx

User Image

"Fear God."

xxxxxxxxxxxC U R R E N T F A M I L Y M E M B E R Sxxx
✿Michael Davenport - Son of Kevin McGregor and Jemma Long, adopted son of Leon and Erica Davenport

Brandon Davenport - Son of Oliver and Jeane Davenport, cousin of Michael
Phoebe Davenport - Daughter of Oliver and Jeane Davenport, cousin of Michael

xxxxxxxxxxxP A S T F A M I L Y M E M B E R Sxxxxxxxxxx
      Leon Davenport
      Erica Davenport
      Oliver Davenport
      Jeane Davenport
      James Davenport
      Lynette Davenport
      Arianna Davenport
      Adaline Davenport
      Annabelle Davenport

↪ = Offspring
❤ = Married
✿ = Adopted
xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
UPDATED 1/2/18

ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [03/27/2017]
RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY ~𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔞𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔰 [6/9/2019]
Michael [03/27/2017] Brandon [03/27/2017] Phoebe [03/27/2017]
PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:50 pm

xxxxM I C H A E LxxxT Y L E RxxxD A V E N P O R T xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES None

              AGE 38

              BIRTHDAY December 19th, 2009

              BLOOD STATUS Muggle

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              FACECLAIM Kise Ryouta [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Latin, German, French

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED King's College London School of Medicine

              CLASS OF College: 2028, University: 2035

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Psychologist

              DREAM JOB Doctor

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ CALM Michael is rather calm. It takes quite a bit to get him upset, and he rarely lets things get him to that point. As a result, his emotions tend to be pretty even-keeled.
              ◊ INTELLIGENT Michael is quite intelligent. He easily glided through school when he was in primary, and works hard in university to keep his grades up. Nothing really gets past him, and he can easily figure things out on his own without assistance.
              ◊ HARD WORKING Michael is a hard worker. He often puts forth his best effort when engaged in a task, and refuses to leave it alone until it's finished. He regularly makes sure he doesn't do a sloppy job with whatever he's doing because he'd rather be judged for what he's accomplished rather than be judged for not giving his all.
              ◊ GOOD-NATURED Michael is generally a good person. He helps those that needs it, is often the one that sees the good in people, and attempts his best to make sure that people aren't hurt because of his actions.
              ◊ FRIENDLY Michael is also friendly. He would rather strike up a good conversation and talk to new people rather than make enemies. He doesn't like to hurt people as a result, and often feels as though he can help people rather than tear them down.
              ◊ RATIONAL Michael is also quite rational. He'd rather think things through and attempt to fix them rather than let emotions get in the way of his better judgement. He is often slow to judge someone because of this, and would rather have all the facts in front of him rather than making hasty decisions.

                  Being around friends and family
                  A good laugh
                  Healthy food
                  Quiet moments

                  Hurting anyone
                  Being in the spotlight
                  Being unable to help people
                  People that assume he's a pushover

                  Playing chess

                  Medical knowledge

                  Being a stick in the mud
                  Tends to disbelieve outrageous things

                  Being left alone

          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD It's an interesting one, for me at least. I used to be an orphan, but was adopted soon after I was dropped off on the doorstep by the Davenports. They're the only family I know, really, making them the most important people in my life. My mother and father are actually well-to-do, considering my father is a neurosurgeon and my mother happens to be a cardiologist. I grew up with a lot of emphasis on medicine, and helping as many people as I can.

              I only found out about being adopted when I was eleven. That took a bit to sink in, really. Though it makes sense. Neither of my adoptive parents are blonds, and neither have blue eyes like I do. I however didn't freak out, I only asked about how they found me and what it was like trying to care for a child not theirs, to which they promptly disabused me of the notion that I was merely a placeholder. Apparently they had trouble conceiving, and well, decided to opt for adopting instead. I am truly grateful for them, since otherwise, I don't know where I would be.

              SCHOOL YEARS I eventually found out I happened to have a younger brother, a biological one, that is. It was the most bizarre thing. A girl I met at the museum one summer decided we just 'had to meet' and well, I could never imagine someone more different from myself. Not just that, but apparently magic, something completely without rhyme or reason, was real. I however get the feeling he should never have told me, and I decided to say nothing about it to my other relatives, even though I suspect that they also might be magical.

              In any case, I ended up dating Gypsy, the girl that introduced me to Jeremy, for a bit. However, there seemed to be something off about the whole thing. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I suspect I was merely a place holder. My suspicions were proven correct when Gypsy broke it off with me, and started dating my brother instead. There were no hard feelings, and I don't fault her for her choice, though she could have realized things a bit sooner.

              POST GRADUATION Anyway, I am now attending college to go into medicine, and so far I am doing well. I guess time will tell if I can follow in my parents' footsteps and become a doctor. Jeremy eventually graduated from school, and then we found out we had a younger brother. A much, much younger brother. We both decided to investigate into our shared pasts and found out who our birth parents were. That ended badly, however, as while Jeremy decided to adopt Malcolm, I went to investigate who these people were that gave us all up for adoption. It floored me to discover that I was one of seven children they had, with Malcolm being the youngest.

              What really ticked me off about the situation was when it was discovered that our younger brother Leon had been kicked out of the house for being magical like Malcolm and Jeremy. I talked with my parents, and they decided to take him in and we've been raising him ever since. Joi, my younger sister, eventually came around and we discussed things, which one thing led to another and I guess now I have actual open communication with my birth family. My parents are probably not enthusiastic about all of this, considering that they were worried about me being resentful for being adopted.

              I also have a cousin that seems to be magical as well, and it's making me wonder just how large the magical world is. Add to that the fact that I am now dating a witch, and I might as well say that I'm practically about as knowledgeable about their world as they are about the normal world. I just know that at some point being this closely tied to the magical world is going to have repercussions in the future. I also graduated university recently with a major in psychology. Now I need to get together the wherewithal to either open my own practice or join with an existing one.

              The summer after I graduated turned into one giant mess. While I was still searching for a job, I had over my cousins, their friend, and my siblings right at the end of the Hogwarts school year. Brandon and Phoebe were waiting to be picked up to go home, and Colin was waiting with them. Joi had brought over Wallis and Tommy for a bit just to hang out, while no one knew where Leon was. However, the visit was cut abruptly short when some random wizard decided to break down the door and attacked everyone in sight. Joi, Phoebe, Wallis, and Tommy had avoided getting hurt because they ducked in time, while Brandon was hit with a curse, Colin lost an arm, and I was nearly disembowelled. We were saved by some strange man and woman that happened upon the scene and discovered what was going on, but not before my parents as well as Brandon and Phoebe's were murdered. After that, we discovered Leon had attempted to help save some young boy from the man, and while I can't fault Leon for trying, I do believe he should have gone to the authorities.

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                • Parents - Leon Davenport, Erica Davenport (both deceased)
                • Biological Parents - Kevin McGregor, Jemma McGregor (nee Long)
                • Brother - Jeremy Lovette (nee Long) ❤ Gypsy Lovette, children Jack Lovette, Nicodemus Lovette
                • Brother - Leon McGregor
                • Brother - Wallis McGregor
                • Sister - Mallory Lovette
                • Sister - Joi McGregor
                • Uncle - Oliver Davenport (deceased) ❤ Jeane Davenport (deceased), children Brandon Davenport, Phoebe Davenport
                • Uncle - James Davenport (deceased) ❤ Lynette Davenport (deceased), children Arianna, Adaline, and Annabelle Davenport (all deceased)

                • Best Friend - Gypsy Lovette
                • Niall Hughes

              SIGNIFICANT OTHER None
              ENEMIES None
              PETS Cat named Boots

          xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          UPDATED 1/6/19xxx
          UPDATES MADExxx
          (recent update)xxxxxx
          (recent update)

Diamond Wales

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Shameless Dreamer

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Greedy Shopper

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:11 am

xxxxxA R I A N N A xD A V E N P O R T, xxD E C E A S E Dxxxxx

Hi, my name is Arianna Lynette Davenport

But I mostly go by Ari

I'm a Female

I'm 13 years old.

My birthday is 09/14/15

My dream job is Auror

My blood status is Half-Blood

The school I will be going to is Hogwarts

The house I'm in is Gryffindor

I'm interested in Guys, I think?

I'm currently with no one

Personality Having helped her father take care of her younger siblings has made Ari is a very compassionate person. She will always stand up for what she believes is right. She's easy to get a long with and very loyal to her friends. On the other side of the spectrum she's known to be a bit loud and boisterous. She's not the dumbest person in the world but she tends to not like to focus on all her studies unless it's Defense Against the Dark Arts her true passion. Having a good time is very important to Ari. That being said she still usually does well on all tests. On top of that she's headstrong, a bit stubborn, and she always manages to find some sort of trouble; that might be caused from years of playing football(soccer) with boys. That's right she's a tomboy!

My background story is

Arianna was born in a small town just outside of London. The first few years of her life were wonderful her father worked in town at a small bakery. Her mother was a wizard and she worked as an Auror for the Ministry. She didn't know her work was dangerous so Ari never worried.

It happened on a beautiful summer day. Ari was playing with her sisters in the field near the house when her father's shout caught their attention.They ran to the house as fast as their feet could carry them. Ari held the hand of the youngest whose little legs couldn't keep up. They ran through the door and there stood a man in a cloak. It was Jackson, a man that mother worked with, he stood holding the distraught man patting his shoulder awkwardly. After a few moments Ari spoke up.

"Is it mommy?" Being seven she could understand the situation more so than her two sisters the youngest was three and she just stood there twisting her fiery red pigtails. Her other sister was five and she stood staring wide-eyed at her father.

"Yes, she won't be coming home." Jackson replied casting his eyes to the floor trying to hide his tears.

The days after that blurred together all Ari could remember of her mother now were the stories she told. Being the eldest Arianna worked hard around the home to help ease the stress off her father.

Jackson would stop by and visit. He soon became a member of the family. He was always welcomed by their father into the home and he would always play with the girls and ask them how school was. Ari went to muggle school because her father always reasoned with the children that becoming a witch should be a choice. But Ari knew that their father just didn't want to see them left with nothing if they weren't magically inclined. It never bothered any of the girls. They met friends and played sports like normal children but they all knew they would never be normal and that was proven the day that Ari received her letter.

I enjoy
*Football (Soccer)
*Horse Back Riding
*Hanging out with Friends

I despise
*Being Ignored
*Early Mornings

I'm afraid of Not being able to live up to my mother's name and Thunderstorms


*Always finds trouble

I look like X
Ari is an average size girl reaching 5ft 4in tall. Years of playing football (Soccer) has made her trim and muscular the only downside is that it made her relatively flat chested. Her auburn hair is curly and long reaching all the way down to the middle of her back. She has hazel eyes that are huge, her mother always said its so she can see more at once. Her normal style consists of jeans and cute tops with minimal fuss. It's a rare occasion to catch this girl in a skirt and she always has on her red converse shoes.

Wand 11 1/2inches, Maple, and Dragon Heartstring. It's Rigid.

Pet A female Barn Owl called Artemis

My O.W.L. Scores Are:
(Add each class you will take an OWL in at the appropriate time)

My N.E.W.T. Scores Are:
(Add each class you will take a NEWT in at the appropriate time)
PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:27 am

xxxxxA D A L I N E xD A V E N P O R T, xD E C E A S E Dxxxxx

Hi, my name is Adaline Marie Davenport

But I mostly go by Addie

I'm a female

I'm 11 years old.

My birthday is 07/20/17

My dream job is Unsure

My blood status is Half-Blood

The school I will be going to is Hogwarts

The house I'm in is Unsorted

I'm interested in Dude. I'm 11 who cares?

I'm currently with Yuck, no one.

Personality Growing up with just the few memories of her mother that she can only barely muster has left Addie stuck taking after her eldest sister. They were always together growing up and Addie's older sister was always the brains of the situation while she found herself in trouble. Speaking of trouble Adaline is the one always causing all the problems at home. She loves playing jokes on her little sister Annie and she enjoys teasing her. She tries not to get to carried away and make her cry. When she does cross the line Addie is the first to suck up her pride and apologize. Unlike her older sister who gets decent grades Addie hates school the only thing she enjoys is Gym class. She loves to play sports and is by far the best player on the football team back home.

My background story is

Adaline was born in a small town just outside of London. The first few years of her life were wonderful her father worked in town at a small bakery. Her mother was a wizard and she worked as an Auror for the Ministry. She didn't know her work was dangerous so Addie never worried she continued her usual activities like teasing her sisters.

It happened on a beautiful summer day. The sisters were playing in the field near the house when her father's shout caught their attention. They ran to the house as fast as their feet could carry them. Addie was the fastest and the first to arrive. They ran through the door and there stood a man in a cloak. It was Jackson, a man that mother worked with, he stood holding the distraught man patting his shoulder awkwardly. After a few moments Addie knew what had happened. Their mother wasn't going to be coming home.

The days after that blurred together all Addie could remember of her mother was the bedtime song she used to sing. She could hardly scrounge up anything more than that. Addie was the middle child so life went on relatively normal for her while she watched as her older sister took the brunt of the loss. It was then that Addie decided to make the house fun again.

Addie began by just trying to make her father and her sisters laugh again. Then she started getting carried away and more and more pranks came out of her. She was creative and found the best ways to set up her masterpieces. She even got suspended once for pranking a teacher. Addie went to muggle school because her father always reasoned with the children that becoming a witch should be a choice. But Addie figured it was just a back up plan if things didn't turn out right. It was fine. They met friends and played sports like normal children but they all knew they would never be normal and that was proven the day that Ari received her letter first.

Ari being away at Hogwarts left the two sisters at home and it became apparent to them they would be joining eventually. Addie began slacking off more at muggle school but she began immersing herself into her sister's world when she came home on breaks. They would go goof off just like old times. Addie was thrilled when her letter arrived.

I enjoy
*Horseplay (jokes/pranks/ect.)
*Football (Soccer)
*Hanging out with Friends

I despise
*Being Ignored
*Being Bossed around

I'm afraid of being alone

My strengths are
*I can make anyone laugh

My flaws are
*Always finds trouble

I look like this

The opposite of my older sister that's for sure. I have dark hair like my father but my hair curls like mother's did. I have porcelain skin like mother but I have freckles covering my face everywhere. My eyes are bright blue. I was blessed in other department's where my sister's are lacking. I grew up a bit more curvy than they did. Years of playing sports with boys have kept me trim and toned. I am pretty much the same height as Arianna.

My wand is a 12 1/2 inches Dogwood and Phoenix Feather slightly flexible

My pet is a a male burrowing owl Apollo

My O.W.L. Scores Are:
(Add each class you will take an OWL in at the appropriate time)

My N.E.W.T. Scores Are:
(Add each class you will take a NEWT in at the appropriate time)


Greedy Shopper

7,650 Points
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Diamond Wales

Vice Captain

Shameless Dreamer

19,800 Points
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  • Team Jacob 100
  • Married 100
PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:27 pm

xxxxB R A N D O NxxxR Y L E YxxxD A V E N P O R T xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Bran, Ryley

              AGE 27

              BIRTHDAY January 21, 2020

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND Cedar and augurey feather, 11 1/2 inches, pliable and knobby

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              FACECLAIM Green (Anime) [x]

              LANGUAGES English, German, French

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              CLASS OF 2038

              BEST LESSONS
                  Care of Magical Creatures

              WORST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Veterenarian

              DREAM JOB Magizoologist

          xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E
                  Herbology ~ E
                  History of Magic ~ D
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ T
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Divination ~ P
                  Healing Class ~ E

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ E
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ E
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Healing Class ~ O

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ ADVENTUROUS Brandon is a person of action. It's often hard to find him in one place for very long, as he's always looking for something else to do or another place to go. He can often be found outside and trying new things as a result.
              ◊ HEADSTRONG Brandon is a particularly stubborn young man. He wants to do things his way, and often gets into arguments with those that try to make him do things other ways. This is often exhibited when he knows he's right and people are arguing that he's not.
              ◊ FRIENDLY Brandon, despite his stubborn streak, is a rather friendly and talkative individual. He loves meeting new people and enjoys making new friend, as well as being around old friends.
              ◊ LOYAL Brandon is rather loyal, and it's hard to turn him against people that he cares about. He'd rather do serious harm to himself than break a friend's trust, and is ready to fight for friends if need be.
              ◊ TRUTHFUL Brandon does not like lying, and would rather tell the truth when it comes down to it. He's pretty open and honest as a result, and tries to find out the truth when he's surrounded by lies.
              ◊ LOGICAL Brandon also likes to think logically. His mind can't easily go to the fantastic, but when faced with cold, hard facts, he excels. He's rather linear in his thought processes as a result.

                  Rainy days
                  Rock music
                  Computer games

                  Sleeping in late
                  The cold
                  Being inactive
                  Being stuck inside

                  Playing computer games
                  Stunt riding
                  Watching anime

                  Working with computers
                  Being active

                  Isn't very imaginative

                  Being afraid

          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Brandon is the eldest child of Oliver and Jeane Davenport. His parents run a veterinary clinic, with his mother and father both working as veterinarians for the office. When he was younger, he loved to spend his time around the place, and was often found going outside with several animals helping them to get some fresh air if they'd been in the clinic for a while. He was a familiar smiling face around the place, and everyone loved having him around.

              As he got older, his interests turned more toward outside activities, and he spent a large amount of time when he was not at school riding his bike out in the hilly areas around his house. He always seemed to have pretty good luck and rarely wiped out, especially when it came to doing jumps on several rather rocky hills. There were times when it seemed like he should have wiped out, but didn't, and it wasn't until he turned eleven that he discovered why. A man from the magical world came the summer after he turned eleven and gave him a letter to invite him to a school for magic and he and his parents were floored. Now he was on his way to learn about magic, and he wasn't exactly sure if he should be excited or nervous about it.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  ◊ FIRST YEAR First year was interesting. He found out that one of his cousins actually had connections to the wizarding world, and he was sorted into Gryffindor when he got to school. There he met several friends over the course of the year and ended up finishing out the year on a good note.
                  ◊ SECOND YEAR Second year for Brandon was just slow. He joined the house quidditch team as a beater, and dealt with the school year as it came along. The only off-note he had was when he discovered that Aimee had a panic attack outside of the Great Hall. He knows that Raymond, a yearmate of his, was involved, and that Leon had decided to take it upon himself to protect Aimee from him. Honestly Brandon doesn't know what the heck happened, and figures that he'll be there for his friends when they need him.
                  ◊ THIRD YEAR Brandon had another slow year, though he had heard about some of the things happening with his cousin's brother and other friends. He wondered what was going on with that, since he had been busy with classes and he had felt himself drifting from his friends since they more seemed wrapped up in their own issues than anything else.
                  ◊ FOURTH YEAR Brandon entered fourth year with a bit of dread making itself known. His sister was attending Hogwarts. He would have done anything to avoid that from happening, but it was inevitable. With his sister now in Slytherin, Brandon resigned himself to a year of trouble and torment from his dear baby sister.
                  ◊ FIFTH YEAR Fifth year found Brandon studying hard for OWLs and generally hanging around friends. He did however invite Colin over for a couple of days for next summer, and he also found himself developing a crush potentially on Kimberly Umber. He also found himself the owner of a new cat when he refused to Vanish one during his Transfiguration OWL, outright bombing the test as a result.
                  ◊ SIXTH YEAR The summer before sixth year, Brandon found himself, his family, and his best friend the victims of a crazy wizard. Brandon survived, even though he was injured in the attack, but his parents, his aunt and uncles, his cousins, and Colin weren't so lucky, his relatives dying, Michael being seriously injured, and Colin losing an arm. When Brandon returned to school, it was with the knowledge that he would, at some point, have to go over his parents' estate and figure out what to do with it all. Unfortunately, that would have to wait for two years as he was still underage by muggle standards for two more years.
                  ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Seventh year began normally, or well, normally ish. Brandon had gotten an owl over the summer naming him quidditch captain since apparently Kimberly was unable to. After that, he had to deal with Phoebe dating and NEWTs and well, he was very glad that he graduated that year.

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                • Parents - Oliver Davenport, Jeane Davenport (both deceased)
                • Sister - Phoebe Davenport
                • Uncle - Leon Davenport (deceased) ❤ Erica Davenport (deceased), child Michael Davenport (adopted)
                • Uncle - James Davenport (deceased) ❤ Lynette Davenport (deceased), children Arianna, Adaline, and Annabelle Davenport (all deceased)

                • Best Friend - Colin Beckett
                • Catheryn Blake
                • Aimee McHalen
                • Chelsea Van Asten
                • Kimberly Umber
                • Kiley Umber
                • Diantha Warlow

              SIGNIFICANT OTHER Esther Spencer
              ENEMIES None
              PETS Cat named Domino Secret toadhead agama called Frilly

          xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          UPDATED 1/2/18xxx
          UPDATES MADExxx
          NEWTs Added
PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:07 am

xxxxP H O E B ExxxR O S AxxxD A V E N P O R T xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Bee

              AGE 25

              BIRTHDAY September 9, 2022

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND Aspen and fwooper feather, 11 3/4 inches, rigid with a decorated shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              FACECLAIM Shibuya Rin [x]

              LANGUAGES English, German

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Slytherin

              CLASS OF 2041

              BEST LESSONS
                  Defence Against the Dark Arts
                  Wizard Law
                  Care of Magical Creatures

              WORST LESSONS

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Wizengamot Administration Services

              DREAM JOB Barrister

          xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ E
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ E
                  Arithmancy ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Cursebreaking ~ E
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ A
                  Wizard Law ~ O

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ E
                  Defence Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Cursebreaking ~ A
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ A
                  Wizard Law ~ O

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ CUNNING Phoebe is quite cunning, figuring out complex problems with ease and applying simpler solutions to things that need them. She often considers every angle before applying herself, and can't let a puzzle alone until she's figured it out.
              ◊ BLUNT Phoebe is also blunt. She tends to say what she wants, when she wants, and doesn't care about the consequences. This makes it hard for her to find friends and often leads to arguments.
              ◊ SARCASTIC Phoebe is also sarcastic, often using ironic tones to belittle those she feels needs it. She tones it down on occasion when she needs to, but she is still likely to use sarcasm in situation where she feels it warrants it.
              ◊ MANIPULATIVE Phoebe also has a knack for getting what she wants from other people. While she's not always successful, she does make sure that she comes out on top in those situations and keeps her cards close to her chest when dealing with things she wants.
              ◊ FRIENDLY Despite her general demeanour, she actually is quite friendly with those she thinks deserve her friendship. She is quick to smile and joke around with her friends, and often will help them out if she thinks they need her help.
              ◊ SPITEFUL Phoebe can be spiteful when she's pissed, however. She can and will do things to get revenge, often tormenting the people that have annoyed her. She feels it's their just desserts in those situations.

                  Rainy days
                  Winning arguments

                  Violent people
                  Slimy things
                  Using fur and leather

                  Horseback riding

                  Figuring out problems

                  Can't abide misinformation

                  Her family dying

          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Phoebe is the youngest Davenport in her mostly muggle family. She and her brother Brandon were raised by two veterinarians, and thus she has a love of animals. She didn't often see her cousins, Arianna, Adaline, and Annabelle, and figured they were just not worth her time. As a result, she grew closer to her adopted cousin and his side than the other. She first displayed magic when she was seven, causing her brother to get attacked by a swarm of bees because she was annoyed he got to be special and she wasn't. This however meant that she was just as special, and when she found out her cousin was related to wizards, she proceeded to bug him about everything she could.

              Her relationship with Brandon however is better described as antagonistic as she constantly tries to bug her brother in every way she can. Once she set a snake in his bed every night for a month, causing her brother to develop a phobia of them. This was in response to him taking her favourite horse out for a ride without asking her. When she got her letter to Hogwarts, she rubbed it in his face that she was going to the same school and was going to do much better than he was doing, convinced that shouldn't be hard.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  ◊ FIRST YEAR Phoebe arrived in Hogwarts and was immediately sorted into Slytherin. She made a friend during the sorting feast, and had fun watching everyone else flounder around. Otherwise she made sure to watch her brother and his group of friends carefully because she got a kick out of her brother trying to figure out what she was up to.
                  ◊ SECOND YEAR Second year wasn't that bad for Phoebe. She went to classes, harassed her brother, and hung out with her friend. She did meet one of her brother's friend's sisters at school, and wonders if somehow she can convince Treva into helping her annoy both Brandon and Diantha.
                  ◊ THIRD YEAR Third year started off badly for Phoebe. She started off her summer before it dealing with the fact that her cousin's brother decided to play the hero with a group of morons and brought down the wrath of an insane wizard on her family, who had proceeded to murder everyone but Brandon, herself, and Michael and his biological family. Since then, Phoebe spent the majority of the year coming up with and discarding ideas on how to deal with Leon and his cohorts.
                  ◊ FOURTH YEAR Phoebe's fourth year was also Brandon's seventh year, and she had decided to come up with the best way to torment her brother. She started dating Peter Whyte, a boy in her year who had a atrocious reputation for being an arse and getting into fights. Peter agreed to help in return for Phoebe deterring some of the dislike toward him, which Phoebe had no problem with doing as long as it wasn't because he did something stupid. Needless to say, it drove her brother insane with her apparent disregard for her 'boyfriend's' behaviour.
                  ◊ FIFTH YEAR Fifth year saw Phoebe continuing her charade of a relationship with Peter and taking her OWLs. She also was named prefect, which she surprisingly took seriously. However, as her brother was no longer in school, she didn't have the urge to troll as much as she used to.
                  ◊ SIXTH YEAR Phoebe buckled down during her sixth year, taking the fact that she had just a couple of years left of school quite seriously. She also continued to see Peter Whyte, despite everyone considering her quite mad for doing so.
                  ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Seventh year was a blur for Phoebe, in between exams and everything else she was working on.

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                • Parents - Oliver Davenport, Jeane Davenport (both deceased)
                • Brother - Brandon Davenport
                • Uncle - Leon Davenport (deceased) ❤ Erica Davenport (deceased),child Michael Davenport (adopted)
                • Uncle - James Davenport (deceased) ❤ Lynette Davenport (deceased), children Arianna, Adaline, and Annabelle Davenport (all deceased)

                • Best Friend - Arienne Horne
                • Treva Warlow

              "SIGNIFICANT OTHER" Peter Whyte
              ENEMIES Name
              PETS Black cat named Smoke

          xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          UPDATED 1/2/18xxx
          UPDATES MADExxx
          Year and Agexxxxxx
          NEWTs Added

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