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Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:16 pm
((OOC: A very casual ORP for -any rocket- who is interested; mostly I am just wanting to open up my trainee character, Clancy, for interaction with any character who might be on the base.))

With the gentle hum of a filtration system, and a persistent 'rasping' noise pattern from the water, a trainee, in uniform, could be found in one of the water-type training rooms, one morning, diligently, if not exactly enjoying himself, cleaning the multiple filters of various bits of pokémon fur, scales and other leavings.

An automated system drone continued to catch debris that floated within the pool, by gently sucking up the water and spewing it out clean; the new debris was caused by a certain fish, a Carvanha, using its rough body to ensure particles were dislodged from the walls and floor of the underwater space. Any scales it lost in the process (an uncommon occurrence) would, naturally, be sucked up too.

"Blimey, some blighter's had an Absol in 'ere!" The trainee grumbled, poking at the white fur he'd found, disdainfully, with a glove. "It's little wonder the bloody pressure's up; look 'ow clogged this is! You ever seen the like, Mir?" He asked, rhetorically, of his fish.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:00 am
It was good to be on his feet again, even if he was still sore and frustratingly weak. It was amazing how fast muscles vanished on you given half a chance, doubly so after injury. He had plenty to keep him occupied though; unable to train himself his pokemon were getting even more attention than usual, especially the newer members of the squad. Today he'd already pitched the pair in a tag team against Discord; they'd actually managed to defeat him for the first time. Success was no reason to slack off however and so after breakfast and a quick break he headed back to the training facilities.

"Here we are," he announced, pushing the door open and stepping inside. Killer and Thanatos followed him inside, the former looking around with interest and the latter with some trepidation. "Water room," he nodded, "we're going to work on swimming for those who are not so good at it, and Nat you're going to learn how to rescue somebody who gets into-"

They weren't alone, there was a trainee holding a clump of white fur. Ahhh, cleaning duty; how he did not miss it. It had been fun on rare occasions, but those occasions had involved focusing more on Claire (it had usually been Claire) than on the work he was supposed to be doing.

On spotting the stranger Thanatos dived behind Aulus' legs and, grabbing onto one of them, peeked out nervously.

Aulus pretended not to notice, focusing instead on looking the red-uniformed Rocket up and down. "Trainee," he acknowledged, gruff but not aggressive; the guy hadn't done anything wrong yet. Yet.


Predestined Inquisitor


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:41 am
"Clancy!" The trainee responded, cheerfully, as though he'd thought the acknowledgement was a request for his name, and introductions to be made.
"Pleased to make your acquaintance and all that; I'd shake your hand and wotnot, but I rather doubt the sincerity would trump the absol-clump and pool slime, mate."

Mircalla rose to the surface of the pool to have a peek at who had just entered the room, the slight splash drawing Clancy's attention to her for a moment.
"Oh. That's my pool cleaner; say hello to our esteemed colleague, Mircalla, Mister..?" He rattled off, casting an eye over the pokémon with Aulus...
A frog thing he wasn't... /entirely/ familiar with, but looked rather neat... and some frilly dog thing; his brows rose slightly.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:21 am
Hu, a Brit? Well that was slightly unexpected. "Yeah, I'll pass on the handshake," Aulus said aloud, looking into the water at Clancy's explanation; nice, he always had liked those murderous fish.

"Agent Aulus," he continued after a moment. "This is Killer, and that's Thanatos; I didn't name the latter, by the way." He wasn't that much of a ponse... anymore, Phaethon's name was all his own fault but in his defence he had been seven at the time.

"You new by the way? Not seen you before." He wasn't interested in making friends but it made sense for him to get to know, well, everyone really. Elites needed to be knowledgeable, and so if he was going to become one he needed to become... yeah, knowledgeable. Get to know people's skills and stuff.


Predestined Inquisitor


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:34 am
"A Roman, a Greek, and a," he looked at the frilly dog thing "killer. Descriptive moniker, that. So, Agent, eh? You not been sent to check up on me, 'ave you? I've only just bloomin' started; at least give a lad a chance to mess up afore you come looking..." He grinned, an expression that didn't entirely fit his face- it was somewhat 'sneer-y'- to appear to be joking as, he perhaps, 'tested the water', metaphorically despite the locale, around this agent.

"Transferred in, maybe a week ago, to begin my illustrious Rocket career. Got recruited, bundled off to some shady abode in Camphoreon, and now, here you find little old me, cleaning a pool. My own ruddy fault, really; I let 'em in that I'm a plumber by trade; still, beats the ol' gaol!"  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:48 am
Wait, brains? Well it wasn't often he ran across that in trainees. Despite himself Aulus smirked a bit and gave a snort of amusement. "Please, don't flatter yourself! We came here to train, not to check that your scrubbing brush is of regulation size." A week wasn't much time really but the man - who looked a few years older than he was himself, somewhere around thirty? - appeared to be relaxed. Combined with the rest of what he said Aulus guessed that this meant he wasn't exactly from the straight and narrow, but then how many were around here? Not many, that was for sure.

"And it could be worse," Aulus added, smirk getting a bit bigger, "you could have been assigned to clean the toilets."


Predestined Inquisitor


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:22 am
"Oh, I assure you, she's quite a bit bigger than regulation." He was, of course, referring to Mir, who was, indeed, rather acting as a pool scrubbing brush in her task. "Alas, for training. It would appear I am rather inconveniencing you in that endeavour, and one has one's orders to 'just get the damned pool working properly'," Clancy was, apparently, quoting the words he'd been assigned to the task with "but I shall hasten in my task. Oh," Clancy shook his head sadly, and looked down, as though he'd seen great horror "that was my first job; some of your colleagues celebrated their first weeks here in some jolly bloody good fun and rowdy fashion, if you catch my drift..."  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:22 pm
Aulus pulled a face. "The multi coloured tide ascended, I follow." The guy talked really kind of weird, it was like he was deliberately using the longest words possible for any given situation. Aulus tried to think of a way that it could be intended to mock, insult, other otherwise undermine him but came up blank and as such decided to regard the habit with caution for now but not outright hostility.

"Well I damn well want to train, so perhaps I can lend a pair of hands," Aulus continued, shaking his leg to dislodge Thanatos. Doing so however caused a spike of pain from his healing ribs which made him curl and arm around himself and hiss a word that was not very polite at all. "Thanatos," he hissed, trying to recover his aplomb, "go help. Do what the trainee tells you to." Ow, ow, sodding ow!


Predestined Inquisitor


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:13 pm
The trainee's brows quirked in curious puzzlement more than concern, as the Agent appeared to be in some pain.

"War wound?" But, still, he was being lent a helping frog. "My gratitude; filter cleaning, old frog- four more to do; take it out, pick the 'stuff' from it, rinse it, if you would be so kind, and put the bloody thing back."
He then pointed at the pool.
"Mir', there, is doing some scrubbing, but she's got that covered; ruddy good at that, she is."  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:05 pm
Finger by finger the dark fabric was peeled from the flesh they were so commonly clinging to. casually, the glove was pulled off of her hand, flexing finger before she reached out to touch the cold metal of the pool door, pushing it open as the thumbing of her gray boots carried her into the room.
Before her hand could even more to her thigh where a selection of dusk balls sat the sound of voices echoing through the hard room caused the Agent to pause and look up.
It wasn't uncommon to see others in a training aria, and it didn't hinder her plans in the least.

She spotted Aulus first, and paused.
She didn't have a lot of dealings with the fellow Agent, the last time she had interacted with then she had been sure he had intended to punch her out, though she suspected that there was little reason to do so now, she couldn't expect a warm welcome from the hardened solider.

The other, as hazel eyes confused, was an older man in the water, seeming to be on cleaning duty rather then training. This man, she had never seen before.
as she finished the evaluation, her eyes lingered for a little longer on the Carvanha that was in the water, before she addressed the room as a whole.

"Gentlemen-" she greeted, steadily pulling the other glove off.  


Supreme Roisterer


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:31 pm
It was reasonably safe to assume that -everyone- outranked him right now, but it didn't hurt that the lack of a trainee uniform could give it away.
Clancy looked up from addressing the frog to grin at the woman who'd entered.

"Blimey! Regular Piccadilly in here before too long; good morning, ma'am!"

Mircalla, sensing yet more arrivals, became curious enough to come and peek from the surface again.
She didn't mind the interruptions; like her trainer, she had some understanding of the need to know team mates, plus an underlying social nature, common to her species, 'rough' as she could be.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:43 pm
A soft smile crossed over Faleen's face, tucking the gloves into her belt by her hip before she made her way closer to the man in the pool, peering for a clearer view of what he was doing, while addressing the Rocket in the water.
"You would be correct of course, for the Rockets who have water types to train at least."
as she leveled with the men she allowed herself to look over to Aulus once again nodding her head politely at him "Agent Aulus, you're looking much better,"

The Agent stopped by the pools edge, leaning forward as to now take a better look at the Carvanha int he water with the man. "Is that one yours?"  


Supreme Roisterer


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:04 pm
"Well, I'll try to get this fixed up afore I'm getting surfed on, and hydro-blasted and wotnot..." Clancy held the piece out to show, before setting about putting it back, now clear. "Four more o' these blighters; last one was clogged up with Absol fur!" He then gestured to Thanatos "Agent Aulus'... uh, Thanatos, is lending me a hand, figuratively." What were those things called? Maybe he should 'dex check it subtly the next chance he could.

He completed reattaching the filter he was working on, as Faleen addressed Aulus, and then looked back to see the other agent inspecting Mircalla.
"Oh yes, she's currently my scrubbing brush, but she's also pretty general purpose; that's Mircalla. I'm Clancy, by the way." He introduced himself, and wondered if, perhaps, he shouldn't just start going by his codename, only after the fact. Probably not. It was better you gave your real name to people you might end up dead because of, or with...  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 12:33 pm
"Nugh," Aulus replied to Clancy, closely followed by; "Yeah, I got kicked in the ribs by a legendary water pony. Fun times...."

Oh, and here was Faleen. Welp. Aulus nodded acknowledgement; "Hi." He should get to know her better. He knew she had a cool Absol - that little adventure out in the desert seemed so long ago now - and Alex really liked her and.... Somehow the line of thought just faded out to ellipsis without the will to carry it further. He should get to know her but getting to know people was hard and... well... yeah, there had been the thing with all the shouting. "...Thanks. I feel much better too. You look-"

s**t. How was he going to end that sentence?


"...You look like you're here to train too." Great Aulus, reeeeally great. Big round of applause for the competent social interaction. Yaaaaaaaaay!

Once he was done mocking himself, at least for the time being, Aulus wandered closer to the pool to watch the progress of the water types. "I figured I'd get to use the pool sooner if he helped out, and he's still new so just making sure he can follow versatile instructions is worthwhile," he explained.

Thanatos could indeed follow instructions; he was in the process of pulling out a filter, quite large relative to him, and scooping out unidentified gunk without complaint.  


Predestined Inquisitor


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 3:35 pm
'Legendary Water Pony...'

Clancy racked his brain, trying to come up with what species that was; he was reasonably confident it was one of the rather exotic legendary pokémon, but he wasn't sure of the name.
"Well, I do hope you were victorious over your equine foe?"

Mircalla had made good progress despite stopping fairly often; her rough skin seemed to make a rather good abrasive for the pool side, dislodging anything that needed to be so.
An eye tracked back to the humans who seemed to be watching her and this other pokémon that had joined the task.
<> She informed the frog 'mon, bluntly, as she continued with her task. She was rather keen on doing this job well.  

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