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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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Fallrein Family ~ Accepted

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Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:54 am

The Fallrein Family

xxxxxxxxxxCurrent Family Members
Tobi Fallrein (NPC)
❤Marius Fallrein nee Forren
(MPC, Formerly Devlyn Maycry)
xxx✿Silas Fallrein (NPC)
xxx✿Lewis Fallrein (NPC)
xxx✿Heath Fallrein (NPC)
xxx✿Lukas Fallrein

Accepted by: ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [03/23/2017]
Accepted Characters:
Tobi [03/23/2017] Marius [03/23/2017] Silas [03/23/2017]
Lewis [03/23/2017] Heath [03/23/2017] Lukas [03/23/2017]

Updates Accepted by: ~ murrue ❤ [07/17/19]
PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:55 am

xxxxT O B IxxxF A L L R E I N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
~NPC as of 1/25/2023~

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Tobi or Tobes

              AGE 45

              BIRTHDAY 22 June 2011

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood apparently

              WAND 11", Pliable Cedar, with a Bent handle and a Raven feather core

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Bi...seriously!

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Cockney, French, in the stages of learning Norwegian, Sign Language

              FACECLAIM Chace Crawford [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              YEAR/CLASS OF 2027

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ EE
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Alchemy ~ A
                  Arithmancy ~ A
                  Cursebreaking ~ P
                  Muggle Music ~ A
                  Music ~ O
                  Wandless Magic ~ EE
                  Wizard Law ~ O

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Arithmancy ~ O
                  Music ~ O
                  Wandless Magic ~ A
                  Wizard Law ~ O

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Law Wizard

              DREAM JOB It is considered a bit of a dream to do nothing but play with his kids and play music all day but he supposes that doesn't get the bills paid

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ LOYAL Growing up the way he had, it made him thankful for the little group of friends he had. He would move heaven, hell, and beyond for everyone he deems worthy.
              ■ LACKADAISICAL He doesn't take a lot of things seriously bar his job and even then he plays pranks on some of the Wizengamot when it becomes exceedingly boring.
              ■ HUMOROUS He enjoys a good laugh, even at the expense of someone else via a prank though he tries to never go malicious. Mainly because his best friend owns a joke shop and he fears the rebuttal.
              ■ LIVELY He could be described as "the life of the party" or in simpler terms "an annoyingly loud pest." Either one works for him actually.
              ■ FOCUSED Despite his rather offbeat humor he can be focused and determined on just about anything he sets his mind on. Whether it be building up his name within the courts or bribing his eldest son for younger siblings.
              ■ HUMBLE Having grown up with nothing for basically his entire childhood he's exceedingly grateful for the horde of sh-stuff he's accumulated over the years; especially the money. Though you could never tell seeing as he never flaunts it except at the expense of his family and friends.

                  Seeing musical performances

                  His true parentage
                  Charms, the class he means
                  Being stuck inside all day
                  Not understanding what he did wrong

                  Creating music
                  Playing with his children

                  Good musician
                  Exceedingly loyal

                  He can clam up about issues bothering him and lash out when provoked.
                  He can see things as being his fault even when it's not

                  His family being taken away
                  Marius leaving him like Bradley

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD I don't really know when I was born but it had to be sometime in the summer since the caretaker who found me said that it was one of the hottest days she'd ever felt. And when she took me to a Healer it was determined I was only a few days old. Suffice to say I don't know much outside of the orphanage and I've grown to be ok with that.Not to say I wouldn't very much like a family of my own, just that if in over a decade no one's even bothered to come and adopt me that no one will. Like I said, I'm ok with that. I've even taken to calling myself "Tobi the Orphan" for a bittersweet thrill. Alright now that the soppy stuff is out the way lets get on to the good stuff: I started to sing a couple years ago while I was gardening out back in the home when I remembered this song from the other night over at the music square and began to sing. Apparently it was pretty good cuz some of the kids clapped. Go figure that the weird quiet kid could sing huh? I also like jokes, good jokes not that knock-knock sh-stuff. Recently I met this really nice woman named Lily who showed me Diagon Alley and told me I might be a wizard and so when I got my letter it sorta answered my question. She even adopted me! Well...not officially but anyway, it's really weird having a family. And siblings. But hopefully I'll get used to it.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR I really enjoyed my first year at Hogwarts, I even made the Quidditch team! I play Beater and it's an awful lot of fun! I made some real cor friends too named Annabeth and Bradley. Anna's cool she's gonna be this amazing writer when she gets older and Bradley is a whiz with his camera. Although something about him makes my stomach do these weird flippy things.
                  SECOND YEAR My second year was pretty....odd. I finally figured out where I knew Luke from and we basically hung out and got to know each other. However in course of reuniting with him I didn't get the chance to hang out much with Anna and Bradley. Anna understood but for some reason Bradley gave me the cold shoulder practically the entire year! Finally I confronted him and he admitted that he liked me (yes!) but that he hated I was with Luke (no!!!!). I had to kiss him a few times to reassure him I wasn't, which trust my I enjoyed very much, and now we're dating. Finally!
                  THIRD YEAR Was a bit of a doozy from the start of summer. First I find out about my real parentage, and what a load of bullcrap that was! I can't even think straight whenever I think about..them! But as far as the school year went, it was pretty anti-climatic if you think about. Well...then again there were all these people falling asleep, it even got Steffi! Speaking of the cyclops when is she and Luke gonna pull their respective heads out their asses and see they like each other. Before Luke becomes more of a man-whore than he already is.
                  FOURTH YEAR Year was also rather boring. Except for the s**t that happened at the Fall Festival things were rather quiet. Elain died and made me her heir in the winter which sorta...screwed me up a bit but I'm getting better. And oh yeah! I got initiated into this league of superhero madness...dunno what it's about but I've ridden crazier trains than this one.
                  FIFTH YEAR was...rather eventful. First of all I was named Vice Captain of the Quidditch team which was awesome but then Dhylan committed suicide leaving me as Captain after just our first game. After that we hit a bit of bad luck with a good chunk of our experienced players disappearing and me having to replace them. We didn't come in last but..we also weren't presented the Cup either. But I've got all next year to work on it. Dhylan's death kind of threw me through a ringer along with Heather's but I feel like I'm getting better. I did pretty good on my OWL's, except for Cursebreaking. I was surprised at how well I did in Potions and Wizard Law, maybe I've got a shot there as well. And as an added bonus ******** of this past year, I botched a love potion I was trying to give to Luke but ended up taking it myself and falling in love with Steffi for a couple hours. Bradley was not impressed and I've got our anniversary and most of the summer to make it up to him.
                  SIXTH YEAR 6th Year wasn't that eventful at all! I mean, sure it was my first full year as captain but it wasn't that big a deal! In all honesty more stuff ended up happening in the summer rather than during the year. But thank God, Merlin, whoever that I've just got one more year left!
                  SEVENTH YEAR 7th Year was pathetically boring what with all the review they were making us do in every stinking class for NEWT's. Although, I did get some prime time with Bradley when his nose wasn't stuck in a book and me, Luke, and Steffi have left the absolute greatest legacy! I won't tell what, just know it was us.
                  Also, I finally got Bradley to say yes! We're living at the manor together and planning a small type wedding deal. Nothing too big since neither of us like the flash and pomp of other weddings. Honestly if I was given the choice I would whisked him away to France again and just got married there but even after all these years his Father still scares me.

              POST GRADUATION 2027~ Being a Law Wizard isn't as big and glamorous as the professors liken it to be, but it does keep me occupied. Plus I sometimes get to use my "abilities" on my clients!
              2028~ Anything I used to say about being bored sucked, I take it all back. I'd rather be bored forever than be dealing with this madness. Luke's in prison (not holding, not jail, ******** Azkaban) on some charges I know he couldn't do so now I'm working on his case to get him out and find the sonofabitch that's framing him.
              2030~ I finally did it! I managed to finally get Luke out of Azkaban and get those thrice damned Aurors on the track of the real perpetrator. Gods, after all this, I need a damn vacation!
              2031~ I really don't know what I did wrong but he left me. Bradley just upped and left me one day and and it's been really hard to cope. I'm slowly coming around but it just feels like a huge part of me has been ripped away.

              2032~After my funk and slow rebuild my wonderful friends (liieess) decided to set me up on a blind date named Marius. He was...different than what I expected but in a good way. And no blasted blue eyes so that definitely helped. We've been dating for a good while now, nearly a year, and I was taking him with me to visit Steffi when I came across this little boy. I had seen him before just once or twice but for some reason I felt this strange connection that time. I went and talked with him for a bit, casually threw out that I had a cat who was semi-lonely (and spoiled as ********) and bam. Adopted a kid. Now I just gotta get Marius to move in and we'll be set!

              2033~We've adopted a kid...well...kids really. The first one was Silas and man he's a great kid! I wasn't really expecting to get a kid off the bat but I remember what they said about the older you were the least likely to get adopted, well that an he's cute as all get out. Though he'd prolly try and sneak attack me if I told him. Meh, I'll tell him anyway. The second is Lewis and Jesus he's adorable as ********. I'm pretty sure I kidnapped him for like ten whole minutes before remembering I had to actually sign papers to adopt him. Everything's pretty good, the house is slowly being filled with noise and laughter like I wanted but now I've got a bigger fish to fry: how the ever lasting ******** am I supposed to propose to Marius?!

              2034~ Luckily I figured out a way and we were married on New Years Eve with a big dramatic kiss at midnight surrounded by all our friends, family, and an arse-load of sugar crazed little kids. After our honeymoon and when life started settling into being normal we went and made a tiny upset. In the shape of two new adopted boys. The last misstep took a kitten, I'm pretty sure we just can't give Silas a new pet whenever we adopt someone without going by him first. But still, I feel like he thinks we don't take his feelings into consideration, which I do! It definitely doesn't help that one of the boys is probably magical, that last fall he had should've left him with more than a few leaves in his hair. I'll figure something out though, hopefully puberty doesn't have him completely by the balls yet.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Marius Fallrein ~ Husband, Silas Fallrein ~ Son, Lewis Fallrein ~ Son, Heath Fallrein ~ Son, Lukas Fallrein ~ Son, Lily Fallrein ~ Adoptive Mother, Theodore Nott ~ Birth Father, Elaine Moneau Bernard ~ Birth Mother, Alaric Fallrein ~ Brother, Eve Fallrein ~ Sister
              FRIENDS Luke Borson, Steffi Borson, Gypsy Lovette, Jer Lovette, Xavier Goldwind, Marius Forrester
              BEST FRIEND Luke Borson
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Marius Fallrein
              ENEMIES Theodore Nott...sorta
              PETS An old ornery grey cat named Lionel


Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Friend of the Goat 100

The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 12:22 pm

xxxxS I L A SxxxG A B R I E LxxxF A L L R E I N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          NICKNAMES Si

          AGE 16

          BIRTHDAY 23 May 2024

          BLOOD STATUS Halfblood Squib

          GENDER Male

          SEXUAL ORIENTATION Heterosexual

          LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, French, Norwegian, Sign Language, Cockney

          FACECLAIM Trafalgar Law [x]

      xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
          ATTENDING King's School

          HOUSE Capesthorne

          YEAR Ten

          CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Angry Teen

          DREAM JOB Punk Rock Poet

      xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          ■ RESILIENT Silas is naturally able to 'spring back into shape'; he's undeterred by difficult circumstances or conditions. Calm and generally at ease, even when others aren't, Silas usually expects things to eventually balance back out in his favor. Part of this is youthful innocence, and part of it is a fairly optimistic outlook, but he's experienced nothing to disprove it thus far.
          ■ FLEXIBLE Adaptable and generally laid-back and easygoing, Silas is quick to bend and hard to break. Displays of temper from him are uncommon, and generally quick to fade. As a rule, Silas is far from a brat, and generally quite cooperative, so long as the situation doesn't make him feel bad in any way. He isn't easily disturbed by minor bothers or changes in routine, and usually just goes with the flow.
          ■ CONFIDENT Silas is an unusually self assured person, especially for a former orphan. Not at all prone to doubting his self or wasting much time obsessing over his flaws, Silas would rather just do as he pleases, and he does. He's not really intimidated by other youths or adults, even when he should be, and he doesn't fall into the trap of constant comparison and envy others in his situation might. He knows exactly what's he worth, and to him it's a lot.
          ■ RESERVED Stoic by nature, Silas has few words coming out of his mouth and even fewer expressions, though he is more animated around family and friends than with strangers. Private and quiet for his age, he'd rather listen than chatter, because listening helps with his usual schemes. Silas is rather aloof, which can set both other children his age and adults on edge, as he just doesn't seem to care much. In fact, he cares deeply, and is just very, very bad at showing it.
          ■ CARELESS Silas is messy, disorganized, you name it, he's misplaced or completely forgot about it. He tends to space out a bit, and generally is not very cautious, even when he should be. His blunt nature and complete lack of ability to read the mood of a room has gotten him into trouble more than once. On the plus side, he's not one to worry much. On the down side, he probably should be.
          ■ DEVIOUS While not really rude or outwardly defiant, Silas is fond of getting up to all sorts of trouble behind people's backs and under their noses. He can be very underhanded and crafty, and while he's not really one for lying to people's faces, knows how to omit certain important parts of the truth when necessary. Silas is sneaky and cunning, and has no regrets so long as it helps him do as he pleases.

              Rock climbing

              Small yappy dogs
              Formal events
              Sharing a room
              Large open spaces

              Collecting stray cats
              Not doing his homework
              Crushing on a different girl every week


              Reserved nature

              Being left out of his family

xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      CHILDHOOD Silas was not born a Fallrein; rather he was born the son of a pureblood witch and a muggle man, who loved one another and him very much. Unfortunately, they died in a car wreck when Silas was five, and he was sent to live with his only surviving family; his maternal grandparents. They had never been in favor of their only child's marriage to a muggle, and, while not abusive or openly hostile to the boy, didn't exactly welcome him in with open arms. To them Silas was first and foremost the son of a muggle, and the fact that he took after said muggle in appearance did not help matters. While his grandparents mourned the loss of their daughter, he played with the household's many cats and withdrew into himself when met with worried stares and whispers, as one year passed, then another, with him yet to show any signs of magic. His grandparents were already overwhelmed at the prospect of raising another child at their age, and the idea of having to raise a squib was just too much. They reasoned that it would be better for everyone if an essentially muggle child were raised by a muggle family, and so left him at Wool's Orphanage shortly before his eighth birthday. Silas only missed the cats, and did not stay at the orphanage for long before being adopted by his 'Papa' and his 'Pa', Tobi and Marius.

      Much to Silas' dismay, soon enough his parents began to consider adopting again, wanting a large family, and his younger brother Lewis was adopted when he was nine. Although Silas was at first standoffish and sullen about the adoption, he didn't take long to warm up to his younger brother, and the fact that Papa had gotten him a kitten didn't hurt. When his fathers adopted again, this time without any warning, shortly after their wedding, Silas took far longer to come around, although he was civil to his two new younger brothers, Heath and Lukas.

      SCHOOL YEARS Silas attends a muggle boarding school very close to where he lives, and is often home on the weekends. Heath was kidnapped for a day or two when he was fifteen, but ended up being rescued unharmed, which Silas contends was both traumatizing and exasperating.


xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
      FAMILY Tobias and Marius Fallrein (adoptive fathers), Lewis, Heath, and Lukas Fallrein (adoptive brothers)
      FRIENDS Colby Blackburn, Bryson Clifford, Finnegan Maguire, Miranda Hargrave
      BEST FRIEND Colby Blackburn
      ROMANTIC INTEREST Miranda Hargrave (occasionally)
      ENEMIES Stephen Merrick and Allen Rutherford
      PETS Two cats: Mae and Ozzy

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:36 pm

NPC'd 10/29/17

xxxxL E W I SxxxI A NxxxF A L L R E I N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Lew, Lewie, that one kid

              AGE Nine

              BIRTHDAY 6 January 2029

              BLOOD STATUS Muggle

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unknown

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Norwegian (both with a Scottish accent)

              FACECLAIM Random pictures (child), Adam Hicks (youth-teen-young adult), Ed Sheeran (young adult-adult) [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Muggle Primary School

              YEAR/CLASS OF Year Five

              HONORS None

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Dentist

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ SOCIALLY AWKWARD Lewis gets rather awkward around people, whether he knows them or not. He tries to talk to them and have a conversation, but his words tend to get a bit mixed up between his head and his mouth, leaving him to question what he had wanted to say in the first place.
              ■ INTELLIGENT Lewis is very smart for his age. He loves to learn, but has trouble focusing sometimes. When he stays on task, he preforms at a higher than average level for his age group.
              ■ GIGGLY Lewis loves to laugh. Sometimes, he bursts out into random spurts of laughter for no apparent reason. Some say his laughter is contagious.
              ■ FRIENDLY Lewis loves meeting new people. He considers everyone his friend, even if he has only known them for a few minutes. He is very outgoing as well, putting himself into situations where he can meet more people.
              ■ EASY-GOING Lewis is a very laid back kind of person. He doesn't like to rush things, preferring to take his time on his schoolwork and other things. Most disruptions or interruptions don't bother him.
              ■ SELFLESS Lewis tends to put other people, namely his family, before himself. He would protect them all with his life if he had to. He understands the meaning of true sacrifice, even at his young age.

                  Playing with my siblings
                  Hide and seek

                  Sad movies
                  Getting in trouble
                  When his siblings are upset

                  Playing with his siblings

                  Contagious laughter
                  Above average intelligence

                  Speech problems
                  Awkward around people


          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Lewis doesn't remember many of the details of his early childhood. He remembered having a dad, but no mom. He lived in a small house with his dad, it had a big backyard, he remembered. One night though, the house caught on fire. Unfortunately, Lewis' dad didn't make it. After everything was said and done, Lewis was dropped off at Wools orphanage. He was only three, and he didn't really understand how death worked, but he knew that he was there for a reason. He figured that reason was to make people laugh. He loved to laugh, and whenever he laughed, other people laughed too. It was great! One day, two men came to the orphanage, looking to adopt a child. Lewis smiled his biggest grin at them, and he ended up going home with them. Now he had two dads and a brother, Silas! Things were finally starting to look up for him.

              SCHOOL YEARS Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Tobi Fallrein (Papa, adopted father), Marius Forren (Pepe, adopted father), Silas Fallrein (adopted brother), Heath Fallrein (adopted brother), Lukas Fallrein (adopted brother)
              FRIENDS Silas Fallrein, Heath Fallrein, Lukas Fallrein
              BEST FRIEND None
              ROMANTIC INTEREST None
              ENEMIES None
              PETS None (but he really wants a dog)

COLOR 1 = #397D02
COLOR 2 = #EE7600
COLOR 3 = #699864

The Shiny Furret

Merry Muse

4,950 Points
  • Millionaire 200
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  • Dressed Up 200

Devlyn Maycry

Obsessive Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:09 pm


xxxxM A R I U SxxxK R I S T I A NxxxF A L L R E I N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Marius, Mari,

              AGE 29

              BIRTHDAY June 1st, 2011

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND Kou wood with Pegasus wing feather. 9 3/4 inches

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Gay

              FACECLAIM Austin Mahone

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Durmstrang

              TEAM Punainen

              YEAR/CLASS OF 2029

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  Dark Arts

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ D
                  Dark Arts ~ T
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ E
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Divinations~ T
                  Wandless Magic~ O

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ E
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Wandless Magic~ E

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Unemployed Bum

              DREAM JOB Breed Dogs?

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ GRUMPY He gets annoyed easily and is an introvert. An hour of socialization makes him feel like he needs to sleep for the next 3 days. So yes when he has to socialize he gets grumpy really easily and has a slight temper. Its hard to tell though since he doesn't yell.
              ■ OBSERVANT He's always watching. He never misses a single thing. If Kas hadn't told him he was dying, he probably would have figured it out anyways.
              ■ SULLEN He was never the type to smile about much of anything. Straight face was the closest he got to smiling. Even before his parents died, he wasn't a smiley kid. Since then it just seems like it was tragedy after tragedy so it didn't help it much.
              ■ ATHLETIC He likes to work out and run and just be moving. The runners "high" myth is true. The more he runs, the closer he feels to some inner peace. Since Kas' death, he has just gotten even more into working out to take his mind off of it all.
              ■ SILENT This obviously has the meaning of he doesn't talk. But beyond that, he doesn't make much noise at all. He walks quietly, he eats quietly, he does everything quietly. Hell he even runs and breathes quietly. It helps with his observations.
              ■ BOOKWORM Beyond being observant, he likes to do research on things and read. He loves to know everything he can about pretty much anything that interests him. He's also into comic books, tv shows, and pretty much anything with a story line.

                  My Family
                  My Dead Family
                  Being Alone

                  People who judge me
                  People who pity me
                  Working in teams
                  People who try to make me talk

                  Rock Climbing
                  Working Out

                  Being Alone
                  Silent Magic

                  Not Accepting New Things
                  My Attitude

                  Being Alone Forever
                  The Man From My Past

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD When he was really little, this guy broke into his family home. He was downstairs and out of bed when he shouldn't have been. At 4 years old he was a late bloomer and hadn't truly learned to speak yet. He'd maybe said a few words. This guy came barreling into the house though and he held him at knife point Marius was told that if he ever made a sound ever again, he'd kill him and his family. So Marius stopped talking.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR He lived a perfectly happy life with his parents. They were great. They pampered him.... a lot... but who gives a s**t about that. They were happy until some idiot had to come around and ******** it all up. His parents were hit by a car and they died on the spot. No amount of magic would have saved them. The only good thing is he died too. Marius was 11.... and they were gone and he got sent to some dumb orphanage.

              He didn't stay long at the orphanage. A nice couple came an adopted him. He lives in England now while going to a school a billion miles away. That's only because his family was visiting England, and they had no form of ID on them when they were hit and I wouldn't speak and so they just shoved him in an orphanage. It helps that he barely understand English... but he hasn't spoke a word ever.

              SECOND YEAR For awhile He didn't really fit in with his new family, but they let him take his time and they never asked him to speak. They have always been good about that.
              THIRD YEAR Third year was when his little brothers and sister started at Hogwarts. His new parents got him a puppy too. Her name is Freya.
              FOURTH YEAR He met Kas in Diagon Alley. They hit it off immediately. He never asked him to talk, but he taught him how to write in English and they began sending letters to each other almost daily.
              FIFTH YEAR Marius and Kas are dating now. He might be the onlywho really understands what its like to be him. Marius even told him about his past and he was totally understanding. Kas also told him he's dying....
              SIXTH YEAR Kas has been getting sicker and sicker. Marius know he's dying and its limited time they have together... but he didn't think he'd get sicker so fast.
              SEVENTH YEAR Right before graduation, he stopped getting his daily letters from Kas. After graduation I went looking into it. Kas died... and no one even told him because they didn't know they had too. He's gone and Marius doesn't even know how to feel about it.

          POST GRADUATION He's still getting over Kas. It would be easier if he had dumped him or something but like how do you get over someone who is dead. Its not like he can just say "well ******** him for not wanting me." Because he did. They were desperately in love and now he's gone. You'd think Marius would have prepared himself for it, but he always just expected to have one more year with him. He needs to get out and get a job and live his life. His mum says he'll never get over it if he doesn't try to live life to its fullest. She's probably right.

          Marius began dating Tobi upon a suggestion from Jer and Gypsy. They soon adopted a child together only to realize he didn't live with Tobi yet so he moved in that night. Then they got another kid and then finally they got married and now they just adopted 2 more boys. Their family was growing quickly. Marius never expected to be this happy. He's even speaking now!

          Freya ended up passing over the winter break and Marius' mourned her death for a few months, before returning home one day with 2 Samoyed puppies named Sif and Váli

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Tobi Fallrein - Husband, Lewis Fallerein - Son, Silas Fallrein - Son, Lukas Fallrein - Son, Heath Fallrein - Son, John Roach - Father, Cecilia Rojas Roach - Mother, Camila Isabella Rojas - Sister, Axel Everett Roach - Brother, Adrian Jayce Gordon - Brother, Cher Joyce Delphine - Sister, Cash Triston Meadows - Brother, and Bison Annalyn Merr Frost - Sister.
          FRIENDS Kas (dead)
          BEST FRIEND Kas (dead)
          SPOUSE Tobi Fallrein
          ENEMIES None
          PETS Váli and Sif - 2 Samoyed Puppies
PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:23 pm

xxxxH E A T HxxxC R I S T A I NxxxF A L L R E I N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
As of May 2022

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Heath

              AGE 17

              BIRTHDAY 29 October 2029

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND 10 1/2 Poplar with Griffin hair core, Pliable with a Bent shaft

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Undecided

              FACECLAIM Carlos PenaVega [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              YEAR/CLASS OF Seventh

              BEST LESSONS
                  Study of Ancient Runes

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ P
                  History of Magic ~ P
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Alchemy ~ EE
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
                  Healing ~ O
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ EE

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective ~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Hair dyer, mainly in shades of gray

              DREAM JOB Daredevil extraordinaire

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ CONFIDANT "Can't" is nowhere in Heath's vocabulary, especially if the word "I" is in front of it. He never once thinks he's going to fail at a task he's appointed to himself and if down the road he happens to fail he refuses to see it as a failure but more of a setback.
              ■ PROTECTIVE Due to being the main caregiver of his younger brother before ending up in the orphanage, Heath has developed protective instincts over those he sees as smaller or weaker than him. He doesn't exactly realize he's not much bigger so generally just takes the brunt of whatever was happening.
              ■ DEDICATED Heath doesn't lose focus very easily, once he has his sights on something he strives to not just maintain it but see it to the very end. This can also extend to people; he doesn't trust very easily but those who do have it have gained an unwavering support. No matter what you ask he'll try to see it through, even if its one of those babyish shows or games his younger siblings like.
              ■ DIZZYING This can be either physically or mentally. He really likes heights and he especially loves swinging around in high places or just swinging around in general. He's also such a whirlwind of energy that he occasionally burns out those who happen to just be hanging around him.
              ■ RECKLESS He's been aptly nicknamed the daredevil (orjustdevildependingontheday) by his family because of his rather ill-thought out stunts. Like attempting to bungee jump from the top of the garden shed with a rope he just braided together out of an extra long vine he found. Or seeing if he could trapeze walk across the pool on pool floaties even though he can only swim up to four feet. As such he keeps his older brother and both his father's on their toes with his death-defying stunts.
              ■ LAID-BACK Despite how driven he is to accomplish his next hair-brained scheme, he doesn't have much focus when it comes to actual life. Or that he just doesn't care. As long as he can wake up in his right state of mind with only minimal bruises from the day before, he's golden. Sometimes he doesn't even need the mind part.

                  Climbing on stuff
                  Swinging from stuff
                  Sliding down the stairs
                  Secretly not-so-secretly cuddling with his brothers and fathers
                  Visiting Uncle Luke's store

                  Being cooped indoors
                  Being bored
                  When someone is sad
                  When he gets in trouble

                  Climbing the trees and buildings outside
                  Learning guitar from Papa

                  He has virtually no fear of failure
                  He'll always be there to try and make you feel better

                  His own reckless behavior
                  He's horrendously hard-headed

                  Thunder storms

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Heath doesn't really remember much from living with his parents. He knew they spoke a totally different language from English and he remembers some of it unlike his younger brother. He knew that something must've gone wrong since one day he had been trying, and failing, to feed his baby brother from his bottle and the next they had been abandoned at the front steps of the orphanage. For the first few months he slept in the same crib as his brother (which wasn't very comfortable despite his short length) until he was sure that they weren't going to separate the two of them indefinitely. Despite the bleakness of being an orphan he kept trying to keep everyone happy and on their toes, especially the matrons. Nearly a year or so after they were dropped off (or so he thinks) his papa and pere showed up and whisked them away. Well, Papa did most of the whisking to be honest. When he was about eight, he was kidnapped by these men thinking that he still lived with his old parents. Fat load of good it did them, his dad's had saved him in no time! Actually, it was this scary redheaded lady and a bunch of others but still. He had gotten a letter about Hogwarts on his birthday and totally surprised his parents which had been kind of funny and now he was excited about going to the same school his papa, aunt, and uncles had gone to.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR His first year was alright. Kinda boring really, which was really saying something considering he lived in gigantic castle of death defying moving staircases and horrifyingly tall towers. Ok, so those were pretty cool but he was still trying to find some real fun.
                  SECOND YEAR Heath didn't do much besides continually explore the castle attempting to create shorter routes to class. And if those routes involved bungee jumping than so be it.
                  THIRD YEAR He was asked about Quidditch again but declined not liking the fact that they couldn't actively go after bludgers unless they were beaters.
                  FOURTH YEAR He's nearly finished his map of the moving staircases and managed to successfully slide down from Gryffindor tower without his feet touching a single stair by the end of the year.
                  FIFTH YEAR Heath was more than a little surprised at receiving a prefect badge but attempted to make the best of it. No one died or got seriously injured so he counted that as a win. His tests at the end of the year were just as horrifying as he'd heard but he'd managed to do pretty good on them. Now to just do it again in two years.
                  SIXTH YEAR Information
                  SEVENTH YEAR Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Tobi Fallrein~ Papa, Marius Forren~ Pere, Silas Fallrein~ Older Brother, Lewis Fallrein~ Older Brother, Lukas Fallrein~ Younger Brother
              FRIENDS He's pretty sure he knows a good number of emergency room nurses if that counts. And the squirrels in that big tree in the back yard.
              BEST FRIEND He found a giant turtle in the forest that he named Speedy
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Name
              ENEMIES None
              PETS A burrowing owl named Ganondorf


Surefire Codger

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Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25
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  • Friend of the Goat 100
PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:27 pm

xxxxL U K A SxxxJ A V I E RxxxF A L L R E I N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Lukas

              AGE 24

              BIRTHDAY 18 June 2032

              BLOOD STATUS Muggle

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Pansexual

              FACECLAIM Toddler - Random Children
              Child/Preteen/Teen - Jake T. Austin [x]
              Adult - Carlos Valdes [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Bristol Grammar School

              CLASS OF 2050

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              GSCE SCORES
                  English Language ~ A
                  English Literature ~ A
                  Math ~ B
                  Biology ~ A
                  Chemistry ~ B
                  History ~ A
                  Geography ~ C
                  Drama ~ A
                  Humanities ~ A
                  French ~ A
                  Art & Design ~ A
                  Philosophy ~ C

              A - LEVEL SCORES
                  English Literature ~ A
                  English ~ B
                  French Literature ~ A
                  Chemistry ~ B
                  Anatomy and Physiology ~ A
                  Geography ~ B
                  Biology ~ A
                  Home Design ~ A

              ATTENDING University of Birmingham

              MAJOR Nursing

              MINOR Theater

              Medical Student Union

          CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student, part time actor, part time baker

          DREAM JOB ER Nurse

      xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          ■ KIND Lukas likes to smile and likes to see smiles on other peoples face. And he's figured out, even at this early age, that if he's nice to people he'll see them. So he does his best to always do that.
          ■ IMAGINATIVE Before the orphanage and adoption he didn't have very many or really any toys to play with. So when his older brother would give him something to occupy his time or distract him from his hunger, he'd make up wild and extravagant games and places. Many of them included theme songs.
          ■ ARTSY Anything that's described as an "art" he wants in on. He was big into coloring and painting, still is really, when he was younger at at school he's gotten heavily into not just acting but the set designs in his drama club as well as discoving printmaking. He enjoys creating things that he sees and watching people finally see what he sees. If that makes sense.
          ■ HEARTY Lukas likes celebrations, any type of one and any type of reason to have one. He's the first to celebrate any small thing as well as the first to pick up a friend or family member and help them reconcile a loss. At least they participated was his firm opinion.
          ■ AFFECTIONATE He likes hugs, cuddling, and just touching in general. If he likes and trusts someone, he won't hesitate to run and hug them or cling to them. It's when he's not touching you that you should be worried.
          ■ COMBUSTIBLE As happy and go lucky as he can be, like everyone he has a breaking point. His fuse has thankfully gotten longer as he's aged but still, once it's lit he will explode. He could easily say or do the worst and feel terrible about it afterwards but in his moment of anger, he's blinded.

              Drawing on his computer

              Pop quizzes
              Fish, he's allergic
              Being nitpicked

              Designing or printing
              Baking or cooking
              Playing football

              Sunny optimism
              His kind nature

              His hot temper
              He's still rather naïve

              Getting sucked into the world of Tron

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Lukas doesn't remember much before they ended up at the orphanage. Just that it was almost always cold and that he was hungry. Some people said it was a good thing he didn't remember much from his old family and the orphanage so he just moved on. One day these two nice men came in and adopted him and now he's got three big brothers instead of one. Life went on with him getting used to his larger family and two dads but with everyone being so nice (even Silas when he wasn't being a teeeennnaaggeerrrr) he quickly got acclimated. He found his strengths in drawing, especially on art programs on his computer, and when he moved to secondary school he quickly joined the first two clubs that gave him artistic freedom. He also discovered a love of science, especially biology and learning about the both the microscopic world and the larger one surrounding them. With all his interests, he's very confused on what he'd like to do when he grows up. But as his family has assured him, it's not going to get better as he gets older so he should just enjoy his youth. Weird, but at least he's not worrying too much about it anymore!

          SCHOOL YEARS
              Lukas was a bit nervous about this being his last year as a Junior but he was also more than ready for a challenge in the older classes. The house was becoming more and more quiet as Heath left for Hogwarts and his older brothers were leaving for college or life or whatever, so it was really just him and the dogs most days unless he was at his Papa's
              The year was pretty different being automatically paired and shifted with the older students. He'd been afraid that the coursework would suddenly change and be insanely harder but thankfully, everything seemed on par. Though it was pretty neat to be able check out a microscope now by himself. The next year was both eventful yet uneventful. The uneventful was that his schoolwork was relatively challenging but he liked it (and being part of the "older" kids for a change) but eventful in that..well he wouldn't call her a bully per se. Just someone he'd rather avoid. Hopefully next year will be a bit better. Unfortunately for Lukas, it didn't get better. Maggie continued to torment him until one day he could no longer hold it within him and blew up at her so spectacularly she apparently felt threatened enough to tell her parents. Who of course called the school, who then called his parents, who were then shocked that he one, let it get this far and b, never told them anything. Everything pretty much got swept away after a meeting with the dean and both parties had to apologize (begrudgingly of course) and that was that. The rest of his school years went by pleasantly smooth.

          POST GRADUATION After graduation, Lukas applied and was accepted into the University of Birmingham and enrolled into their nursing program. It's been a bit rough as the school is known for its prestige in science and research studies but he felt it would all be worth it. In 2054 he graduated with his BS in nursing has been in rotations the for his last stretch of schooling. He has his heart set on emergency medicine but also has a soft spot for pediatrics for obvious reasons.

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Tobi Fallrein~Papa, Marius Forren~ Pepe, Silas Fallrein~ Oldest brother, Lewis Fallrein~ Older brother, Heath Fallrein~ Older brother
          FRIENDS Loke Nalson, Jack Lovette, Tristan Lovette
          BEST FRIEND Piper Machiavelli
          ENEMIES Spiders
          PETS Since moving he's adopted two dogs, a cocker spaniel mix named Daisy and a lab mix named Rosalina
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