Name: Iovita Telarius: true name; Iona Taylor: assumed name
Nicknames: Io
Gender: bigender (note to self: which genders is ne? -- note to self about the note to self: how the hell do i make that grammatically correct); nonbinary; ne/nem/nir pronouns mandatory unless disability doesn't permit - then they/them/their is acceptable.
Age: Ne looks like ... 16 maybe, idk.

Faction: Demon
Race: Fallen Seraphim

Natural Ability: Sorrow Consumption

Personality: Sometimes Iona seems like the stereotypical demon... and sometimes, not so much. At first glance, ne tends to hold nemself as kind of better than everyone else around nem and is quick to dismiss nir own failures as nothing more than not trying - or criticise others' efforts by laughing at the effort put into it. Ne doesn't surround nemself with friends easily and is, more often than not, alone. It looks like ne likes it that way. Of course ne doesn't, but Iona has had it beaten into nir head so frequently that ne isn't allowed any soft or fluffy emotions that ne is hesitant to show any kind of need for companionship.

In nir desperation to hide nir shortcomings and loneliness, ne tends to act bristly and hard to approach so that nir isolation looks purposeful instead of accidental.

Stubborn to the core, Iona never asks for help, even when everything is falling down around nem. Ne insists that everything is fine and is exactly how it should be, thank you very much, so just screw off!

Though Iona is technically aware that nir bristly nature just serves to push everyone away from nem, Iona isn't really sure how to fix it. Ne behaves how ne was raised to behave and breaking long ingrained patterns of behaviour is much, much harder than it looks.

On the rare occasion someone is oblivious or determined enough to get through Iona's carefully crafted layers of snark and viciousness, they will find a friend who, while well meaning, never seems to know what to do with nemself. Ne doesn't seem to really get the basic tenets of friendship and struggles with notions that may be simple to others when it comes to people ne cares about. As such, even those who worm their way into nir inner circle often soon leave, which hurts Iona and causes nem to bristle more, creating a rather vicious cycle that doesn't seem much inclined to end.

A gifted student, it can easily be said that Iona is infinitely more book smart than ne is common sense wise, as ne often does things that cause nem pain even if ne has done it before and should be aware that that action is Bad and also Hurts. On the other hand, Iona's memory for facts is impressive and, given time and sufficient motivation, can become something like an encyclopedia on a few topics for a certain amount of time.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Ne says it's so that ne make bonds to serve nem later in life as a full grown demon... Really it's so ne can grow up a little and mature; nir parents believe that if ne sees how much better ne is than the other, non-demon students, that nir insecurities will fade away.

While ne didn't get a choice in whether or not ne was enrolled in Amityville, ne does hope that being around a variety of other students gives nem more chances to make friends.

FEAR Ability: Swift Strikes -- uses fear to sharpen feathers and then throw them.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: yellow/golden. #cccc14 ????
Hair Colour/Style: Dark red, around #820b0b maybe?
Skin Colour: tan.
Clothing Style/Colours: walk a fine line between masculine and feminine; generally well kept. lots of black to offset the reds of hair colour and wings. prefers red accents, when possible. very matchy. painfully matchy. very little frill, tends to keep it down to the minimums.
Extra: 6 wings, mostly red, but can have black accents, possibly gradiented like the tektek?
curling horns reminiscent of a ram, prob black
long a** claws, probably black or red.
References: a tektek, kinda, for inspiration

note, for ease:
She is over there.
Ne is over there.

This belongs to him.
This belongs to nem.

Her book is over there.
Nir book is over there.

That is his.
That is nirs.

She did it herself.
Ne did it nemself.