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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:56 am
((This RP is only open to individuals who participated in the mission at the Galactic airship. Although the message to gather is addressed to all Rockets who were present, you're not obligated to play if you don't want to or can't; your character can simply be in attendance in the background.))

A full week passed since the mission to the downed Galactic airship, to allow the injured Rockets to recover, before each one on the team received a succinct message on their Rocketdexes, requesting their presence in a specific meeting room on floor B2 for a discussion about all they had seen and found during the mission. Given the nature of the meeting and discussion, attendees would be expected to arrive in uniform.

The room indicated was a spacious meeting room, in the middle of which sat a mostly circular table, round on all sides except a flat section, signifying the head of the table. Comfortable chairs were set strategically around it; one at the head, one on the corner to the left, and the rest spaced evenly around the curved sections of the table. A projector hung from the ceiling, aimed at a screen along the wall opposite the head of the table, though the device was currently off.

As the clock ticked closer to the scheduled meeting time, Elite Claire moved about the table, ensuring all of the chairs were pushed in neatly and spaced correctly, before moving to the head of the table to finish organizing a couple manila folders, each containing a number of papers in them.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:47 am
Despite the initial disappointment of the mission, they managed to gather as much data from the surviving machines as they could, though Faleen wasn't sure of the interest she could have in this data, not compared to what she was missing out on due to the self destruct that took it from her, she was still prompt and eager to answer the call when it was time for a mission debriefing.

Dressed her standard uniform, hair hanging back around her shoulders, the Agent strode into the room, finding herself a seat she took it.  


Supreme Roisterer


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:39 pm
[ From myself and Tinn ]

A meeting had been called, a meeting that required uniform. Getting into the damn thing had an interesting experience to start with and then there had been the sleeve which was, well, superfluous. Some grunt he vaguely recognized as a guy he did not like heard him cursing and took it away from him, only to reappear a few minutes later having cut most of the arm off and sewn it up neatly which was... well it was better and that was about all that could be said for it.

Now dressed and as close to presentable looking as he could get just at the moment Aulus headed over to Alex's bed, halting outside the curtains. "Knock knock," he said, "need any help?" It was a while yet until the meeting but he suspected that it would take them a while to get there; Alex was still pretty muddled up so he didn't want to hurry him at all, wasn't really up to hurrying himself come to that.

It was good they'd recovered some hard drives. It was less good that falling from Darwin had driven one sharply into his side, leaving him with a large right-angled puncture wound just under his ribs. There was a joke about embedded systems just waiting to be made, but his higher-level thinking was cooperating only sluggishly, the blast still ringing in his ears. And now a meeting, and a uniform.

He stared at it, then started the process of putting it on.

The gloves and high collar added to the feeling of being inside a shell, one layer removed from the world. By the time Aulus announced himself, he'd managed enough to call "No, s'alright," as he stood slowly and paused, long enough to keep the floor from spinning. He pushed aside the curtain and gave Aulus a wan smile that agreed 'We look like s**t.' "Hey," he said instead.

Aulus returned the weak smile and nodded. "Hey. Let's go then."

Aulus made sure to walk on Alex's right as they headed slowly up to the meeting room so that if the programmer had a fit of vertigo he stood a chance of being able to catch him... could he catch him one-handed? He didn't know but luckily he did not have to find out; they made it without incident. They made it on time too, a little early even early though they were not the first there; Claire was already present as he had expected she would be and Faleen was there too. Aulus greeted the two women with a nod and looked around the room; Alex should sit close to the flat 'head' of the table or he wasn't going to be able to hear what was said properly, his hearing wouldn't be back to normal for a little while yet.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:27 pm
Kailee had got the message and she was contemplating panicking... She was so busy. But then again these were direct orders... like the ones she had gotten that told her to run. Well... Wonderful. She was in her uniform and heading for the labs to continue working on her onyx project but she turned and moved to head to the room.

It wasnt that far and she had to be there so there was no choice. She walked into the room. Ok... Faleen... Aulus... Hayes and Claire... She hesitated offering smiles to them all and moved to take a seat toward the right side of the table. Not talking to people really just being there for the moment.



Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:35 pm
Boot... Foot... Boot.
Maybe she could... tape it on? It wasn't going to fit around the pins...
Oh, frak it... if they wanted her there, they knew the state she was in and injuries she had...

Tambrey, had, therefore, pulled on one boot and asked of one of the medical staff to aid in wrapping her other leg so that, even though she was missing that part of her uniform, she wouldn't look too untidy.
But then... she'd also considered the fact that her trousers were... awkward.
She'd not been very pleased about it, but she didn't really -want- to wear a skirt, or show up in shorts, so more help was sought in, carefully, getting those on.
And then having her leg re-wrapped to deal with the damage to the wrapping that getting her trousers on had done...

Well then...
The rest, she insisted, she could do herself. Compared to maneuvering around her legs, getting the top half of her uniform on was almost a breeze...
Almost. There was a lot of wincing and mumbling and threatening the fabric when it seemed almost as though it was being deliberately difficult...
Still. She was ready.
One boot only to put on... and then gracefully transfer self... all right then, more like gracelessly tumble and flop... into the wheel chair. That she'd forgotten to entirely unfold... Well this was awkward.
More aid was sought in supporting her and unfolding her chair before she could sit and finally be on her way.

She made sure to thank and apologize to the staff members that had helped her... but insisted on wheeling herself to the meeting.

Tambrey arrived, hair sort of... grabbed into a ponytail and frantically brushed into a vague arrangement of 'neat', glasses balanced on nose, tiredly, one boot missing, for obvious reasons, and entirely kind of crumpled into her chair, tired out after wheeling herself to the room.
But she'd made it! She was here! And in uniform! So, she thought, that, at least, was good...

Ah. There were chairs in here. Well, she'd, uh, brought her own, so she sheepishly rolled to a mostly free space.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:22 pm
As the various Rockets from the mission began filtering in - some with more trouble than others - Claire offered them each a polite nod in turn as she finished straightening up, and sat down in the chair at the corner, to the left of the chair at the head of the table. "Good afternoon everyone," she said as she laced her fingers together over the table, her tones gentle and pleased - though whether that was because they had all recovered somewhat, or that they had shown up in the first place, wasn't clear. "Thank you for coming. It's good to see you all out and about, and hopefully you heal quickly." Obviously, though, some would heal quicker than others.  

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:03 pm
((If you'd like to join but haven't already posted, you're welcome to assume that your character arrived before the meeting started.))

At the exact minute the meeting was slated to start, the door to the room opened. In the doorway stood a woman dressed in white, though the cut of her uniform was distinctly different from that which agents wore, indicating at a glance that she was one of the base's handful of executives. Her auburn hair cropped short and features done up with a suitable amount of makeup, she strode into the room with a slightly uneven gait. A downward glance would quickly reveal the cause of her limp; one of her legs was a prosthetic, its sleek design accented with wooden attachments to give it a somewhat rustic aesthetic.

Undeterred by the limitations to her mobility, the executive moved forward, pausing briefly near Tambrey to move aside one of the chairs and clear a more comfortable space for the agent before she proceeded to the head of the table and seated herself, her expression professionally demure. Green eyes lifted from the sorted folders on the table to the assembled Rockets. "Good afternoon," she said. "I am the Director of Mission Distribution, Executive Agent Clover. I'm glad you were all able to make it; I'm sure it can't have been easy for some of you. As you're aware, the purpose of our meeting today is to discuss the investigation of the grounded Galactic airship. Before I begin, is there anything anyone would like to ask regarding any aspect of the mission?"  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:55 pm
No more then casual greetings to the joining Rockets were accomplished before the group was joined by another.
One look at the Rocket's uniform, and the Agent could not hide a look of surprise at the sight of an Executive.

This if course made Faleen wonder just how important this job was? to warren an Executive to bypass the Elite's they usually worked through and come down themselves. Or what kind of information they might have found.

Gloved hands folded over the table in front of her, her up right posture carrying Faleen's ongoing silence as she had no questions or comments about the mission.  


Supreme Roisterer


Spacey Spark

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:02 pm
With a brief nod to those already assembled, Hayes took a seat where he could keep his eyes on the screen and upper-ranked Rockets, but not - and this was important - see the glaringly bright pinhole of light that would shine from the projector. A thin smile was flexed at Claire's well-wishing. "'m down an eardrum, for the record," he told her, and set his glasses into place.

The other elite was not, apparently, the only one who needed to hear that. Hayes, back already carefully straight for the sake of breathing, looked doorward when the executive entered and blinked. He made the eye contact indicating attention, gloved hands resting loosely on the table. When she invited questions, he lifted a hand a few inches off the surface. "I have partial hearing," he repeated for her benefit, "so I might ask for some information to be repeated."
PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:02 pm
Until Alex sat down Aulus stood beside him, watching carefully for any sign that he might be about to fold up. Once again however there was no crisis to react to and so he pulled out the chair next to his friend's, quickly discovering that this more difficult than anticipated with only one hand which was just one of many fascinating little discoveries of the kind that he had been making over the last few days. He managed it quickly enough though and eased himself down into it, grateful for the fact that it was comfortable.

Aulus thought briefly about saying 'I'm sure we will, in geological terms' in reply to Claire's hopes for their recovery but this was an official meeting in which she was an Elite and he was not; such dark humor was not on the table, which was good because he didn't really want to make the joke anyway but had it been informal he would have felt that he ought to.

The appearance of the executive at the appointed start of the meeting quickly dragged Aulus' thoughts from the gloomy gut twisting spiral they had entered, and this was not just because you didn't all that often see executives around the halls. The thing that held his attention was her leg and it held his eyes for a moment too before he looked up to her face, forcing himself not to stare. It wasn't his business, it was rude to stare, and you did not want to be rude to executives because if you were they gave you havoc wreaking pokemon. When the woman spoke he nodded to her first question but when she asked the second question he looked a little puzzled; what sort of aspect? No thoughts came to mind and so he shook his head. It was really hard to resist the urge to look at her leg again but he managed it by an effort of will; not his business.


Predestined Inquisitor


PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:13 pm
Kailee sat watching others show up and she chewed her lip. Did she have questions? No not really. She had turned in the samples to the Rocket in charge of the labs and legendary clone program.

Kailee just shook her head and looked over the woman respectfully. She was waiting just for instruction on if she should say something. Afterall she didnt have any questions. She glanced to hayes and then back to the executive as he said he couldnt hear out of one ear. Yep... why had she gotten out with nothing but a scratch.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:43 pm
The executive nodded her understanding to Hayes, "Not a problem. Feel free."

She waited only a while before speaking when her question was met with silence, "Not a very curious group, are you? In that case, we'll start straight into the discussion." She manipulated the folders in front of her momentarily, speaking as she collected a stapled assembly of papers. "I'm sure I don't need to reiterate the mission objective," she assumed. "It was fairly straightforward, after all. What the organization is most interested in at the moment is understanding what happened to the members of Team Galactic and determining whether or not they still present a threat to Team Rocket. We know that a man, codename Fenrir, attempted to install himself as the leader of Team Galactic in Deimos's absence. We know that he led a bloody, violent regime and was eventually brought down because of it. We know that the Galactics who remained in the ruined vessel eventually dispersed.

"However, there are many factors in this situation that are still uncertain. Galactic Commander Tethys is unaccounted for; information retrieved from the airship suggests that she was dispatched to Kodo. Even in the absence of Tethys and Deimos, however, Galactic should still have had a strong enough chain of command to maintain control over its own organization. There's also the question of why the airship crashed in the first place."

She paused and frowned briefly, then shook her head. "Beg your pardon; I'm straying a bit from the matter at hand. At this time, you all are more familiar with the state of Team Galactic than myself or any other executive or elite. Because of this, I'd like to hear your theories and speculation on the subject, as well as where you personally think we should go from here. The projector," she gestured to it, "is ready to display any of the images that were taken on site if there are any to which you'd like to refer at any time."  

Vice Captain



Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:12 pm
Tambrey blinked as a woman with a wooden leg? Wait, what? moved some space for her.
"Oh, uh, thanks!" She remembered to respond after a moment, and then tried -very- hard to dispel the old warning of 'don't trust the one legged', well, woman, in this case, from her mind.

That was a pretty cool leg... She rather wanted to know more about it...
But that was not the kind of question they were inviting them to ask... Not at all.
Her brain wasn't quite turning fast enough to find a good question that she wanted to ask and... that woman had a wooden leg!
It surely wasn't fair to just show them that and not give them a chance to /ask/, surely?

She stayed silent though, and listened as Long John Clover began to explain the meeting's purpose... Arceus, how she wished that Potato was in the room right now...

Okay. So Tethys had, they thought, gone to Kodo... That was alarming but not exactly a surprise...
Stray thoughts swirled in her mind as she remembered something noticed upon their first site of the ship... and linked to the mission before that.
"Um. Something... kinda big might have taken the airship down? I remember seeing odd damage? I thought it was odd anyway... And we, uh, kind of encountered that," oh, Arceus, what was that thing called? Bacon Bird? She couldn't say that... "giant death bird" Oh, sure, that was much better... "when we retrieved the Keldeo samples..." She didn't want to outright imply she thought the two were connected, hoping someone else would finish her words and prove she wasn't entirely crazy, or too... medicated... to be making sense.
Though.. a lot of the airship mission, was, now, quite a jumble and sometimes she wondered if some of her nightmares had wedged themselves in on the memory of it.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:26 pm
Lex general thoughts about the meeting equated to ‘You got to be kidding me’. He was tired, the color of pale milk and bruised blue and purple in odd places. His hair had been cropped back to a short pale fuzz, making the eye patch seem even larger, hiding his first wax implant until they could make him a proper and fitted glass one.

Grimlock padded at his side, tail twitching she took in the crowd. On the plus side, Grims was behaving much better. The fennekin had turn protective, still proud and haughty and sure of herself but his brush with death seemed to have penetrated her thick head that if he wasn’t caring for her, then no one else would.

He sat down carefully, the fennekin curling over his feet. An executive? Lex looked over Clover, giving a slight noticed of the prosthetic and he frowned in thought.

“I wouldn’t put it past Tethys to blow up the ship or have her agents do it to keep it out of Fenrir’s hands.” He paused, thinking as he scratched the fennekin’s ears. “Or, it could have been the work of crazy Dave.”  


Wrathful Shapeshifter


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:34 am
Not very curious?

Not very curious?

That was her assessment of them? Anger bubbled in his gut but he bit back an unconsidered tirade, it wouldn't do any of them any good for him to launch into what would no doubt be a stream of personal attacks. Unspoken though it was his anger remained; how dare she? She who had sat here in a plush office while the seven of them searched that ship of nightmares from top to bottom, how dare she speak like that about his comrades? Aulus' pallid face if anything went whiter still with silent simmering fury and he tensed somewhat. He began to relax a little however when the executive went on to mitigate her initial insult by admitting that they knew Galactic better than she did; damn right they did!

Once Tam and Lex had spoken, and he felt calm enough to respond intelligently rather than smartly, he nodded and lent forward a little with his brow creased in thought. "Yvetal," he began. "The women who had it, Elite Agent Claire believed one of them to be a Galatic but they claimed not to be. It's reasonable to guess that one or both are ex-Galatic; it's possible that Yvetal was held in Galatic containment and used by them to escape, possibly bringing the ship down at the same time... and that device they had," Aulus gestured the vague size and shape of it, "the one they were able to force our pokemon back to their pokeballs with seems very 'Deimos' to me, perhaps they stole that too.... Though I suppose if it was his it would have been shaped like an Igglybuff or something." This was a lot of guess work but the woman had asked for speculation so there it was.

"Anyway, Galactic," Aulus continued, his expression going grim and carefully controlled because he really really did not want to come off as over emotional when he went on with his line of speculation. "If Tethys is out there she's a threat; she's stone-cold bat-s**t crazy, probably considers her some kind of prophetess and herald of the New World they were going to create." He was a little proud of himself for saying the name normally despite how it made his guts twist with cold fear. "She'll want Deimos back and... I suppose it's possible that the chain of command was weakened because she left and took key people with her, or that after she left the chain of command fractured and more departed until things collapsed. Whatever happened... whatever happened the place looked cleaned out; either somebody left and took key things with them or somebody had a big bonfire for some crazy reason but-" Aulus paused again, rubbing his forehead as he tried to line his thoughts up "- what's his name, that guy we captured, he said that Galactic was no more or words to that effect anyway so it might not be that Galactic is a threat but that people who came from it are.

"Speaking of that guy - Duncan? Daniel? - what information has he provided? And what about the hard drives, was there any useful data on them? Oh, and that symbol that was painted in blood behind the dead man in the chair," he wished he could forget that, and many other sights from that damned ship, "was anyone able to identify it?" Were those the sort of questions the executive had been expecting at the beginning? He honestly had no idea but he still resented the fact that she had called his comrades incurious and nothing more. Should he say anything? Probably not, and she had gone on to admit that their thoughts were invaluable. Not very curious though! His comrades! He wanted very, very badly to say something in defense of them but he didn't want to derail the meeting and so for the time being at least he bit his tongue; they'd show her curious!

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