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Name: Gauge Q. Gruesome
Nicknames: Gauge, Q, GQ
Gender: ambiguous, male pronouns
Age: 14

Faction: reaper
Race: medical terror - general fear of doctors/etc, weapon changes based on specific fear. parents are bonesaw and scalpel.

Natural Ability: Gruesome Examination - Can summon 2 disembodied, undead hands to do his bidding, clad in latex gloves. They can't hold anything heavier than a book, as they mostly hold surgical supplies. They can only be in use for 3~ minutes at a time.

^liz approved ability~


- shy, but willing to make the effort to extend out of his bubble
- stammers and mixes up his words, often tugs on his hair in frustration
- enjoys being around creeple, finds a crowd soothing, same for loud noises/etc
- always feels like he has to 'catch up' and is always behind, even if that's not the case. he's sure he's always missed something.
- not stupid or slow or dull, just a bit air-headed and forgetful. quickly remembers things when reminded
- deep seated need to covet medical supplies, even themed things. even if they are useless.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? parents were alumni; wants to be 2spookiest

FEAR Ability: battle cry - shoves needle into target, draws blood/fear/????

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: red
Hair Colour/Style: white, long, messy, over one eye
Skin Colour: peach
Clothing Style/Colours: 2spooky nurse boy
Extra: weapon == giant needle
References: here