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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:19 pm
Kailee was in the training rooms arms crossed over her chest staring down her newest pokemon. She had stolen the pokemon the other day and had been given leave to keep it. So she had. It wasnt a surprise how easily the trainer had let this one go. Turns out she had stolen a stolen pokemon.

She looked over the red and black Lucario and pointed to Brimstone. "MetalClaw! Now!" The Lucario turned his nose up. Brimstone looked between Kailee and the Lucario.

The lucario's eyes narrowed.

Kailee looked between the two. The pokeball had been etched with Doc's name so she knew what the pokemon's name was. She hadnt connected it to the fact that he was a Doctor's pokemon. "Doc! I swear... just do something!" Well that he could do. Doc released a pink sparkling orb that split and went around him falling over Kailee and Brimstone. A Heal Pulse. He didnt know how much more clear he could be.

Kailee crossed her eyes. "Brim... use Flamethrower!" Brim hesitated but then a flamethrower came and the Lucario dodged. Not offering to fight back. "Come on Doc! Use Psychic!" Surprisingly he listened. Only the blue light surrounded Brim and moved to set him to the side. Not hurt him, just control where he was.

Kailee threw up her hands. "Heaven save me from disobedient pokemon. Ok brim... Return." The Emboar went to his ball and she stared at the Lucario. "Ok... So im missing something." She sat crosslegged on the floor. Doc sat in front of her. He didnt dislike Kailee. He just wasnt going to go back on the vows he had taken.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:31 pm
Ten days. There were now only ten days until they wanted him back in. Nervous didn't begin to cover it. He was trying not to dwell on it but that was kind of difficult, pretty much impossible in fact. The best he could do for now was just keep himself occupied and try to eat well. In the interests of the latter he had just eaten a large amount of stew with brad and drunk a protein shake; he really hated those things. In the interests of the former he was looking for a vacant training room but apparently there were none to be had. Muttering to himself Aulus moved to the observation room where he could watch a feed of what was going on in each of the rooms; if anyone was just arsing around he was going to throw them out by their ear, provided they weren't a higher rank than he was of course.

Aulus did not spot anyone arsing around but he did spot somebody sitting on their arse; it was Kailee and she was facing a Lucario he didn't recognise.


Curiosity piqued he left the observation room and moved along to the training room Kailee was in, halting outside the door and knocking sharply on it.


Predestined Inquisitor


PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:46 pm
Kailee opened one eye and peeked. Yep the pokemon was still there... looking serene and unphased. Ok... So the pokemon was in control of the situation at the moment. Aulus would tell her she had to be in charge. Well. She was... aside from with Doc. He seemed to play with his own rules.

She closed her eyes again. Ok... His moves were Metal Claw... Psychic.... Quick Guard... and Heal Pulse. He was strong and capable... Battle Ready... He refused to change his moves even when she offered him new choices... like Earthquake...

She jumped as she heard knocking. Her eyes opened and she looked at Doc who was looking calmly at the door. "Come in!" Was kailees reply. Oh heavens help her if it was someone looking to battle... she only had Brim and Doc with her... Sissy was in the room with the others...
PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:54 pm
Aulus entered without ceremony. Still not back on duty he was dressed in black jeans and a black tank top, pretty predictable really. What was also probably predictable was the fact that he greeted Kailee with a nod and a cursory; "Hi," before turning his attention to the unfamiliar pokemon: handsome, nice proportions, appeared to be calm and relaxed in its surroundings.

"Hello," he said to the pokemon, closely followed by; "Who's this then?" as he turned back to Kailee.


Predestined Inquisitor


PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:04 pm
She smiled and waved "Hey... "

She didnt move to stand because she figured if he wanted her to do something different he would tell her to. She was in a pair of jeans as well as a casual shirt. For kailee she was severely dressed down for off hours.

She saw him looking over Doc. She had to admit Doc was obviously well bred and was taken care of and trained well. His coat was healthy and his eyes were bright and sharp.

Doc nodded to Aulus as a hello was offered. Kailee smiled. "His name is Doc... Like one of the 7 dwarfs~" She grinned and Doc seemed to roll his eyes before closing them again. "I took him off a trainer... Turns out he was stolen before that... so i dont feel bad about keeping him." She shrugged. Plus Rocket officials said she could. Doc opened his eyes again leveling a flat look at kailee before moving to stand.

Kailee looked around, where was Tortie? She pushed herself up though as her lucario stood. "The only problem is he isnt listening to anything i say..." She sighed and looked over the Lucario who was moving toward one of the punching bags Kailee had brought down.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:26 pm
Aulus' eyebrows went up. "Like one of the.... Alright then." The Lucario didn't look best impressed by that and he wasn't surprised but as there was a problem to address right now he didn't linger on the thought too much.

"Well I'm not surprised, being stolen twice has to be a disconcerting experience," Aulus replied with a small shrug. "Imagine walking out of your bedroom one day to find yourself somewhere you've never been before with all of your friends gone and somebody new giving you orders. I know I wouldn't be thrilled." To say the least. "How long have you had him then?" Char had been resistant to him at first too which was a little odd to think about now with the Charizard as loyal to him as he was. He liked to believe that none of his friends would ever really warm up to a new trainer should he be parted from them; Phaeth hadn't but that b*****d had treated him badly. Maybe all of them would form a good bond with a new trainer given enough time and wouldn't he want that anyway, for them to be happy? He wasn't sure he could answer that question.


Predestined Inquisitor


PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:51 pm
She shrugged. Its what she had thought of when she saw the name.

Kailee smiled and nodded. "Ive thought of that... I told him it wont be so bad... and he seems to really like my pokemon..." She shrugged. "And its not like he is disobedient... Not really... I mean... Watch." She looked to Doc. "Doc... Come here! Please." She added that as an after thought and the pokemon turned and walked back over.

She looked to Doc and smiled. "Thank you. If you would like a cookie they are in my bag." She pat his arm and the pokemon just gave her a looke that said. Im so much better then you could have ever hoped for and he went back to his punching bag, hitting it hard enough to send it swinging.

She frowned. She would have to find a food the pokemon liked. "Not long at all... I picked him up two days ago..." She shrugged. "Its not like i expect him to love me... but when i tell him to use Metal claw... i expect him to do it...I tried having him battle against Brim... but he didnt seem to want to... maybe it was because i was gonna have brim be a sounding board and what not... but I dont know... He just doesnt want to fight for me..." She looked to Aulus. "But he is super strong... i cant imagine that he got that strong without fighting... "
PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:56 am
I told him it won't be so bad.

Aulus rubbed his forehead. One of Kailee's essential problems - at least to his mind - was that she thought telling people that things were okay made them okay, that just saying something made people believe it. Hell though, maybe the Lucario did if he was happy with her other pokemon. Aulus certainly wasn't going to claim that he knew the answers to life, if he did he probably wouldn't have got himself into the situation he was in but... oh, nevermind.

Shaking his head of the train of thought Aulus watched the steel type thump at the punching bag. "Pokemon aren't just tools you can pick up and use, a lot of them are as smart as we are and even those that aren't are smart enough to have their own complex inner lives that might - for whatever reason - make them not want to bend to the will of a stranger.... He does seem largely obedient though." So was it just battling he didn't like? "So he has Metal Claw, what else?" Aulus quizzed, a thoughtful frown creasing his scarred features.


Predestined Inquisitor


PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:56 am
Kailee looked at him with a look that was a little less then amused. "You think im stupid dont you?" She frowned and looked to the pokemon. "I do know that... I also know they have feelings and if a pokemon isnt as willing to please as another then they will be harder to handle."

She nodded. Doc really was obedient... and generally he seemed to be a nice pokemon.

She replied to his question with a shrug. "Psychic.... Quick Guard... and Heal Pulse" She looked back to Aulus. "Have you ever had a pokemon refuse to learn a new move? I tried to have him forget Quick Guard to learn Earthquake... and he flat out refused...." She frowned and contemplated If she should try again.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:16 pm
Aulus shrugged. "Well you were talking about him as though he were a tool; you can't expect instant obedience like that for the reasons both of us just stated, I think it's pretty good going that he's so well behaved over all after just two days. Anyway." Moving on.

Aulus murmured the moves to himself under his breath, nodding vaguely; they were a pretty good set, as Lucario's attack and special attack were nearly equal having one physical and one special move made sense and the two support moves were good as well. He would have gone for a fighting move over a steel move himself but that wasn't even vaguely the matter at hand, getting Doc to listen had to come before move recommendations.

"I... humm, no, I don't think I have," Aulus continued after a short pause in answer to Kailee's question. "Well, Discord did initially actually but that was before he was prepared to listen to a single word I had to say and that's obviously not the situation you have here." It was a puzzle, hopefully one he could find the answer to.


Predestined Inquisitor


PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:54 pm
She stared at him and then laughed. "Arent pokemon tools to be exploited by team rocket? Isnt that supposed to be our motto? So im gonna be damned if i do and damned if i dont on this too?" She shook her head. "From such a well behaved pokemon...I did... i expected he would listen when i gave him a command." She nodded. OK... Moving on. Anyway was how Aulus said leave it be... and so she held up her hands.

She frowned. Crap... she was really doing something wrong. And then he continued. Ok so she wasnt a complete screw up. She raised an eyebrow. "Ok... so do i just keep trying?"

Doc pricked an ear and turned to look. He shook his head and walked back over crossing his arms. And that was a no if Kailee had seen one. "Maybe... he just liked brimstone too much... Wanna try with one of your pokemon Aulus?"
PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:46 am
"Well yes... but also no." Aulus frowned to himself and scratched his chin, noting with a small flare of annoyance how his nails rasped over stubble. Funnily enough shaving properly was another thing that was hard to do with only one hand so he'd been skipping days here and there when he felt the annoyance of taking the time to do it outweighed the annoyance of stubble. In the cold light of day (or rather the artificial light of the afternoon) the decision he had made this morning no longer felt like the correct one. Oh well.

...Wait, where had he been?

"Uh, right. Yes and no," he continued, clearing his throat and flushing slightly with embarrassment at his moment of absence. "Pokemon that aren't our own... well yes we are but pokemon we work with we have to treat with the respect they deserve as individuals; without a strong bond pokemon can't reach their full potential, can't mega evolve for example so.... Yeah. You can't be soft on them but you have to respect them if you expect them to respect you in turn. I suppose that doesn't sound very catchy in a motto though, and Gods enough some idiots ignore it. Not meaning you in case you wondered."

Now rubbing the back of his neck absently - he had got caught up in his own musing - Aulus pondered Kailee's two questions. "Well there's no point beating your head against a brick wall. It's obvious it's not obedience in general that's an issue it's something specific so regardless of how long you've known him you might as well try to figure out what it is. Hum. Trying him on one of mine sounds like a good place to start."

When Aulus stopped talking he gave himself a bit of a mental shake and dropped his hand back down by his side, making himself focus properly again rather than being all... rambly or whatever, he'd probably sounded and looked like a complete idiot. "Let's try Char," he said more firmly, reaching to his belt for the pokeball and releasing the lean fire type. "If he won't go for him either it might be a type aversion, it would be understandable for a steel type to be leery of a fire type," Aulus said by way of explaining his choice. "If you get another refusal we'll try one of my others and then see what happens.

"Char," he turned then to the Charizard, "Need you to face off against Doc here, okay? Nothing fancy, we're just testing out some moves."

<> Char replied with a bow of his head to his master. Moving forward to the training space he nodded politely to the unfamiliar Lucario. <>


Predestined Inquisitor


PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:47 am
Kailee smiled as she politely waited for him to finish that thought. She didnt want to interrupt the thoughts he was having. It was always rude to derail a thought train. She just gave him a light hearted smile as he repeated yes and no. And then... something amazing happened... Aulus blushed. Well... look at that... he did have other emotions other then Angry and Angrier.

She raised an eyebrow... "What about pokemon that previously werent our own and now are our own?" She crossed her arms a moment. "What about pokemon that you previously have used as tools and then they are given to you? Would that make them a tool.... or to be respected.... shouldnt you respect the tools you use... Take a hammer for instance... I respect a hammer enough to know not to bash myself over the head with it... Is that the respect you mean?" She grinned. Asking these questions not really expecting an answer other then... shut up Kailee...

She almost asked what he knew about strong bonds... but the fact char could mega evolve spoke volumes. So she held that thought in check. The only people she knew about that he had strong bonds with were Alex and Tambrey... She pushed those thoughts away. If he wanted to keep her at arms length so be it... hes the one who walked in this time... this was about making Doc listen. She cocked a half smile. "Good to hear.... I really do try not to misuse my pokemon."

She nodded. Well at least they were both on the same page now. She glanced to Doc. "You ready?" The pokemon sighed. She sighed too and then watched as Char came out. "Well i guess that makes sense..." She frowned and looked to Doc again. Maybe he was just a chicken?

Doc just looked over the Charizard and nodded. He glanced to kailee and Aulus.

Kailee smiled as they spoke. "Ok Doc! Try using Psychic!" He looked to her and then back to Char.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:00 pm
"Don't be facetious," Aulus countered with a small 'tsk' and a shake of his head, not dignifying the queries with any further response than that. After a pause however he did add; "I know you do. If you didn't - try that is - we wouldn't be standing here having this conversation, I don't associate with people like that." People like Nakura who did seem to only view their pokemon as tools were- well that was just one of the many, many problems he had with Nakura. How Faleen put up with the little shitstain he had no idea.

As the two pokemon greeted one another Aulus watched the Lucario intently, a deep frown etching lines into his face again as he focused. There was no attack but there was no sign of apprehension either. "I don't think it's that," he muttered, "but we'll try somebody else just in case." Aulus' fingers closed another pokeball which promptly released a Pidgeot with rich ruddy brown feathers. "Red, Doc; Doc, Red," he introduced briefly. "We're looking for some light sparring, okay Red?"

The Pidgeot puffed herself up importantly and nodded understanding before turning towards Doc with her wings flared.

Char meanwhile rumbled and gave an affable shrug. he said as he backed off,


Predestined Inquisitor


PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:14 pm
She smiled properly chastised. She nodded. She had figured that one out about him. Its one of the reasons she held out so much hope that they could be friends. Anyone who treated their pokemon the way Aulus did had to be good.

At being watched Doc looked to Aulus. He just watched him back. Calm and peaceful. Not looking out of sorts at all. There was no attack at all there wasnt even an acknowledgement of the order. Which lead to Kailee sighing and shaking her head. "Please?" Doc turned and frowned at her. Begging wouldnt help her case. Kailee shook her head agreeing with Aulus.

Doc nodded to the newly released pokemon. "How do you do?" He looked to Aulus expectantly. Waiting for Red to be told to attack, so he could just dodge out of the way.

Kailee smiled. She had never met Red. But she was unsurprised to see the bird looked in fine condition. She grinned. "Ok Doc! You can do this! Use Metal Claw now!" He just rolled his eyes and looked back to Char. He glanced to Red. He shrugged.

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