Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:31 pm
This is CNN at five, bringing you news from around the world.
Good evening, I'm Kathy Bates here on CNN at five. A developing story is rocking the people of the United States something like an earthquake has just hit the east coast city of Krimson City. Scientists are hesitant to use the term earthquake this early however as nearly no seismic activity has been detected. Some people have suggested a potential terrorist attack, but there is little evidence to suggest bombs, including no traces of radiation of any kind. The quake hasn't been major so far and has only caused slight damage to the more central area of the city, but police are working tirelessly with the US coast guard to evacuate the population to the rural parts of New Jersey and New York states. This hasn't been easy though, as Krimson City is plagued with crime. Just a few months ago police raided the Beacon Mental Institute, finding numerous, doctors, nurses, and police officers who had been killed. Details regarding this incident have still been kept under wraps as police try to determine what exactly happened.
As Krimson City struggles to keep itself alive, the mayor and city council are currently talking with law and intelligence professionals across the world to get a team pulled together to deal with part of the situation. If terrorist are involved, they want to find them and put a stop to them. These are tough times for the city, but one thing keeps going through everyone's minds as these events unfold; what exactly is happening in Krimson City? Kathy Bates, CNN news. There are dark secret the mind has yet to reveal to us... An Evil Within... Some people in life want to bury the truth and forget about it, while others seek it out. How far are you willing to go to find the truth? And how much are you willing to lose?
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:50 pm
Username: Name: Age: Gender: Ethnicity and Nationality: (Your ethnic background and where you are a citizen of) Orientation: Personality:
Occupation: (Police, SWAT, detective, Intelligence Agent, etc. and whom you work for) Rank: (in your job) Education:
Religion/Philosophy: (Lack of religion, ie. Atheist or agnostic, is also accepted here.)
Skills: (The stuff you're good at. This could be cooking, fighting, driving, or even something more brainy like chemistry if you like.)
Transportation: (How do you get around) Home: (Where you're from)
Likes: Dislikes:
Weapons: (Keep them within slight realism. Some swords are allowed, but try to justify it) Uniform: (Can also just be a nice suit or something) Gear: (Other stuff you take on the job with you)
Picture: (Of your character) Theme Song: (Also optional?)
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:03 pm
So at the moment this is just the OOC, I want to see where people are at in terms of interest. So here is basically the plot. What I wrote above is the backstory, where you come in is as some kind of law enforcement officer, or an intelligence agent (a spy basically) or someone else important to the story (if you aren't one of the things I mentioned, talk to me about your idea first). You don't have to be from America, in fact I'd like some of you to come from completely different parts of the world if possible. You've come to Krimson City on the orders of your boss to help the KCPD with their investigation into the recent incidents in the city, including the quake. I'm going to tell you straight up that this is a horror RP, there will be violence, gore, and things that some of you may not want to hear, so if you're faint of heart, stomach, or mind, you may want to consider this option carefully. If you aren't any of those, then I hope to welcome you... To The Mad House.
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:23 pm
Bump. Oh, totally forgot to mention, but this is based off of the video game The Evil Within, in case anyone forgot. Don't worry, you don't have to have played the game to get what's going on, I'll fill in some of the finer points the game didn't cover with some "fan theorizing" so to speak. Let's just say this roleplay gets very interesting when we start to cover a brand new "science": Psycho Kinetic Physics. I think a lot of you may enjoy this, so please let me know your thoughts and if you're interested in joining. If there is enough interest, I'll get to work on the official roleplay thread soon then. Also, thank you person who answered "lol what?", let's me know at least I'm not the only one reading this. crying
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:35 pm
I could come back from the grave for this. Unless you're upset with me for some reason.
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:16 pm
The_Sane_Hatter *Cough* I could come back from the grave for this. Unless you're upset with me for some reason. Sorry for not replying sooner, internet was off for the week. XP And I can't think of a reason to be upset with you, so I guess you're good! blaugh I should mention though, this roleplay will be more along the lines of realism for the characters, that said I fully expect people to explore the virtues, vices, and problems that humans can have, I'd like to see some variety created out of simplicity. Don't worry though, the horror aspect will be quite exciting if I can help it! :3 Trust me, I'm going to be MERCILESS on people when it comes to surviving. I'm going to try and make sure it's a struggle, but therein will lie the fun I think. ;3
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:33 pm
Oh, a small teaser folks, for what is to come... twisted The Theory of Psycho Kinetic Physics.
Psycho Kinetic Physics is a theoretical scientific theory not many people accept and not many people even know about. The theory states that, theoretically, a state of 'power' can be achieved wherein a subject has telekinetic power. Now, on the low end of he scale, a power like this can be used to manipulate and affect the minds of people, in small ways and large. However, the theory becomes more irrational when it comes to 'higher power', in which it is believed a subject can not just manipulate minds, but physics itself. As an example, it's believed that - The rest of the page is torn and illegible.
- The Scientific Manual on Peculiar theories.
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:17 am
Bump! I may post a profile here so everyone has an idea of what to go off, but I'd like to see more interest first, so please vote and/or post things in this thread please!
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:18 pm
So I'd just like to make everyone aware that some of you may very well be using different sources for images for your characters, ie. some using real life pics, others using manga or other cartoon pics. Honestly, I don't have rules one way or the other regarding your source image, so long as it's appropriate and isn't way out there (ie. Adventure Time styled characters rofl ). For myself, I will probably be resorting to some drawn images and perhaps some real, just be aware that how you picture this world in your head, it should look like the video game The Evil Within, it's got that sort of "realism with the faintest hint of anime" to it. It's difficult to explain in any other way other than "Watch the Final Fantasy 7 movie". That said, I hope this doesn't scare anyone off. It isn't an issue for me, so it shouldn't be an issue for you.
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:05 pm
☣Name: Rick Thompson ☣Age: 25 ☣Gender:Male ☣Ethnicity and Nationality: American with Scandinavian heritage. ☣Orientation: Straight ☣Personality: He is very analytical and smart. He is quick witted and always ready to defend himself. He is a man of faith even though he is in a very logical thinking field, but he is not obnoxious about it and generally tries to keep it to himself until its direly needed.
☣Occupation: Investigator for the FBI ☣Rank: Forensic Investigator ☣Education: Bachelors in Criminal Justice and Forensics ☣Religion/Philosophy: Christian
☣Biography: After joining the military when he was 18 to pay for college, Rick was brought into an area that was attacked by a chemical bomb that reeked havoc on the local people, in order to investigate its origins. He excelled in this hostile environment due to his aptitude for chemistry and his knack for learning quickly from his advisors. When Rick returned from his tour he decided to peruse a career in Forensic investigation, in order to continue to reverse engineer crime senses to find those who are responsible and bring them to justice. After graduating early he was offered a job as a homicide analyst with the FBI. He loves his job there and takes everything he does very seriously.
☣Skills: Specializes in analyzing the effects of chemical weapons and how to identify them. Also militarily trained in hand to hand combat.
☣Transportation: Black 2013 Dodge Charger ☣Home: New Jersey
☣Likes: Chemistry, Biology, Forensics, his job, and his car. ☣Dislikes: Being questioned about his faith in his occupation, being interrupted while he is working, and cats.
☣Weapons: Standard FBI issue hand gun, a pocket knife, and, if needed, scalpels. ☣Uniform: he wears a simple black vest and gray tie over a gray shirt. ☣Gear: His bag is filled with chemicals and tests for analysis of unknown substances, (can be easily weaponised if needed) as well as scalpels and medical equipment for examining bodies. ☣Theme Song: Crucible by Audiomachine ☣Username: Dragon Scorch 08
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:06 pm
Bump! I'll be adding a profile on soon for a main character who'll be more of an NPC, but please, if you are at all interested in this roleplay, let me know so that I can move forward more quickly with the main thread. Also, I'll be adding "Partners" to the profile skeleton, basically meaning who you're working with on this job (if you don't have one picked out at the start, you can join up with someone else's character if they want to as well).
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:38 am
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:33 pm
Bump! Come on people, it's horror! How can you ignore horror! crying
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:02 pm
Lord Sithious Bump! Come on people, it's horror! How can you ignore horror! crying 3spooky5them. And Halloween is over, so maybe people are all spooked solid.
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 5:57 pm
The_Sane_Hatter Lord Sithious Bump! Come on people, it's horror! How can you ignore horror! crying 3spooky5them. And Halloween is over, so maybe people are all spooked solid. Yeah, maybe... sad But horror is a year long event! Come on folks, we've got Christmas horror coming up in just a few weeks! xd But this roleplay would be a ton of fun for people, as good if not better than Mazey Hazey Crazy, if we do it right.