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[FIN] Horse sense (Citrine and Dith) Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 1:59 pm
She had to get stronger. She had to train harder. Citrine kept thinking about her training. She'd battled twice now, and lost both times. This wasn't acceptable! The green haired trainer had left Camphoreon for a little while because she needed to train. Being at the trainer center all day every day was almost demoralizing. She wasn't getting stronger, at least she didn't think she was.

"Come on Applejack..." She murmured to her ponyta. Today, she was working on agility with the fire horse the orange mare kicked up her speed, darting between rocks out on the open field. They leaped over a bush and made a hard right... When a rock suddenly sprang to life. Applejack reared, and Citrine was thrown from her back. She looked up in time to see what she thought might have been a geodude flee. The string of words that came from the small trainer, even if you couldn't understand her, sounded anything but lady-like as she cursed the pokemon.

With a sigh, Citrine sniffled and started to do damage inspection. Scraped elbows, skinned leg, ripped pants. She wasn't going to cry though. No sir! She was too old to cry! ...Maybe. Applejack nosed her trainer to make sure she was ok. Neither were aware of anyone else near by.

I hope that's ok
PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 2:14 pm
Looks good to me! =D

Getting stronger was also on the agenda of another person out and about on the plains.

Having joined the KSOVD Dith was feeling the need to step his game up a bit, train more seriously with his pokemon and in a variety of environments. Today he was training with Dolly, working on her speed and endurance. The huge Rapidash's plate-sized hooves ate up the ground and threw up clods of dirt in their wake.

Dith had thought they were completely alone until he saw Dolly's ears p***k up, her attention was diverted off to their left. Dith turned just in time to see a Ponyta leap over a hedge, a rider on her back. Before they could make themselves known however the Ponyta started up at something on the ground, throwing her rider to the ground. Dith swore under his breath and urged Dolly towards the fallen girl, not that she had needed much encouragement.

Dolly skidded to a halt a short distance away from the pair and Dith jumped to the ground. The girl was moving, that was a good start. "Hey, are you alright there?" he called as he jogged towards her; the answer was probably 'not really' but any coherent response would be reassuring.  


Predestined Inquisitor


Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 2:27 pm

BALLS! Someone else was here! And they probably just saw that! She wiped her eyes quickly as Applejack seemed to bristle slightly at the other pokemon, simply trying to protect her trainer. Even if the rapidash was... huge. Citrine looked up. "By Arceus's mane! It's a giant!" She couldn't stop that from slipping out. Now, in her defense, she was staring up at a rider on top of a rapidash while she was sitting on the ground. She blinked a couple times before it registered that the rider had asked her something. "Oh... I... I think I'm ok." Right, she totally didn't need help. She was a tough trainer! Or she was going to be. She put her hands on her head, running her fingers through the short green strands along her neck, making sure she wasn't gushing brains or something.

Applejack nosed Citrine again. She looked at the horse, then back up at the stranger. "...Thanks for your concern?"  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 3:34 pm

Dith stopped a few feet away from the young woman, Dolly standing at his side. The smaller equine's bristling didn't seem to bother her; she blinked placidly and whickered a greeting.

Dith meanwhile wasn't quite sure what to do next. "Uh.... Okay," he said slowly, "but you've skinned your leg there you know, that could do with cleaning up. I'm a friendly giant, I promise, I just want to help out." At least it seemed she wasn't concussed and that nothing was broken but there could be all kinds of nastyness in those grazes, leaving them until she got back to wherever she'd come from wasn't a great idea.  


Predestined Inquisitor


Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 3:48 pm

Citrine had to wonder if there was something in the water in Kodo that made giants. Mr. Lu was huge, and she remembered that really tall man from way back, when she was just 11, and they were talking about team ro-

Click. Her eyes widened as she stared at the man, then looked away. "Yeah... Yeah I uh. I did get kind of banged up." Applejack snorted, snuffling Citrine's hair. The man didn't seem to make her trainer nervous, so the fire type relaxed a little, and regarded her counterpart a little lest hostilely. Citrine was reeling a little. Clearly she must have hit her head, right? She could have sword that she vaguely recognized this guy from back then. How many giants could there be? At least 2. She looked at her hands and knees a moment before reaching for Applejack to help her get up. But the horse had walked a few steps away.

"So uh... Mr. Friendly Giant..." She wasn't sure how to ask him for help cleaning up or whatever. "...Have any bandaids?"  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:24 am

Phew, that was a bit better. Dith beamed and nodded; "Da, I never go anywhere without a decent first aid box." As he spoke he opened up one of Dolly's saddlebags and fetched out a fair sized first aid kit. "If life were a video game I would always be the healer class," he continued, moving to kneel beside the young woman. As he drew closer to her something started to nag at his attention and he cocked his head to the side, his single bright golden eye narrowing thoughtfully. Had he met her before? She looked vaguely familiar but he couldn't even begin to place her. Given she hadn't said anything though he guessed maybe not, he knew that he tended to stick in people's minds.

"Here," Dith said, opening up the box and fetching out a pair of disposable latex gloves, "Let's see.... Good, you don't seem to have anything embedded here so I'll just use some antiseptic wipes to clean up the cuts if that is okay?" Dith paused then and looked up at the girl for confirmation before going any-

Oh, 'the girl'.

"Ah, I am a nitwit." Dith grinned apologetically. "I should introduce myself! My name is Dimitry but people usually call me Dima or Dith, either is fine! My friend there is Dolly."

Dolly snorted and bobbed her head in greeting.  


Predestined Inquisitor


Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:03 pm

Citrine snorted in a rather un-lady like way when the giant compared his life to a videogame. The snort lead to giggles. "Guess that makes me a reckless, hopeless hero." She watched as he pulled out gloves, and her face fell. She didn't like going to the doctors. She hated the smell, and the gloves worried her.

"It's not going to sting, right?" She asked softly as he got ready to-

"Huh?" He called himself a nitwit and she stared at him as he introduced himself. Dith. Dith. Dith. She frowned. That name was... She had that feeling of waking up and trying to remember a dream. She KNEW that name from somewhere, but she didn't really know anyone in kodo. Had he been at the trainer center? Maybe. The most people she'd ever met was when-

"OH MY GOD!" She exclaimed suddenly. "HOENN!" Citrine stared at him a moment more. "I- I mean, you... A couple years ago, were you with a bunch of trainers... going to Hoenn to you know, train?" She totally forgot to introduce herself.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:16 pm

Wait, what?

Dith stared for one beat, two, and then he beamed and laughed. "Citrine! Arceus, you've grown!" Well of course she would have, she'd been... well he wasn't sure quite how old but young for sure, very young. And here she was now, still so very young and yet older all the same. "How have you been?" he asked, gloves set down on the box and forgotten for a moment as he unconsciously rubbed the scarred side of his face. "It seems like forever since I last saw you, I can't believe I didn't recognize you!" He supposed it wasn't all that bad though as she hadn't remembered him right away either, but damn! He'd seen Rosie grow up, the others too, but he'd seen them consistently so the change had come over them almost without him noticing.  


Predestined Inquisitor


Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:23 pm

Ah crap! He remembered her name? Now she felt really bad! "It has been a while, Yeah." She rubbed the back of her neck shyly. "I... I've been ok. Dealt with family stuff, now I'm back to training" She sighed and smiled at him. "Well, you know. We didn't really... talk or anything. I think Rosie introduced us and..." She shrugged. That was a long time ago. "Oh god, I was like 11 back then." Citrine laughed slightly. When Dith touched the side of his face, she felt a worried pang in her chest. "...Can... I asked what happened?" She gestured to her own face, to indicate Dith's scars and eyepatch. "You don't have to tell me of course. I just... I don't remember you sporting the pirate look. I could be totally wrong though."  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:38 pm

"I know how that is," Dith said with a sympathetic smile; true he had no idea what Citrine's family stuff had been but he'd had his sister's stuff to deal with that had taken him away from the region for a little while. Seemed Citrine's had taken longer to deal with though, and he had no intention of prying if she didn't want to share.

"I don't mind," he continued with a small shake of his head, remembering the gloves now and putting them on. "It was... hu, I guess a year and a half ago now. Several of us went out to the desert with the KSO on the tail of Rockets fleeing their destroyed base. We caught up to a few of them, had them beat, but then one of them blew up the jeep they had been in and," Dith waved vaguely at his face, "there was some shrapnel. We all lived however, and all of us are now back on our feet." He was glad of that, very glad; he had feared that Luke would never recover. "So goodbye binocular vision," he shrugged and smiled a little at Citrine, "I am used to it now; not walking into the side of doorframes anymore, just the top like I always have."  


Predestined Inquisitor


Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:45 pm

UGH! The more she heard about Team Rocket, the more she wanted to help, and teach them a lesson! Cause seriously, WHO BLOWS UP A JEEP? She didn't know what she felt more of, right now. Sad, angry, or guilty. She didn't even notice when Dith put the gloves back on, but she did smile at his comment about the doorframes "You should learn to duck." she murmured, and looked over at Applejack. The ponyta seemed intent on sniffing and looking over Dolly. "Applejack, be nice." It only earned her a snort, as if the pokemon was reminding Citrine she was always nice.

"The KOS, huh?" She'd been hearing a lot about it. Rosie volunteered with them, Luke worked for them, she wondered if that nice boy, Ion, was part of it too. She mulled it over in her head. She'd been thinking about joining for a while. "What's the KOS like?" She needed more info. What did others think of it?  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:14 pm

When Citrine addressed her pokemon Dith glanced back at his own, smiled, and looked to Citrine again. "I think they're getting on okay."

Indeed Dolly had dipped her head down and was happily snuffling at Applejack, enjoying getting to know a new friend.

"Ducking though, you would have thought I would learn by now but apparently I'm not that bright. This will sting I'm afraid but I will try to make it quick, okay?" With that said Dith started to clean up Citrine's grazes with deft gentle hands. "They're a tough lot," he said as he worked, "I volunteer properly with them now, and Luke is an officer. Did you meet him? I'm afraid I don't recall. Good people though, doing good work. Team Rocket has gone mainly underground since they lose their base, there have been isolated incidents but nothing big. None of us doubt they will be back though and when they are, we will be ready." As Dith spoke his voice lost its jovial tone, gained a hard edge and a bass rolling growl. They had hurt his friends too often, next time he saw them he would pay back what was owed if he possibly could. They deserved no mercy.  


Predestined Inquisitor


Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:47 pm

She was about to make a comment about knocking some sense into Dith, but it was cut off with a hiss as she sucked in a breath and bit her lip at the sting of the antiseptic.

"Nnngh. I... I met Luke." She distracted herself from the sting which lessened after a few seconds, until he moved onto the next cut. "Rosie's husband. When I came back she introduced us." She looked up at the sky. "Rosie's my best friend." At least she felt that way. She had no idea how Rosie felt. Then again, the blond was also her first friend here in Kodo.

"I've been thinking about joining." She murmured. "Or at least volunteering. I've let a lot of people down." A couple tears touched the corners of her eyes, but she willed them away... or at least tried to. "I'm going to get stronger and make up for what I've done, or what I didn't do." She just didn't really know how.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:54 pm

Dith looked up briefly, saw the glistening in her eyes and looked down again to give her a moment of privacy to hide her feelings if she wished to do that. "You don't have to make up for the past," he said softly as he reached for dressings to go over the grazes. "You were not here for good reason, it's not a fault you should feel you have to compensate for you know. We ah...." Dith paused, sighed, shrugged. "We do our best for what we think is most important at the time, da?" Looking back up again he flashed Citrine a smile. "Join as a volunteer or an officer if you believe it is right, but not out of any sense of penance. You deserve better than that.

"As for getting stronger though, I am doing the same," Dith gave a decisive nod. "Perhaps we can train together? Help one another? What do you think?"  


Predestined Inquisitor


Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:04 pm

"I think it's right to want to protect my friends." She nodded. Rosie, Ion, Zacharie... she didn't know them all that well, but she liked them. She wanted a safe world where she could get to know them better, and not have to worry about Team Rocket. She waited until Dith had finished covering the scrapes before speaking again.

"Thank you for your help." He didn't have to stop and help her, nor did he have to listen to her, but he did. "Yeah... Just... Thanks." She smiled, more determined now. "I've made up my mind. I'm going to volunteer." She decided. "I'd love to train with you!" Then she wouldn't be such a burden on Rosie. "I mean, if that's ok." She moved her knees to test how they felt with the bandages. "...What other pokemon do you have besides Dolly?" She asked curiously. She herself didn't have a very diverse team yet. Maybe that was for the better though?  

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