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Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:19 pm
Clancy had spent so long with a niggling headache that, when suddenly he didn't have one, and he had a day off, he was determined to enjoy it to his fullest.
Enjoying a day off so much meant finding somewhere that he could cast out a line and simply fish; whether or not he caught a thing didn't matter, though of course, he certainly hoped he would... He just wanted to enjoy the time spent so close to the ocean.

Thus, quite a way from 'the egg' site, on a Camphoreon pier, Clancy cast his line, humming happily. No headache, the ocean, fishing; today was a good day.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:04 pm
Oh, ohh dear. Where could she be? Nicolette leaned over the edge of the pier and squinted down into the water below, trying her best to see what was in it. She couldn't really see that far, unfortunately, and she straightened up with a small sigh. Where had that silly creature gotten to? "Natacha!" She called out once she'd raised one hand to the side of her mouth, hoping it would help carry the call further - maybe the water-type would be able to hear her under the surface? Maybe... "Natacha! It's time to go home!"

A number of her pokemon trailed along after her, namely a Rapidash, Lopunny, Sylveon, Vaporeon, and Jolteon, while a Luvdisc was held snugly in the girl's arms. None of them seemed particularly upset by the missing pokemon's absence.

Somewhere underwater, below Clancy's fishing line, a Feraligatr remained perfectly still near the sand and watched as fish swam here and there. None of them were close enough yet though.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:22 pm
Clancy twitched as he heard shouting...
That wouldn't do at all; if the shouty girl came up here and kept shouting, she'd just scare everything away.. And besides, he was enjoying the 'not shouty-ness' of the day, after so long spent with what felt like someone shouting inside his head.

He shook his head, replanted his stance and glared at the water, trying to shut her out and willing the fish to bite before she decided to come up the pier, or, Arceus forbid, try to ask him about whatever she was shouting about.
"Bloody kids..." He muttered.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:40 pm
Unfortunately for Clancy, two things happened that he didn't want: First, Nicolette trotted over towards him and halted within his vicinity, but before she could shout again, a second unfortunate thing happened.

A Goldeen swam right past the Feraligatr's head, and time seemed to slow down. The sand around her claws exploded upwards in a billowing cloud as she shot towards the other water-type with her mouth wide open, and it frantically tried to swim away as quickly as it could. It couldn't escape her though, and her powerful jaws snapped shut around most of it right before she burst through the surface of the water, flailed around a bit with her lunch's tail sticking out of her mouth, then flopped backwards beneath the waves. Nicolette gasped and yelled again, "Natacha!" The Feraligatr remained below the waves though, but said waves in that vicinity rolled and crashed violently in chaotic patterns as Natacha thrashed and rolled around, her tail occasionally erupting briefly from underwater only to slap back down again, as she fought with her meal.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:54 pm
Oh, for Kyogre's sake, she was coming toward him...

"Look, no offense but could ya b-OH HOLY BUGGERIN' BLASTOISE, GROUDON'S BACK!" was Clancy's, admittedly, rather embarrassing first response to the sudden eruption from the water...
Of course, rather quickly, two things became apparent; one, that wasn't Groudon, it was much smaller, and clearly a water type... in fact, Clancy was relatively sure he knew what that thing was... And, two, the shout-y girl /knew/ this thing... or, possibly, knew the thing it was eating...

He moved to grab a pokéball (Mircalla's, in fact) but changed his mind as he saw the... monster.. was eating a fish. Plus, some part of him had remembered electric types had, supposedly, an advantage. In a flash of red, Clerval joined him on the pier.
"Oi, yellah rat! We're under attack by a... an... Angrydile!" Or whatever the hell that thing's name was... "Stay back, luv! This thing's bloody 'ungry!" He added, as an afterthought, toward Nicolette.
It would probably bring annoying attention if the thing ate a girl near him or something...  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:32 pm
Nicolette inhaled sharply and put a hand to her cheek as she stepped back, startled by Clancy's sudden outburst, and completely missed the fact that Natacha had a Goldeen in her mouth. "What?" An Angrydile...? What was that? Oh! Did he think that was Natacha? "Oh, goodness," the girl breathed as she leaned over the edge of the pier again. The violent thrashing had subsided after a few moments, and everything had quickly returned to normal - almost as if a hungry Feraligatr hadn't just exploded out of the water a moment ago. "Natacha, it's time to go home now! Will you please come out?" Nicolette called again.

For a few long moments, nothing happened, but finally the Feraligatr's head surfaced above the waves, and she looked somewhat bemused and put out. There was no trace of a Goldeen on her whatsoever. In response to Nicolette's words - or perhaps she was vocalizing for different reasons - a slightly confused growl rumbled out from her throat. Why did they have to leave? She was still hungry.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:41 pm
"Get ready to give it a bloody good Thundershock if it tries to attack again, right, mate?" Clancy gave a wary eye to Clerval, who gave a sigh but seemed to take up a ready stance anyway... 'Yellah rat' indeed; sometimes he really didn't like the man he was stuck with...
The Pikachu eyed the water cautiously, however, especially as the thing reappeared. He absolutely definitely would be shocking that thing if it made any sudden moves, with Clancy's say so or not...

"Oi, luv! Don't get too close, I think that thing jus' went and bloody well ate ya Goldeen..." Clancy started to caution and explain, but then watched the exchange... The thing was /replying/ to her. It wasn't trying to eat her... Well, at least yet...
So the thing probably /was/ Natacha/.

"Oh you've got to be flippin' well kiddin' me! Is that bloody monster /yours/?!" Clancy demanded, panic and adrenaline beginning to seep into anger.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 7:43 pm
Natacha watched Clerval just as closely, though her gaze was more predatory than cautious. It was definitely small enough to fit into her mouth, she was certain, but it was an electric-type and that didn't bode well for her...

"What?" Nicolette said again, confusion written all over her face. 'Bloody well ate ya,' what did that mean? Golden - that sounded familiar... She was certain it was a type of pokemon - was it a water-type? - but what was he... Bloody monster? In a brief panic she hurriedly looked down into the water again to see Natacha, but she wasn't bloody at all, thankfully. For a moment she thought the Feraligatr had been hurt. "I'm sorry for confusing you," she said once she'd straightened up again, looking apologetic and still holding a confused Luvdisc in her arms, "but yes; that's Natacha, a Feraligatr, and yes, she's mine," she finished with a hesitant nod.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:15 pm
The electric type continued to stare right back, and even adopted a bit of a disgusted snarl. He knew the look on the water type's face, but he was also pretty confident of his type advantage.

"That bloody, fricken' toothy monster just went and bloomin' well -ate- a Goldeen! One of 'em... fishy types!" Clancy yelled, pointing repeatedly at the beast in the water.
"Oh, 'Natacha' the 'Furgaliarator' is it? Well /she/ just went and ate a Goldeen! Gobbled it up! First ya come over here all yellin' and disturbin' the peace and then ya bloody gurt furglyator goes and /eats/ a potential catch! And scares the bloody wits out o' me too, I might add!"  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:01 pm
The look of disgust on the Pikachu's face did little, if anything, to dissuade the Feraligatr from continuing her look of predatory contemplation. It did look quite plump and tasty, after all...

"She ate one?" The girl repeated, startled, and looked with wide eyes between the man and her Feraligatr. "But -- no, she wouldn't -- she eats pokemon food, and poffins and cupcakes, why would she eat another pokemon...?" All of his yelling and gesticulating was making her flustered and anxious, especially when he accused her of generally being a nuisance, and her cheeks flushed nearly red. "I didn't mean -- I was just -- I-I didn't..."

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:21 pm
Clerval was happy enough if the Feraligat'r did nothing but look... He was going to keep a wary eye on that pokémon until she was either put back in her ball, or he or she left.

"Yes she bloody well ate one! Why?!" Clancy reached his hand up and ran it through his hair in frustration.
"Because she's a bloody predator! A hunter! Didn't ya notice the flamin' gurt ol' teeth she's got there?! Or the way she's lookin' at other 'mon?!" He pointed at Clerval "She wants ta eat this bloody yellah rat, see, but if she tries it, he's gonna bloomin' well /fry/ her and I ain't gonna call 'im off for that!"  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 3:48 pm
With a deep, unsatisfied rumble, Natacha tore her gaze from the Pikachu and instead mercilessly sunk her claws into the wooden pillars of the pier and clawed her way up. Some of the boards bent and creaked ominously under her weight, but none of them broke. Once she slid back up onto the pier itself, she crawled on all fours to curl herself in a slight semicircle around Nicolette and gently nudged - in her mind, anyway; it was more of a forceful bump that made the girl step to the side a bit to keep her balance - the girl's arm.

Nicolette held her Luvdisc in one arm so she could set her small hand atop the Feraligatr's nose, obviously unafraid of being bitten with her 'flamin' gurt ol' teeth.' "But..." She frowned, her face still red and still confused, though now she was getting upset as tears pricked the corners of her eyes, "But she doesn't need to, we have food at the house, I-- I make sure all of my pokemon are fed! She was just going for a swim, she wasn't-- wasn't hunting," she stammered. "A-and she certainly wouldn't eat your Pikachu!"

Natacha's gaze shifted to Clerval once more at that and she opened her mouth to let out a quiet, croaky rumble. That blasted rule the other pokemon insisted on lording over her so much - 'don't eat pokemon that belong to trainers,' they said. 'It's a very bad thing to do,' they said. Bah...

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:00 pm
Clancy flinched and stepped back as the Feraligat'r crawled out of the water and climbed onto the pier.
He /really/ liked water types. He /especially/ liked strong, ferocious, water types. Given a different circumstance, he'd probably have been delighted by this creature, but it had scared the life out of him, and it and its trainer had totally disrupted his nice, headache-free, day off spent fishing...
And now the thing was on land, between him and way off of the pier.

"I'm tellin' ya luv, I just watched the bloom'n' thing bloody well eat a Goldeen! Fed or not, she flippin' well just went and made sushi out o' somethin' I mighta wanted to catch! And the way she keeps lookin' over here ain't out of flamin' romantic int'rest!"  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:30 pm
Pascal, her Lopunny, stepped forward with paws raised as 'fists' but found them suddenly full of confused Luvdisc as Nicolette pushed the little heart-shaped fish into his arms, so her hands were free to hug Natacha's head to herself. Had she actually eaten a Goldeen? She hadn't seen Natacha eat it, but then why would this stranger lie to her about such a thing? "M-maybe it was an accident," the girl suggested in hesitant tones, trying to think of just what happened and why.

The accused, however, was growing quite bored with this - especially knowing she couldn't eat either the little Luvdisc nor the appetizing Pikachu - and glanced around the pier for anything else she could eat. Maybe she should've stayed in the water...

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:49 pm
"Oh, aye! A bloody accident!" Clancy through his hands up, in mock revelation. "'Course that /must/ be it, eh? Goldeen just swimmin' 'long, mindin' its own bloomin' business thought 'oh! I'll just n** into this big ol' cave with lots o' pointy teeth and swim down this suspiciously throat-like tunnel!"
He shook his head.
"Or maybe it's a flamin' game and any bloody minute, the Goldeen's gonna pop out o' y'r Growlallygator's big ol' maw and thank-it-very-much f'r bein' a great sport in supplyin' a hiding place f'r its hide-an'-go-seek game, eh?!"

Clerval caught the rabbit's motion out of the corner of his eye. As dangerous as the big water type seemed to be, the action was just amusing enough to cause the Pikachu to snicker, especially as Pascal was handed a fish.  

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