Disclaimer: This is a Road To WrestleMania story I am putting together, which takes place in Summer 2013 to Spring of 2014. Everything and anything in this story is completely canon, and does not affiliate with any of the current actions that are going on in TNW:R, thus the reason why this is posted in the OOC section of the guild. If you want to join in, message me personally. A majority of matches will be played out by the dice, and some will have scripted endings.

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This is a story about possibly over-coming the odds, and proving to the world that nice guys don't always finish last. You're looking into the mind and the perspective of Matt Allens, a nobody from Chicago Illinois who is trying to shape his well-being into becoming a somebody, but the TNW:R management just doesn't see someone like this becoming a champion. Once you step through that curtain and feel the roar of the audience, it's obviously your moment. Your moment to show the world why you deserve to be on top, and to prove to the world why you deserve to be on the top, you have to knock off the wrestlers that are already there. Or at least, 'try' to..