Gender: Female
Age: Somewhere around 200 years old
Faction: Monster
Race: Carbuncle
Natural Ability: Shapeshifting to her natural form
Personality: Sweet, eternally curious, a little on the cheeky side, with a long streak of empathy that affects her more than she wishes it would. She can also be extremely focused, almost to an obsessive degree.
Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? After living in solitude for a couple of decades meditating, Tria was ready to embark on the next stage of her training - learning about and observing other races and factions. And what better place to do that than in a school?
FEAR Ability: REFLECT - she creates an energy shield that deflects attacks. (unlike the final fantasy version that casts spells back on people, i didn't think that would be canon) [Barrier type]
Physical Description: Eye Colour: Red
Hair Colour/Style: Tealish greeny blue ish
Skin Colour: Pale
Clothing Style/Colours: Nothing concrete, she likes a varied wardrobe.
Extra: For reasons she hasn't shared, the ruby fragments embedded in her forehead are shattered, rather than a whole gem. She also has three tails.
References: ... I'll look this over tomorrow when i wake up :X