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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 6:53 pm
It was early afternoon and the sun was high in the sky. A Leafeon sat at his trainer's feet, watching the young man as he sipped his tea and texted. Happa tilted his head, peering out from under the table at which Akira sat. His human's face was the same, as were his clothes and complexion...but it was what wasn't the same that threw the eeveeloution off.

Happa had seen Akira with short hair and medium-length hair. He'd even seen him in women's clothes and jewelry, calling himself 'Clara', wearing make-up, putting on perfume, and changing his voice to sound more feminine. Though the brunet had done nothing to change his voice or face or scent this time, he was more unrecognizable than the Leafeon had ever felt before.

For one thing, Akira was no longer a brunet. Not fully, anyway. The ends of his hair were the same brown Happa was used to, but the young man's pale silver roots were showing and had begun to grow out. According to his trainer, this was Akira's natural hair color, but then why had he dyed it in the first place? Had he preferred it brown? If so, when why was he changing it back now? It was also longer than before; long enough to pin up at the back of his head except for his bangs in front.

Another thing was his eyes. Brown had become emerald green when he'd stopped wearing contact lenses. Like his hair, Happa's human claimed that this was his natural eye color, but the Leafeon was having a hard time understanding. Was it because of Adam that Akira had changed? He certainly seemed happier than he'd been in a long time, but was it necessary to change his outward appearance too?

It was like his human had evolved into a new species of...Akira. It would take some getting used to, but if his trainer was happy, Happa supposed, then he was happy for him. Silly had seemed to have seen this version of their owner before, though...perhaps he could ask the Serperior about it later if he wasn't too grumpy.

((Sorry that took so long. XP Magician Arcana will probably be joining us later. Let me know if there's anything I should change!))
PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:03 am
Akira Midoriyama
I'm sorry this sucks so badly. @_@ Been a while since I've roleplayed.

It was a bit strange.
How familiar this was and yet...how unfamiliar it was all at once.

"And then we'll need to get a hold of a florist...I was thinking the one that Grandmother goes to for her banquets. They always do lovely arrangements." Shiny black boots clicked against dull concrete, followed closely and silently by boots of worn, but well cared for, white. "Though we'll want to be sure to leave space for Zacharie's arrangements. There's no doubt that he'll want to make a few of his own." Slim fingers twirled a simple, silver band around his left ring finger before flexing absently. "Of course, Sir." A deep, but soft voice murmured over the scritching of a pencil moving across paper.

"We're here, Andre." Louis brought his boss out of his musings once they reached the small cafe that Andre liked to frequent. The purple-haired man glanced around before smiling lightly, "So we are. I'd be lost without you, Louis." He laughed as he moved to take a seat at a vacant table, pausing only to let the taller man pull his chair out for him. After he'd settled, he smoothed the red sash tied around his waist and adjusted the long, flared sleeves of his black jacket back over his wrists. "Is there anything I can get for you?" Louis asked, side-stepping to stand primly to the left of his employer. "Mn...a cup of Darjeeling and a croissant. If you're hungry, grab yourself something as well. We have a long day scheduled." The brunette nodded once in understanding before disappearing into the shop.  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:54 pm
A familiar voice reached Akira's ears through his earpieces he took one out to try to recognize it. A florist? Arrangements? Sounded like a wedding. The deep voice responding to the first didn't ring any bells at all, but the name it voiced soon after certainly did. Emerald eyes widened.

Louis? Akira glanced over his shoulder to see the couple sit. No doubt about it - that was the aristocratic Andre that Vincent usually hung out with. However, Vincent was nowhere in sight. The young man's eyes were drawn to the band on Andre's left ring finger before he absently touched the one on his own hand.

Weddings...they left a bitter taste in his mouth. But at least someone must have been happy about it to be planning things so thoroughly. Though his own marriage had been arranged and the purple-haired man seemed to be part of the same society he'd fled from, Andre didn't strike Akira as the sort of fellow to go through with things that didn't make him happy, regardless of the consequences. He admired him for that. Maybe if he'd been a little more like Andre, he could have spent less of his life being so self-conflicted, indecisive, and miserable.

Well, the past was the past; there was no use lamenting over it. Leaning over the back of his chair, he smiled and waited for Louis to step into the shop before addressing his old acquaintance. "Congratulations," he told Andre. "And who might your lucky partner be? I don't see Vincent around anywhere." He was kind of glad about it, too; that pair just really didn't seem to have a healthy relationship in Akira's opinion.

((Psh, don't be silly! It's perfectly fine!))
PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:42 pm
It took Andre but a second to see past the green eyes and silver hair once he glanced up from where he'd been picking at the weather worn wood of the table. "Ah, Akira. So good to see you." He greeted with a small, fond smile. "Still rather straight to the point I see." He motioned for the boy to sit in the chair opposite him before sweeping his hair back over his shoulder. That was one thing he hated about this length, it was constantly getting in his way.

"While I appreciate the sentiment and I hate to be the bearer of bad news," Not really but Akira didn't need to know that. "I'm planning a...a funeral." He loathed the way he still stuttered over it, the way it felt heavy and bitter on his tongue. The purple-haired man gave an obviously forced smile before dropping his gaze to his hands, which were folded neatly in his lap.  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 11:28 pm
"I've had a lifetime of padding conversations with flowery language, small talk, pointless flattery, and beating around bushes," Akira laughed. "'Straight to the point' seems the most efficient and practical to me. And the most honest," he added. He tugged on his bangs slightly, as if they could cover the blush spreading across his face. "And you're still rather more charming than is fair to your acquaintances. What about all those poor hearts you end up leading on? Or are you the sort that collects broken ones as a game?"

Glancing at the chair that was motioned to, he hesitated. "Oh - thank you, but I wouldn't want to intrude on you and...Louis." His brows shot up. "A funeral? Arceus, what happened?! If you feel like talking about it, of course," Akira said quickly, mentally berating himself for being so insensitive. "I...I just saw your ring and I thought..." He shook his head. "Oh dear...I'm so sorry for your loss. My wife died quite young some years ago, so I'd like to think I might at least have some idea of what you're going through."
PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:34 am
Andre waited patiently for Akira to finish up with his chattering before giving a soft huff of a laugh. "Louis has been an associate of mine for quite some time." His gaze flickered over to the window to spot said man waiting by the pickup counter. He chose to ignore the 'charming heart breaker' jab, remembering the last time it had been brought up hadn't ended so smoothly. "He's come from Grande Isle to help me with preparations."

At the mention of the ring, he automatically began spinning it around his finger. It was a horrible habit he had unknowingly picked up since he'd received the bad news. The sentiment was disgusting, the strange, hollow feeling that set up residence in his stomach was disgusting. He hated Vincent for doing this to him. "Ah, the ring was a Christmas gift." He lifted his left hand and wiggled his fingers, watching the metal glint in the sunlight. "And thank you. For your condolences and for offering to lend a shoulder." He nodded his head ever so slightly as he left his hand flop back into his lap. "He was diagnosed with cancer and..." He paused, his eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly. "He didn't make it." He finished softly.  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:15 am
Akira followed Andre's gaze toward the counter and nodded slowly in acknowledgement. "That's kind of him. It's good you have such a supportive...associate who would come all this way to help."

He watched the purple-haired man spin the ring, listening and pondering the gift. What it could have meant from its giver, what it meant to its new owner, and what its owner thought of it now. He paid the most attention to the intonations of Andre's voice; the minute changes in pitches and tempo.

Maybe he couldn't understand what each and every one of them meant like some people could, but as a strong auditory learner, he could take in sounds and interpret them better than information he received from most of his other senses. He found the sound of Andre's voice comforting, but there was something else that bothered him.

"Andre," he said, looking into the other's face. "Are you always this composed?" Akira's own brows were knit with concern. "I hope you won't take offense, but you don't seem to me to be the type of person to express your thoughts or emotions when you feel the need to put on a show for others. Even if it's for something as petty as politeness' sake. I can't help but feel it's not healthy for you."
PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:33 am
Andre blinked owlishly, quite obviously caught off guard by the sudden observation.
Was he really being so obvious?
Had he underestimated Akira?

His expression flickered briefly before settling into something resembling wary amusement. "Don't worry, I take no offense." He assured the other, turning his body fully towards the silver haired boy to regard him closely. "Do I come across as being composed?" He asked, his head tilted curiously. Because he certainly didn't feel composed at the moment. He supposed that a lot of his struggling was internalized, but it had always been that way. He wasn't sure if he was even capable of outwardly expressing emotions without completely breaking down. But breaking down was not an option. There were things that needed his attention, there were people that waited for his guard to be down.

He didn't have time to delve all too deeply into what and how he was feeling.

"I suppose I don't express much." He conceded thoughtfully, crossing his right leg over his left. "Though I can say that I don't do it for the sake of others." He smiled wryly, the first genuine smile he'd had since he last spoke to Zacharie. "You think it's unhealthy of me?"  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:21 pm
"Too composed," Akira responded, glad Andre hadn't seemed to feel he was speaking out of turn. "More so than any normal person might be after losing someone so close to them and making arrangements for their funeral. On the outside, at least, which is what worries me."

His apparent concern bordered on seeming pained for the purple-haired man's sake. He lifted a hand, perhaps to reach out to the other, but quickly thought better of it and let it drop back to his side.

Rather than making him feel better, the honesty of that genuine smile aimed at him made Akira only feel worse for prying into matters that weren't his business. Conversely, it also made him more resolved than ever to find out what the other man was all about. At Andre's question, he took a deep breath and sighed.

"Whether for others or yourself, I do think it's unhealthy. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I'd like to think I know something of the sort of person you are due to being raised in a society where reputation, tradition, and social standing are everything. Appearances become everything, and so those born into those communities tend to develop masks to hide their inner selves and show only what they must or are expected to. It's all very controlled, restrained, and stifling." He tugged on his bangs absently, looking away. "Perhaps it was simply due to my weakness in character, but after my wife died, I couldn't take it anymore. So I left."

Akira frowned. "But you...you seem almost the same as ever on the outside, even preparing for a funeral. One can only imagine what you must be going through in your head, determined to keep all those thoughts and emotions to yourself. It...as your friend, I can't help but be concerned for you and whatever you feel the need to bottle up." He looked back up toward Louis. "Do you at least have someone else to turn to with Vincent gone?"
PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:14 pm
A friend?
Did Akira really think of them as friends? He found that he couldn't really believe the silver-haired male. After their rather rocky introduction and the lack of communication since then he didn't really know many people that would consider their relationship anything more than 'acquaintance'. Well...he was sure Rosie would but she was such a sweet little thing that it'd probably take stabbing her or her husband to gain her ire.

He studied the other quietly, listening to his thoughts on the matter and taking them in for consideration. Was it because of his upbringing that he felt a need to internalize his emotions? Aside from the occasional outburst when things didn't go his way he couldn't recall a time when he'd expressed much of anything. He'd cry to his mother when he was young, he'd laugh and feel genuinely happy when they worked together in the small box garden they kept in the windows of their old apartment...but as he grew older and his parents grew more distant, he found it much more difficult to recall when he leaned on another for support. "I suppose living in an aristocratic society during my impressionable teenage years could have instilled a sense of...seclusion." He mused, folding his arms over the back of his chair and resting his chin on them.

It wasn't likely as he had been withdrawing from everyone far before he left for Grande Isle...before even Zacharie was born, but it was a possibility.

"I'll admit that I don't feel nearly as calm as I present myself to be...but I suppose I'm handling the death of my fiance better than some." His gaze drifted to the ring once again. "I'm no stranger to death...no one lives forever no matter how much we may wish it. Perhaps it's because of my acceptance of death that I'm taking this so well." He drummed his fingers against the opposite arm as he followed Akira's gaze towards the window. "I have Louis." He said slowly, turning his head so he could rest his cheek on his arms instead. "And a little brother that I hold very dear." He smiled just at the of that scarred face, of those fly-away curls, and the tentative but firm way Zacharie held himself. "Quality over quantity, yes?"

((Sorry if it's rambly. @_@))  


Bashful Bunny

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

21,915 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:33 pm
Manny asked quizzically, using one of his new, sharp talon hands to scratch at his head. His voice was slightly deeper now, but the same personality shown through, dashed with more confidence.

"Yeah, sort of? Uh, hard to explain. Basically his appearance wasn't his true appearance, he was sort of hiding?" How did Adam explain to a pokemon that his boyfriend had been masquerading as a totally different identity to evade his family? He was pretty sure there were way too many weird human-only bits that would further confuse the haunter.

<... OH!> Manny's eyes sparkled and he snapped two of his claws,

"Yeah! Sort of." Nodding, he slid his phone away into his front pocket, no longer needed as the Haunter now understood. Akira had changed and Adam was eager to see it in person. The shop he said he was at was close, and so the two picked up their pace.

It was easy to spot Akira, not only for the change of appearance, but because another man sat at the table. His hair was shockingly purple, and he seemed to be invovled in a conversation with Akira. A pang of worry rolled across the rocket. Was this someone from Akira's family? Did they intend on taking him back?

Manny didn't understand the hesitation, so he floated over and gleeful called, "Haunter!" He toothily grinned at the trainer and tentatively touched the new hair, seeming fascinated by it. Manny finally noticed Happa and waved his other clawed hand at the eeveelution,

Prompted now by the ghost, Adam approached the two. While he wanted to learn who the other man was, he was focused mostly on his boyfriend. "Hi baby." Genuine joy bubbled over his body, the familiar sensation of happy butterflies fluttering in his stomach. Adam hugged Akira tightly before kissing his cheek and lips, "Missed you. You look great. Super ******** great. Oh, this is Manny. He finally evolved."

Adam pulled back just enough to see Andre, one arm still wrapped around the smaller man to his right. He offered his free hand out across the table to the stranger, "Sorry to interrupt. My name is Adam, I'm Akira's boyfriend. Nice to meet you, Mr...?"  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 12:35 am
((Don't be ridiculous, Enigma. blaugh It's perfect the way it is.))

During Andre's silent pondering, Akira's face flushed one more and he bent his head, realizing he might have crossed a line again. "That is to say...I don't call people friends lightly and I know we haven't known each other long or even that much...but I would like to be your friend. Given the chance."

He peeked briefly up through his bangs before looking back at his tea and finishing it off. "I know I tend to make a lot of incorrect assumptions, too, so if I was mistaken in anything I said, please don't hesitate to let me know. Honesty over politeness and all."

'Impressionable teenage years'...haha. What a way to put that distressing period of chaos and turmoil. "Eh? Do you mean you weren't a part of that society prior?" he asked, curious. Maybe it was just the way Andre had worded it, but...oh, no, that was right. Andre had been like Ryuu in that he'd lived as a commoner prior, hadn't he...?

"Oh, goodness, I'm sorry; I'd forgotten. I think you mentioned this before." Anything he could relate to Ryuu he tried to forget as quickly as possible. "Perhaps you're just more of an introverted person, then. But I still feel it's important even for introverts to be able to have someone to talk to about their thoughts every now and then."

Hmm...what Andre said made sense, but it was still sad. Fiance, he said...so they really had had plans of that nature. It must have made Akira's congratulations all the more painful to hear. Slapping his palm to his face in embarrassment, he let it slide down until he could see the purple-haired man between his fingers. "About your being used to death and quality over quantity...that's true. Perhaps you're right. Still...I admire your strength. Envy it, even."

Just then, a Haunter appeared at his side, touching his hair, and Akira nearly fell out of his chair in shock. "Wh-wha?!"

Happa, who had fallen asleep in the shade under the table, woke immediately at the commotion and barked in a friendly hello once he recognized the ghost. It took Akira's mind longer to catch up.

The trainer's face just rose in temperature and saturation as he was addressed by the tall blonde teen. "Hey, Adam," he responded shyly, still too flustered and bashful in front of Andre to return the kiss or hug very strongly while he tried to recover from his surprise. W-wait, does that mean that's...Manny? Evidently it was.

"Y-you look great yourself." Wow, couldn't come up with something better? He shook his head. What else can I say? He always looks so cool and amazing, but I can't say that now, here....it'd be embarrassing! I already feel enough like some timid school girl without gushing about Adam in front of Andre!

"Oh my goodness - congratulations, Manny! You gave me quite a scare," he confessed with a small laugh. "But I guess that's what ghosts do, isn't it? I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. You're looking fantastic too, though."

And then Adam was regarding Andre. Right, they hadn't met yet! "O-oh, Adam, this is Andre! Hehehe, so many names starting with A..." he babbled nervously. "I met Andre a while back, but we haven't had much interaction since then, unfortunately. I imagine we've both been pretty...busy." He looked at Andre thoughtfully.

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend


Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:47 am
"You know," He started slowly, an eye slipping open to regard Akira carefully. "I can't say many people have claimed to be my friend so earnestly." The corners of his mouth twitching up in amusement. "I'm flattered that you consider us friends, Akira. I'd be honored to call you my friend, honestly." He reached out and lightly touched his slightly chilled fingers to the back of the others closest hand.

"I don't think you've made any baseless assumptions. You have sound reasoning behind it all." He sat up fully and stretched his arms above his head. "And you have a good memory. I was raised in the less safe area of Camphoreon before I left for Grande Isle when I was fourteen." His gaze lifted up towards the crowd and watched the crowd. "We've had different life experiences... I'm sure you're strong in your own unique ways, dear."

Just then, a Haunter came into view and his eyebrow raised when...he was fairly certain he could hear it...speaking? He watched the scene with unfold with a raised eyebrow. The blush on Akira's face made up for the tactless greeting from his blond companion. "A pleasure, I'm sure." He inclined his head slightly, gaze flickering between the two. "Hopefully we'll be able to talk more often, Akira." He smiled winningly as he crossed one leg over the other.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 1:54 pm
So that's how it was going to play? Adam withdrew his hand, the friendly nature dimming from his features. Too uptight and civilized to deign the interloper with a handshake. Suspicion bubbled down below. Was this someone from Akira's past? No... Well, not the past he was thinking of, at least. Still, this was definitely what they called in the business a "first class jackass". Adam didn't want to spend time with him anymore than he wanted to run a marathon naked and chased by bees.

"I'm so very sorry for interrupting your important time with my ******** boyfriend." Adam spoke sweetly, "Heaven forbid I act so childishly and react with happiness and excitement at seeing someone I love. Really, what an inconvenience I must have caused you and your precious time."

He should have stopped, but the p***k's attitude had turned his already short temper sour, "Since I am here though, and being as I can only get more intelligent and civilized by being in your general presence," Adam grabbed a chair and jerked it out, the screeching sound echoing loudly as he plopped down. The fake, sweet smile never left his face, "DO tell me how you met Akira. I'm just dying to know all the details."  

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

21,915 Points
  • Hiss of Love 200
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  • Waffles! 25

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 7:27 pm
Andre's faintly icy touch only caused Akira's already warm, damp hands to perspire more and he felt horribly conscious about them. He wasn't really sure what to say in reply, caught up in thoughts of how this man seemed so seamlessly smooth in all that he did. He tried to think back and felt certain that few possessed the elegance and grace that Andre did even among the high class and wealthy back home.

He almost seemed like the ideal man that others in that society aspired to be. Composed, calm...almost inhuman. There was something both beautiful and frightening about it at the same time, like the knowledge that such a perfectly outward specimen surely had enough dark secrets hidden away to balance out his radiance. It must have been lonely... but was he really untouchable? Unreachable by anyone else now that Vincent was gone? There was Louis, but was he enough? And Zacharie, who seemed more like an object of adoration to Andre rather than a brother to trust?

"O-oh, of course," he agreed with the purple-haired man, barely registering what Andre had spoken to him, let alone the three words to Adam. In a few seconds, though, it became hugely evident that those words meant a great deal more to Adam than their literal definitions. For a second, the silver-and-brown-haired man thought he had missed something.

"Adam?" Akira blinked rapidly at the blonde in confusion upon hearing his profanity mixed in with words of mock politeness. "What's gotten into you? No one said that! Where the hell are you getting all that from?!" From three words to all that? Did Adam even know Andre?

Maybe he was just acting rashly out of jealousy. It couldn't have been pleasant for Adam to have seen Akira talking to Andre in a more intimate fashion than just strangers, especially when Akira didn't think he'd mentioned Andre to Adam at all. In that case, all he needed to do was straighten things out so Adam didn't get the wrong idea. "Adam, please, calm down. Andre and I met a long time ago, but I haven't seen him since I met you. Today he is here with another friend of his - Louis.

"Louis just went to go get something for them and so I thought I'd keep Andre company in the meantime. We got to talking about a person who was very close to him who died recently. Now's not the time." He put a comforting hand over Adam's, his own still warm and somewhat sweaty, but he hoped Adam wouldn't mind.

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