Name: Serpentis Ne'rdrem
Nicknames: Pet
Gender: Male
Age: 16

Faction: Reaper
Race: Human

Natural Ability: Quick Help- [A Necromancer can always find a corpse or skeleton to raise from the dead -- animating it is another thing for these Necomancers all together. These necromancers can only reanimate skeletons and corpses found in Halloweentown that do not have a conscious. Most resort to building their own, however they cannot animate it until they learn the spell how to. ]

  • Speaks His Mind
  • Scholar
  • Recluse
  • Sarcastic

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? His summoning abilities suck and he needs all the help he can get. Because his parents said so.

FEAR Ability: (A character's FEAR ability is a special attack they can use in battle, similar to a limit break or other powerful and unique attack! Their power should be related to the character's species or personality somewhat.)

Don't forget to include what TYPE of Fear it is! For more information please see the FEAR guide:

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Pale, pale blue
Hair Colour/Style: ravens wing black
Skin Colour: white (eye blinding white, so white that shading is blue)
Clothing Style/Colours: Victorian era
Extra: Lithe, gangly build