Name: Moira
Nicknames: ???
Gender: female
Age: ???

Faction: Ghost
Race: Evil Spirit

Natural Ability: POSSESSION

Moira has the ability to possess inanimate objects and will them into life. She is permanently attached to the marionette, but she can bring to life small puppets; of which she often has do chores for her. She is only able to possess SMALL objects and must have them in her direct line of sight.

FEAR Ability: MALEDICTION, a "Tainted Fang" FEAR

Moira delivers a curse upon her opponent; causing their muscles to seize slowly over time. In order to do this, she must make perfect eye contact and focus quite carefully.


(+/-) CURIOUS- Moira finds great pleasure in the realm of knowledge, and enjoys learning about everything there is to learn about in the world. Thus, much of her speech consists of questions and her own quiet theories- mumbled most commonly to no one in particular.

(+) FRIENDLY: Well-mannered and fairly well-versed when it comes to day to day communication among her peers, Moira is a bit of a social butterfly when within a comfortable environment. She can make a good conversation out of just about anything and enjoys picking the minds of her friends and acquaintances. She prides herself on her ability to so easily make new friends.

(+/-) ADVENTUROUS: Adventure comes as a by-product of her curiosity. Much like meeting new people, Moira- too- enjoys discovering new places and experiencing things she hadn't before. She can't resist the 'unknown' and is therefore inclined to go where ever she isn't supposed to be. She often puts herself in danger without even realizing it, and has gotten herself into more than one awful situation because of her aloofness... but- the good adventures- she will say most vehemently to anyone that asks- are well worth it.

(+) INTUITIVE: Moira has pored over information involving emotion and natural response for years; having never really felt too attached to either- and, therefore, quite curious about both. She is somewhat of an expert at reading the mood of a person, and is quite skilled at picking out information from the careful study of their features. Despite this, she is rarely empathetic; finding it to be a tiresome feeling.

( - ) POSSESSIVE: Moira is secretly a greedy little thing. She enjoys hoarding, more than anything, and has a habit of grabbing whatever she deems worthy and stowing it away into her dorm- regardless of whether or not it has an owner. Her possessiveness will often lead her toward an overwhelming feeling of envy when in the presence of someone she considers to be more grand than she.

( - ) IMPATIENT: Moira will grow increasingly angry, should she be forced to wait for something she wants for too long. She despises having to repeat herself, and is vehemently against tardiness. Her impatience often causes short, child-like bouts of tantrum. She is hot-tempered and very short-fused... a quite deadly combination.

Physical Description:

Eye Color: Black scleras & (third eye) bright blue.
Hair Color/Style: Magenta, short and well-maintained.
Skin Color: A healthy pink.
Clothing Style/Colors: Loose and comfortable, somewhat reminiscent of an acrobat's attire
Extra: Doll-like joints, a crack on her forehead that results in the appearance of her third eye.
References: Concept art by Vinkhiv.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?:

Moira enrolled in Amityville Academy in order to learn, as well as to meet others. She is extremely interested in improving her abilities.