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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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The Meadows Family ~ Accepted

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MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50
PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:07 pm

xxxx× × ×xxxxTHExxxM E A D O W Sxxx FAMILYxxxx× × ×xxxx
(( Family joint-owned by Cara MiaKitty and The Forgotten Weasley ))

xxxFAMILY TREExxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Chrysanthemum Meadows, daughter of Hyacinth and Abigail Meadows
Played by Cara MiaKitty
Delphinia Meadows, daughter of Hyacinth and Abigail Meadows
Played by The Forgotten Weasley
Sherwood Meadows, son of Hyacinth and Abigail Meadows
Played by Cara MiaKitty

xxxFAMILY NPC'Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Chrysanthos Meadows, grandfather of Chrysanthemum, Delphinia, and Sherwood
Jillian Meadows, grandmother of Chrysanthemum, Delphinia, and Sherwood
Hyacinth Meadows, father of Chrysanthemum, Delphinia, and Sherwood
Abigail Meadows, mother of Chrysanthemum, Delphinia, and Sherwood
Regina Lawrence, mistress of Hyacinth Meadows
Delilah Taylor, mistress of Abigail Meadows
Anthea Harden, aunt of Chrysanthemum, Delphinia, and Sherwood

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRECENT UPDATESxxx

Date of Updates: 2 May 2020

Backstory, added Stevie
Updated for Mass Recheck
Finally updated to adult
Changes to backstory
Changes to personality

xxxAccepted byxxx
✔ Essy [11/1/15]
xxxUpdates Accepted byxxx
❝Yukitty❞ 5/3/2020/color]
xxxAccepted Charactersxxx
[Chrys; 11/1/15] [Delphinia; 11/1/15] [Sherwood; 11/1/15]
PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:08 pm

xxxxxxC H R Y S A N T H E M U MxxxL A U R E Lxxx M E A D O W Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES »» Chrys
              AGE »» 27
              BIRTHDAY »» 11 August 2025
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Mash Kyrielight
              BLOOD STATUS »» Pureblood
              WAND »» 11 and 3/4 inches, Cypress with Centaur Hair, supple with a spiraled shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, French, some Latin
              ACCENT »» RP
              PET »» Cat Jett

              xxx»» Rock music
              xxx»» Myths and legends
              xxx»» Autumn
              xxx»» Storms
              xxx»» Being outdoors
              xxx»» Extreme temperatures
              xxx»» Sour flavors
              xxx»» Flowers
              xxx»» Gender roles
              xxx»» Her grandparents
              xxx»» Fencing
              xxx»» Flying
              xxx»» Hiking

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Growing up being told that she wasn't good enough for her family because she was a girl had some lasting effects. While Chrys has grown out of most of her internalizes misogyny, she still doesn't find herself drawn to very many 'girly' things. She prefers to dress in a more masculine style now that she controls her own wardrobe, and tends to shy away from anything that is typically considered a feminine activity or choice. While she is more conscious of those choices now, she still finds that her early development has resulted in her liking to do things that are traditionally considered more masculine.

              xxx»» Chrys isn't easily swayed from things. When questioned or pushed, she tends to double down and stand her ground, even to her own detriment. She has a hard time admitting when she's wrong, and will often try to get away with just acting like something never happened if it means she can avoid having to apologize. She knows her limits, but finds herself constantly toeing the line as much as she can get away with.

              xxx»» Chrys doesn't do things by halves; she either doesn't care at all about something, or she's all in. When she finds something that interests her, she will absolutely devour it. She's prone to putting a song on repeat and listening to it for weeks on end, no matter how crazy it's making everybody else. This extends to her friends; if something is important to them, it's important to her. Her loyalty, once won, is nigh unshakeable. It would take an extremely terrible betrayal to make her turn her back on someone she cared about.

              xxx»» Chrys was always adventurous, often testing the limits of what her parents were willing to let her get away with. Her teen years were spent doing a lot of things behind her parent's back, from flying on a broom to wearing jeans to having a boyfriend. Now that she's an adult and has no restrictions on her, she has mellowed out somewhat on the rebellion. But, she still loves to tease her friends and, at times, meddle in their affairs. She's prone to sticking her nose in their business and causing trouble until something happens.

              xxx»» Chrys wears her heart on her sleeve. She has a very hard time keeping her opinions and feelings to herself. While she's not so dramatic as she was in her teen years, she's still quite prone to swinging through extremes. It doesn't take much to set her off, either in sadness or in anger. She has a jealous streak, and can be a little petty when it stirs up. That said, she's generally a pretty positive person, and her good moods can be infectious.

              xxx»» Chrys doesn't like to be alone. Having no one to talk to or do anything with is akin to torture in her eyes. Spending too much time isolated leaves her feeling like she's going to come out of her skin. She's done her best to surround herself with as many friends as possible, so that she always has someone to pester for attention when she finds herself without company.

              xxx»» Friendly
              xxx»» Optimistic
              xxx»» Temperamental
              xxx»» Stubborn
              xxx»» Rats
              xxx»» Losing her friends or siblings

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Chrysanthemum was the firstborn child of Hyacinth and Abigail Meadows. Her parents' marriage had been arranged when the pair were second years in school, and while they always got along well enough, they weren't particularly close. Still, her birth did give them something to bond over somewhat, making their relationship progress from 'cordial but distant' to 'friends who happen to be married'. She was a very happy child for the most part, though never quite understood why her grandparents seemed disappointed that she was a girl. At age five, she happened to overhear them with her parents, discussing how she, and her sister Delphinia, would be skipped over as 'heirs' to the family line, and everything would pass to her brother Sherwood. She didn't quite understand what any of that meant, but she did know that the problem was that she was a girl. Since that day, she has alienated herself from anything approaching femininity, as much as a child whose parents place value on traditional gender roles possibly can. Overall, she's still quite happy, and loves her siblings dearly. Her parents bother her sometimes with forcing her to wear dresses and keep her hair long, but she loves them all the same. Around the time her brother was born, both her parents began spending a lot of time with their respective 'best friends', to the point that the two women practically live in the Meadows home. Chrys has always found the arrangement quite odd, particularly since she has twice spotted her mother kissing Miss Delilah Taylor, once on the cheek and once on the lips. But, given that the time on the lips was under the mistletoe at Christmastime, she hasn't questioned it overmuch. Her father, meanwhile, is much more discreet in his own affair, at least around the children. His own mistress, a Miss Regina Lawrence, is a close friend of his from his school years, with whom he always shared a mutual attraction. Up until the birth of his son, he'd refused to act on it, but since he and his wife have decided to cease their 'marital duties' following the birth of what his parents considered a proper heir, he sees no harm in it, as long as all parties are happy and content.

              SCHOOL YEARS
              xxx»» Chrys' number one priority when she began school was to make friends. She'd never had any, having been homeschooled and spent all her social time with either her siblings, or various cousins. She made an effort to know most, if not all, of the kids in her year. This bite her in the arse, however, when the one person she met and didn't take to ended up mentioning her to his family over the summer between their first and second years. Julius, unfortunately, was from a pureblood family like hers, and their parents decided they were a good match. They ended up betrothed, a fact that Chrys railed against as dramatically and, sometimes, cruelly as she could, with no real regard for Julius' feelings for a majority of their school years. She rebelled against her parents to feel some measure of control over her life, but did so as secretly as she could manage, afraid that if she was caught in too much trouble, she would be disowned and separated from her siblings. Eventually she recognized that Julius was just trying to make the best of a bad situation (or, well, sort of; he actually fancied her, for some reason she didn't understand, considering how awful she was towards him). She tried to improve their relationship, but couldn't help hoping that something would come up to cause their eventual marriage to be called off.

              xxx»» Just after graduating, Chrys got her wish; upon returning home, she and her siblings were informed that their parents were getting a divorce, thanks to her father's mistress finally putting her foot down and demanding more from him. Chrys was shocked her father had the balls to actually defy his parents and divorce her mother. She would've been happy for them, if she hadn't been so busy being annoyed. But her annoyance was nothing compared to her sister's fury; Finny tore into their parents and stormed off, but not before informing their parents that she (and Chrys) would not be forced to marry anybody, not by a couple who had not even stayed together themselves. Chrys and Finny ended up moving out of the family home and in with their Aunt Anthea, and Chrys had minimal contact with everyone except her brother.
              xxx»» Suddenly free of the burden of being a wife, Chrys had no idea what to do with herself. Despite Julius always insisting that he would support her in any career or lifestyle she chose if they did marry, she had never really allowed herself to believe it was actually possible. Now, however, it was not only possible, it was a necessity, unless she wanted to keep mooching off her aunt forever (she didn't). She spent a few years trying to get herself sorted out and organized, 'finding herself', so to speak, and focused on her relationships with her friends in the meantime.
              xxx»» Right around when Chrys found herself and got hired by the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau, Chance's band started to really take off. To celebrate both these momentous occasions, the pair got absolutely smashed after one of his shows. Fangirls were evaded, flirtation happened, and the pair woke up naked in the same bed the next morning. After a couple of weeks of awkwardness, they talked it out and started dating. Not long after that, Chrys realized she was pregnant. She told Chance, moved in with him, and nine months later gave birth to a daughter, Stephanie, named after Stevie Nicks. She couldn't decide which was worse, the fact that she couldn't work in the field while pregnant, or the gossip about her and Chance. But, once her daughter was born, she decided it was all worth it.

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDED »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Gryffindor
              GRADUATED »» 2042
              HONORS »» Prefect
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» A
              xxxCHARMS »» A
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» EE
              xxxPOTIONS »» A
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» A
              xxxART »» EE
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» O
              xxxMUGGLE STUDIES »» EE
              xxxMUSIC »» EE
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» EE
              xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» A

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxCHARMS »» EE
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» A
              xxxART »» A
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» O
              xxxMUSIC »» A
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» A

              CURRENT JOB »» Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau
              DREAM JOB »» A knight, but that's sort of outdated so this is as close as she's getting

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Straight
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Taken
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Chance Whitethorne

              xxx»» Daughter Stephanie Whitethorne, son Edward Whitethorne
              xxx»» Father Hyacinth Meadows stepmother Regina
              xxx»» Mother Abigail Taylor stepmother Delilah
              xxx»» Sister Delphinia, brother Sherwood
              xxx»» Grandparents Chrysanthos and Jillian Meadows
              xxx»» Aunt Anthea Harden
              xxx»» Aunt Blodwyn Lockwood Chandler Byron, Blair
              xxx»» Best friend Chance Whitethorne
              xxx»» Driskol Abrams
              xxx»» Lydia Spencer
              xxx»» Julius Devereux
              xxx»» Byuchuch Horne
              xxx»» Chrysanthos Meadows
              xxx»» Anandi Chahal
              xxx»» Wallis McGregor
              xxx»» Class of 2042

MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50

The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100
PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:12 pm

xxxxD E L P H I N I AxxxL U C E R N ExxxM E A D O W S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxx× × ×xxxxNPCxxxx× × ×xxxx
(( as of May 2022 ))

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Finny

              AGE 20

              BIRTHDAY 24 July 2026

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND Holly, Unicorn Hair, Swishy, Spiraled Shaft, 12 and 1/7 inches

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Heterosexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Random Anime [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts

              HOUSE Ravenclaw

              CLASS OF 2044

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  Muggle Studies

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ P
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Alchemy ~ A
                  Art ~ EE
                  Healing ~ O
                  Muggle Studies ~ A
                  Music ~ EE
                  Mythology ~ O

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ O
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Art ~ EE
                  Healing ~ O
                  Music ~ A
                  Mythology ~ O

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Astronomer

              DREAM JOB Wise Old Witch

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ IMAGINATIVE Finny has an extraordinarily detailed and vivid imagination, and is by nature a creative and inventive individual. She's fond of creating whole new worlds and adventures in her head, and is also always eager to try things a different way, even if they're far less likely to work. "What if" is a common refrain heard from her. She enjoys finding ways around problems, no matter how small, and tends to think outside of the box, with mixed results. When presented with a personal obstacle to overcome, or if the end result will benefit someone she cares about, Finny will stop at nothing to imagine a way there.
              ■ INSIGHTFUL Typically pegged as innocent to the point of gullibility and easy to mislead, Finny is quite the opposite. She possesses the gift of often being able to spot the heart of an issue, and thus cutting through all the unnecessary fibbing and bluffing. Perceptive and earnest, she can see the strings connecting people's motives to their mouths, and this can catch smooth talkers off guard. It's not to say that it's impossible to lie to or trick her, but she comes off as far more naive than she actually is.
              ■ KIND Finny has always taken 'treat others the way you want to be treated' very seriously. A warm and compassionate person, she genuinely wants to help other people in any way she can. She thinks of it as what you put out in the world coming back to you eventually, so doesn't it make sense to treat other people with gentleness and respect? She likes the idea of equality, and believes most people really do have a silver lining under their dark clouds, even if it's faded or very hard to find. While she rarely immediately opens up around others, Finny has a talent for cultivating lasting, meaningful connections.
              ■ SENSITIVE A "sensitive" soul, Finny feels things deeply. A sad movie can make her mopey and depressed for the rest of the day, and she'll still be giggling to herself over one joke all week. When what she believes to be true or agrees with is challenged to her face, she tends to completely clamp up. Finny takes criticism personally, and can beat herself up over a comment from someone else that wasn't even meant to offend for a long time afterwards. She despises conflict, and thus tends to bottle up her response to any negativity she encounters.
              ■ RETICENT Finny is very much an introvert. She likes her time spent alone, though she does love to be with her siblings and close friends. In an environment where she feels comfortable she can be rambunctious and even get herself into trouble, though she is very rarely mischievous on purpose. Extremely soft spoken and private, Finny generally keeps her thoughts and feelings to herself unless the situation is dire. Even so, she's far more likely to speak up the behalf of someone else than for her own benefit.
              ■ IMPULSIVE While certainly not wild and not very reckless, Finny does tend to jump into the deep end, so to speak. She often misjudges a situation and ends up in over her head, or realizes she really should have thought something through better after the precious vase is broken, etc. She often thinks she can help everything and everyone, and ends up getting herself into trouble that way, eschewing the routine for the irregular. Finny's habit of getting caught up in the moment doesn't always serve her well.

                  Theater; plays and musicals
                  Rainy days
                  Chocolate (excluding white)

                  Cold weather
                  White chocolate

                  Writing plays and poems

                  Is very perceptive for her age and good at seeing straight to the heart of an issue
                  Tries her best to be kind to everyone, regardless of the circumstances

                  Is extremely soft spoken; will stand up for others but not herself
                  Not a very good planner and tends to immediately get in over her head

                  Growing apart from her siblings

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Finny is the second child and second daughter of Hyacinth and Abigail Meadows. Her parents were arranged to be married from the time of their second year at Hogwarts, and while they didn't dislike one another, never 'fell in love', either. However, they bonded over the birth and raising of their first child, Finny's older sister Chrysanthemum, or Chrys. By the time Finny, the middle Meadows child, was born, they were friends. Finny has one younger brother, Sherwood, or Sher, who as the only son is entitled to inheriting everything the family has to offer. While Finny and her siblings were always exceptionally close, it was obvious that the majority of the attention was always going to be heaped upon Sher, as he was the only boy. Although as a child this led Finny to have something of an inferiority complex, as she grew older she understood that this was not something her brother could control, and just part of the circumstances of their births. Similarly, she understood that she and her sister were expected to grow into proper young ladies, who would be married off for the betterment of the family, regardless of any personal feelings on the matter. This never seemed to bother Finny overly much, feeling as though she needed to fulfill the peace-keeping younger daughter role, in contrast to her more brash and reckless elder sister, who was sorted into Gryffindor, to no one's surprise. Finny eagerly awaited joining her sister at Hogwarts, although she was in no particular rush to grow up and assume all the burdens of adulthood.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Finny was sorted into Ravenclaw, which didn't really come as a surprise, but she quickly grew to love her new house and Hogwarts. She made friends with the Kinsley twins, and enjoyed spending time with Chrys now that they were both in school together.
              SECOND YEAR Finny's second year was essentially rocked by the knowledge that she was betrothed to Sorin. While she considered his twin her closest friend, she never felt quite as comfortable with Celeste's brother, and was hurt that her parents had sprung the betrothal on her without even asking what she would like in a future husband. Still, she felt like she had to grin and bear it, although after a year in Ravenclaw she found herself a bit more willing to speak up.
              THIRD YEAR Finny had a very quiet third year, mostly due to coping with all the new homework from her electives and whatnot.
              FOURTH YEAR Finny spent her fourth year bracing for the coming OWLs she'd face in her fifth year, and wishing her older sister would just get on with it and admit her feelings for her best friend. Oh, and break off her engagement, as well.
              FIFTH YEAR Finny focused on studying for her exams her fifth year and not much else, although she was blindsided with the news at the end of the year that Celeste was being expelled and Sorin held back due to Celeste using her meta powers unethically. While she felt terribly for her friends, she had no idea how to even react to it. To make matters worse, her beloved rabbit Blanchefleur had also passed away.
              SIXTH YEAR Finny had a quiet sixth year, and was relieved that she didn't have to worry about an exams, although it'd be short-lived. She also got a new pet, a cat she named Galahad, and chopped off (most) of her hair, in her own rebellion against her family, now that her betrothal had been officially called off.
              SEVENTH YEAR Finny spent most of the year intensively studying for her NEWTs. She also met a rather charming classmate, Galen, after he caught her wandering the halls after hours. Ever the gentleman, he walked her back to the Ravenclaw Tower rather than taking points after Finny pleaded her case.

        POST GRADUATION Information

    xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
        FAMILY Hyacinth Meadows (father), Abigail Meadows (mother), Chrysanthemum Meadows (older sister), Sherwood Meadows (younger brother), Chrysanthos Meadows (paternal grandfather), Jillian Meadows (paternal grandmother), Anthea Harden (paternal aunt), Blodwyn Lockwood (paternal aunt), Chandler Lockwood (paternal uncle), Blair Lockwood (paternal cousin), Byron Lockwood (paternal cousin)
        FRIENDS Celeste and Sorin Kinsley, Elvira Hughes, Galen Hall
        BEST FRIEND Celeste Kinsley
        ENEMIES n/a
        PETS Cat named Galahad
PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:13 pm

xxxxxxS H E R W O O DxxxR O O S E V E L Txxx M E A D O W Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxx× × ×xxxxNPCxxxx× × ×xxxx
(( as of May 2022 ))

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES »» Sher, Sherry
              AGE »» 25
              BIRTHDAY »» 28 May 2027
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» Mikaze Ai
              BLOOD STATUS »» Pureblood
              WAND »» Willow with Dittany Stalk, supple with a spiraled shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, French, Gaelic, Latin, Italian
              ACCENT »» Received Pronunciation
              PET »» Turtle Lady Elaine

              xxx»» Ren faires
              xxx»» Folktales
              xxx»» Poetry
              xxx»» Sweets
              xxx»» Springtime
              xxx»» Seafood
              xxx»» "Tradition"
              xxx»» Being dirty
              xxx»» Formal clothes
              xxx»» Writing music
              xxx»» Painting
              xxx»» Studying instruments

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Growing up, Sher enjoyed playing pretend with his sisters, and delighted in the exciting and outlandish stories they would make up to act out together. He likes stories, particularly fantastical ones, and delights in anything that feels more like an Arthurian legend than a piece of history. He likes to put the tales to song like the bards of old, and enjoys performing them for others. He likes to tailor his performances for the audience and setting, always ensuring the environment works to his advantage.

              xxx»» The way Sher was raised was, in some ways, extremely old-fashioned and terribly uptight. As little as he agrees with much of his raising these days, he never saw anything wrong with having manners. He goes out of his way when possible to cause the least amount of friction, sometimes to the point of being a bit of a doormat. He's very respectful, even when a person doesn't necessarily deserve it. It keeps him out of trouble, for the most part, but it also gives him a bit of a reputation for being soft.

              xxx»» While not particularly adventurous, Sherwood is very curious. He’d rather make his discoveries between the pages of a book than out in the real world, but makes up for it by consuming everything he can, to know as much as he can. He doesn’t have any real need for the knowledge, he just likes having it. As a result, he’s often quick with random trivia and interesting, if seemingly useless, facts, about just about any subject you can imagine. He’ll pour for hours over books if so much as the title sparks his interest, and rarely allows anything to be left alone if he finds it interesting.

              xxx»» Sherwood is quick-thinking and exceptionally bright. He is often quick to find plotholes in stories, and even quicker to come up with a theory on how things could have worked better. He’s very astute, reading people easily and generally good at knowing how best to handle them. He’s quick to notice little details that some people miss, and often has thought of a solution for a problem before he even voices that he noticed one. He likes to fix things, and will seek out a way to do so if he thinks it will be helpful or useful to someone else.

              xxx»» Sher likes to be liked. He has a very hard time dealing with negative reactions from others, so he does what he can to make a good impression. He's genuinely kind and caring, and very affectionate with the people he is close to. He's not especially outgoing when he's not performing, but if he's approached he's a pleasant conversationalist. While performing, he knows how to charm a crowd, feeling like his instrument is a barrier between him and them that lets him relax, just a little. It helps that his musical talents are one of the few things he has confidence in.

              xxx»» Sher grew up loving stories and playing pretend, and as an adult that has transformed into the ability to find new and interesting ways to spin old tales. He's a good lyricist and a wonderful storyteller, able to read between the lines and even come up with a new tale of his own now and then.

              xxx»» Observant
              xxx»» Well-spoken
              xxx»» Timid
              xxx»» An actual wimp
              xxx»» Being alone
              xxx»» Large empty spaces

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Sherwood was the third child born to the Meadows family, a final, successful attempt at producing a male child. His parents, pleased with at long last managing to have a son and shut up Hyacinth's parents about needing a 'proper heir', doted on their son quite a bit. It was a while before Sher noticed the obvious favoritism, but when he did, it disturbed him greatly. His older sister didn't mind as much, since it meant they were paying less attention to him, but he could tell sometimes that it bothered Finny, which in turn bothered him. But, he kept everything to himself, not really sure what to do about any of it. Besides, he was a very private child, and tended to keep quiet about most everything, even his magic. Sher showed signs very early, but always at night, when no one else was with him. He would make his mobile sparkle in the night as a toddler, something that soothed him greatly. Of course, he never said anything to anyone, and no one ever saw, so his parents continued to believe he hadn't shown any signs of magic for a long time.
              xxx»» In fact, it was getting to the point that the family was afraid he was a squib. Not that it mattered overmuch to any of them, but they weren't quite sure what to do with themselves or with him as a result. They were saved the worry, though, once their eldest went away to school. Sher was quite distraught at dinner the first night she was away, and seeking comfort from his parents. But, they were somewhat distant on the matter, not wanting to encourage Sher's emotional outburst, and told him to calm down. He responded by getting even more upset, and started to cry. At the same time, a great gust of wind blew through the room, seemingly from no where, all the candles in the room went out. His parents were certain he was the source, and were relieved that he was magic. All attempts to figure out alternative schooling for him ceased, and they began preparing him for Hogwarts in a few years alongside his sister.
              xxx»» Being without his eldest sister took some adjusting, but he eventually got more or less used to it. That didn't make him any less thrilled when she was home, though. Unfortunately, one such occasion was ruined for him when Chrys was brought home for the holidays her second year, and at the family dinner, her engagement was revealed. Sher had suspected from bits and pieces of conversation he'd overheard from his parents that such a thing might be happening, but he'd not wanted to believe it, knowing how much it would upset Chrys. Sure enough, she spent the entire dinner glaring and sullen and resentful, and the rest of the holiday break avoiding everyone except her siblings.
              xxx»» The following year, Delphinia joined their big sister at school, and Sher was left alone, except for his cousins Blair and Byron, who he had never liked very much. Still, in the absence of his sisters, his father and Uncle Chandler made attempts to keep him occupied by setting up the three boys on playdates. Of course, they didn't call them playdates, since the boys were supposedly too old for such a thing, but Sher didn't know what else to call them. He didn't much like spending time with the other two boys, finding them rude and abrasive and entitled, especially when there were no adults around. He found himself looking forward to attending school and being away from the both of them, and with his sisters. His first year couldn't come soon enough.

              SCHOOL YEARS
              xxx»» Sher's early time at school was somewhat nerve-wracking. Never dealing well with new situations, he was prone to anxiety attacks, made worse by the fact that neither of his sisters were in his house to help him. To try and help him out of his shell, Chrys encouraged him to tryout for the Hufflepuff quidditch team, figuring it was a social activity that required little actual social interaction, and would get him less afraid of physical activity and injury. He was surprised by how much he enjoyed the sport, but knew it was never going to be a passion of his. Meanwhile, like his sisters, he was betrothed in his second year, although his intended was not a schoolmate, but rather attended Beauxbatons in France. They wrote regularly and got along quite well, so he was alright with the match, knowing he'd gotten off better than both Chrys and Finny.
              xxx»» Over the Summer before his fifth year, his parents announced their intend to divorce, which prompted Finny to finally let loose all the frustration and anger she'd been holding onto for years by that point. Both sisters announced that if their parents could divorce, they could call off their engagements, and did so, moving out of the family home for good measure and in with their Aunt Anthea. Sher remained behind, still left with the responsibility of being heir and trying to do what he could to soothe the pains between his sisters and parents. It was hard, and created more of a rift between himself and the girls than anything. Secretly, he was somewhat envious of his sisters for finding it so easy to break things off, not because he wanted to himself, but because he had things he did want that didn't seem attainable. He finished school knowing he would likely be forced into a career he didn't want, and that his marriage to someone he liked but did not love was hardly going to make him feel better. It was especially difficult since, after his OWL exams, he was made to stop taking music as an elective, since it was 'unnecessary and frivolous.'

              xxx»» Shortly before Sher's fiancee was to move to England for their wedding, she was killed in a tragic accident. Sher was depressed, in part because of her death, but also in part because of the guilt he felt that he wasn't more sad. They were supposed to be married, after all, and he didn't feel much for it. He hadn't ever spent much time with her, and knew her mostly through letters, so the loss hardly felt real. He was just picking himself up out of his depression when Chrys announced she was pregnant. He was happy for his sister, and it provided the distraction necessary to get his mind off of Cerise. It also helped him close some of the distance between the siblings, and the girls encouraged him to do what would make him happy. Following a scandal with the Lockwood twins, his grandparents had no other options for heirs, so it wasn't like they could cut him off and make him suffer. He elected to ignore expectations that weren't directly tied to managing the family estate. Instead, he moved into Anthea's home to live with her and Finny, and began pursuing a musical career.

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDED »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Hufflepuff
              GRADUATED »» 2045
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» O
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» A
              xxxPOTIONS »» A
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» EE
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» O
              xxxMUSIC »» A
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O
              xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» O
              xxxWANDLORE STUDIES »» A
              xxxWIZARD LAW »» EE

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» EE
              xxxCHARMS »» A
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» O
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O
              xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» EE
              xxxWIZARD LAW »» EE

              CURRENT JOB »» Event Musician
              DREAM JOB »» Minstrel/Epic Bard

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Straight
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Single
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» - - -

              xxx»» Father Hyacinth Meadows Regina
              xxx»» Mother Abigail Taylor Delilah
              xxx»» Sister Chrysanthemum Meadows Chance Whitethorne Stephanie Whitethorne
              xxx»» Sister Delphinia Meadows
              xxx»» Grandparents Chrysanthos and Jillian Meadows
              xxx»» Aunt Anthea Harden
              xxx»» Aunt Blodwyn Lockwood Chandler Byron, Blair
              xxx»» Best friend Colten Lambert
              xxx»» Rebecca Richardson
              xxx»» Cadence Gregory
              xxx»» Detch Horne
              xxx»» Nani Heulwen
              xxx»» Lucien Markov
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -

MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

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