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Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:15 pm
Seen as he'd lost his job and all and he couldn't do much more in the local area towards getting a new one than he already had for a couple of days Taavi had packed a bag, settled Swift in the top, settled Melody on his shoulder, and climbed onto Valour's back.

That had been quite a while ago; now the were landing in the desert in the designated area just outside the Northern Trainers' Centre. It was smaller than he'd expected, he knew most of it was underground so he didn't know why he'd expected it to be big but for some reason he had anyway. "Thanks buddy," Taavi smiled at Valour and gave his ruff a scratch, "you mind going in your pokeball for a bit now? I think it'll be a bit crowded for you in the err, y'know, humany bits."

Valour roused his feathers and gave Taavi's hair a brief preen. <> he confirmed.

Though he didn't understand the words Taavi got the tone right enough and he nodded his thanks as he fetched out Valour's pokeball. "Thanks, see you later!"

With Valour recalled he put down his backpack to let Swift out before shouldering it again and setting off towards the entrance with the gray Vulpix trotting beside him and Melody jingling cheerfully to herself on his shoulder. "Okaaaaay, so we need pokeballs for you two first off," Taavi continued aloud, running off a mental checklist. "I'd love to browse the supply shops more but money." The pokeballs was a stretch as it was even though basic ones weren't expensive but they felt like a priority now; the two feral pokemon wanted to stay with him and the best way to ensure that happened was to be their registered trainer. "After we get pokeballs I want to look around their facilities, I'd really like to have a go in their agility course if I can!" Yes, that would be awesome, and would hopefully take his mind off being unemployed for a little bit. He could apply for some more jobs online later, stay here in the dormitory for tonight, and head home tomorrow or the day after to wander around the city looking for 'help wanted' signs and other stuff that wasn't available on the internet.

"This is going to be a good day." He was going to make it good damnit.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:09 pm
Training at the norther pokemon center was much much different then the one to the East. Both had the same intensity in the way of people pursuing the training. Everyone working hard to improve themselves and their teams, determination and passionate.
Though as the eastern center gathered toward more of the sport aspect of pokemon training, while people took it seriously it was never designed for anything heavier or combatant then a sport. The Northern center was here for the soul purpose of helping prepare trainers for the very real threat of Team Rocket.

The training style was different, while ethics played a heavy part in anything the trainers did, there was a much more real feel to what they trained for here.
Rosie didn't like training here, not becasue she couldn't do it, but becasue of the feelings that it brought along with it. she could train with the best of them on the training levels! Her pokemon with her lead could blow through anything if they worked hard enough at it. But what they trained for here, and what it was really like out of the field was vastly different, she knew it from first hand experience.

She was warn out after training, not psychically, but emotionally. The blond with her hair braided neatly back out of her face, wearing a cute set of sturdy workout clothes. She stood among her team by the cool down area, getting dehydrated.
Though as her pokemon drank from the designated pools and fountains, Rosie stood watching the other trainers in the arena with a pit in her stomach. hoping that her pokemon were not picking up on the fear that kept growing in her during their training.

Pastin, the Team's Rapidash spoke to a tiny tiny pokemon settled onto of a flower, gathering drops of water along her rose petals into her little hands and sipping at them gently.
Floribel looked up quickly at Pastin, blinking at him before looking away somewhat bashfully.

Kiss Kiss added, hopping up onto Pastin's back so she could talk to the Fairy.  


Supreme Roisterer


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:37 pm
It was busy inside the centre, so busy that Taavi quickly lost track of his checklist because he got caught up in staring around at the array of pokemon and trainers. This place was different to the Eastern Centre, it reminded him a little of Ranger training camps only on a much bigger scale; the people and pokemon were diverse but it was pretty obvious that very few were here to mess around. This place was serious business.

It had been a pretty long flight and the air over the desert was dry so a trip to a nearby bank of water fountains seemed like the best place to start, plus he could stare around a bit without getting in the way of all the people in a hurry.

Standing by the fountains was a group of handsome pokemon and a blonde woman, she certainly looked like she was familiar with the place. Taavi offered her a smile, paused to take a drink and then said; "Um, hi! Ah, it's a pretty impressive place here right? Even though it looks small from the outside. Er," oh no, he was being awkward wasn't he? "sorry, I just wanted to say that your friends are looking really great! Um, you are with her right? Have you just been training together?" This was directed to the pokemon along with a smile that was a bit more confident than he one he'd offered the blonde woman.

Perched up on Taavi's shoulder Melody jingled a cheerful greeting, while down by his side Swift remained silent and wary, pressed close against his friend's leg.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:48 pm
The sound of a voice speaking to her tore her attention away from the training arena and instead to a man who had approached them to get water for himself and his pokemon.
Rosie gave him a kind smile turning to face him as he spoke. "Yeah, It is really impressive, The fact that most of it is hidden underground just gives it more of this presence when you think about it." she tilted her head "A good one though, much better then what Team Rocket used it for."

When asked if they were with Rosie Pastin let out a nicker in a positive response, tossing his head lightly and looking toward Rosie, who just smiled a little brighter and let the pokemon answer for themselves.

Greal lifted his head from the fountain, some water dripping from his chin as he looked out past his team mates and to the human who had approached.
Pop barely moving from where she stood next to Rosie, but glanced at the new human anyway.

Kiss Kiss replied, though not expecting the human to understand her She asked, pointing to the pokemon with him.  


Supreme Roisterer


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 3:12 pm
"A lot better!" Taavi agreed fervently with a brief flash of a scowl. The scowl was quickly followed by a smile however and he gestured around with one hand, tucking a braid of hair out of the way behind his ear with the other and adding; "They must be furious about this! Some kind of, er, karma? Not really karma but like... irony and justice? I guess." Luckily the blonde woman seemed nice, she hadn't given him any weird looks for his awkwardness yet anyway.

Turning back to the group of pokemon Taavi nodded to the Rapdiash's nicker and then turned to the Raichu on its back, who was now addressing him. "Oh, me?" Taavi pointed at himself too, and then gestured around again. "We're here to explore today, and I actually need to buy a couple of pokeballs for my two friends here. This is Swift and this is Melody," he indicated the Vulpix and then the Chingling in turn. "They moved in with me recently but um, I haven't had a chance to get them pokeballs yet and seen as I really wanted to visit here anyway - and I heard prices were pretty good - I figured here was as good a place as any. We'd like to do some training later too if we can, I especially want to see the agility-"

Oh crap he hadn't-!

"-Agility course, sorry I just realised I didn't introduce myself!" Taavi gave a brief embarrassed laugh and smiled apologetically at the group. "My name's Taavi, pleased to meet you all! Oh, and my friend Valour is with us too but he's in his pokeball right now, I didn't know how busy it would be in here." Given there was space for a Rapidash though a Braviary was probably fine too, and he shouldn't be surprised given this place had been built for pokemon and trainers. Oh well he guessed it was better that he'd been a bit cautious than ambled in with a pokemon out that was larger than permitted.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 9:17 pm
"I hope they're not too furious..." Rosie added, reaching up to touch the braid falling over her shoulder her eyes falling to the side for a couple of seconds.
"Then it could just becomes a battle of back-lashing, and then everyone loses."

Pop muttered almost annoyed, causing the trainer to smile somewhat awkwardly and shake her head "You're right though, its justice that we took something used for cruelty and made it into something positive."

Perking up when the man started to introduce himself after explaining why he was here, Rosie turned to him, holding her hand out in a gesture of greeting.
"Its nice to meet you Taavi, My name is Rosie, Rosie fon Fabre." She introduced. "The same goes for you too Swift, and Melody." Rosie grinned "I had a friend named Melody once~ I raised her from an egg. Beautiful name you've got."
Straightening back up she gesture to the power house of a team standing along with her.
"This is my team, Pastin, Kiss Kiss, Grealhorn, Pop, and Floribel"
Lowering her hand she placed one of her hands behind her back "It is a little busy today isn't it. But Its made to allow Pokemon of any kind... or most kind. I'm sure Valour would be alright to come out."  


Supreme Roisterer


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 12:42 pm
She had a point, if they got too furious they'd probably do something pretty bad; he'd read the news reports, he knew what sort of things they were capable of second hand but from the way she phrased it and the look on her face maybe Rosie had first hand experience? He kind of wanted to ask but that was pretty invasive to ask a person he'd just met.

"Nice to meet you too!" Taavi replied automatically. The moment the words were out of his mouth he realised he'd already said pretty much the same thing a moment ago; he winced slightly. "Ah, woops, I already said that didn't I? Well, it's still nice to meet you all about ten seconds later. Heh. I found Melody at a haunted mansion attraction just before Halloween, she grabbed my boot."

Melody jingled again and waved her stubby arms. <>

"Right though!" Taavi took Valour's pokeball from the clip on his belt and released him nearby; the large bird cocked his head and looked around with interest. "More space than I thought!" Taavi explained to him. "Valour these are Rosie, Pastin, Kiss Kiss, Grealhorn, Pop, and Floribel. Everybody, this is my buddy Valour."

Valour squarked a greeting and bobbed his head. <>

"So do you guys come here often?" Taavi asked, unaware that he'd just echoed Valour's question. "I've been to the Eastern Centre quite a bit, the atmosphere here to there isn't it?" They had different purposes so it was understandable but it was still pretty striking, this place seemed a lot more serious.  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:24 pm
Rosie couldn't help but giggle lightly at his fumble, just smileing and nodding, clearly his personality was putting her in a much better mood then she had been a few moments ago.
"Its fine~" She giggled, "Its nice to meet you too, always, again." she shook her head

Floribel tilted her head and floated toward the Chingling she asked curiously.

When Valour was released Rosie turned toward the large bird, her eyes wide as she had never seen a Braviary up close before. "How handsome~ Hello Valour, its nice to meet you."

Pastin dipped his head

In reply to Taavi's question Rosie nodded "Yeah we do. More so when we became volunteers for the KSO, they teach some pretty important things here. what about you?"  


Supreme Roisterer


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:37 pm
Melody appeared to give the question some thought before lifting her stubby arms in a sort of shrug. <>

Valour gave a squark and bobbed his head at Rosie. <> he turned to Pastin, <>

"Oh, you work with the KSO?" Taavi said, his brows raising a little with interest as he asked the rhetorical question. "That's really cool! I've heard about all the good work they're doing here, it must be exciting!... And probably dangerous too." Excitement and danger often ended up together. "But," Taavi shook his head, fingers idly fiddling with one of his braids, "no, this is the first time we've come here, I've only been in Kodo a few months and ah, I've not really had the time to come up here before. Um, have you been a volunteer for KSO long?"  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:45 pm
Floribel leaned forward onto her rose petals tilting her tiny head She giggled She agreed with a thoughtful look over the human male.

This comment caused a few of the other pokemon to chuckle in gentle amusement.

Pastin, still amused with the two smaller pokemon looked back to Valor He lifted his chin a little more, the little goatee under flickering with the movement.

"Work with the KSO... Well kind of, I mean- I'm just a volunteer, I only show up when they need extra bodies. I don't get paid or anything." she added a bit sheepishly "My husband is an officer, I'm still just a pokemon trainer."
Tilting her head she gave him a little smile "It is a little dangerous, but that's what they build this place for, so people can learn how to handle situations with Team Rocket."
Rosie widened her eyes a little bit "Have you given any thought into joining the KSO?" She asked more openly.  


Supreme Roisterer


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:05 pm
<> Melody agreed. <>

<> Valour commented with a small amused squark. <> he bobbed his head at Pastin, <> It was still kind of odd having them around, nice but odd when he was just to just him and Taavi.

"Oh!" Taavi blinked as he processed the thought. Had he? Well, no. "I... I hadn't to be honest," he replied with a shake of his head and a shrug. "I don't really know a lot about it honestly, I mean I kind of know what it is? But...." Taavi trailed off, now looking thoughtful. Could they? "It sounds like a lot of responsibility," he added uncertainly; a lot of responsibility and dangerous, did he want to drag his friends into something like that? Though of course they'd only join in if they wanted to, being with him didn't mean they had to work with him any more than in any other job. "Err, so... so what kind of stuff does your husband do? I mean day to day. If it's okay to ask?"  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:54 pm
she said, the flower she was sitting on twirling lightly and drifting over to sit over Rosie's hair

Pastin admitted to the large bird, helping Melody's point along.

"I know what you mean." Rosie offered giving him a sympathetic smile"Its a big commitment, but they're here to do a lot of good for a lot of people. we've had to do without them for a long time, and only now we've been making some progress in standing up to Team Rocket." She reached up to touch the base of Floribel's flower when she settled into her hair. "And they need more people, they're very understaffed right now."

When she was asked what Luke did in his job she tilted her head "Aside from being on call when an emergency comes up, officers do training, they help run classes here." she said, pointing across the room to where a man with straight white hair stood tall next to a table with pamphlets and an laptop, wearing one of the officer jackets.
"They investigate possible leads, and suspicious reports." she smiled "Luke complains about the paperwork too. There is a lot of that sometimes, but it comes with the job. If an emergency does come up they're the ones who respond to it first."  


Supreme Roisterer


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:48 pm
<> Melody continued with a jingle of appreciation. <>

<> Valour replied easily, shuffling his wings a little in a shrug. <>

<> Swift put in, now feeling confident enough to join in the conversation a little more. <> Valour seemed practically human to him in a lot of ways, as did many pokemon that had lived with humans all or most of their lives.

"I guess paperwork is eternal," Taavi replied with a little grin, shrugging again and smoothing a hand over his hair. "There always seemed to be a lot when I was a ranger too, reports and uh- emails and everything. Much rather be out doing things you know?... So they're recruiting? Or looking for volunteers?" Maybe he should look into it? It wasn't like he had any other opportunities knocking... yet he wasn't sure, it seemed like a big thing to just jump into. "How do you find the volunteering Rosie? And how do you get into it? Do you have to do anything like uh... continued development to stay on the books?... That was a lot of questions all at once, sorry." So far Rosie was being very tolerant of his awkwardness, thank Arceus. He hoped he wasn't annoying her though, she probably had better things to do than answer a bunch of dumb questions.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:16 pm
Grealhorn added in
He didn't look, nor sound like he was a particularly nice pokemon. he had a gruff tone, and a sever look to his features.
The Lopunny standing close by gave a nod to his words. She added

"A ranger? then you would probably know a little what its like." Rosie confirmed. "yeah they're recruiting. They need more officers, but they'll take volunteers if that's a better option for you. any help they can get." Rosie leaned over a little and pointed toward the man by the table "Coming here they had people like that man over there talking about the KSO, I decided to Volenteer for it since I've already trying to train to help stop Team Rocket. We can go talk to the officer over there for more information if you like." She offered with a smile.  


Supreme Roisterer


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:06 am
<> Swift agreed, his tails lowering back into a more uncertain posture at Grealhorn's tone; it was hard not to be a bit intimidated... well it was for him anyway.

<> Valour replied with another slight shrug. <> Though if Taavi didn't get a new job soon they might all end up 'wild' in a manner of speaking. From what he was catching of the human conversation it sounded like Taavi might be interested in this KSO thing though; it sounded good to him anyways, he missed working with his human partner.

"Oh, err, would you mind?" Taavi asked, smiling sheepishly in response to Rosie's offer. "I mean I know he's there to talk to people but err.... I guess I'm not very good with," he gestured vaguely, "you know, stuff. New people I guess. Err, not that you're not new people but he's like..." another gesture, "he;s got leaflets and things and he's like... official? Egh, did that make any sense?" He wasn't sure it had even made any sense to him, he just knew that the idea of going over and talking to the guy made him feel faintly nervous.  

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