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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:01 pm
As Izaya Orihara fled down the street, just moments after having had an unsettling encounter, as if having known that Izaya was not no longer close by the agent he would receive an urgent call on his dex.

"Izaya Orihara, return to base immediately and Report to Agent Bishop at Intelligence Department."

Bishop had been alerted right away when Izaya had made contact with the defecting Agent, Faleen, and had been closely monitoring the interaction up to the very end.
He was honestly amazed that Izaya actually made it out there alive, and hurried to get the convicted traitor back to HQ for further reporting.

The man was sitting in his office, rubbing both hands over his temples as if trying to chase away a headache. Papers were spread out over his desk, and his computer continued to display various reports and findings of the Agent's sudden turned traitor.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:43 pm
Izaya would have sighed upon receiving the urgent call if he wasn't still panting from his running. Figured. If Faleen hadn't been able to kill him, he supposed Agent Bishop might very well do so concluding their next meeting. Nevertheless, he knew he had to report to the higher-up straight away.

All the way back to the base, he tried not to think up excuses or other things he would try to say to talk him out of trouble. It was difficult, like trying to suppress an innate defense mechanism, but he knew his talking would do him no good when these people likely had proof of everything he had done or said. No point in trying to explain his behavior when it was pretty blatant to anyone who had witnessed what had happened.

Eventually the traitor made it to Agent Bishop's office still in the clothes from his outing. He managed a small, half-hearted smile as he knocked on the door. "Knock knock. You called?" Despite everything else, it seemed he couldn't help putting up his usual act as if he were confident in knowing how everything would turn out. He didn't dare lower his guard around this superior whom he knew little to nothing about.


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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 9:52 am
Bishop lowered his hands onto his desk when Izaya joined them, making a gesture to the chair across from his desk. the man seemed tired, he wasn't in the mood for formalities, he seemed to want to get right to the point.
"First I want you to know that Faleen's authorization was removed from any and all technologies." He informed the other man, "What could have happened tonight cannot happen again. But that doesn't mean she can't just take her Sig to your head if she wanted to... And after tonight interaction I can't say she wouldn't do something like that." she lowered his head a little "Its hard to tell though."

With that out of the way Bishop looked back up at the man "Now moving on... what did you find out?"  
PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 9:11 pm
He took the indicated seat across from the desk, thinking. The informant was not surprised to see that the agent was tired. Plenty had been going on to keep the higher-up on his toes with his hands full. What Izaya was surprised by was the fact that the first thing out of Agent Bishop's mouth wasn't chastisement, berating, nor lecturing - not a single angry word. Instead, he assured the traitor that the former agent in charge of his kill switch no longer had any authority over Team Rocket tech. Not only was he not being yelled at despite deliberately going out to look for trouble, but he was being comforted.

Furthermore, he was also warned of the threat that Faleen posed despite being striped of her former power. Warned, as if he still mattered to the organization. Perhaps it was because he was still such a valuable experiment with Rocket technology in him, but if that was so, why would he be allowed to go out and do as he pleased with only the threat of death to stop him? Surely if he was all that valuable, they would have put more restrictions on him to keep him from destroying himself.

Besides, he had been Faleen's project. Without her, what did they care about him as an experiment? How things did change. And yet, with one of their most loyal agents suddenly defecting and turning traitor on them, Team Rocket might as well have been turned upside down. Current circumstances were bound to have changed things.

Izaya blinked when he was asked the final question. It took him a second to formulate his thoughts in order to respond, because for all his pretenses, he hadn't expected to be asked such a thing.

"Eh...I think you're going to have to be a little more specific with me on that one, agent," he answered with a helpless little smile. "What did I find out about what, exactly? I assumed you had some way to keep an eye on me - no pun intended - and possibly monitor my every move.

"So did you mean what did I find out about the experimentation done to me...? What did I find out about defected traitor, Faleen? I know I used to be an info broker, but I usually had some sort of clue as to what specific subject I was being asked about, let alone how much information my client already had on it to avoid any redundancy."


Chatty Informer

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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:41 pm
Agent Bishop pressed a hand to his temple once again, holding his other hand up
"I know you have a habit of complicating simple orders Orihara, and I'm going to start right now to let you know that I am no in the mood for it."
He lowered his hand again, giving the other man a hard stare "Lets get this perfectly clear, I am not interested in you, or anything that applies to you. Right now the only thing I am currently concerned are centered around Agent Faleen's sudden irrational behaviors, and her possible threat to the organization. That much should be obvious. Now Orihara, you are the first one who has had any kind of contact with her since she left the base, and no while I don't need you to tell me what happened, your personal insight might prove useful." He added, reaching for the glass of water sitting on his desk. "I am going to start and ask why you chose to waste your question to Faleen with such a pointless one. Instead of one that could have given us information we could have actually USED!"  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:17 pm
"Now, now, don't get your panties in a twist. You weren't the one who nearly died a few hours ago," Izaya answered, leaning back in his chair with a hint of irritation in his tone and body language. "I just like to be clear - make sure we're on the same page. That usually requires specifics."

It seemed Agent Bishop was fine with giving some clarity as he made 'perfectly clear' that he was not interested in Izaya or anything that applied to him. That was perfectly fine with the black-haired man. He preferred to avoid as much scrutiny as he could, particularly from his superiors. As for Faleen...oh, he was still calling her an agent. Huh.

While he was sorely tempted to mention that interest in his 'personal insight' fell under the category of interest in 'him or anything that applied to him', he kept his mouth shut on the matter. Technically, this would simply be a matter of his insight or opinion on Faleen, so the conversation was still focused on her as a subject.

Well, no, nevermind. Asking why he chose to 'waste' his question was more about himself than Faleen. Unless it was a rhetorical question. Was it? Izaya flinched involuntarily, his crimson eyes widening a bit when the man before him suddenly raised his voice, shouting his last word.

Ah...so this agent was going to be like that. The informant's expression became impassive. If Bishop wasn't going to act professional, whether due to stress, anger, or some other impairment, then Izaya thought he might as well take the role of the grown-up here. Someone had to.

"First of all, Agent," he began, emphasizing the man's title as if to remind him of it, "I didn't contact her for any other reason but my own, so I hope you'll forgive me if I fail to see where I was under obligation to be of use. I'm not even a Rocket anymore. Besides, my encounter with her was during my time off. It was my choice to risk my life, so why shouldn't it have been my decision what question I asked her?" He regarded Bishop with a cold, calculating stare. "If you're so keen on interrogating her, why don't you go out as a civilian and find her yourself?"


Chatty Informer

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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:44 pm
"Wrong... thing to say. All of it." Bishop started, staring back at Izaya without showing any amusement or that he was the least bit scared or impressed by the traitor's words or actions.
"If you had any hopes of gaining any favor within the rank of team Rocket you can guarantee that you have just kissed all of that goodbye."

Bishop frowned, folding his hands on his desk "Here are you're orders Izaya, You will not speak to me freely, You will only speak when you are asked a question or given permission, and you will only speak to answer the question or request truthfully and with full respect."
Bishop narrowed his eyes. "When asked a yes or no question, you will respond with; "Yes Sir," or "No Sir" and do so respectfully."
There was clearly no playing around with this Agent, He had obviously had a long day, and was trying to just do his job. "And I do not have to remind you what happens when orders are disobeyed. Now do I."
The man lifted a hand and pointed to the door "Get out of my office, go straight to your quarters without speaking to anyone, and you will remain there. You will not attempt to communicate to anyone else but me, and you will only communicate with me via Rocket Dex, and you will only communicate with me via Rocket Dex when you are ready to come back to my office, again without speaking to anyone, stop being a little piss-ant and actually help this organization."

He stood to his feet "Otherwise you can rot in there. Get out."  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:21 am
"Isn't it always?" Izaya muttered under his breath, sighing. He should have known better than to think this one would be reasonable in the state he was in. "I never even imagined the possibility. But thanks for confirmation just the same."

Oh. Now he was being given orders? A traitor, no longer a Rocket, still being told what to do? Well if Bishop thought he was going to cower in fear of the organization, he had another thing coming. He had been threatened with death too many times now for the idea to scare him.

The man sat up straighter in his chair. This was getting irksome. It was like Seth all over again, only this time Izaya wasn't in the mood nor did he have the patience to deal with this bullshit better-than-thou attitude. His face remained impassive, but inwardly he seethed. In Team Rocket, Bishop may have out-ranked him, but he was still human in Izaya's eyes and humans were all the same.

Without a word, the crimson-eyed man pushed back his chair and got to his feet before turning and leaving the room as he was asked. Instead of heading to his quarters, however, he hung around just outside, leaning against the wall to the left of the door. He took out his Rocket Dex and began to type a message to the agent whose office he'd just walked out of.


Chatty Informer

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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 8:12 pm
As soon as Izaya started to write out a message on his Pokedex Izaya would feel a great deal of pain and than black out.

The next thing Izaya would be aware of is waking up on his bed in his shared room, his rocket dex on the table, and his whole body in pain.


Bishop got a message very soon after Izaya left the room, having sat back down with a heavy sigh, it took a few moments before he opened it up.
"Agent Bishop, We got some feedback from Warden, that the test subject triggered the knock out switch, close to your vicinity."

Bishop blinked, and sighed again. "Can't follow orders. Well I guess that will teach him his place." He responded "I have work to do, he should be outside my office, will you send some security to come take him to his quarters?"

"Yes sir, They're on their way."  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 8:48 pm
The sudden agony that riddled his body caused Izaya to gasp and buckle in pain. He was sure he was going to die, the faint part of his brain still conscious frantically searching for a reason why. Because he'd back-talked to the agent? Heheheh...guess my mouth was always bound to get me into trouble... That was the last thing that ran through his mind before he blacked out.

When he woke up, he was disoriented and confused. Gradually his memory came back to him and he began to wonder if some of it had been a dream. Then he checked the date and time on his Rocket Dex before immediately messaging Agent Bishop. His grip on the dex made the thin device press painfully against his hands as they shook.

[What just happened to me?]


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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 9:12 pm
Bishop looked to his dex when it went off again, eyeing at who it was at first before he opened the message to look at it.

[You disobeyed my orders, do it again and you won't wake up. also, if you contact me again saying anything other then you're ready to return and not waist my time, you'll be disobey another order.
Take this to as a lesson, that you do not get free time, you get borrowed time, time Team Rocket gives to you and fully dictates. Ponder on that before contacting me again.]
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 11:02 pm
...What? WHAT?! Not only could they kill him at will but they could knock him out at will too?! What in Arceus's -

No. No, this wasn't as bad as what they'd done to Lance, making him a prisoner in his own head, but it was pretty darn close. He had less free will than he'd thought. This meant if they didn't want him dead, he couldn't even kill himself if he wanted to. They'd just knock him out before that. Well, though, if he annoyed Bishop bad enough, that always sounded like a way out. How comforting a thought.

An overwhelming rage overcame Izaya. He took a few minutes to breathe, waiting until his heart rate slowed and his hands stopped shaking so badly before typing back a response. He bit his cheek so hard from the inside of his mouth that he could taste the metal in his blood as it bled.

[Yes, Sir. I'm ready to return and not waste your time.]

Hopefully his thoughts weren't being filtered as well. Likely they weren't or he would have been dead a long time ago.


Chatty Informer

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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 11:26 pm
[Then report to my office Orihara.]
The response came after a short wait, giving the man permission return directly to the office that Bishop was still in, filling through all the information he had gathered through the last two days.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 10:14 pm
Permission received, return he did. But this time, not without his new pokemon bodyguard in tow. He knocked on the door when he got to the agent's office, this time unable or unwilling to keep the rage from being expressed on his features. He was livid.

Namie, though she had seen Izaya angry to varying degrees before, had never witnessed him in this particular state of silent seething. She kept a pace more than usual behind him, not eager to be in the way if he suddenly decided to explode; figuratively or literally. Neither she nor her trainer were certain what had been done to him, after all.


Chatty Informer

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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:07 pm
Bishop didn't say anything at first when Izaya came in, he seemed to be writing something now as he looked over some data on his computer screen.
He paused to click his mouse, watched something with a light frown, and then clicked again to write something down.
Izaya was given on a brief "Sit down." as an order but otherwise a good ten minuets passed after Izaya entered the room with Bishop not speaking nor looking at the man or his Pokemon.

Bishop seemed fully aware that Izaya had called a Pokemon out, but didn't look surprised nor put off by the other creatures presence.

"I'm going to start by explaining a few things to you. Per the request of the project leads." Bishop finally said when he finished writing, placing his pen down and turning to look at Izaya
"You seem to have a sort of... misunderstanding as to the kind of position you are in, that somehow becasue we don't place you into the ranks of Rocket means that you are somehow not associates with us. allow me to clear up this misunderstanding that you seemed to have fabricated. You are no longer a team mate, you are not an ally, or a resource who's skills we wish to use. If you wish to put a rank to your status then think of yourself as "Property" to be more accurate."
bishop continued to watch him with a level expression and a level tone, greatly implying that he wore no care or sympathy for the individual in front of him.
"You are alive now only becasue Team Rocket benefits from it, because Team Rocket allows it. You are in the position becasue of your own doing. You have been given enough chances in this organization, we have allowed you to step out of line one too many times, and if you do it again it will be the end of you, period, no one last chances, no more strikes. the sooner you make peace with this fact, the better off you will be. Do well to remember this conversation vividly becasue the ranks will not be giving it to you again. Have I made myself clear Izaya?"

Waiting for the other man's simple reply, Bishop flipped to a new page on his notebook as if to prep to take more notes.  

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