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Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:23 pm
For Dith!

Citrine thought she was losing her mind. It wasn't so bad at first, every now and then she thought she heard someone talking to her when there was no one around. Probably her imagination, right? Yeah. She spent a lot of time alone when she wasn't at the trainer centers. And the centers were loud. So she thought at first it was just her mind playing tricks on her. It didn't happen often.

...But lately it was happening more and more. Daily, really. When she was training, when she was alone... she heard voices and only crazy people heard voices. Only she wasn't crazy, was she? Maybe she was just lonely. She didn't have close friends... She clearly just wanted someone to talk to. But who could she call? She thought about Zacharie, but the boy was serious and... well, she didn't know what he'd think about her being a lunatic. Maybe Ion? But he was probably busy with his investigation. She nearly called Rosie, but she really couldn't keep running to her every time she had a problem. Finally she decided to contact the fatherly gentle giant. Almost in tears, she sent a text to Dith.

-Hey Dith! It's Citrine. If you're free, and in the area you wanna grab lunch? I need to pick your brain if you're free-

She then sent him the address and details for the little cafe she was sitting in, just on the western outskirts of Camphoreon. She had come here after trying to train all morning, but her head just wasn't in the game. After sending the note, she put her head down on the table. What the hell was wrong with her?  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:46 pm

As it happened he was free, he was even awake when the message came through being currently on 'normal people time' in his cycle of shifts.

-Sure thing! See you soon!- was the cheerful response Citrine would receive.

Lunch did sound rather good right about now, after gym and training first thing and then some paperwork in the apartment he was both starving and ready to get out and about again; paperwork on his day off was not his favourite thing! Dith closed down his laptop, got up from the couch and stretched. "Hey, Ada? I'm going out to lunch with a friend. You want anything?"

//Mmmh?// the Mewtwo looked up from her own laptop. //Ah, well seen as you're going out. Bring me back... a bagel from that little bakery please.//

"Sure," Dith nodded, "with the usual?"

//Yes please, see you later.//

Dith gave another nod - it was nice that she usually remembered 'please' and 'thank you' now - and got himself ready to go out.

Before too much time had passed thanks to fairly swift transportation via Rapidash Dith stepped into the cafe Citrine had specified and looked around. When he spotted his young friend slumped over a table his pleasantly placid expression gave way to a frown. Wasting no more time he headed over to the table and sat down opposite her. "Hey, you have a late night?" he asked, his deep accented voice tinged with concern.  


Predestined Inquisitor


Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:52 pm

Citrine gave a half smile when she got the text. Then all she had to do was wait. A waitress came over several times to ask if she needed anything, and each time, the girl shooed her off with an "I'm just waiting for my friend." When Dith finally showed up, she shifted her head to look at him with a half-hearted smile.

"I... guess you could say that." She sighed. "Dith, have you ever known a crazy person before?" She asked softly. "Oh, and you know, thanks for coming on such short notice."  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:38 pm

Okay this was... a strange start to a conversation. Dith sat back in his chair slightly, a frown of concern knitting his brow. "I know people with mental illnesses if that's what you're asking but I don't use the word crazy; it's not helpful to anyone, it's just unkind. Why do you ask? Something is wrong?" He assumed something was wrong but he was trying not to jump to any conclusions as to what it might be.  


Predestined Inquisitor


Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:30 pm

"Yeah... You could say that..." She slowly sat up and looked at him. "I really didn't know who to talk to about this... but Dith, I've been hearing voices lately. At first I thought I was just spending too much time at the trainer centers. I mean, I practically live there. So it didn't seem so far of a stretch to think I was hearing someone talking when I just left because it's so noisy, ya know?" She really hoped she wasn't sounding crazy.

"But its not that. It's a lot more often. It's like no matter where I am, If I'm alone or not, I'm hearing voices. They don't usually make a lot of sense though..." She ran her fingers through her hair.  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:30 pm

Ah. Hearing voices, generally not good. For some moments Dith remained quiet, turning his response carefully over in his head like a delicate piece in a jigsaw puzzle. Eventually he said; "These voices, you say that they don't make a lot of sense but what sort of things do they say?" Hearing voices was not really his area of expertise but he knew people whose it was.

At that point a helpful waitress appeared, not the best timing in the world but it wasn't her fault; Dith gave a slightly stiff smile and ordered something for himself, plus extras (especially if Citrine didn't order for herself).

Once they were alone again Dith continued; "Are they frightening? Threatening?" He really did feel out of his depth here but the last thing Citrine needed was to see him worried and so he kept calm at tried to think of other helpful questions. "When did this begin? How were you feeling before it happened?"  


Predestined Inquisitor


Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:29 am

"Well, when I first noticed it, it was about training. Like doing good in a battle, so I thought it was just from the trainer center. But then when it was getting more frequent-" She stopped when the waitress appeared and sighed, finally placing a small order. Her stomach was in so many knots and she felt like she had swallowed a fist full of ice. This whole thing was just scary!

When the waitress was gone, Citrine looked back to Dith, then averted her eyes back to the table. "Well, no. Not really. I mean there's some stuff about like... territories or something, but mostly it's about feathers and migrating. And that's why it's really confusing." She put her arms on the table and lowered her head to rest on them. "I guess I started noticing it earlier this year... maybe early fall? It's just gotten more prevalent lately." She tried to think about when it started, and tried to think about how she felt. "I guess I felt fine. I mean, for a while after the day groudon was here I had a headache, but I was so stressed and scared that I don't think I was sleeping too well. But then I was fine after a couple days." She didn't think anything about it.  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:30 am

Oh well that explained it! But - wait - she hadn't figured it out? Everyone knew by now didn't they? Dith relaxed visibly and gave Citrine an encouraging smile. "Ah! I think I have an explanation for you, and it's certainly nothing to worry about. The headache, followed by suddenly hearing new voices - I think you've just discovered your communication type. By the sound of it you have either normal or flying type, you must be hearing the birds around the city which would explain why you hear it at random times even when you're alone. Birdsong does tend to permeate, no?" That was a big relief! For a minute there he'd been getting pretty worried, but it turned out to be something good rather than something bad.  


Predestined Inquisitor


Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:10 pm

"W... what?" Her face became visibly red as Dith spoke. "Oh god..." She buried her face against her arms and covered her head. "I'm such a moron." She had been panicking over something that was apparently normal? Well, maybe she did kind of recall hearing something about that a while ago. But... She sighed and sat up, throwing her head over the back of the chair.

"I am so relieved by this, and feel SO dumb!" She wanted to throw a fit. Wanted to flail her arms and kick and scream about how stupid she felt, but she refrained. "Can you talk to pokemon then too?"  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 4:03 pm

"Aww, don't feel dumb!" Dith grinned encouragingly at Citrine and shook his head. "I'm just glad everything's alright, and I'm not going to go telling anyone else so don't worry okay?"

As the drinks they'd ordered arrived - a large hot chocolate for Dith - the giant man nodded and picked up his beverage to blow lightly on the surface. "Da, I understand ground types now! I discovered this when my friend Abel and I stumbled across an Onyx and it started talking. I thought something was wrong with me as well! Some of us who were guarding the egg of Arceus were the first to develop the ability to understand pokemon, so I didn't know it was possible! It was only the one voice I heard though and it was clearly coming from the Onyx, so it was much less confusing for me than it was for you. The Onyx decided to come with me in the end and - after I'd had a few drinks with Abel - I got on the line to the KSO and then found out that this had also been happening to others." Dith shrugged, smiled, and took a sip of his drink. "It has been spreading across the island ever since then, it's pretty cool don't you think?"  


Predestined Inquisitor


Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:35 pm

"I guess I maybe kind of remember something about it on the news once as isolated incidents or something, but I didn't pay it much mind. And... I'll be honest. When I started hearing the voices, I went to the trainer centers less because I didn't want anyone to think I was a lunatic... So I didn't know it was becoming so wide spread..." She glanced at the waitress as their drinks arrived. "I guess it is cool though. Still weird. And I don't think I'll ever be able to tell my mother about this. She'll probably demand I come home right away or something."

She sighed and picked up her drink, a nice hot cider, and took a sip. "I will never get used to hot drinks, I don't think..."  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 10:54 am

"It's hardly everyone who has it," Dith replied with a slight lift of his shoulders. "Many people who have always lived here don't yet have it, while others who are only recently arrived have developed the ability. It would be interesting to know what determines if and when you get it, and if you do what type you learn to understand.... Oh! We should figure out what it is that your type actually is when we're done here!" Dith frowned slightly as he ran down a mental list of pokemon; he shook his head. "Ah, I don't have any normal types or flying types I'm afraid so I'm no help there! But I am sure we can find somebody to assist if you don't either.... And, eh?" Dith looked mildly bemused. "What do you mean, get used to hot drinks?" He was pretty sure he must have missed something in her meaning there.  


Predestined Inquisitor


Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 12:09 pm

Citrine shrugged. "Arceus only knows how or why or who, I guess." She folded her hands together and thought about her team. "Hmmm... OH! I actually have a good way to test it I think! Santa is a flying/ice type... that's my Delibird. I don't think I've introduced you yet. And Bingo, my pidgeot, is a normal/flying. So maybe, if I can talk to Bingo and not Santa..." She pondered this a few moments. "Yeah... Yeah I think that works." She nodded.

When he questioned her about the drink, she laughed. "Oh, well, I grew up in a desert. Because it's always so hot there, you don't usually want a hot drink. You want everything cold as you can get to cool you off. Sorry, guess I was just kinda thinking about home and how different Kodo really is. It's the little things that do it, ya know?"  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 1:39 pm

"That would work, yes!" Dith replied with a nod. "Either you understand both or only Bingo and this gives you your answer. Either way you will understand quite a wide range of pokemon, exciting eh?" Ground types were not so numerous but he was still very glad he had the ability at all and his conversations with Jor were fascinating! The old creature was full of cryptic bits of history through the eyes of a pokemon far too large to interact with much of human society, an outsider's view of the world.

"Ahhh, I didn't know you grew up in a desert!" Dith grinned at Citrine and toasted his mug lightly towards her. "Quite the opposite for me! Russian is cold in general for the most part but from when I was uh... what, seven through twelve I think it was?" Dith frowned briefly then nodded. "Yes, about that age anyway, my family lived in Yakutsk, a very northerly city. The average temperature in winter there was minus 34 Celsius, the coldest major city in the world I believe! I can't say I liked the weather but what can you do when you're hiding from the NKVD?" Eyelashes freezing had been about the least of their worries at the time. "It certainly gave me an appreciation for hot drinks," Dith concluded with a grin as he took another ship of his hot chocolate.  


Predestined Inquisitor


Shirtless Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 11:20 pm
Sorry if this double quotes you. I hit submit rather then preview.

"It is kinda exciting. I mean, now that I know I'm not going crazy, this is sounding pretty cool. But at the same time it's going to be really hard to tune out all the chatter." She thought about it as Dith talked about his... connection? Understanding? What should she even call it?

"You didn't?" She could have sworn she told him? Maybe she hadn't. She wanted to maybe. She liked talking to Dith. "Your home sounds too cold. I'd freeze! Sure sometimes at night, the temperature could get down to 0 Celsius, one year if got down to -5, but usually the temperatures at night are about 12 or 13. The daytime is often 37 to 43. One summer it was 48 for like 2 weeks. So, really hot drinks aren't... a big thing back home. You wanted to cool off as much as possible." She was trying to imagine, though, living somewhere that was so cold.  

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