Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 5:18 am
[ Attention: this is a recorded audio log made on the 13th of December, 2001, by █████ ██████████. ] [ Audio Log playing ] █████: So much of me has been changed, mentally though, the
things I've seen in the ████, it's just horrifying to even imagined that they've
commissioned a place like that. The people inside, not just the patients
themselves, but even the personnel have changed, it's like we're all victims
of what madness is going on here in the ███████ ████. But with the
company now claiming bankruptcy and OllinTek forming from it's ashes,
something big is about to happen here, I just feel it, I need to warn Dr. ████
and Dr. ████ about this feeling I can't shake off; I need to save everyone I
care about, I need to save everybody in here, before it's too late. But I'm not
saving that "one", he's too corrupt and twisted, believing that science
shouldn't have any morality when it comes to discovery and invention, but if
that's so, why does he think kidnapping is a good alternative to people who
are willing to go through these bio-██████████ changes and
██████████. Dr. ████████ is not worth saving, a man like him would
simply use any excuse to make a buck out of life, and the torment of anyone
who he sees as a lab rat. [ End of recording ]
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:23 am
[ Audio log playing ]
█████: Facilitating is actually a tough job for someone like me, you make the job
easier for everyone else, but, it's harder for us and that's one reason why there's ██ of us
working as facilitators since almost 90% of the guys who'd sign up for this role ends up
waving the white flag or tossing the towel to the ground, some that actually pass, well they'd
end up dead anyway. People may think it's easier on GTA, but that's just a game and the real
thing is like working in the marines, except your out in the streets working for a good crew or a
drugged ignorant gang. This game is real and people lose their lives in it, whether it's behind
bars or a bullet to the head.
██████ division is not a bad group to be in, ██ of the facilitators came from the division
anyways so and only █ came from the main division. Heh as much as I "liked" working in
██████ division, the feeling that we're all still working for a "non-traditional" security
company makes it like the first Red Faction's Ultor except we're more advanced and have well
we have way more manpower and tech to actually be ranked as an army, though there are
two other companies that aren't associated with any country or flag, well one is more like a
secret army and not a company and the other one is just are just full of humanitarians with
military and law enforcement training and OllinTek don't see eye to eye with them. I just have
a feeling that this war will take over all others and groups will start picking sides. I hope to
██████ that I'm wrong.
[ End of log ]
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:36 am
[ Audio log playing ]
█████: Dr. ████ came by again and she looked more distressed than normal, I guess
working here is taking quite a toll on her ideals and well what she felt was right, but we all
have contracts; at least her's will end within a few months if the area director doesn't plan on
changing the terms. Heh I feel like a high school teen hanging out with a friend except the
hang out spot is filled with test tubes, wires, control agents, and bio engineered test subjects
in pods, which also puts her down a bit because of how wrong it is. Despite being the only
subject for the project she's working on, she doesn't treat me like a patient or lab rat, I'm more
of a valued customer or well a friend for lack of words, yeah, just two friends hanging out in a
lab of one huge ██████ ████████, out in the middle of the ██████ forestry, even
though it feels like we're millions of miles away from earth since the buildings here looks like a
research ███████ on a planet that looks like earth.
Dr. ████ is always planning on quitting, but she knows that trying to terminate herself from
working here would be a violation to her contract which would lead to a court order and
maybe a sentence, I always encourage her to be patient and to try hold on until her term has
ended and I'm sure the other doctors and personnel feel the same way she does. After
calming down we just chat for a while until she needs to head on back to work and well I'm
just waiting for a mission to be deployed into and as much as it is living in this place, it's
always nice to have a few hours away from it, I just feel bad for some of the guys here
because most of the time they don't get such luxuries to leave on a field day. CEO █████
cares about them though, so whenever he's in town any personnel requesting R&R can just
go up to him and ask him like some Japanese high school student, he never seem to let them
just write him a letter and seeing him being surrounded by a few researchers asking him
makes me feel like he's one of those type of masters who gets pleasure from the attention
he's given, he may hide his real expression from everyone but I can tell there's a grin behind it.
[ End of log ]
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:43 pm
[ Audio log playing ]
█████: It's always the same thing, every dream is different, yet as I dream I remember a
landmark, a shanty town build on the edge of a mountain, though the town itself sits on the
end of a natural archway that's twice as big as the Space Needle in Seattle and the column
that holds the entire thing is as wide as the outlet collection. It's always comprised of two
levels, the lower levels and the upper levels though to get to the upper levels, there's an
elevator shaft, or more like a cargo shaft with a few dozen elevator doors and 4 stairways
leading there, but there's another town, it looks much nicer though the buildings there look
more European in appearance and have similar designs to those found in Italy or Rome to be
exact and a grand cathedral on the top of a hill. I've tried looking for such a place on the web,
but nothing came up, not even a mention of such thing, like it hasn't been build yet, the shanty
town; all of it, it doesn't exist but these dreams and memories begs the differ, is it a town that
wants to be built? I don't know, is it a town that wants to be found? I can't find any trace of it,
no matter where I look. Once I've escaped from this place, I'll search high and low, but if it
wants to be built, then I'll need to find a suitable place to build it. I know I don't remember
seeing people living in there, so it might as well be a city of the dead, a ghost town.
If people do in fact think of it as a new city to live in, then I'm sure they'll find a way to make a
home in those empty spaces. The nicer part of the town would most likely be their favored
place to seek a new home and as for the shanty, I suppose those who merely seek to gain
enough or have no where to live would most likely stay. I don't really see or remember seeing
people living in the shanty, but, then again, in my dreams I always see the landmark at a
distance and not up close. ████████ is what I feel like the place would be built or located,
but these maps don't exactly show city maps or roads. Still my hand feel like they want to
build it and every time I think about it, the urge sets in and I can't really hold back on creating
things. Ever since I got these tails, I can't stop writing, I can't stop thinking about books and
words, I just want to create, no I want to recreate what is created from my imagination, I want
to recreate the images from my memories, whether they're mine or not. * incomprehensive
language * ████ ██ ████████ █ ███ ██████. ██████ ██ ████ ████████,
██████ ██ ██████ ██.
[ Audio error, log ended ]