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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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Bellamy-Hallwyd Family ~ Accepted

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Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 6:46 pm

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      Lisette Bellamy ~ Deceased
      xxJohn Hallwyd ~ NPC
      xxxxxDominique Bellamy-Hallwyd

Accepted by: ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [03/28/2017]
Accepted Characters: Dominique [03/28/2017]
Updates Accepted by: Weasley 7/17/19
PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 6:48 pm

xxxxDOMINIQUExxxRENÉxxxBELLAMY-HALLWYD xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Dominique, Dommie, Dom

              AGE 40 (technically) stopped aging at 35

              BIRTHDAY 17 April 2010

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 10 3/4 inches, Butternut, Griffin Hair, Quite bendy, the handle is long nd slender with a few decorative twists in it

              GENDER Male


              FACECLAIM Anime guy with glasses [x]

          xxxxM O R E T H A N A V E R A G E xxxxxxxx
              BITTEN BY Dante Ross

              CLAN Augurey Clan

              POWER TBD

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Beauxbatonsl

              HOUSE Angelus

              CLASS OF 2028

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ P
                  Fencing~ O
                  Ancient Studies~EE
                  Care of Magical Creatures~EE
                  Cooking with Magic~O

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  Arithmancy ~ O
                  Cooking with Magic~ O
                  Healing~ EE
                  Art~ O

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT He used to work at a bakery a few blocks away but since he now lives in England he thinks that job is now null and void. Now he just helps around the family shop.

              DREAM JOB Maybe a Healer? Or an Artist? Or maybe a Teacher?

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ QUIET He's always been a rather quiet child which only continued as he grew. Since there was no one in the flat with him most days he didn't like to speak and try and fill the empty space with meaningless talk. He'd rather turn on a radio and read a book then try and hold a long conversation, especially with someone he didn't know
              ■ PERCEPTIVE Because he's always quiet he's often overlooked or forgotten he could observe and look at the world around him. He often wishes he had been a bit more perceptive to see how far his mother's illness was but it was just wishful thinking.
              ■ EMPATHETIC Such the kind soul, Dominique could never stand to see anyone in pain or in trouble of any kind. It was one of the main reasons he was considering being a Healer or Mediwizard. Although he might be rethinking that since the sight of blood made him queasy and the thought of someone being sick sent him into a frenzy to help them feel better.
              ■ HUMOROUS Despite his quiet demeanor Dominique loved jokes and laughter. He couldn't pull of a prank to save his life but he loved their after effects. One of the first things he had done entering the magical world was get a joke book and while it took him a bit to get most of their references he thought they were hilarious none-the-less.
              ■ GENEROUS He knows what it means to have nothing so he liked to share the little that he had. It had been one of the main reasons he had gotten his job, wanting to give most of his check to the running of their (his and his late mother's) home. Even as a child he would split his lunch or his dessert (if he had any) with any and all of his friends if they had asked.
              ■ ANXIOUS Because of bullying when he was younger Dominique became fidgety and afraid that people would think him weird or just not like him altogether but sometimes the extra he did to keep his friends would ultimately push them away. He's trying to get better but at the same time he figures it's better to keep those away least he just push them out again.


                  Loud noises
                  His girlish figure
                  Finishing a book too fast

                  Creating pretty much anything with his own two hands
                  Cooking, baking mostly

                  Open minded


                  Of being left behind by everyone
                  Never fitting in

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Well, his Mum was a muggle university student when she had him and had one crazy night at a bar with a beautiful looking man when nearly 2 months later she saw a physician for her nightly cramps and morning sickness and was found to be with child. She attempted to finish out her year pregnant but by spring when her child was born she found she couldn't continue most of her classes while caring for a newborn child. She decided to name him Dominique because it was unisex and she wanted to sex of her child to be a surprise and Bellamy because well...that was her last name after all! She tried contacting the man she had had relations with but almost no one knew who he was or where he had come from, it was almost like he disappeared after that night. So she grinned and bared it, working at a law firm as an over worked secretary while caring for her son as best she could. They lived in a modest flat within walking distance of the firm and worked long hours to ensure that there was food in the kitchen and water and electricity running in their home. Because his mother always left before he woke, Dominique got himself up in the mornings to make himself breakfast and a lunch before taking a bus to his school. He'd then come back in the afternoons to do his homework, some chores, and make himself and his mother supper. His mother would then come in after a long arduous day to find her son curled on the couch having fallen asleep awaiting her return with her dinner in the oven to keep warm. This continued happening until he was eleven years old and the most peculiar thing occurred; an owl and a wizard came to say that Dominique was a wizard and that since his mother wasn't a witch then either his father had been or he was just a normal muggleborn. His mother had been a tad distraught, they were barely making the bills as it was, how was she supposed to send her son to some luxurious wizarding school? Luckily Beauxbatons had a form of financial aid which allowed for the boy to go to this wondrous school. He was placed in Angelus and began learning the strange and beautiful ways of magic. He excelled in fencing, charms, astronomy (his mother had laughed saying his head was always in the clouds), Ancient Studies, Arithmancy, Art, and Herbology. He was decent in DADA but didn't like fighting much having been bullied most of his childhood for being smaller and more delicate looking compared to the other boys. He despised Transfiguration, and History had been so dull he was afraid he would flunk his OWL because he would have fallen asleep. He was having the time of his life at school however, all good apples turn sour. During his third year his mother had been diagnosed with a form of Dementia, a cancer that was spreading quickly from her frontal lobe all over her brain. It started slow, with her forgetting where her keys were or where she parked and then became serious until she would get up in the morning and almost forget to breath. He had tried to take her to a healer but even magic couldn't stop the deterioration. The night after his final examination she died in a hospital bed with Dominique holding her hand having traveled from school to be with her in her last moments. She had forgotten his name but he hoped she knew she was loved. For the summer he was worried that he would be placed in some sort of group home or orphanage (who wanted to adopt an old teenager?) when the Ministry found that his father, a man by the name of John Hallwyd. He was told the man lived with his family in England and that even though he would be living there he was still welcome (and advised) to continue his education at Beauxbatons. To be honest he didn't care about that, he just wanted to know what kind of man his biological father was like and if his family wouldn't mind having a random fifteen year old stray.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Dominique's first year was miraculous and terrifying. While the magical world is wonderful its also rather large and scary. Especially for a first year with no one familiar to help him
              SECOND YEAR He made a friend! Granted it was because he had ran into her on his way to DADA and she helped him pick up his spilled book bag but still! And meeting her was like opening a large door to the world outside of books and the library. He made other friends, some older and one younger but still he had some!
              THIRD YEAR The year had been going alright until around Winter Break when he learned of his mother's illness. He had wanted to stay with her until she got better but she had none of that and sent him back to school even though
              FOURTH YEAR This past year was tad hard, more and more work was being piled on to get ready for OWL's and his mother was doing hardcore chemotherapy but because she was getting treatment she was missing work and thereby not getting paid. He told her not to send her money and tried to take odd jobs around the school and village to send money to her instead, And then on the last day of examinations he was taken to the Headmistress' office and told his mother was on her last leg in the hospital. He was there as she took her last breath and stayed with her still body the rest of the night.
              FIFTH YEAR Was rather odd without his mother wishing him a good year from her hospital bed or just walking to his usual spot to be sent to school instead of the unusual portkey he was given. But all and all it was ok. The Hallwyd's were...different to say the least, but maybe it was the type of different he needed after such a tragedy. Luckily he wasn't deterred from his studies and actually studied harder because he had made earlier promises to his mother.
              SIXTH YEAR Wasn't as odd as last and he was quite thankful for it. His family has made him feel truly welcome which is something he can never say thank you enough. He still hasn't figured out what exactly he would like to do once he's finished schooling but he's sure Henrik will have him scheduled to work the day after his graduation.
              SEVENTH YEAR Was very hectic with him basically trying to cram studying into every hour of every day. His family (he didn't know if this was good or bad) would try and distract him from it every so often but he really wanted to pass his NEWT's so he could make them and his mother proud. It was the least he could do after all.

          POST GRADUATION He's basically been helping out his family full time at the family establishment while trying to figure out what he would like to do for the rest of his life. His family says he doesn't have to know right away but it would surely help if he did.
          He met a young man by the name Virgil Ross one day in his family establishment and after helping him out of a unwanted situation with a rude customer he garnered a slight attraction for him. After another meeting with him he found out that the man had split personalities which didn't really bother him. Later though, after a brief disappearance Virgil arrived in his home nearly half dead informing him of his new undead status and..well...leveling up the status of their own relationship. Dom really doesn't know which surprises him more; that Virgil is a vampire or that Virgil is willing to be his boyfriend.

          Life has moved on since that startling revelation and while he's happy with his life, ridiculously amazingly swoone-worthy happy, he's also rather...disappointed. The in 2040 in the Spring, Dom attended his coworker's (more like a baking partner at this point) wedding to her longtime girlfriend and it was absolutely resplendent. It also had him thinking that he and Virgil had been together for quite awhile with the latter never really making any notions of permanency. He's dropped major hints towards something resembling a wedding or even a hand fasting ceremony and had been met with nothing. The only time he'd actually gotten a reaction out the vampire was when asking about how he'd eventually be turned to which the man had been adamant that he wouldn't do the deed. At this point, Dom was sure he'd actually have to drag his boyfriend down to a nearby clergy be his bootstraps and hope his sire would help them both and turn him.

          Life continued on in a series of rather....unfortunate circumstances. Firstly that Virgil's childlike demented alter went rogue and impregnated some poor woman who would later give the child to his brother before informing them. That led him to throw himself headfirst into his therapies needing to rid these alters once and for all and discover the root for it all and, to Dom's immense relief, he managed. It turned out that even Virgil himself was an alter for Dante, the true Ross twin all along. It took some time getting used to, mostly the name calling if anything, since Dom had years before accepted everything that came with loving his boyfriend. Once he became healthy, he started taking a proactive step in his son's life much to his delight as he loved children and Eitan was an actual delight. Previously he'd been rather discouraged with his failed attempts at making Dante see reason to a possible marriage but after a while, hes come to see nuptials wouldn't add or change the way he felt about him or their makeshift family. (Though a ring definitely wouldn't be remiss).

          Things seemed to be moving smoothly until some mess started (or rather the mess had always been there but accumulated to an imploding star) between Dante's twin Jaslyn and her partner Jacob. It appeared that she wanted custody of Eitan as she felt he was in danger with his own family which thankfully was rebuffed on multiple occasions. Dom didn't really put much stock into as he knew she'd never actually come onto their property to potentially kidnap Eitan as a, she wasn't stupid and b, she wasn't stupid enough to believe he'd let her. It would seem though, that family drama masked the real one happening underneath their noses with vampires apparently starting to go missing. Arguably, he didn't know much about this until he was actually taken along with Eitan by crazed vampire hunters led by a similarly crazed leader. Thankfully though, Harbie, Dante, and a vampire he later found to be named Lore found them and in the midst Dante (finally!) bit him allowing him to..well, let out some anger at the whole situation. In the end though, he was very pleased that he got the bite though he is rather saddened at losing his palate.

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY His biological father John Hallwyd, His Aunt Marian Hallwyd, His Half-brother Blaise Hallwyd, His younger Half-brother Henrik Hallwyd, His all but blood son Eitan Ross
          FRIENDS Elizabeth Pierce, Pamela Gautreaux, Sasha "Harbie" Dobrev
          BEST FRIEND Elizabeth Pierce
          ROMANTIC INTEREST Dante Ross
          ENEMIES Luckily no one
          PETS A small cat he's named Lime


Surefire Codger

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