[Begin Scene]

The titantron flashed on after returning from the commercial break. In front of the camera stood a young woman with fiery red locks of hair, a bright smile on his face, and eyes filled with hopes and dreams of being the next best interviewer in WWF:G history.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in an exclusive interview, my guest at this time is a WWF:G Hall of Famer, former Legacy Champion, and holds the most impressive streak at WrestleMania. Yes, it my honor to present to you... Matt Sha-..."

The woman's excited tone and cheerful personality seemed to suddenly be cut down as a shadow overtook her petite form. Her head cautiously turned upward and the camera panned out to bring the entire interview area into frame. Clad in his tattered hooded trenchcoat, with dark eyes glaring down at the woman from beneath his hood, stood the one and only Matt Shanahan. His sheer presence seemed to bring the woman's overly excited attitude down to the levels of a frightened child.

"... -na... han?"
The woman stammered out after the man entered the shot. He didn't say a word or even give a nod in response. His stone cold, expressionless face remained unmoving, as if waiting for her to say something of note.

"Um... okay, so, over the past couple of weeks, yo-"

The red-headed woman was swiftly cut off as Matt's right hand swiped the microphone away from her, causing her to jump back in shock. His cold stare remained locked on her as a quiet, "Scram," left his lips. The woman let out a scoff of disbelief before walking out of the shot, mumbling about needing to see management for being snubbed by the Hall of Famer.

After she left, The Storm's icy gaze turned to focus on the camera. He lifted the microphone up towards his lips, and his deep bass voice echoed from the device. "Allow me to finish her question. Over the past couple of weeks, I have targeted Omega and his brothers without a single word given to anyone. I didn't address him, his brothers, or even management. So... why?"

"Why would I target Omega, out of everyone? I can assure you, it's not because of the piece of plastic he wears around his waist. It's not because I want to pick on a smaller man. It's not even because I hate how pathetic he has become. I targeted Omega... because he's the only true threat."

The Storm took a pause to let his thoughts sink in before continuing. "The sad, unfortunate truth about this company is that it is covered in the stains of vile scum and mediocre villains. It's overrun by the likes of Freakshow, Clepsydra's Syndicate, even management is a disgusting stain to the legend that is WWF:G. All these so called 'returning stars' seek nothing more than to tarnish the legacy of this company even further. They see it as a place to leave their sickly mark. They see it as a place to breed their hatred and sow their sins. I'm here to bring that to an end; and Omega's stain is only growing more and more."

"You see, I've watched Omega's career from the very beginning. I've seen him win over the crowd, and become a champion worthy of praise. However, since he returned to this vile company, he's... lost his way. He's become a sickness, and he will only get worse. The other pathetic scum of this company don't grow; they stay in place, simply corrupting those around them. They lack the ability to grow. But Omega?... I see a breed of scum that could rival even Freakshow himself; I will break you before you have the chance. At WrestleMania, I want you to see what happens to scum like you first hand. I don't want your title, I don't want your mask. I want you to see what happens... when one turns into something they're not. In the realm of stains and corruption, I am the monster that keeps everyone in check. I am The Storm that frightens even the mightiest of giants. You want to be the best? Then weather The Storm, Omega. Face me. Face The Storm head on, and see if you live through the night. I will break you apart and test every limit you have, and then leave you with the aftermath. If you fail, perhaps you'll see the error of your ways. If you survive... then there truly is no saving you."

[Planned Interruption]