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Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 3:04 pm
The last couple of days had been a bit of a blur, mostly packed with grunt work but he'd sailed through the tedium with his hands quick and busy at whatever task they were put to while his mind focused on his own work. His own work! He'd had to bite his tongue very hard indeed not to brag about it to the other grunts on his shift, oh he'd make sure he 'casually' mentioned it once he was all settled in but until then he felt as though he'd be cursing himself if he brought it up. He didn't even believe in luck, yet here he was! Perhaps it was just playing it safe, if something went wrong last minute he lost nothing right now in the eyes of his peers but if he'd been going on about his project and it fell through he'd look like a fool.

So it was that after another long day of this and that KO waved goodbye to his colleagues, regretfully turning down the offer of drinks and cards, and fetched out his 'dex to message Tambery.

//Good evening Tambery, good day? I spent mine cleaning equipment and preparing acids etc, but I had a thought for the project. Would it be possible do you think to engineer an Oddish with a smaller body relative to its leaves? The body is essentially a waste of space and resources to us in this context so if we can reduce it at all or increase the leaves it seems to me that we'll improve results. Thoughts?//
PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 3:28 pm
You couldn't exactly call the response 'prompt' from a general standpoint, but once one considered the rank and workload of the Rocket on the other end of the correspondence, it might be have been considered so in light of the circumstances.

<< Hey! Oh, is it evening already?! Well, there goes lunch! Sounds like a fun day! (/s) RE; Oddish- I can think of two ways to do so that could fit with your project. Both have pros and cons. Bit complex. Meet up to discuss? If you're free now could you meet me in Lab BC43? Give me 10 minutes or so.>>  


Feral Nerd


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 3:40 pm
//Haha. So much fun! I could just do it forever. Thanks, see you in 10. After we meet though we're going to eat if you haven't had lunch.//

With the message sent KO shook his head and made for his room; he could grab a very hasty shower and change clothes in ten minutes, he couldn't style his hair after but he was only meeting a friend so a quick blow dry would suffice. By the sounds of it Tambery was still working so he suspected that he'd find himself helping out and needing to shower again later but right now he really wanted that shower, so a two shower evening it would be.

Just about ten minutes later a clean, freshly blow-dried and cologned KO approached the appointed lab, now accompanied by his Kirlia Imperator. "Hello?" He knocked on the door. "It's Kirk, are you in there?"
PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 4:08 pm
<< Agreed! I'm pretty peckish. See you then!>>

Ten minutes later or so, after KO knocked, he'd be greeted by the door sliding open for him and Imperator and Tambrey's voice drifting out.
"Come in!" Echoed by, and followed by the swooping, circling, levitation assisted greeting from Franklin.
// Come in, come in! Hello! // The psychic type called and disappeared back through the door after 'buzzing' the pair.

The room within wasn't very big, especially with regards to most other labs- a few steps short of 4 (if one took somewhat wide strides) could bring you from one side to the other, but it was bigger than a closet space, at least. Vents kept the atmosphere consistent as with the rest of the base, but settings on a wall pad clearly indicated they could be modified if need be- outfitted as Bio-Chem lab might be expected to be.
A workstation occupied one corner.

"So, uh, hi! I thought it'd be good to meet here as, well... welcome to where you'll be, uh, working quite I lot, I'd hope. I just cleared access for you on the lock so your dex should open that door now... Think there's room enough for a tank? Oh, uh! Oddishes, yes, we'll get to that too in a bit... But, hey, welcome!" She grinned a little.  


Feral Nerd


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 4:16 pm
KO stepped inside, greeting the Jirachi with a little nod and Tambery with a little smile. As she spoke however his expression shifted to one of surprise and he stopped in the middle of the room. "This it it?" he asked, his tone making is a positive query which was quickly backed up by a wide grin as he turned in a full circle on the spot to inspect it. "This is perfect!" Clean, neat, completely free of spares and cleaning supplies!

<> said Imperator, who rather felt that something was expected of him; this was where he would be monitoring things then.
PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 4:28 pm
Franklin decided to hover just behind Tambrey's left shoulder, beaming for all the world like -she'd- organized the whole thing.

"Well that's a good reaction." Tambrey noted with a smirk, especially at the surprise.
"Um, but yes. It's... not very big, but that's to be expected, at least for now. Uh, you've got Chem' lab control settings accessible on the pad over there, or from the workstation, local to this room only of course and honestly navigating the workstation to do it is, uh, just a waste of time when you can do it in less button presses from over there... Ventilation, emergency- please don't press that unless it's /really/ super definitely an emergency- and the standards like temperature and acceptable element level detection... You'll have a similar system via the workstation that you can, um, hook up to the tank once that's in place. Just choose however you want to sync up and monitor things..." She smiled at Imperator then. "I'm glad you like it, too."

// I helped set up the work station! // Declared Franklin.

"She plugged the screen in," Tambrey clarified "Um. Any questions? I figured we could spend a few minutes so you can get a feel for the lab before we go and talk Oddish over, well, I guess it's dinner again..."  


Feral Nerd


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 12:47 pm
As Tambery spoke KO headed over to inspect the controls on the wall; just what he would expect, good. "Super definitely an emergency?" he asked with a little smirk as he turned to face the other scientist again. "I'll bear that in mind don't you worry, I don't think I would be popular if I pressed it for anything less...." The Jirachi had plugged in the screen, well wasn't that lovely? He could tolerate the strange egocentric little thing but not much more than that, nevertheless he quirked another smile at Tambery and commented; "Well it's nice to find good help isn't it? I hope Imperator will be equally useful."

Imperator made a little tsking noise and folded his thin arms across his chest. <>

"Oh come now, no need for that," KO replied, turning to look down at the small pokemon with a slight shake of his head. "I'm sure you'll do a very fine job, and after your shift we'll get some fresh air and milkshakes as promised."

The psychic type gave a brief laugh and shrugged. <>

"Well, exactly," KO said, perhaps a little absently as he was pondering if there was anything he needed to ask Tambery right away. "I can't think of much to ask right now, other than when the tank might arrive? Oh, and will you be putting me in contact with somebody to work on the biological aspects or...?" KO lifted his brows in query, leaving the rest of the sentence open for Tambery to fill in other possibilities.
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 4:05 pm
"Certainly not... Um. Evacuation of this sector plus an evacuation of oxygen from this room as it seals. Neither popular or, uh, very healthy for the occupants..." She moved on with a nod and a smile, especially as Franklin decided being called 'good help' was an acceptable compliment and puffed up before going to swoop around KO and hover near him.

// I like to be bribed too! // Franklin interjected.

Tambrey, who'd been listening to the exchange with a mild look of mirth shot her a look, but it was, still, more amused than anything else.
She looked back at the man and his Kirlia.
"Well. She's not lying. Seems you two," She addressed Imperator "have that in common..."

KO's questions were met with more nodding, and then explanation.
"Uh. Tank should be here tomorrow. I wanted you to be able to look over it first to make sure it met your needs, as well as it meeting Bio's. Not much good if it's lacking something from either side. I suspect it'll be fine though. And, ye-es... but I'll also be keeping tabs on things and, um, popping in where I can. But I've got a Keith and an 'Eagle'- I assume that's a codename - alternating shifts where needed. I don't know Eagle but Keith's okay... Just. He will talk about crochet. As long as you don't mind hours of that, you'll get along fine... Oh! I'll be, if you don't mind, keeping tabs via my 'dex too, on the bio side of things. And I'll be here for the whole of the Oddish stuff if I can."  


Feral Nerd


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 4:16 pm
"Speaking as somebody who has pretended to be a doctor in the past, I can confirm that acute oxygen deprivation is not the healthiest thing in the world," KO said completely seriously. "Not to be recommended, certainly. Tomorrow is great," he continued with a nod, looking around the small space again and envisaging how it would look once the tank was in place. "I can cope with crochet," he continued, looking back at Tambery with a smirk, "I'll see that and raise him seams and darts. I'm sure I'll be able to get along with Eagle too, we're all professionals here." Theoretically.

"And you don't need to worry about lacking updates, I'll be informing you of any interesting developments and probably a lot of less interesting ones. Possibly ones about crochet too." Keeping Tambery well informed was a given, he was sure that the two she'd assigned to work with him were perfectly competent but he'd still want to hear her thoughts on developments as they occurred.
PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 10:09 am
Tambrey nodded, satisfied with the response regarding the safety measures, and then smirked as KO responded about his assigned assistance, and that he'd probably even inform her about crochet.

"I'm sure you'll get along. Please don't feel obliged to inform me about, uh, crochet though; you know, last time I worked with Keith I ended up with a hat for Palu... She hated it, but the, uh, thought was nice... Science stuff though, I honestly don't think you could be sending me anything 'less interesting'! This is already extremely interesting..."  


Feral Nerd


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 12:42 pm
"Right?" KO agreed, unable to keep an enthusiastic grin from his face; the expression made little lines around his eyes crease up, possibly one reason he usually avoided such extreme expressions. "Everything science related then, and thanks for the warning about the hat." KO turned slightly to look down at Imperator, adding; "If either of us are having a hat made for us it's you, I don't do crochet."

<> Imperator pointed out dryly, placing his little hands on his hips and looking up at KO with the air of 'raised eyebrow' about him.

KO sighed and shook his head, he hadn't needed a reminder that he now regularly held conversations with a creature that walked around naked; there was nothing to show of course but that wasn't the point, clothes made a person! "Oh well perhaps one of the others then," he suggested, pressing the point didn't seem worth it especially as he was going to be relying on the Kirlia to act as a fail safe observer for his project.

"Anyway," KO turned back to Tambery, "shall we go for food now? I'd like to hear what your thoughts are on altering the size of Oddish's leaves or body."
PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 1:41 pm
// I like hats! I don't have a hat...// Franklin piped up, as Tambrey continued to smirk and gave a shrugging nod.

"You're welcome. Heh." She watched and listened to the exchange between Imperator and KO and couldn't help herself but comment,
"I do think you'd look adorable in a hat though..."

//So would I!//

"Ah! Dinner, yes! Um, and I've gotten a few thoughts about it. Actually they're pretty simple!"  


Feral Nerd


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 2:32 pm
<> Imperator replied primly, just a moment before he was sucked back into his pokeball.

KO tossed it into the air, caught it again and attached it to his belt. "I think I'll get a hat for him, he's very amusing when he's annoyed," he said with a smirk as he turned to head for the door, not bothering to respond to any of the Jirachi's input. "Shall we walk and talk, or wait until we've sat down?" KO asked as he started down the corridor towards the stairs. "And I should ask you about what you've been up to other than work," he added as the thought occurred to him; he hadn't properly caught up with Tambery in ages.
PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 3:40 pm
Tambrey actually let out a breath of a laugh as Imperator was sucked away; even before he was annoyed, apparently, he was amusing, but she shot an amused raised eyebrow toward the Grunt at the remark.

"That's mean!" She mock-scolded, still amused, while Franklin, ignored or not, decided to parrot it, but more sternly, and waggle her little hand at the red-head.
// Yeah, that's mean! //

"Oh, both? Both is good..." Tambrey responded, walking too, with Franklin spiraling along behind her. "Other than work? There are... other... things?" The Elite inquired jokingly with wide eyes, then smirked tiredly and shook her head.
"Not very much. Depressingly little actually, except for the fact I /like/ my work... Um. If I'm not working, I'm training, and I'm usually training pretty hard these days to keep myself mission-ready. Just in case. It'd be no good to send an Elite who can't battle even if I was needed for some science reason... How about you?"  


Feral Nerd


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 4:14 pm
KO smirked and made a smooth gesture at nothing in particular. "Mean is just one of my many middle names, and there are other things, I remember them." The grunt sighed and shook his head. "I'm certainly enjoying the beginnings of this project but I can't say that my day job is exactly gripping. I'm working with people who barely know an acid from a base, who think that ionic means 'like when the unsinkable ship sank'; I could go on but you get the idea," KO concluded with a roll of his eyes. It was frustrating. He sometimes got to help out on more advanced things that those idiots didn't but often enough it was all grunts doing grunt work together. What he wouldn't give to work on things that actually involved his brain all day!

"But other than work," KO shrugged nonchalantly, "nothing very much I suppose. I've been rather preoccupied with this project since... February I think? Or March?" Another shrug. "A while, I haven't had much time for socialisation really. We should find an evening to go out together some time, bring your boyfriend or your partner or someone and I'll find somebody to come along too. A night out is always more fun with a group!" An evening away from the base with plenty of alcohol sounded really very attractive to him right now.

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