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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 9:48 pm
Akira didn't know what to do. He hadn't heard from Adam in months and no matter what he did, he couldn't seem to get through to him. Not through e-mail or phone or pokegear or even by pokemon. Since Adam was a Rocket, Akira hadn't expected to be able to get in touch with him easily, but usually Adam was the one to contact him, so that wasn't generally a problem.

After Adam had talked to Akira about going on a vacation getaway he'd planned, however, things had gone a little sour. Akira had been unable to go at the time because of things he'd been going through regarding his pokemon and work. When he was ready to actually go on the vacation, however, he'd tried to get in touch with Adam and gotten no answer. The last he'd heard from him had been in April, but it had been three months and it was now July. Akira worried something terrible had happened to the Rocket.

He wasn't sure what to do or who to turn to. He didn't want to bother Sera about his dilemma and Taavi was still more of an acquaintance than anything so he didn't even know about Adam. The other people he knew like Luke and Rosie were involved with the League and the KSO so he didn't dare try to contact them about his Rocket boyfriend. And Nate hadn't been around in a while. What was happening to everyone?

Worried and upset, the silver-haired young man texted the only other person he could think to turn to: Andre. It had been a while since he'd last talked to the purple-haired man and Adam had gotten jealous then. However, Adam wasn't around to object to it now.

Text to Andre
Hello, Andre. It's Akira. I'm sorry to bother you, but would you mind having a chat with me sometime? If so, we can arrange a meeting somewhere when you're free. Sorry it's been so long; I can understand if you're busy or you'd rather not.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:00 pm
Andre was fairly good at keeping himself busy. He had to be in order to stave off the boredom that constantly threatened to overtake him. So he threw himself into his work, spent time training his pokemon, went on random walks with Louis, and of course spent as much time with his little brother as he could.

But still there was a certain...spark, missing.

Andre glanced up from where he'd been dutifully filling out paperwork after his latest job, the soft scritch of pen meeting paper slowing to a stop. He contemplated ignoring it for now...it wouldn't be Zacharie since the boy always called...

But curiosity got the best of him.
Which turned out to be a good thing.

The purple haired man smiled as he read over the text, idly mulling over what to do. There really wasn't much to think about. He found Akira to be strangely charming and interesting company.

No bother at all, Akira. I'll be free in an hour, if that's convenient for you?


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:02 pm
Akira smiled faintly at the response he received. Despite all the turmoil, it was nice to know someone, at least, was constant. He hated the idea of taking the aristocratic man away from whatever important things he doubtless had to do, but...honestly, he missed Andre more.

He had known the man was dangerous along with being suave and clever, but Akira didn't really think he had anything more to fear regarding people. Betrayal, he'd decided, was a stupid thing to get stuck on. One could never move forward if they were paranoid about everyone they met. Besides...there had always been something intriguing about the purple-haired man.

Text to Andre
That would be perfect, thank you. Did you want to meet at the café?
PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:04 pm
Sounds perfect. I'm looking forward to seeing you.

Andre sent the text off before his gaze turned back to the papers in front of him. He scanned the writing, made a few corrections here and there, and signed his name at the bottom before setting the pen down on the desk. "Louis, I'll be going out." The information broker called as he stood, knowing the blond-haired man was near.

Sure enough the man appeared in the doorway carrying a content looking Alioth in his arms. "Should I prepare the car, Sir?" He asked, fingers idly scratching behind the pokemon's ear. "Yes, though you won't need to stay. Feel free to go do as you like while I'm out." Louis nodded his understanding before disappearing down the hallway.

((Gonna skip to the café >w>))

Andre sat tucked away in the corner of the café, a newspaper spread out on the table in front of him and a glass of iced tea held between both hands. His long legs stretched out in front of him, making the white, fitted jeans he wore rise up to show his crossed ankles. He wore a thin, black and white striped shirt beneath a salmon coloured blazer with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. Absently, he took a sip of his drink before turning the page to glance over the stocks.  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:08 pm
Akira arrived shortly after Andre did, looking a little out of it. He came outside with a hot cup of coffee he'd ordered from within but had no Pokemon at his side. He hadn't wanted to make them worry or distress them as he knew Pokemon were sensitive to their trainers' moods.

The young man's silver hair was down and somewhat disheveled with dark circles under his eyes. Nevertheless, his face brightened once he spotted Andre and walked quickly toward him.

"Fashionable as ever, I see," he said, smiling tiredly as he approached. "Makes me feel even more self-conscious to be around someone so elegant. I must look like enough of a mess even without being compared to you."
PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:08 pm
Andre looked up from his paper to give Akira a warm smile, though it did dim a bit as he took in the others appearance. "You look rather tired." He said, closing the newspaper to make room for the other to join him. "But otherwise you look as charming as ever." He tucked a stray strand of hair behind his ear before motioning for the other to sit.

He wondered what had been keeping the other up. School, work, a spat with that obnoxious blonde? He had a feeling that whatever it was was what prompted the invitation. He'd find out soon out.  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:11 pm
“By ‘as ever’, I assume you mean ‘not at all’,” he replied with a weak laugh. The trainer’s smile became sheepish and he shrugged. “I’ve had some trouble sleeping somewhat as of late. I haven’t seen or heard from my roommate nor my boyfriend in ages and it’s been worrying me.” He looked down at the coffee and nodded in gratitude when Andre made place for him to sit before doing so.

“My roommate often takes on a lot of jobs so he was rarely home when I was anyway, but Adam...Adam’s never been out of contact with me for so long.” His hand automatically reached for his bangs to tug on them out of habit. “He works a pretty dangerous job, too, so...I guess I’m especially concerned…”
PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:11 pm
“I mean exactly what I said.” Andre said lightly, folding the newspaper up completely and pushing it towards the edge of the table. Ah, so he’d been at least partially right about the silver-haired boy’s cause of distress. That was why he never bothered with people. You didn’t have to worry if you didn’t care.

...Not that he would tell Akira that.

“Ah, I see.” He said slowly, trying to figure out just what he should say. “It sounds like a situation that is a bit out of your control.” He observed, wiping the condensation from his glass to give himself something to do with his hands. “It may be that all you can do is wait.” He went to take a sip, paused, and then looked at Akira with a raised eyebrow. “Unless that is why you contacted me? Are looking for someone to find them?”  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:12 pm
Akira nodded slowly, staring at the tabletop, but absently tugged harder on his bangs than ever. “That’s the hardest thing to do, though,” he murmured, his voice low. “Waiting without being able to do anything. And I don’t even know what’s happened to him. I don’t know if he’s upset with me or angry or if he was hurt and just can’t - I mean - he’s been kept from communicating with the outside world for a while before…” Oops. Was that giving away too much? “Er...I think they like to keep things secret where he works. You know, like military and federal secrets or something. I myself don’t know the details, but that’s probably why.”

Looking up at Andre at last, the emerald-eyed man blinked and groaned, putting his face in his hands. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t be complaining to you about something that isn’t your problem. No, I just...it’s probably stupid to say so, but of all the people I wanted to see, you were the one at the top of my list.” As soon as he’d spoken the words, Akira wondered again if they were the right ones to say. He’d never been good with communicating properly; usually he said too much or too little or the wrong thing. That was why he was usually so awkward in social situations, both in his past life and now. That was one thing that hadn’t seemed to change.

Speaking of change, though, it was probably a good time for a change of subject. He looked around, realizing someone he had expected to be present wasn’t there. “Uh...if you don’t mind me asking...where’s Louis? Did he not come with you today?”
PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:12 pm
“Yes, it can be rather stressful to simply wait and hope.” He acknowledged, thinking back to when he had been desperately looking for Zacharie. Though he wondered if those were indeed the same feelings.

At Akira’s little slip-up, Andre politely averted his gaze to give the other a chance to get his thoughts together. He highly doubted that Adam was in the military or involved with the government. He didn’t have the posture, the appearance, or the manners. That left a good idea of what the blond could have been a part of and perhaps Akira did have reason to worry. “Ah, of course. That makes sense.” He nodded a bit as he crossed his left leg over the right, his foot bouncing absently before coming to an abrupt halt, his gaze snapping back over to the other.

Akira had...wanted to see him?

He couldn’t fathom why. He had been under the impression that the boy had merely tolerated their visits as it a
lways seemed that he was on edge when they happened to bump into each other. “I don’t mind it.” He said, his expression hinting at his confusion. “I’m...flattered, that I was the on the list at all.” He averted his eyes almost shyly. “I had gotten the impression that you were simply being kind when we met before.” He admitted softly with a small smile.

“Mn, Louis?” He cocked his head slightly. “I believe he’s at the bookstore in town. He mentioned needing something new to read.”  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:14 pm
Emerald eyes rested calmly on those crossed legs, strangely feeling soothed just by Andre’s casual demeanor, until he felt the other’s gaze shift back to him. He sat up a little straighter, feeling more self-conscious than ever and wondering what he had done to suddenly draw the other’s attention. Aware that he was tugging on his bangs again, he blushed slightly and dropped his hand, using it instead to tuck a stray hair of his own behind an ear.

“What?” he asked, further startled by the older man’s words and confused look when he caught sight of the other’s face. “How could you not be?” Thinking back, he remembered he’d said some harsh words to Andre once before. That had been back when Vincent had been alive, though. Before the two had gotten married, evidently. It had reminded him how little he really knew about this man even when he had spoke so certainly before and been so convinced that he’d known the kind of person Andre was. At that time, going around cross-dressing and calling himself ‘Clara’, he hadn’t even known who he was, much less the mysterious aristocrat and his bodyguard. It was embarrassing to think back on now, recalling how presumptive and judgemental he’d acted.

“Andre…” Akira began, trying to think how best to formulate his thoughts this time. “I’m past acting just to put up pretenses for politeness’ sake. I was raised in an environment where everyone was expected to do that and I couldn’t stand it any more so I left. I came here to live freely; not to pretend to be nice to people because I don’t have the gall to tell them I can’t stand their company.” Akira studied Andre’s face, wondering for what must have been the hundredth time how much of their sort of upbringing they shared.

“Besides, I’m sure you’re at the top of a lot of people’s lists,” he added with a light chuckle. “The main reason I haven’t really kept in contact very much was out of respect for Adam since he got jealous at just the thought of you, but…” His voice trailed off as he hesitated on how to continue. ‘He’s not here right now’? ‘I know you don’t think of me that way’?

The silver-haired store clerk gave up trying to finish his sentence and focused on Andre’s comment about Louis instead. “Ah, I see,” he said, taking a sip of his coffee. “Not that it’s any of my business, but is he planning to stay on Kodo for a while?” He looked away, suddenly interested in some passerby’s hairstyle. “Without Vincent, if Louis goes, I’d imagine it’d get pretty lonely.”
PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:14 pm
Andre watched the other critically, trying to pick out little ticks or any sign that what Akira said was a lie. It didn’t seem to be that way though and the purple-haired man found himself relaxing back in his seat, unsure when he had tensed up in the first place. But what exactly did that mean to him though. He supposed it was satisfying to hear that the other wasn’t just being polite for the sake of politeness. But...it also sent a little thrill up his spine when the silver-haired male slowly trailed off.

And that...he wasn’t entirely too sure what to think about that.

That would have to be set aside for further reflection when Akira wasn’t sitting right in front of him looking at him with those pretty green eyes. His fingers twitched slightly around his glass and he set it down before he managed to drop it. “That’s very gratifying to hear.” He reached out to lightly place his cool hand over Akira’s. “And I do mean that, Akira. I’m really, very happy that you don’t think as poorly of me as I had feared.” He gave the hand beneath his a gently squeeze before moving his hand away to fiddle with his glass.

“Perhaps I’m at the top of the list for a few people.” He said modestly with a light laugh. “But I really think you’re overestimating the amount of people that I’m in frequent contact with.” Zacharie and Louis were the only constants in his life. He had Akira, Izaya, Rosie, and (though he was loath to include them) his grandparents, but Akira aside he wouldn’t put too much stock in being at the tops of their lists.

“I’m sure that Louis would be flattered to know that you wonder about him.” He ran his finger along the rim of his glass thoughtfully. “I think he plans to stay for the rest of the year, at least. He seems to think that I need someone around to watch after me.” He smiled wryly and gave a shrug. “You’re right though, without him there the house is rather empty.” After Vincent had left the silence had been nearly deafening. Zacharie had basically moved in for a short while just to ascertain for himself that everything was fine.  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:15 pm
Andre’s intense gaze caused Akira to shift uneasily in his seat, averting his own eyes yet again. He would not turn red. He would not turn red. He willed himself with all his might to try to keep calm, but that silky voice speaking his name along with those sincere words was seriously disarming. The unexpected touch of the other man’s hand on his own caused him to shiver involuntarily, however, and he flinched at the betrayal of his body’s reaction.

It felt rude not to look at the person talking to him and he frequently glanced through his bangs and out the corner of his eyes at Andre, but he dared not look at him directly just then. If he did, he was certain he’d lose what little composure he’d managed to build up. Why was it that every time he encountered this man, he just seemed to fall apart? He could hardly remember what they’d been talking about anymore. As if he didn’t have enough trouble focusing without the well-dressed fellow paying him such close attention. The squeeze of his hand caused Akira to swallow hard before he was released. He hoped against hope that Andre hadn’t noticed.

“Oh...do you...not like contacting people?” he asked, wondering if having texted his friend to ask him to meet him had a mistake after all. Just because he no longer put up with people for politeness’ sake didn’t mean Andre didn’t. Maybe he was just being polite right now. Or maybe he had just met Akira to tease him and see how he reacted for fun. That certainly felt like what he was doing to him right now. “I-I’m sorry; I should have been more considerate regarding contacting you out of the blue like I did and asking you to meet me. I'm not usually so spontaneous, but I - I...I havn't been in my right mind as of late, so I've been acting rashly. I promise I won't ask anything so last-minute in the future."

Upon hearing about Louis being flattered, Akira laughed. “Would he?” He wasn’t sure Louis would have been the type to care whether or not some stranger he barely knew wondered about him, but it was funny to think about just the same. "That's good he's staying for a while still, then. No offense, Andre, but with how inseparable you seemed to be with Vincent, I share the same sentiment regarding feeling that you need someone around." That was the main reason he'd asked how long Louis planned to stay.

Smiling sadly, he nodded at the mention of Andre's large, former companion. "He was very boisterous. I'd imagine the lack of his presence would leave an especially large void, particularly when he almost never seemed to leave your side." Adam had been lively like Vincent and Akira was very aware of his lack of presence even though they hadn't been nearly as close as Vincent and Andre had been. He couldn't begin to fathom what it must have been like for Andre to be without him.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:16 pm
Of course Andre noticed Akira’s reactions to him.
But to save the boy some embarrassment he chose to not comment, but did give the flustered male a small, encouraging smile.

“Don’t be silly, Akira. I was the one to initiate the exchange of numbers, was I not?” He ducked his head a bit so he could make eye contact before shaking his head. “I’m absolutely delighted that you invited me out.” Yes, he remembered Adam’s face clearly as he’d handed his phone over to Akira and promising that they’d meet again soon. He could barely contain the smug smile. “But since we’ve both lived in an aristocratic society I’m sure you can understand when I say that not all people want to contact me to have a friendly conversation.”

He remembered sitting through countless, boring socials where the people around him gossiped and tore down those who were not in attendance. It had been comical at first, people speaking so poorly of their ‘friends’, but then it just became pathetic. But, at least he had been able to get his start in the information brokering business. “Last time we spoke you said that you considered me a friend; and I do enjoy our talks, so please feel free to call on me as much as you’d like.”

He thought on Louis and of Zacharie and Vincent, thinking of the life they each brought into the house, all unique in their own way and yet similar in that they were there for him. “Yes, boisterous indeed…” He said softly, turning the gold band on his finger before dropping his hand to his lap. “It’s been taking some getting use to for certain.” He watched a bead of water drip down his glass absently, gaze distant, before blinking owlishly. “Perhaps if you are concerned about me, I’ll be seeing you more often?” He smiled winningly, teasing just a bit.  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:17 pm
“Well, yes, but I-I mean...you could have just said that to be polite,” the trainer mumbled, absently stroking a lock of his hair that lay across his shoulder. "Or to aggravate Adam." The line of his mouth crumpled a little as he recalled something and it was difficult to tell if he was amused or irritated by the memory. He hadn't been under any delusion that Andre had liked Adam any better than Adam had taken to Andre. Akira supposed that he couldn't blame Andre with the way Adam had acted, though.

“Yes, but not all people invite others out for friendly conversations, either,” he pointed out, sipping again at his coffee. “Like right now...technically you could say I'm just using you to keep my loneliness at bay since there's not really anyone else I have to keep me company back at my apartment." He shrugged sullenly. "Maybe you might have been able to tolerate the talks we've had so far, but they've been pretty brief and in the company of others. I doubt you'd be able to stand me for very long if it was just the two of us. I seem to have a habit of driving people off eventually."

He looked at the gold band on Andre's hand and then automatically to his own. How ironic. He wished he could help more, but what could he do? He wasn't anything like Adam or Vincent. He didn't have that vivacious spark or outgoing personality that either of those two had. He didn't even have a trace of the easy charisma that seemed to come so naturally to Andre to make up for it. So, upon hearing Andre's teasing question, Akira frowned.

"You know what they say, right? Familiarity breeds contempt. If I see you too often, my novelty will wear off and you'll tire of me and when Louis isn't around anymore, you'll have no one else to entertain you. Whatever will you do then? No, I think I'd better keep my distance until you truly have no one left to keep your boredom at bay."

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