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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

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The Jacobs Family ~ Accepted *Updated*

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Feral Fairy

25,550 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 10:26 pm


Hailing from England, the Jacobs family is a small and not a very well-known pureblood family, mainly because its members preferred to stay out of the spotlight for most of its history and didn't socialise much in the pureblood circles. The Jacobs are reasonably well-off as they used to be known for their potion-making skills, although recently, it isn't unusual to find a Jacobs in the DMLE.

UPDATED: 17/5/2022 (Summer 2056)

Lucinda, 2/13/17
Daniel, 2/13/17

ACCEPTED BY: Weasley 2/13/17
UPDATES ACCEPTED BY: kiska (11/10/2019)
PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 10:27 pm

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                    NAME: Lucinda Mae Jacobs
                    NICKNAME: Lucy
                    GENDER: Female
                    AGE: 33
                    BIRTHDATE: April 11th, 2023
                    RESIDENCE: Brighton, England
                    LANGUAGES: English
                    ACCENT: Received Pronounciation [x]

                    WAND: Ash with phoenix feather core, 13½ inches, inflexible with a knobby shaft
                    BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood

                    BLOOD TYPE: A+
                    HAIR: Blonde
                    EYES: Green
                    COMPLEXION: Fair
                    HEIGHT: 5' 8" (1.73m)
                    NOTABLE FEATURES: n/a

                    FACE-CLAIM: Nicola Peltz

              xxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxx
                    ATTENDED: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
                    HOUSE: Gryffindor
                    CLASS OF: 2041

                        Gryffindor prefect
                        Gryffindor Quidditch team captain and keeper
                        Drama Club member
                        Astronomy Club member

                    BEST CLASSES:

                    WORST CLASSES:
                        History of Magic

                    O.W.L. SCORES:
                        Astronomy: O
                        Charms: O
                        Defence Against the Dark Arts: EE
                        Herbology: P
                        History of Magic: D
                        Potions: O
                        Transfiguration: A
                        Alchemy: EE
                        Divination: D
                        Ghoul and Ghost Studies: A
                        Healing: EE
                        Wandless Magic Practice: EE
                        Wandlore Studies: A

                    N.E.W.T. SCORES:
                        Astronomy: O
                        Charms: O
                        Defence Against the Dark Arts: EE
                        Potions: O
                        Transfiguration: A
                        Alchemy: EE
                        Healing: EE
                        Wandless Magic Practice: A

                    CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: Seamstress and assistant at Madam Malkin's
                    DREAM JOB: Owning and managing her own clothing store

                        ↳ Carefree:
                            Lucy is a very relaxed person. The only person that causes her to worry is her brother but otherwise, she's very carefree and laid-back, rarely worrying about the future or thinking of consequences.

                        ↳ Confident:
                            Lucy always had plenty of self-confidence. She isn't arrogant; she knows what she is able and unable to do and knows her limits, but she's confident in herself and in her abilities.

                        ↳ Fearless:
                            Lucy can be called brave but she's better described as fearless. Her family encouraged asking questions and taking action when she needed to so she doesn't understand why one should hesitate. However, even if she does become afraid of anything, she'd still persevere because who else would?

                        ↳ Independent:
                            From a young age, Lucy believed the only people she could rely on and trust were her family and friends. She doesn't fully trust anyone else unless she gets to know them better and has a particular disdain for adults and authority, thinking they're useless and generally unhelpful. Her mistrust has lessened a great deal since, but Lucy is still fiercely independant and does not appreciate being told what to do and having to answer to someone, with rare exceptions.

                        ↳ Lazy:
                            While Lucy can be very passionate about the things she loves doing, this enthusiasm doesn't extend everything. She can be quite lazy when it comes to things she doesn't enjoy or finds boring, like schoolwork. She'd leave things to the last minute and always tries to find ways to reduce her workload and hates being forced to do things.

                        ↳ Outspoken:
                            Lucy is very outspoken and blunt; she doesn't hesitate to speak her mind and often talks without thinking. She truly doesn't understand why she should beat around the bush when being direct and honest is much more helpful and quick.

                        ↳ Protective:
                            t might be part of her 'big sister' instinct but Lucy's fiercely loyal to and protective of her family and friends, especially her brother. As an older sister, she considers it her duty to take care of her brother and this trait extends towards others she's close to.

                        Is very creative and imaginative
                        Is fearless

                        Does not think ahead
                        Has no regard for authority

                        Being tidy
                        Romance stories
                        Taking it easy
                        Her family

                        Obligatory reading
                        Messy places
                        Being cold
                        Stressing out
                        Stuck-up or snobby people

                        Sewing and knitting
                        Swimming and going on walks

                        Losing her brother
                        Being alone/isolated
                        Having her clothes ruined

                        Lucinda was born in spring to Eli and Moira Jacobs. The family had opted for a home birth and with Eli's sister Meredith acting as a midwife, Lucy was born safely. At first, both Eli and Moira (who at that time worked in the Ministry) tried to continued to work after taking a break to care for Lucy in her infancy but after the stressful birth of Daniel the next year, Moira decided to quit her job to recover and to take care of her kids.

                        Lucy and Daniel grew up together in the Jacobs Manor, Eli's childhood home, with their paternal grandparents and mother taking care of them while Eli worked but they spent plenty of time together after he came home and during weekends. They were both homeschooled by their mother and grandfather in the magical world but they attended the local muggle school. At school however, Daniel missed classes regularly because he was often sick and was teased for this and his thin stature by other students and the teachers, even the principal, looked away and even berated him themselves. Lucy was furious because of the unfairness and the uselessness of the teachers in regards to her brother and grew a disregard for authority because of this; the only adult figures she respected were her family members. She herself had no trouble at school other than her general laziness; she had friends and her grades were okay.

                        At home, the two siblings were practically inseparable. Daniel had a weak immune system and got sick very easily; because of this and Lucy's disdain for getting dirty, the two spent a lot of time together playing games and listening to old Auror stories from their grandparents. They were both taught to sew and knit by their grandmother; they both enjoyed it and Lucy took to it like a duck to water. She liked how relaxing it was and Lucy loved making scarves and sweaters for her family, and eventually she started to sew her own clothes. They didn't spend all their time inside though; they went with their grandfather on walks and during the summer both children enjoyed swimming in the nearby pond; when their cousin Reyna visited during the summer, they included her in their activities.

                        It wasn't all happy though; when Lucy was 10, Daniel suffered from a severe case of Dragon Pox. It wasn't the first time he got sick but it was the worst condition they'd ever seen him, which terrified Lucy because her younger brother nearly died before he he got better. She was already protective her brother but that incident caused her to become even more protective. When her Hogwarts letter came, everyone was happy especially Lucy, but it was dulled by her worry; who would protect her brother when she wasn't there?

                    SCHOOL YEARS:
                        Lucy's first year was mostly uneventful. She'd met four great girls, Minako, Candace, Alana and Kimberly at Madam Malkin's earlier in the summer (unfortunately, while Peter was accompanying her) and she'd befriended Alec and his sister Sera on the train platform. After managing to push Peter into the lake, to her great satisfaction, Lucy was sorted into Gryffindor and befriended her housemates Reuben, Desmond, her roommate Merc, and fellow first years Garnet and Deaus. However, she was torn about her classes; there were some that she enjoyed, like Charms and Astronomy, and some that she despised and found boring, like Transfiguration and History of Magic. She missed her brother and slept through some classes, but overall, she found Hogwarts to be great.

                        Lucy was overjoyed to be reunited with her brother again during the summer and tried to spend as much time with him as possible to make up for the past year. She also kept in contact through letters with her friends from Hogwarts, especially Alec, and even managed to sneak out to have ice cream with him. Her second year at Hogwarts was a bit uneventful, even though. She did join the dueling club and try out for the Quidditch team along with Alec, and found that she actually enjoyed it, even though the practises usually left her dirty and sweaty.

                        Lucy spent the summer before her third year stuck at home as her family tried to find as many excuses to keep her and Daniel (who was going to Hogwarts that fall) inside, whether it was her grades or the cough that had been going around town, before letting them out to go shop for supplies in Diagon Alley. Her third year was quiet; Lucy continued what she'd been doing last year, although she visited Daniel often. She did hear about Peter's fights with other students, especially her friend Garnet, which she confronted him over. And to her surprise, she developed a crush on her fellow classmate Roo, but he turned her down.

                        Lucy's fourth year started out normally: she attended (and occasionally skipped) classes, hung out with her friends, and snuck around and explored hidden rooms with Alec. Then she realised she had a crush on him, learned that he shared her feelings too. To her great joy, they got together, and the time spent in the hidden rooms included quite a bit of snogging, which Lucy didn't mind one bit.

                        For some reason, she must've looked like a responsible person because not only was Lucy chosen to be a prefect in her fifth year, but she was also appointed as the vice-captain of the quidditch team. Her prefect duties and the OWLs reduced the time she could have spent with Alec and her friends, but on the bright side, she had access to the prefect's bathroom which she added to the list of places she could snog Alec in. The year didn't end on the high note that she was hoping though, having heard about the sudden death of her uncle.

                        Lucy's sixth year was uneventful. After her OWLs, she happily dropped all the classes and relished the free time she had now that she didn't have to study, spending it with her friends but mostly with her boyfriend. Unfortunately, things weren't going as well with quidditch. They'd lost every match they've had and while Lucy refused to give up hope, she was feeling a little worried about next year, not that she'd admit it. They performed better during her seventh year, to Lucy's relief and happiness, but otherwise, she was quite busy studying for her NEWTs, which she despised. Her efforts paid off though and she did better this time than in her OWLs.

                        Once she'd graduated, Lucy began looking for a new place to move into as despite how much she liked her family, she was craving freedom. She also applied for a job at Madam Malkin's, a job she'd been looking forward to and after having found a flat that they could afford in Brighton, she and Alec finally moved in together. It wasn't long after that he proposed to her and Lucy joyfully accepted.

                    SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Straight
                    RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Married
                    SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Alexander Avery

                        Parents: Eli and Moira Jacobs
                        Brother: Daniel and Sebastian Blythe (in-law)
                        Aunts: Evelyn and Meredith Jacobs
                        Uncle: Jonathan Whyte (deceased)
                        Cousins: Reyna and Gemma Whyte
                        Grandparents: Theodore and Susan Jacobs (paternal)

                    BEST FRIEND:
                        Alexander Avery

                        Daniel Blythe
                        Minako Tanaka
                        Candace Mackenzie
                        Alana Rivero
                        Kimberly Leon
                        Alexander Avery
                        Garnet Mortemer
                        Reuben Horne
                        Mercy Sanderson

                        Tulip, a female tawny owl

                        Peter Whyte

                        Madam Malkin's staff
                        Her yearmates


Feral Fairy

25,550 Points
  • Haunted Haute Couture: Vintage 200
  • Rat Conqueror 500
  • Candy Fiend 150


Feral Fairy

25,550 Points
  • Haunted Haute Couture: Vintage 200
  • Rat Conqueror 500
  • Candy Fiend 150
PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 10:28 pm

User Image

                    NAME: Daniel Reid Jacobs
                    NICKNAME: n/a
                    GENDER: Male
                    AGE: 27
                    BIRTHDATE: June 27th, 2025
                    RESIDENCE: Wiltshire, England
                    LANGUAGES: English, French (passable)
                    ACCENT: Received Pronounciation [x]

                    WAND: Willow with unicorn hair, 11½ inches, supple with a smooth shaft
                    BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood

                    BLOOD TYPE: A-
                    HAIR: Light brown
                    EYES: Green
                    COMPLEXION: Fair
                    HEIGHT: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
                    NOTABLE FEATURES: Few small round Dragon Pox scars

                    FACE-CLAIM: Jeremy Sumpter

              xxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxx
                    ATTENDED: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
                    HOUSE: Hufflepuff
                    CLASS OF: 2043


                    BEST CLASSES:
                        History of Magic

                    WORST CLASSES:

                    O.W.L. SCORES:
                        Astronomy: A
                        Charms: EE
                        Defence Against the Dark Arts: EE
                        Herbology: O
                        History of Magic: A
                        Potions: O
                        Transfiguration: EE
                        Ghost and Ghoul Studies: P
                        Healing: O
                        Mythology: A
                        Wandlore Studies: A

                    N.E.W.T. SCORES:
                        Charms: EE
                        Defence Against the Dark Arts: A
                        Herbology: O
                        History of Magic: A
                        Potions: EE
                        Transfiguration: A
                        Healing: O
                        Mythology: A

                    CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: Healer (ground floor)
                    DREAM JOB: Healer

                        ↳ Patient:
                            Daniel knows that while patience might be bitter, its fruit is sweet. He'd always had more patience than his sister as he knew from experience that sometimes, things happen and there's nothing you can do but wait it through rather than complain about it.

                        ↳ Hard-Working:
                            No matter how patient he was, Daniel knew that just sitting around and waiting wouldn't get him what he wanted, he had to work for it, especially since things don't come to him easily. This was especially true during school when he had little friends and had to work to get good grades.

                        ↳ Reticent:
                            Because he frequently and easily got sick because of his weak immune system, Daniel was always told to be careful by his family, to watch where he was going, what he was eating, etc, and as such, he grew to be really cautious who always thought first before doing anything, not only in his actions but with his thoughts as well. He'd rather stay silent and not say anything lest he gets in trouble and cause a scene, unless someone says or does something he very strongly disagrees with.

                        ↳ Submissive:
                            Growing up with a headstrong older sister, Daniel was more in the background, and he usually followed her lead in most cases. As such, he's more of a follower and is willing to go along with what his friends and family say and dislikes too much attention.

                        ↳ Realistic:
                            Daniel isn't a pessimist, or optimist, but a realist. He knows things don't always go the way you want to and while he considers hope to be important (there was always a chance that things would work out for the best) but he also believes in being prepared for disappointment and knowing the consequences of one's actions.

                        ↳ Selfless:
                            Daniel likes to be helpful and hates feeling like he's a burden. He knows that he might not contribute much as he doesn't consider himself smart, or interesting, among other things so he likes feeling like he's contributing to a relationship whether its friendship or with an acquaintance. He's willing to go out of his way to helpful, sometimes to his detriment, and is naturally kind. He always treats people well, even when they don't return the favour and he doesn't usually hold grudges. He considers it easier to be nice and kind to people.

                        Is cautious and thinks before he acts
                        Is very considerate of others

                        Can be too considerate (to his detriment)
                        Can sometimes be wilfully blind to faults in his friends/family

                        Being warm
                        Listening to the rain
                        His friends and family

                        Getting sick
                        Being the centre of attention
                        Too sweet food
                        Being coddled
                        Getting involved in fights

                        Playing cards

                        Being completely helpless
                        Being a burden

                        Daniel was born during the summer to Eli and Moira Jacobs. Moira gave birth to him at St Mungo's rather than having a home birth like she did with his older sister Lucinda by the advice of Eli's sister Meredith, a healer whose worries turned out to be justified. Daniel's birth was a difficult one and Moira had to quit her job to recover and take care of both him and Lucy at home while Eli worked to support them.

                        Lucy and Daniel grew up together in the Jacobs Manor, Eli's childhood home, with their paternal grandparents and mother taking care of them while Eli worked but they spent plenty of time together after he came home and during weekends. They were both homeschooled by their mother and grandfather in the magical world but they attended the local muggle school. However, Daniel had a very weak immune system and would get sick and miss class often, causing him to work really hard to maintain good grades. Unfortunately, this, couple with his small stature, caused him to be teased and bullied often act school while teachers usually turned a blind eye to, to his sister Lucy's great ire. She frequently got in trouble for starting fights defending him, which only made Daniel more uncomfortable as he didn't want to be the reason she got in trouble and he already suffered from enough attention.

                        Because of his weak disposition, Daniel was always watched over by his family and was told to be careful with what he was doing, what he was eating, etc. This, coupled with Lucy's dislike of dirt meant that they didn't go out much or do any strenuous activity, but that didn't mean never. They were inseparable and took walks with their grandfather and swum in the pond during the summer (mostly Lucy); Daniel particularly enjoyed tending to the garden with his grandfather. Inside, they played together, listened to their grandparents tell them cool stories from their auror days, and even learned to knit. Occasionally, they were visited by their relatives, whose company Daniel always enjoyed.

                        However, not everything was well; Daniel still got sick frequently, and when he was 8, he suffered from a severe case of Dragon Pox and nearly died, leaving him with a few scars and a more protective family, almost too protective. When Lucy left for Hogwarts, not only did he miss her greatly but most of his family's attention was concentrated on him now, which he found a little smothering; and to top it off, the bullies at school grew bolder without Lucy to protect him. He tried not to show how miserable he was, not wanting to worry her, but Daniel longed for the day he'd go to Hogwarts as well.

                    SCHOOL YEARS:
                        The summer before Daniel's first year at Hogwarts, his parents became even more overprotective than usual and barely let them out of the house, which annoyed Lucy, but Daniel didn't say much; he was only glad that he'd get to go to Hogwarts soon. To his surprise, he'd managed to make friends with Vince, Gertie, Charlie and Donella at Hogwarts, and while he had some trouble with classes, especially Transfiguration, Vince helped him with it, which helped him a lot. Lucy even visited him often at his common room, which was nice. Overall, Daniel considered his first year to be a success.

                        During Daniel's second year at Hogwarts, he and Vince made a new friend in Ji-Yeong. He looked forward to choosing his electives for the next year more than anything. And in his third year, Hogwarts held a Halloween event that was incredibly fun, even though he, Vince and Ji got lost in the maze. He enjoyed his electives and tried to focus on them, but after hearing about his uncle's death near the end of the year, it was hard.

                        Compared to last year, Daniel's fourth year was quite uneventful. He did start studying for his OWLs that were coming up next year, but he wasn't loking forward to them. The OWLs took up most of Daniel's time during his fifth year and between all the studying, Daniel found the year to be quite hectic, but thankfully it passed by without a fuss, as did his sixth year. He couldn't believe how quickly time passed but his NEWTs crept up almost before he noticed, then came his graduation then his sister getting ready to move out. Daniel wasn't sure he was ready for these changes so quickly, and certainly not for being a functional and legal adult, but it wasn't like he had a choice.

                        To his immense relief, Daniel's grades were good enough and he started working as an apprentice healer at St. Mungo's like his aunt. The work kept him really busy and it was only by chance that he met Sebastian Blythe after an embarrassing incident involving his wand and Bas' dog. Daniel wouldn't say he was smitten, but he was definitely attracted to Bas, and after running into him again later, they went on a date. Which led to several more dates but they didn't become 'official' until months later with the prodding and help of many of their friends and acquaintances. While the number of people involved mortified Daniel a bit, he definitely couldn't say he's not happy with the way things turned out.

                    SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual
                    RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Taken
                    SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Sebastian Blythe

                        Parents: Eli and Moira Jacobs
                        Sister: Lucinda Jacobs
                        Aunts: Evelyn and Meredith Jacobs
                        Uncle: Jonathan Whyte (deceased)
                        Cousins: Reyna and Gemma Whyte
                        Grandparents: Theodore and Susan Jacobs (paternal)

                    BEST FRIEND:
                        Vincent Masters

                        Lucinda Jacobs
                        Vincent Masters
                        Gertie Adelwood
                        Charlie Antunez
                        Donella Brown
                        Ji-Yeong Cho

                        Gem, a female spotted owl


                        His yearmates

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