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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

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Richardson Family ~ Accepted *Updated

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Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
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  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:00 am

Richardson Family

(Updated 10/01/22)

William Richardson (npc)
tab ♥ Cortney Richardson née Hannon (npc)
tab tab ↪ Rebecca Joanne Richardson ~ Age 30 ~ Slytherin Alumni (Adopted by William)
tab tab ↪ Sabrina Lorraine Richardson ~ Age 27 ~ Gryffindor Alumni ~ Potioneer (Pending)

*See Connelly Family for this branch*

Trenton Richardson (deceased)
♡ Davina Connelly née Devereux (npc)
tab ♥ Desmond Connelly (npc)
tab tab ↪ Priscilla Richardson-Connelly ~ Age 26 ~ Slytherin Alumni
tab tab ↪ Charlotte Richardson-Connelly ~ Age 26 ~ Ravenclaw Alumni
tab tab ↪ Stella Connelly ~ Age 26 ~ Hufflepuff Alumni
tab tab ↪ Jared Connelly ~ Age 12 (npc)

Accepted by: Weasley 3/5/17
Recent updates accepted by: Weasley 5/19/20
Accepted characters: Rebecca, Sabrina 3/5/17
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:01 am

xxxxREBECCAxxxJOANNExxxRICHARDSON xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxx*NPCed as of 06/18/22

User Image
          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Becca

              AGE 23

              BIRTHDAY April 15, 2027.

              BLOOD STATUS Half Blood

              WAND 12¾ inches, Acacia Wood, Demiguise Hair Core, Unyielding Flexibility, with a Spiraled Shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Valentina Lyapina (younger) [x] Rachelle Lefevre (older) [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Slytherin

              CLASS OF 2045

              HONORS Prefect

              CLUBS None

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  Muggle Studies

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ E
                  Alchemy ~ E
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ A
                  Cursebreaking ~ E
                  Divination ~ E
                  Healing ~ O
                  Muggle Studies ~ A
                  Wandless Magic ~ O
                  Wandlore ~ E

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ A
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Alchemy ~ O
                  Cursebreaking ~ EE
                  Divination ~ EE
                  Healing ~ O
                  Wandless Magic ~ O
                  Wandlore ~ A

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Magic Enthusiast aka Unemployed

              DREAM JOB Unsure...

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ AMBITIOUS I have a large ambition and I have my own set of goals. I’ll do anything to get what I want, no matter what it takes. I want to be somebody, somebody with a successful career where no one will tell me what to do. I want to marry someone with high prospects, perhaps an heir of some family. My mother may think I’ll amount to nothing but she doesn't know me. I’m determined to one day prove my mother wrong and get everything I want.
              ■ ENVIOUS There’s no hiding the fact that I get jealous easily. I’ve always wanted what other people have even if I try and hide it. I used to want my mother’s attention, which was always given to my sister instead. Even though I was so much better at magic then her, my mother still wouldn’t noticed me. She treated me like the hired help, until she needed me. I’ve loathed her ever since. I tend to hold grudges which given all I’ve been through can you blame me?
              ■ STUBBORN You can imagine I’m also quite set in my ways. I’m stubborn. Like I said, I’m the determined sort that wants what I want. Which means I’m not a push over, I’m willing to fight for what I want. I can be quite difficult to at times. I just don’t like changing for people. I am who I am. If you don’t like me for me suit yourself.
              ■ COMPASSIONATE Despite my stubbornness and my jealous tendencies I’m a caring person. I’m sympathetic to other people’s problems. I’m not always about me. I like to be helpful. If I can be there for someone in need I want to be. If I can help I want to help. I’m not the overall best at showing I care but I do my best. My mother never really showed me affection but my father did. I’d like to think I get it from him.
              ■ SELF-RELIANT I find you can only rely on yourself. I learned this from my mother, who left me to figure most things out on my own. I never wanted to be a burden on my father. So, I came to learn to take care of myself. Be self-sufficient and all that. I rather enjoy doing my own thing anyways. Not that I don’t enjoy the company of others, cause trust me I do.
              ■ UNPREJUDICED Now just because my mother centers her life on blood statues and who has the most money doesn’t mean I do. I’m not that kind of person. Being told numerous times that I’m a waste of life and unimportant made me look at the world different. I don’t believe it matters if a person can do magic or not, or whether a person is muggleborn, pureblood, or born a half breed. And, who cares if you have more money than the next... live in a big fancy manor instead of a rundown farm house or a tiny flat above a shop. At the end of the day it doesn’t make any one person better than the other.

              I’m also not one for stereotypes. For instances Slytherins can be good and other houses can have bad eggs. Not all houses are one thing. Like not all Ravenclaws are smart, not all Gryffindors are brave, not all Hufflepuffs are loyal, and not all Slytherins are ambitions. Other houses can be those things too. We’re all a million different things. Can’t judge a book by the house there in or the place they come from.

                  My Father & My Sister
                  The Color Green... Oh and Black
                  Attention / Recognition

                  My mother
                  Being told not to use Magic
                  Getting Wet (Rain or Splashes)
                  Being Bored
                  Super Hot Weather

                  Hanging with my sister

                  Doing Magic
                  Being invisible (to my mother at least)

                  Terrible swimmer...
                  Holding grudges

                  Being Unwanted

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Best place to start would be with my mother, Cortney. She had a relationship with a guy who said he was a pure blood but turned out not to be. She was furious when she found out I imagine. Not that she talks about it though. When she found out she was pregnant with me, that’s when she found out she was going to marry William Richardson. He’s my father, adoptive father if we’re being technical. Anyways he’s a squib and mum was so desperate to marry and be important she went along with it. He’s the heir to the Richardson family so of course, that means something. Father says she would have given me up if he hadn’t said he’d raise me.

              So since my birth my mother’s ignored my existence and my father has been there for everything. Even when I started showing signs of magic at a young age she never seemed to care. Just before I turned three, my father and mother had a child of their own. From the moment my sister Sabrina came into the world my mother centered her life around her. I was told frequently to stay away from her. Spending most of my time in my room or with father, I did my best to stay out of the way as to not upset her.

              When Sabrina got older she got the same lecture, only instead of being told she had no business talking to me, she was told I wasn’t important. When we did break the rule and play together we’d both get scolded, it was probably the only time we ever got equal attention. Sometimes father would out rule her and tell us to go play anyways. That was always fun.

              As of recently, my mother has been riding Sabrina saying she should be showing signs of magic but she hasn’t yet. She’s always yelling at her and father about it. She says that Sabrina isn’t showing signs because of him… because he’s a squib and can’t do magic… that he’s ruined her. My sister, on the other hand, says she doesn’t want to be magic because then our mother will want her to be just like her. I personally like magic and next year I’ll be going to Hogwarts maybe then I’ll get mother’s approval. Starting with getting into Slytherin...

              SCHOOL YEARS

              Ah, child, it isn't you who are lacking, I promise
              Your worth isn't measured by your house
              And it isn't for your mother's sake that I tell you
              Your cunning and determination will serve you quite well in

              First Year I went in knowing one older boy named Hikaru. We met at the bookstore. Starting at Hogwarts all I wanted was to be in Slytherin. I got that but the sorting hat told me that none of it was for my mother. Over time I realized the sorting hat was right, she didn’t matter anymore. I got to make some friends my first year; Sher at the platform, Su-Jin during the boat ride, and Lucien during Halloween around the bonfire. Second Year I meet a first year Hufflepuff named Awstin. We both had a pretty good understanding about parents who aren’t the best. He's got a horrible father and my mother is no piece of cake. I also found out about Sher getting betrothed. Something that sent me into a tail spin of boyfriends throughout the rest of my years at Hogwarts.

              Third Year I dated Afon Howells a Ravenclaw a year above me. He was nice and I even tried to improve on my study habits to make him more interested. It worked out though we didn’t last past the school year. Fourth Year my sister came to Hogwarts that year and landed herself in Gryffindor. It was a shock to us. Mother wasn't happy about it. I thought it was funny. I dated Hunter McAllister that year, a Gryffindor a year below me. We broke it off due to our differences. Honestly, I knew my sister had a thing for him and vise versa.

              Fifth Year I made Prefect. I also dated Roderick Mair for about half the year. He wasn't one of the better guys I've been with that’s for sure. I spent the rest of the year studying for my OWLs. Which I did rather well on them all. Mother could have cared less but Father was proud of me. Sixth Year I dated Adam Grazer a Slytherin who was pretty dimwitted. I had a run in with Nani in that garden that year due to avoiding the guy. At least it was pleasant conversation. Seventh Year was probably my most quiet year. I’d been studying for NEWTs and I tried to convince Sabrina how easy asking people out was. In turn I ended up asking Jeremy on a date. It was the first time I dated a classmate never mind someone I knew personally before hand.

              POST GRADUATION Surprisingly I found myself still dating Jeremy after graduating. It was a couple years later that I ended things with him. It wasn't him but more so me. You can't be with someone when you have feelings for someone else. It was a few years after that when my sister Sabrina ended up in an arranged marriage. I gave her the idea to run away, which she did. Unfortunately that left me to take her place and I was not about to marry some random guy. So, Cortney kicked me out and I was left to find a place. Luckily I have some good friends, I just need to find a job to make up for it.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              • William Richardson (father) • Cortney Richardson née Hannon (mother)
              • Sabrina Richardson (sister)
              • Trenton Richardson (uncle - deceased) • Desmond Connelly (uncle)
              • Davina Connelly née Devereux (aunt)
              • Priscilla & Charlotte Richardson-Connelly, Stella Connelly (cousins)

              ROMANTIC INTEREST • Sherwood Meadows (Crush)
              BEST FRIEND
              • Sabrina Richardson
              • Sherwood Meadows

              • Sabrina Richardson
              • Sherwood Meadows
              • Su-Jin Cho
              • Lucien Markov
              • Awstin Titterson
              • Jeremiah Travers

              • Hikaru Nakano
              • Class of 2045

              ENEMIES • None
              PETS • None

xxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 05/19/2020

■ Age & Bio
■ Personality tweaked to reflect age


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:02 am

xxxxSABRINAxxxLORRAINExxxRICHARDSON xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
User Image
          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Brina or Rina by my sister

              AGE 27

              BIRTHDAY February 1, 2030.

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 10¾ inches, Willow Wood, Ashwinder Ash Core, Brittle Flexibility, with a Spiraled Shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Merit Leighton [7+] Vanessa Marano [15+] Lana Parrilla [30+]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              CLASS OF 2048

              HONORS Prefect

              CLUBS None

              BEST LESSONS
                  Ancient Runes

              WORST LESSONS
                  Wizard Law

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ E
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ E
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ E
                  Alchemy ~ A
                  Cursebreaking ~ E
                  Divination ~ O
                  Healing ~ A
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ E
                  Wandless Magic ~ A
                  Wizard Law ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ A
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ E
                  Alchemy ~ E
                  Cursebreaking ~ E
                  Divination ~ O
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ O
                  Wandless Magic ~ E
                  Wizard Law ~ P

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Potioneer (pending approval)

              DREAM JOB Unsure...

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ DIGNIFIED Thanks to my mother, I know how to be proper. I stand up straight and I act like the young women I’m supposed to be. I have to act with the dignity and pride that a pureblood women should. Hence I usually appear rather serious. Sometimes that means I appear to hold myself to a higher standard, that I’m better then some else. That’s not the case but it’s what mother wants. I don’t get it all the time. I understand being self-controlled and polite but being perfect the way she wants, I just don’t see it. I’m not perfect and I’m certainly not everything my mother wants me to be.
              ■ COMPASSIONATE I’m the caring type. A trait my mother doesn’t see as value. In fact she sees it as a hindrance and a rather large weakness of mine. My father doesn’t believe so. He says it’s the best quality one can have. See I have a big heart. I care about everyone, even those lesser then myself. I have sympathy for others and I’ll try to help if given the chance.
              ■ STUBBORN I can be stubborn although not always. When not in the presences of my mother I can have quite the attitude. I’ll fight for what I believe and can be difficult with things I don’t. I can be rather persistent with things I want to achieve. However, I don’t normally get what I want. I might hold a grudge over something for a while, but eventually I’ll move past it. It just takes time.
              ■ SPINELESS Like I said I’m not always stubborn. When in the presence of my mother I can be quite the opposite. I do as I’m told and I don’t stand up for myself. I end up being quite spineless and revert to a small child. Lacking any actual backbone in her presence I wish to stay as far away from her as possible and then I don’t have to be so weak…
              ■ RESILIENT Despite my lack of a backbone and things not working out for me, I’m pretty quick to bounce back. My mother can be the biggest torment on me. She pushes me every day to be everything she wants me to be. When I don’t do something right (which is like all the time) she pushes me even harder, giving me lecture after lecture. No, matter how hard I try she’ll verbally tell me what I’m doing wrong, always pointing out my flaws. Though, I always get past all the things she says and does. Whatever life throws at me I can push back.
              ■ POLITE Like I mentioned before, I was taught to act a certain way and therefor I am polite. I watch what I say and I act the way I should. I’m for the most part well-mannered (even when I’m being stubborn) and I try to be civil. I use my words instead of lashing out in other ways. Though, sometimes I can speak my mind. If you aren't going to be civil to me I'm not going to be civil to you.
              ■ SASSY Even though I’m polite and don’t have much of a backbone when it comes to my mother, I can have a bit of sass. Usually it shines through when I’m irritated and I decide to speak my mind. In those cases I tend to say things in an impertinent way, which is to say a not so respectful way. Despite it being a tad rude on my part I still try to make it come off nicely. Consider it a good choice of words. During my sassy moments I can be occasional quite quick-witted. If only I could be like that all the time.

                  My Father & My Sister
                  Black and Red
                  Horseback Riding
                  Playing in the Gardens

                  Being told I'm like my mum
                  My mother's need to control everything...
                  Colder Weather
                  Being called weak

                  Playing with Ethan
                  Horseback Riding
                  Hanging with my sister

                  My big heart
                  I'm Resilient

                  I have no backbone when it comes to my mother...

                  Ending up like my mother
                  Never Finding Love

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD I was born into a pureblood family. My mother Cortney has always thought I would amount to something. From the moment I was born my mother was always there. Not in the sort of loving way you’d expect from a mother I suppose. Mostly in the kind of way that she was grooming me to be her perfect princess to be married off to a wealthy family. Like I said she’s always thought I would amount to something. I guess to her that is something.

              My father Will is a squib but he’s always been a loving father. I’ve seen him a lot of the time with my sister, Rebecca. I didn’t know she was my sister at first. Sometimes Rebecca and I would sneak out and we’d play together. Mother usually has a fit and scolds us both. My mother isn’t a fan of us being around each other. I don’t know why. I’ve asked her many times about it, but all I end up getting is that she’s not important and I wouldn’t understand. I don’t dare press any more then I have too. I’ve asked father but he says it is probably best not to trouble myself with it. That he’d explain it to me when I’m older.

              I’ve been taught how to dress, how to act, and just about everything else a young lady needs to know. Mother has always pressured me to be perfect. I wish I had more time to be a child but she keeps me busy. As of recently she’s been giving me a hard time about not showing signs of magic. She even goes so far as to take it out on my father. I don’t get to hear a lot of what father says because Rebecca takes me away from it, but I know mother blames father. I wish she didn’t.

              Truth is I’ve never been a fan of magic. Mother uses it all the time and usually as a scare tactic to get Rebecca and I to behave. She’s never hurt us but… I just don’t like it. Magic is power and it’s a power I don’t want or need. If it makes me less like her I’m okay with that. Unfortunately, I found out I had magic when I was ten years old. I tried to hide it made my sister promise not to tell. However, mother found out about it right before I turned eleven. I had no choice my mother was actually going to use magic as a punishment. It scared me more then anything ever had. Now I’m off to Hogwarts and I only pray I don’t find myself following in my mother’s footsteps.

              SCHOOL YEARS

              Hm, you've an interesting mind, no doubt
              I wouldn't worry so much what your mother might think
              You'll blossom far better if you don't
              With that in mind, I think you'll grow quite nicely in

              First Year there I was sorted into the house of red and gold, with a girl roommate who hated my guts. Mother was furious. I hardly saw myself as Gryffindor material. I'm not brave. On top of all that, I don't know what I ever did to get under Chelsea's skin. I've pretty much been marked as her enemy for probably all time. We constantly butted heads during classes. It has been quite exhausting.

              Second Year wasn't very eventful thank goodness. I did talk to Hunter through the year. He was a bit of a relief given that Chelsea and I weren't on friendly terms. Perhaps she hates me more then that one boy Griffin... I'm beginning to think so.

              Third Year I spent a lot of time talking with Hunter. I kind of like him. Chelsea and I still aren't on the friendliest terms but at least we aren't at each others throats like we were at first. I wouldn't say we're friends or anything. We mostly keep to ourselves.

              Fourth Year my sister decided to show me how it's done when asking someone out. Turns out I'm not that great at hiding my feelings. Never mind the whole date thing. Even my roommate Chelsea could see I had feelings for Hunter. Coming home I was forced to sit through my mother's lectures about me not having a suitor. Luckily Rebecca took me to the Fantastic Beasts Festival for some fun. On top of everything I was made Prefect which I'm not sure if I should be happy about. At least my mother was happy about it I guess.

              Fifth Year I found myself getting hair tips from Chelsea. We put pink in my hair, which I'm sure mother will be displeased about. I won't last though, I'll make sure of it. I went on a date with Hunter which was exciting. I enjoyed myself for the first time in like forever. When OWLs rolled around I studied hard which is more then I can say at times for my roommate.

              The next two years I was left without a boyfriend if you could call Hunter that. He'd graduated the year before. I was also informed that I would be promised to Sherwood Meadows. Rebecca shared with me that he was a friend from school. By the sounds of things a really good friend. He seems nice but I'm certainly not pleased with the betrothal. When NEWTs rolled around I ended up doing decently well on them. I can't say law went as well as my mother would have hoped.

              POST GRADUATION Upon graduating I was told I'd be marrying a pureblood by the name of Eustace Chetley. I hadn't met him and didn't want to marry him. If it hadn't been for my sister's bright idea, I would never have ran off. Running from my supposed duty as a pureblooded woman, I was able to find a place to stay with Chelsea and her son Ethan. It's been a great help. I've been since working as a potioneer to get help out. Recently Phil proposed to Chelsea which Ethan was thrilled to share with me before his mother could. I can't say I'm not happy for her. Just wish I could have that.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              • William Richardson (father) • Cortney Richardson née Hannon (mother)
              • Rebecca Richardson (sister - npc)
              • Trenton Richardson (uncle - deceased) • Desmond Connelly (uncle)
              • Davina Connelly née Devereux (aunt)
              • Priscilla & Charlotte Richardson-Connelly, Stella Connelly (cousins)

              ROMANTIC INTEREST Hunter McAllister (crash, npc)Eustace Chetley (betrothed, npc)
              BEST FRIEND • Rebecca Richardson
              • Rebecca Richardson
              • Chelsea Durant
              • Parker Soyinka

              • Abigail Cody
              • Ilene Warlow
              • Class of 2048

              ENEMIES My mother...
              PETS • Eagle Owl named Serenade [x]

xxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 10/01/2022

■ Age & Bio
■ Added Job
■ Reapplied for FCs
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