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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

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MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
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  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2017 6:24 pm

xxxx× × ×xxxxTHExxxK E R Rxxx FAMILYxxxx× × ×xxxx

xxxFAMILY TREExxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lachlan Kerr, son of Iain and Eve Kerr
Played by Cara MiaKitty

xxxFAMILY NPC'Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mary Dunn, aunt of Lachlan Kerr
Stewart Dunn, uncle of Lachlan Kerr
Ainsley Dunn, cousin of Lachlan Kerr

xxxOTHER FAMILYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[x] The Rhydderch Family, via Lachlan Kerr
[x] The Markova Family, via Lachlan Kerr
[x] The Kemp Family, via Lachlan Kerr
[x] The Jewell Family, via Lachlan Kerr

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRECENT UPDATESxxx

Date of Updates: 11 December 2017

Updated for recheck

xxxAccepted byxxx
✔ Essy
xxxUpdates Accepted byxxx
~ murrue ❤ 01/06/18
xxxAccepted Charactersxxx
Lachlan [5/28/17]
PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2017 6:27 pm

xxxxxxL A C H L A N xxxD O U G A Lxxx K E R Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES »» Alpha, Lock
              AGE »» 45
              BIRTHDAY »» 15 February 2007
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» Jon Bernthal
              BLOOD STATUS »» Pureblood Squib
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English
              ACCENT »» Shetland
              PET »» Pit Bull Tinkerbell

              xxx»» Metal music
              xxx»» Hunting
              xxx»» Steak dinners
              xxx»» Summertime
              xxx»» Board games
              xxx»» Idiots
              xxx»» Drunkards
              xxx»» Arrogance
              xxx»» Wimps
              xxx»» Having to wait
              xxx»» Hunting
              xxx»» Swimming
              xxx»» Fishing

          xxxxxxL Y C A N T H R O P Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              PACK »» Blood Oath (Alpha)
              BITTEN BY »» Hector Thorton
              DATE OF BITE »» 17 April 2027
              AGE WHEN BITTEN »» 20

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Lachlan has a tendency to come across as being very harsh when he speaks. His neutral tone (and expression) convey a sense of anger simmering just below the surface. He's rarely in a good mood, so it's hard to say if this holds true even then. He tends to speak in a clipped tone and short sentences, never saying more than is strictly necessary. He's not one for speeches or small talk. If someone wants to 'bond' with him, they're better off taking him out for a drink, and then sharing that drink in perfect silence. He's not very approachable, which is perfectly fine as far as he's concerned. He doesn't dislike people exactly, but he would rather not waste his time on too many of them.

              xxx»» Lachlan can't stand to have to wait on much of anything. He gets itchy when forced to sit around doing nothing, and would rather act than twiddle his thumbs until something happens. Lines and waiting rooms are essentially torture devices as far as he's concerned, and he avoids them at all cost. He won't even go to the grocery store if it looks to crowded. He walks fast, and gets irritated if he ends up caught behind someone slow. Being left to sit and wait leaves him time to sit and think, which is honestly something he doesn't care to do too much of. If he's active, he's distracted, which is how he likes to be.

              xxx»» Some people react to years of neglect and a lack of empathy by turning cold and distant. While he certainly gives off that sort of demeanor, it couldn't be further from the truth. Lachlan hates to think of anyone feeling how he's felt, isolated and unsafe. He has an almost compulsive need to care for people he sees in need, though he'll die before he admits to being that kind of a person. He doesn't know how to handle people seeing him in a positive light, and usually ends up brushing off any sense of connection off. Still, he isn't as distant as he likes to pretend, and cares very deeply for others.

              xxx»» Lachlan hasn't had a particularly good life, and as such, he despises talking about himself. Any conversation that even attempts to delve into his childhood will typically end in a fight. Usually because he gets pissed when his demands that the topic be dropped are ignored, and ends up punching someone. He doesn't share himself with anyone if he can avoid it. He's gone to a therapist a couple of times, but even then he was exceptionally uncomfortable sharing, and he eventually decided that therapy wasn't for him. His preferred methods for working out his issues are as vast as they are likely unhealthy, but they keep him from having to talk about himself, his history, or his feelings, so that's all that really matters.

              xxx»» Lachlan knows how to garner attention, and how to garner respect. His protective nature naturally endears him to people he's 'rescued,' and he manages to build a decent amount of loyalty through it. While he can be harsh and comes across as apathetic, it's a very thin veneer, and it's difficult to hold it against him as a result. Instead, he is an easy man to respect. He only speaks when it matters, only gives orders when they are necessary. He tends to give off the sense of someone worth listening to, and following. He's not quite sure how to feel about being followed exactly, but given that he more or less signed up for it by challenging the alpha of his pack, he reasons he can't exactly yell at people until they back off.

              xxx»» Lachlan doesn't have a lot of time or patience for frivolity. He does things when they are necessary, and if they aren't, he generally avoids them. He has a few interests and hobbies that others might see as extraneous, but he sees them as calculated efforts to maintain his mental health and avoid going batshite insane. He doesn't plan out his day to the minute exactly, but sometimes it seems pretty close. While he allows room for some deviation, he likes for things to go the way he plans, and plans them in ways that make logical sense for his needs. He isn't one to waste time on spontaneity, and sees little value in keeping up with trends or fads. If it isn't relevant to the good of his pack or his own life, he doesn't care.

              xxx»» Strategic
              xxx»» Physically strong
              xxx»» Short tempered
              xxx»» Low tolerance for nonsense
              xxx»» Hurting a child
              xxx»» Claustrophobic

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Lachlan has no memory of his parents; he doesn't even know what happened to them. He remembers living with relatives that didn't like him, and then living with other relatives that didn't like him, and then more. He was moved around a lot as a small child, shunted from one home to the next in search of someone who would keep him. They never did; he didn't remember losing his parents, but he was clearly suffering trauma from what'd happened regardless, and acted out regularly. He would scream and bite and throw things and do anything he could to let out his aggression, and spent a lot of his youth being constricted with various forms of body binding spells and the like to prevent him from harming himself or anyone else. The longest he stayed anywhere was two years, from when he turned nine until he began school. He'd been sent to live with his mother's half-sister and her family, wealthy people who didn't care for his father, who was apparently 'not good enough' for his mother. They were kinder to him than most of the other family he'd lived with, but only because they ignored him rather than treating him cruelly, and punished him for his outbursts by locking him in his room rather than whipping him or tying him up. They knew he'd been mistreated by other family, and reasoned that it wasn't long before he started school, anyway. No need to throw in the towel and send him away when, come age eleven, he'd be gone for most of the year anyway.

              SCHOOL YEARS
              xxx»» Unfortunately for his aunt and her husband, Lachlan never got a Hogwarts letter. On top of the myriad of other perceived disappointments, he was a squib. He half expected to be cast out, but instead, his guardians enrolled him into an all-boys boarding school. Apparently they were dead set on having him out of their home for most of the year. He didn't really care; boarding school meant he was away from them, and their judgements and their spells. His attitude mellowed some, and he managed to make a few friends here and there, though he frequently lost his temper and ruined the relationships he'd garnered. A couple of the other boys refused to let him scare them off, though, kinder than he was, and twice as stubborn. The three of them formed a tight group, and kept to themselves for the most part. The only exception was once they started getting in the higher years. Lachlan couldn't stand to see the younger boys picked on, and would take on the role of protector if he saw one that was being singled out on a regular basis. Jason and Connor would help guide the boy through his studies and navigating the social hierarchy respectively, while Lachlan stood watch and dared anyone to mess with the kid.
              xxx»» It was because of this habit that Lachlan met Lucy. When he was sixteen, there was a younger kid named Bruce he and his friends had adopted, and Lachlan started to notice something odd about him. It wasn't anything big, just little things he would say that began to add up. Eventually Lachlan came to the conclusion that the boy must be related to the magical world somehow. He confirmed his suspicions while they waited for Jason and Conner one morning, baiting the boy into using the word 'muggle'. The boy's older sister was a muggleborn, it turned out. Upon realizing his 'hero' also had a magical background, Bruce insisted they should meet. Mostly to humor the boy, Lachlan agreed.
              xxx»»Lucy, it turned out, was a year younger than him, in Ravenclaw house. She was also the most beautiful girl Lachlan had ever seen. He found that he was immediately enamored with her. She was clever and kind and sweet, and more to the point, she was warm, something he had no real memory of. At first, she was quite taken with him as well, and they began 'dating', sort of. Only sort of, because Lucy would never let him say they were 'dating', or that he was her 'boyfriend,' or anything that would identify them as a couple. Lachlan was hurt, because he assumed it was because she was ashamed of him, though she insisted that wasn't the case. Still, it seemed that the deeper their feelings grew, the more she was trying to swim away from him. Eventually, she broke things off, insisting that they couldn't see each other anymore.

              xxx»» Graduation saw him not quite kicked out of his aunt's home, but it certainly felt like it. He was given money to find a flat, and promised financial support until he had gotten himself settled into a job and could manage on his own. He never quite understood why this branch of his family was willing to look after him but not willing to be around him, but it was better than he'd ever gotten from anyone else, so he took it. He worked odd jobs where he could get them, though his surly attitude saw him fired quickly after having been hired at most. He purposefully lost touch with his friends from school, figuring that he'd only drag them down in the adult world. The only thing he had going for him was the tenuous contact he'd managed to maintain with Lucy. They wrote one another now and then, but she refused to meet him at Hogsmeade, or to see him when she was on holiday.
              xxx»» Lachlan tried and tried to get her to, if not get back with him, at least explain why she'd ended things. Lucy would never tell, refusing to even acknowledge that he'd asked. Her only response, the rare times she gave one, was to say that he was better off not knowing. Curiosity and loneliness ate at him. Eventually, he reasoned that she wouldn't tell him, so he'd have to find out another way. He reached out to her brother, who evaded him at first, but Lachlan wore the younger boy down. Bruce finally confessed that his sister had been bitten by a werewolf, and that she was trying to protect Lachlan from her.
              xxx»» Now, with the information he needed, Lachlan had a plan; if her being a werewolf was what was keeping them apart, obviously the solution was for them both to be werewolves. He was young, and stupid, and in love, and he could see no other way to get her to be with him. In April, he'd done enough 'research' to know where her pack would be. He met them there on the full moon, and let himself get bit. He hadn't quite anticipated that the altercation would be difficult to manage, and underestimated her alpha. The wolf was frenzied, and did a lot more damage than he'd bargained for. Come morning, Lucy took him to St. Mungo's and admonished him for his stupidity. But, he told her none of it mattered, because they were pack now.
              xxx»» His plan worked, more or less. Lucy agreed that, with the barrier between them gone, the playing field leveled, there was no reason for them to not be together. Things were alright, with the two of them staying more or less on the fringe of their pack. Lachlan found out that their Alpha, Hector, was a rogue, and itched to report him, but he didn't want to get the whole pack in trouble, so he let it go. As time went on, though, he began to wonder if that was the best decision. It became increasingly obvious, even with his limited contact, that Hector was unstable. Eventually, things got bad enough that Lachlan decided something needed to be done. He eventually challenged Hector for the pack; the alpha was old, and malnourished, having been living in self-enforced isolation since he'd been bitten. The only thing that made the fight difficult was the old man's insanity. He'd hated werewolves before becoming one, and hated them still; the trauma of becoming his own worst enemy had driven him mad. It made him an unpredictable opponent, but it also made him sloppy. Lachlan won the fight, and spared the man's life, against his own better judgement.
              xxx»» That decision will haunt him for the rest of his life. Unable to deal with the shame and disgust at being bested, Hector turned on the pack, and killed several members. Among his victims was Lucy; for this, Lachlan had no mercy. He killed the former Alpha in cold blood, and made it clear that any in the pack who hurt the pack would suffer the same fate. He's not keen on expanding the size of it, but neither is he concerned with protecting people. He remembers being young and stupid, and wandering into the woods hoping to get bitten. For his pack, the taking of a Wolfsbane potion is optional, but those who don't take them must remain in the deep woods. He figures that, if someone wanders that deep, alone and unprepared, they deserve what they get. The loss of Lucy hit him hard, and robbed him of much of his pity.
              xxx»» Lock spent his time between full moons mostly keeping to himself; he spent time with his packmates on occasion, but other than that wasn't keen on socializing, except with his dog. His indulgence in this regard eventually led to him making the acquaintance of Illisa Hargrave. He found he enjoyed her company, possibly more than he should've, but for the first time in a long time he wasn't happier when he was alone. They became friends, and eventually more. Things hit a snag when he discovered that she was a witch at the same moment she discovered he was a werewolf, but they managed to work through it. Their relationship is hardly casual, though he's not sure how else to quantify it, or how well he actually fits into her life.
              xxx»» His pack suffered a rather sudden expansion when, within months of each other, Lock attacked two separate young men on the full moon. The first, a muggle named Shinobu, was at least an adult, if a young one. The second was a teenager, and Lock was willing to admit to feeling a measure of guilt regarding it. He decided to be more selective when choosing the locations for the pack to spend their nights, and decision that was only further cemented with the death of Meuric not long after the second attack.

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDED »» Stewart’s Melville College
              GRADUATED »» 2025
              CURRENT JOB »» Odd jobs - Short term, usually involving physical labor
              DREAM JOB »» He doesn't really have one; Lachlan lives in the 'now', and anyway, he doesn't see any dream he could have as being realistic

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Straight
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Taken
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Illisa Hargrave

              xxx»» Parents Iain and Eve Kerr
              xxx»» Uncle Stewart Dunn, Aunt Mary, Cousin Ainsley
              xxx»» Best friend Illisa Hargrave
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» Vasilisa Markova
              xxx»» Andrea Hart
              xxx»» Seok-Jin Lee
              xxx»» Shinobu Yamazaki
              xxx»» Leonard Farnham
              xxx»» Tamara Farnham
              xxx»» Emery Thruston
              xxx»» - - -

MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50
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