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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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Connelly Family ~ Accepted

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Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
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  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:20 am

Connelly Family

(Updated 07/25/22.)

Family Members

Desmond Connelly (npc)
♡ Vimala Connelly (deceased)
tab tab ↪ Stella Lalita Connelly ~ Age 25 ~ Hufflepuff Alum ~ Unemployed
♥ Davina Connelly née Devereux (npc)
tab ↪ Jared Connelly ~ Age 10 (npc)
tab ♡ Trenton Richardson (deceased)
tab tab ↪ Priscilla Richardson-Connelly ~ Age 25 ~ Slytherin Alum ~ Unemployed
tab tab ↪ Charlotte Richardson-Connelly ~ Age 25 ~ Ravenclaw Alum ~ Unemployed

Accepted by: Weasley 8/13/17
Recent updates accepted by: Weasley 7/16/20
Accepted characters: Stella, Priscilla, Charlotte 8/13/17
PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:33 am

xxxxSTELLAxxxLALITAxxxCONNELLY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
User Image
          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Stel or Ella

              AGE 26

              BIRTHDAY January 6, 2031.

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 11½ Inches, Rowan Wood, Centaur Hair Core, with a Supple Flexibility, and Smooth Texture

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Heterosexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Hindi & Punjabi

              FACECLAIM Alia Bhatt [x] (Pending Approval)
              FACECLAIM■ Previously : Lauren Boles [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              CLASS OF 2049

              HONORS Prefect & Astronomy Captain (5th to 7th year)

              CLUBS Astronomy Club (1st to 7th year)

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Alchemy ~ A
                  Arithmancy ~ O
                  Art ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
                  Cursebreaking ~ EE
                  Divination ~ A
                  Healing ~ A
                  Muggle Studies ~ O
                  Music ~ A
                  Mythology ~ EE
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ EE
                  Wandless Magic ~ A
                  Wandlore ~ A
                  Wizard Law ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ EE
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Alchemy ~ EE
                  Arithmancy ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
                  Cursebreaking ~ EE
                  Muggle Studies ~ O
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ O
                  Wizard Law ~ EE

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Unemployed / Undecided

              DREAM JOBS Astrologist, Herbologist, Horticulturist, Magizoologist or Potioneer

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ GRACIOUS My mother taught me to have compassion. To care about every living creature, not just humans but all life. People could easily say I’m good-natured. I am patient and relatively polite even if I don’t want to be. I have a friendly disposition that I think helps make me approachable. I can be very sympathetic and understanding. If there is anything I’m good at it’s lending an ear to those who need it. Perhaps a helping hand.
              ■ ERUDITE With a thirst for knowledge, I love books and I enjoy learning. Though I like reading I also don’t mind the hands-on approach. Father taught me school matters and I should always try my best. So, I do. No matter what it is I want to learn about it. Of course, I have my favoured subjects like plants and animals. He also says I quite clever. I think first before acting on instinct. Needless to say, I’m a logic and reason kind of person.
              ■ RESPONSIBLE I’m responsible, known for staying out of trouble and following the rules. I’m not the type to be late either. I’m trustworthy and reliable. Whether you’re a friend or an acquaintance, you can trust and rely on me to do what I say I’m going too. When left to do a task I can be relied upon to get it done. I can also be trusted to take care of things right and on time. I’m just a dependable sort I guess.
              ■ PASSIVE I don’t like confrontation. So, I just stay out of things and accepted things for what they are. When my step mother tells me what to do I just do it, even if I don’t want too. I just do it to keep the peace. My step sisters’ (particularly Priscilla) like to boss me around. The only reason I don’t stand up to them is because there’s no point. If I tried it would just get me into trouble, and I’d be blamed for the fighting regardless of if I started it or not. I’m better off just doing as I’m told and accept it.
              ■ INDEPENDENT Because my step mother makes me do everything around the house I’m pretty self-sufficient. I can do things like housework, get something to eat, and take care of the gardens and the houses on the estate. It’s only a matter of time before I learn from the house elves how to make actual meals rather then just simple sandwiches. I don’t really need anyone’s help with things. I can take care of myself. Although it is nice to have a little help from time to time.
              ■ MODEST I’m also humble. I don’t like to boast about the things I can do or how smart I am. It’s not like I’m better then anybody else. I’m respectful of others so even if I can do something someone else can’t I won’t rub it in. I’d certainly help them though if they wanted it. Besides I’m not exactly one for attention as I’m unsure of myself most of the time. Despite what I can do and how well I can do it, I’m always worried I won’t do it right. Of course, when you get verbal beat down day after day, you really start to doubt yourself. Be it my appearance or my actions, they’ve both been knocked down. Unfortunately, I’m not very confident in myself and thus am very self-conscious.
              ■ ASPIRING My mother in memory is the best person I know. The stories my father told of her were inspirational. I hope to be as she wanted me to be. To be the kindest I can be as I know I could be kinder. There are many aspects of my life I would like to be better in. However, some will take their time. I wish to one day be a potioneer like my mother or a magizoologist like my father. However, I also have my own ambitious. I have a long list of things I’d like to do in life. I just hope I’ll have the opportunities to do them.

                  My father
                  Country Living

                  My step mother...
                  My step sisters...
                  Seeing an animal injured
                  Being Overworked

                  Tending to the Animals
                  Horseback Riding


                  I'm overly Humble

                  Losing my father

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Let me tell you a story, my story…

              A child was born in January to two pureblood wizards who loved each other very much. They both at the age of eleven attended Hogwarts. The girl named Vimala was sorted into Ravenclaw and the boy named Desmond was sorted into Gryffindor. The two met and fell in love. It wasn’t long after school that they were wed and blessed with a baby girl. To them she was perfect in every way. The small family of three lived on Vimala’s family estate as she thought it would be perfect to raise a family. Despite being heir and having an estate of his own Desmond didn’t mind in the slightest.

              As their precious daughter grew she took to the animals like any child would. She’d help her mother throughout the day and by the end of it all she’d curl up and listen to a story from her father. When the girl turned five her mother got sick. The little girl didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t long before her mother was gone and all she had left was her father. The girl clinged to her father as he was the only thing that mattered. About a year later the father remarried to a woman named Davina. Recently widowed herself she had two daughters. Now the two hated the girl and while her father was away for work (he worked with dragons) nothing went the girl’s way.

              End of story…

              Let’s just put it this way my step sisters Priscilla and Charlotte are horrible. There mother is no better. And I’m their housemaid. It’s bad enough she lives in my mother’s house and pretends to be queen of the castle. Sure it’s not a castle and I’m not a princess, but nor is she a royalty.

              SCHOOL YEARS
              My dear girl, I think your mother would be quite proud
              You've a good heart, and a sharp mind
              Now then, I think you'll find yourself right at home in

              First Year I was sorted into Hufflepuff much to my surprise. My step sisters found themselves in Slytherin and Ravenclaw. I found a friend in Tracer a fellow housemate in my year. It made the year bearable among the homework I was forced to do for my step sisters. By the time summer rolled around father was happy for us. My stepmother Davina was less then pleased by Charlotte's sorting and her grades. Which of course meant she was furious at me Typical. Second Year wasn't any better then the last but at least it wouldn't be as bad as next year. I at least had astronomy club for now. I got to join a bunch of classmates for a snow hangout of sorts. We had snacks and there was a snowball fight. I was happy to see Gid there. Third Year I had to take pretty much every elective. Not because I wanted to but because I had to take all the classes my step sisters were taking. It was stressful keeping up with the workload. However, I couldn't let my grades slip. Coming home for the summer I was graced with a new baby brother, Jared. He's cute but I know the only reason Davina is happy about it is that he'll be heir. One less thing for me.

              Fourth Year tensions were high. Priscilla was losing her mind and Charlotte was stressing about her grades. Somehow Charlotte decided it was time she and her sister do their own work. Now I can concentrate on my own work. Though I did help Charlotte study after that. It was the least I could do. Fifth Year I formed a study group with my step sisters. As crazy as it sounds it was better then failing miserably. Aside from that I actually went on a date with Gideon. It was really great. I hope we get to do it more often. Oh and I took over the Astronomy club. Sixth Year I officially began dating Gideon. Which was great since I had a lot more time for it, what with less classes and little pestering from family. I even had more time for my role as head of the Astronomy club. Overall it was a pretty great year. Seventh Year was a quiet one. Exams weren't has bad as all the OWLs I once took. At least I could say that I enjoyed my time at school while it lasted.

              POST GRADUATION Since graduating I've been dealing with my annoying step mother and my brat of a half brother. It could be worse. Now I just need a career.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              • Desmond Connelly (father) • Vimala Connelly (mother - deceased) • Davina Connelly née Devereux (step mother)
              • Priscilla & Charlotte Richardson-Connelly (step sisters) • Jared Connelly (half brother)
              • Gabriel & Adrien Devereux (step uncles) • Fiona & Poppy Devereux (step aunts)
              • Richard, Aurora, Julius, Caleb, Quentin & Monique Devereux (step cousins)

              ROMANTIC INTEREST • Gideon Edgeworth (dating)
              BEST FRIEND • Tracer McCarthy (npc)
              • Tracer McCarthy (npc)
              • Gideon Edgeworth (mpc)
              • Lucas Morris

              • Class of 2049
              • Davina Connelly

              PETS • None

xxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 07/21/2022

■ Age
■ Reapplied for FC


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:48 am

User Image
          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Cilla

              AGE 26

              BIRTHDAY June 28, 2031.

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 10¾ Inches, Pink Ivory Wood, Fairy Hair Core, with a Unyielding Flexibility, and Decorated Shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Amanda Seyfried [x] (Pending Approval)
              FACECLAIM ■ Previously : Jackie Evancho [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Slytherin

              CLASS OF 2049

              HONORS None

                  ■ Music Club (1st to 7th year)
                  ■ Drama Club (1st to 7th year)
                  ■ Yoga Club (6th & 7th year)

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ D
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ D
                  History of Magic ~ P
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Arithmancy ~ A
                  Cursebreaking ~ A
                  Healing ~ EE
                  Music ~ O
                  Mythology ~ A
                  Wandless Magic ~ EE

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Arithmancy ~ A
                  Healing ~ EE
                  Music ~ O
                  Wandless Magic ~ EE

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Unemployed

              DREAM JOB Wife & Mother to a pureblood heir

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ SELF ABSORBED First off, I’m all about me. I don’t try to hide it. If my hair and outfit isn’t perfect I complain. My appearance is important. If I don’t get what I want I’m simply not happy. My mother spoils my sister and I and I’m perfectly alright with that. In fact, I love it. If something doesn’t benefit me I don’t care. Yes, I’m selfish, spoiled, and vain. I still don’t care. Plan and simple.
              ■ BOSSY I don’t like taking no for an answer. If I want something I’m going to get it. Typically, I boss around my twin sister. She doesn’t know anything anyways so why not tell her what to do. Then again, it’s like talking to a wall and thus rather pointless and a waste of time. Although I do enjoy that she goes along with everything I say. Granted it can become annoying. Then there’s my step sister whom I also boss around as I’d rather someone else do my homework. At least she’s obedient…
              ■ ARGUMENTATIVE If I don’t agree with someone I’ll tell them so. Although some might say that I don’t do so nicely. Who really cares though? So long as I tell them their being idiotic that’s all that matters. I also don’t like being contradicted. Just because someone doesn’t agree with me doesn’t mean they need to start something over it. Even if I’m not right I don’t need to be told otherwise. They should just keep it to themselves.
              ■ DECEITFUL Despite the above I can act like a nice person if I have too. I hate doing so though as I’m far from being a goody two shoes. However, if my step father were to find out how I treat his daughter, mother would surely be displeased. I’m not against lying about things to keep me out of trouble. Last thing I want is for a person of authority to find out the trouble I cause. I also wouldn’t want any potential suitors to dislike me for my displeasing nature. Though sometimes it is unavoidable.
              ■ OLD FASHIONED My family is very old fashioned and therefore so am I. Living by old family tradition I need to marry someone of pureblood, preferable an heir. Which of course would be arranged by my parents. I’m content with the idea of being a loving and supporting wife. One who strives for absolute perfection. Eventually have kids and be a loving mother to young future heirs and ladies who will one day marry as well. I believe in all of that which is why I strive for it.
              ■ AMBITIOUS Like I said, I strive for things and thus I have ambitious. I want to be a wife of an heir. Produce children to continue the bloodline as will be expected of me. Raise them to be something just as I was raised. Run a home like my own mother would and yet still have time for my music. I don’t want a big fancy job in the ministry because that isn’t part of my plan. I want people to respect me for the wealth my family should and will have. It’s a simple ambition but it’s one I hope to accomplish one day.
              ■ ENVIOUS Lastly, I can be easily jealous. I desire things others have if I don’t already have them. If someone else is more fortunate then I am I can’t stand it. I even hated the fact that my sister was daddy’s favourite. Of course, I’m mother’s but still. I was never one for sharing. If I had to admit it which I probably never will, I even envy my step sister for having a father…

                  Dresses / Fashion
                  People Listening to me
                  Listening to Classical Music

                  Mud or Dirt
                  When things aren't about me
                  My half brother...

                  Piano & Violin
                  Being with my Sister
                  Going for walks

                  Goal Oriented
                  Musically Talented

                  Easily Jealous
                  Accepting I'm Wrong

                  Not Obtaining my Goals

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Trenton and Davina Richardson on June 28, 2031 had twin girls, me and my sister Charlotte. Father was heir to the Richardson family fortune however on the day of his passing two years ago it went to our uncle. Mother on the other hand is the only girl in her family. The Devereux family is a pureblood Slytherin sorted family. Of course that has certainly has changed thanks to a number of cousins.

              Anyways, my mother was in an arranged marriage with our father. When he got sick and passed away (when I was five) we grieved of course. Mother moved on quickly enough meeting a guy by the name of Desmond Connelly. The guy had a daughter and he’d just lost his wife. Perfect opportunity since he happened to be the sole heir to his family. Although he’s from a Gryffindor family and Gryffindor sorted he is pureblood.

              Long story short, mother married Desmond making him my stepfather. I’m pretty sure my stepsister who is hardly worth mention is a squib or at best a half blood. She’s absolutely horrible. Luckily mother put her to work right after Desmond left home to go to work. He’s gone for weeks at a time so it’s great to make her do things. I’m not sure Charlotte gets any of it. She tends to repeat everything I say. It’s so annoying but whatever… at least she listens.

              SCHOOL YEARS
              You'd do well to mind your manners, girl
              Impatience will get you nowhere
              But, you are quite right,
              I think you'll learn your lesson well in

              First Year, I of course landed myself in Slytherin. How in the world Charlotte landed in Ravenclaw of all places is beyond me? She's fair from smart. I found I couldn't stand most of the Slytherins in my year, but I managed to meet Aurelia Collingwood. She shared my unique dislike for a certain Masters girl. It better to have someone to socialize with when Charlotte isn't around. Second Year, I had an interaction with Chanda a meta during our first drama club meeting. He's annoying and really should watch where he's going. Regardless I suppose the year didn't go horribly even if Charlotte didn't listen to me about going to a hangout our classmates came up with. Who has a picnic in the snow anyway...

              Third Year, I kept to myself. Started electives of interest and tossed all my work in Stella's direction. Coming home to find out I have a baby brother, I was mortified. This is like worse case scenario. If I could get rid of him I would. Fourth Year, my sister betrayed me. I was left to do my own work during the year because Charlotte got a conscience. Mother is going to have a field day if I fail. I can't have that not now... Fifth Year, I had to deal with the fact that my mother who didn't think my grades were good enough the year prior. They weren't the greatest and as such I had to work extra hard to prepare for OWLs. With Charlotte and I guess Stella's help I was able to do alright on my exams on my own. At least they are over.

              Sixth Year, my course load got smaller. I'm not complaining. I started experimenting with my hair. Chanda was great in that department. We've been hanging out more and more over the years. I even joined the Yoga club which Chanda came up with along with Hailey Sheer a younger Slytherin girl. It's definitely made me more relaxed. Entering Seventh year I made my hair a permit pink at the tail end of summer, just in time to irritate my mother. Seventh Year, I admitted my feelings to Chanda. Apparently we both feel the same, which is a relief. Apart from having to sit through exams, I think the year went well.

              POST GRADUATION Since then my mother has been pushing the getting married to a wealthy pure blood. Honestly, I don't care what she has to say. I'll be with however I want to be. I didn't tell her right away but I did tell her about Chanda. She was not at all impressed and I landed myself on my sister Stella's doorstep. Thank god she doesn't disapprove of each other these days. Unfortunately things didn't work out with Chanda and I but we're still close friends. As close as two people who dated and were friends before hand could be.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              • Trenton Richardson (father - deceased) • Davina Connelly née Devereux (mother) • Desmond Connelly (step father)
              • Charlotte Richardson-Connelly (twin sister) • Stella Connelly (step sister) • Jared Connelly (half brother)
              • William Richardson, Gabriel & Adrien Devereux (uncles)
              • Cortney Richardson née Hannon, Fiona & Poppy Devereux (aunts)
              • Richard, Aurora, Julius, Caleb, Quentin & Monique Devereux, Rebecca & Sabrina Richardson (cousins)

              ROMANTIC INTEREST • No one...
              BEST FRIEND • Chanda Giese-Dunbar
              • Chanda Giese-Dunbar
              • Aurelia Collingwood

              • Class of 2049
              • Sissy Masters
              • Jared Connelly

              PETS • None

xxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 07/21/2022

■ Age & Bio
■ Reapplied for FC
PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:58 am

User Image
          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES CiCi (Typically my sister only)

              AGE 26

              BIRTHDAY June 28, 2031.

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 10¼ Inches, Apple Wood, Amber Core, with a Slightly Springy Flexibility, and Decorated Shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Heterosexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Rose Leslie [x] (Pending Approval)
              FACECLAIM■ Previously : Annalise Basso [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Ravenclaw

              CLASS OF 2049

              HONORS None

              CLUBS Art Club (1st to 7th Year)

              BEST LESSONS
                  Magical Creatures

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ P
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ D
                  Potions ~ T
                  Transfiguration ~ P
                  Art ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ A
                  Divination ~ A
                  Mythology ~ P
                  Wandless Magic ~ A
                  Wandlore ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ A
                  Art ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
                  Wandlore ~ EE

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Inspiring Artist but otherwise unemployed

              DREAM JOB Artist

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ SELFISH Mother has always spoiled me and my sister. Anything we want we get in most of the time. I want what I want, even if it’s just what my sister wants. Doesn’t matter what we have to do to get it. Usually for her it’s the center of attention. At least I think it is. But she shares with me sometimes because we’re twins so she has too, even if we fight over it occasionally.
              ■ COMPLIANT I tend to go along with what my sister does and says. Typically I follow her around or repeat what she says. I also follow my mother’s ideals for me. Even if I want certain things I’ll still follow what they or other authority figures tell me. I’m pretty obedient in that sense. That’s not to say I don’t roll my eyes when or argue with my sister when I disagree. Granted I usually pout and move on.
              ■ UNINTELLIGENT Cilla and mother say I’m dimwitted. I’m not entirely sure what they are implying. I can be smart. Just sometimes I forget things or get things confused. I might not get a lot of things but I do try. Although I usually just go along with what my sister says. Perhaps they think I don’t have my own brain. I do though, I swear. And I might mess things up but I try my best.
              ■ FICKLE I change my mind at a drop of a hat. One minute I’m going to get lunch and the next I’m distracted by the flowers outside. I can go from being mad with my sister to being content with her. Even my interests are pretty all over the place. I can go from being interested in cooking to being interested in gardening. The only interest of mine that’s ever stayed constant is drawing and painting because it’s literally the only thing I’m good at.
              ■ ARTISTIC I’ve always had an artistic side. Like I mentioned earlier it’s the one thing that’s a consistent interest. My mother says it’s good for a girl to have some kind of artistic ability. Probably why she made me take it up in the first place, though she doesn’t think it’s worth much. I for one rather enjoy painting and drawing the scenery outside. It’s relaxing and it’s better than having me try to play the piano or any other instrument for that matter. Besides I can be rather creative with a paint brush and an easel.
              ■ DREAMER I’ve always coming up with ideas that are as my sister calls them completely impractical. Sometimes the words that come out of my mouth aren’t very sensible. I’m a bit of a dreamer when it comes to live. I want to be an artist but my mother doesn’t see that as a reasonable career not that I’m required to have one. If anything she considers it a mere hobby. I’m also a bit of a hopeless romantic which doesn’t sit well with my mother. My dreams just don’t align with what my family expects of me.
              ■ RESENTFUL To say I don't get jealous would be a lie. To say I’m jealous of my sister that would be an understatement. She’s always been the favourite with mother even if we are twins. I have hopes and dreams that just don’t align with hers. Though, mother spoils me just as much and I love her for it, I still can tell. It’s not enough to hide it. I’m not mad just a little bitter by it. I’m not that dimwitted…


                  Being told what to do...
                  Being told I'm foolish
                  Father's gone
                  People talking over my head

                  Drawing or Painting
                  Hanging with my Sister
                  Reading sometimes

                  I'm Artistic

                  I'm Forgetful
                  I'm Clumsy

                  Creepy Crawlies...

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD My sister Priscilla and I were born in June to Trenton and Davina Richardson. Dad was heir to his family fortune. Mum was the only girl in the Devereux family. Both were sorted into Slytherin when they attended school at Hogwarts. They loved us like any parents would love their children. I was certainly dad’s favourite. It was hard when he got sick. Though I didn’t get to see much cause mum kept us away. He passed away two years ago. It all happened pretty fast.

              After dad’s passing mum met Desmond Connelly. He’d just lost his wife and he had a daughter our age. We don’t like her according to Priscilla. I suppose I came up with a few good reasons of my own as to why. Where was it? Oh yeah it all happened so fast. We lost dad, mum meets Desmond, and they get married. So Desmond’s my stepdad now. My sister and I got our names hyphenated after that. Unfortunately our new dad isn’t home much. He’s always out of town working. Why’d he have to work with dragons anyway?

              When he’s not home we do our school work… or rather Stella does our school work. We’re home schooled for the most part. Stella takes care of pretty everything. Fine by me since that gives me more time for my art which I do practically every day. Mother says it’s good on a resume for potential suiters. I’m not too sure about that one. But what do I know I’m a child.

              SCHOOL YEARS
              My dear child, is that truly what you want?
              To be just like your sister, to please your mother?
              No, I see greater things for you
              I think you'll be surprised by what you discover about yourself
              Yes, I think you'll do quite well in

              No where did I think I'd end up in Ravenclaw upon my sorting. So when the sorting hat didn't say Slytherin I was astonished. I never saw myself as a smart person... Neither did my sister. But I found a friend in Lara, a Ravenclaw that kept my head above water. Guess there is more to being a Ravenclaw then I thought. Coming home for the summer mother was furious with me. She was not pleased that I didn't make Slytherin like a Richardson should (don't get her started on our cousin Sabrina). She wasn't happy about my grades either... or maybe she wasn't happy that Stella hadn't done enough for me. Hard to say.

              Second Year, I went on a snowy picnic gathering of classmates. We had a snowball fight it was so much fun. Mother and Cilla would be furious if they found out. Though, Cilla was mad the moment she found out I went after she told me not too. Not my fault my housemates are convincing at telling me to go. Besides I had fun. Third Year was elective year for which I took those of interest. Coming home with low grades mother wasn't happy. Though I wasn't particularly happy about having a baby brother. So I guess we're even. Fourth Year, I was struggling to make the grades. Priscilla said I just needed to rely on Stella doing the work for me but I just couldn't. It wasn't helping and it wasn't very fair for Stella. I put a stop to it. Now Priscilla won't talk to me. However, Stella has been helping me with my studies so maybe I do the right thing.

              Fifth Year, I studied with my sisters. OWLs were a real stress and I found comfort hanging with my friend Aidene. We hung out a lot and although she's younger then me I quite enjoy her company. By the time my grades came in I wanted the summer to end just so I could get away from my mother. She wasn't happy with my grades but at least it wasn't a total let done. Sixth Year, I found out just before Valentine's Day that my friend Aidene liked me. Like, like liked me as more then a friend. I never realized it until she said anything. Unfortunately I didn't feel the same way. I did still want to be friends though. With time she was about to come around and we went back to being good friends. Seventh Year, I struggled on my NEWTs but managed to get through them. I sort of wished I had a boyfriend. Both Stella and Cici were getting somewhere in the romance department, sadly I can't say the same.

              POST GRADUATION Now that school is over, I'm dealing with my mother's nagging. I absolutely hate it. I can't wait to get away from her. I've never disliked her so much. As luck would have it Stella was revealed to be the owner of the our house. Shocking honestly... So we had to move to our father's estate. This was the prime opportunity for me to move in with Stella and focus on my art. Like to see mother complain about it now.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              • Trenton Richardson (father - deceased) • Davina Connelly née Devereux (mother) • Desmond Connelly (step father)
              • Priscilla Richardson-Connelly (twin sister) • Stella Connelly (step sister) • Jared Connelly (half brother)
              • William Richardson, Gabriel & Adrien Devereux (uncles)
              • Cortney Richardson née Hannon, Fiona & Poppy Devereux (aunts)
              • Richard, Aurora, Julius, Caleb, Quentin & Monique Devereux, Rebecca & Sabrina Richardson (cousins)

              ROMANTIC INTEREST • N/A
              BEST FRIEND • Omalara Soyinka
              • Omalara Soyinka
              • Sonora Li
              • Aidene Kieran

              • Class of 2049
              • Priscilla Richardson-Connelly (some days)
              • Jared Connelly (just a little)

              PETS • None

xxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 07/25/2022

■ Age & Bio
■ Reapplied for FC


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