Lights came to life on the Leone estate as the began sun set in Mexico City. The King of Beasts looked over the property from his balcony at the bustling guests as promised festivities commenced. Music could be heard roaring from below. Finally turning towards the camera, Cyrus spoke.
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"I may not live in the United States anymore, but you know I always enjoyed celebrating this time of year. Fireworks, barbeques, and the time the English got the s**t kicked out of them." He smirked as he motioned out over the balcony. "Now normally for an occasion like this, I'd be at my grill. But tonight is catered.

Stepping to the side he moved towards a table that was set up nearby with plates of snacks, small sandwiches, and a pot of tea in the center. "I decided I'd take a moment to indulge in what they call teatime." Taking a seat he motioned towards the arrangement. "Now I will say I do enjoy the cucumber sandwiches, but do the English really gorge themself on all of this sugary, carb loaded garbage? Bleh!"

"Well, I do have a party to host, so I'll keep this short." Reaching down he picked up the teapot and began to pour it into the cup in front of him. "For the past two decades I've been dealing with my own English pain in the a**. I'd overlook most of it if he hadn't become such a sniveling p***y this past year. So much so that he had a hand in turning one of my own against me at this last show."

Taking a sip from the cup, the Lion grimaced. Shaking his head he set the cup down and continued. "Cart, your career, like this cup of English tea has gone cold and unpleasant. I'm entirely fed up with it."

"Summerslam, I want this to be done and you might as well put that pointless belt on the line while you're at it. If you think you can still go the distance, I'm calling for an Ironman match." Standing up, he picked up the pot of tea and walked towards the balcony. "No interference, just you and me."

"Until then I've got some traitors to deal with." The Lion dumped the remnants of tea over the balcony as the camera began to fade.