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  No, are you stupid! I don't want any of your dirty money!
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Dead Twisted Romance
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:42 pm
Post Any Info You Know About Tekken Characters Please! blaugh  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 1:31 am
Tekken 3

Anna Williams

Origin - Ireland
Fighting Style - Assassination Techniques based on Bone Martial Arts and Akido
Age - 20
Height - 163 cm
Weight - 49 kg
Blood Type - A
Occupation - Student (Retired)
Hobby - Printing False Memories in Nina
Likes - Espresso Coffee and Jerry form "Tom & Jerry"
Dislikes - Nina (Because she is no longer interested in Anna)


Nineteen years ago Kazuya confided some alarming news to Anna. Her sister Nina was planning to become a guinea pig of Dr. Boskonovitch's "Cold Sleep". As much as they quarreled, Anna would miss her sleeping sister. Worse yet, she would continue to age while her sister was frozen in time! She too went to Boskonovitch, subjected her to the Cold Sleep, and asked to be awakened along with Nina.

Sensing the God of Fight's evil presence, both Nina and Anna awoke 19 years later. Making an effort to continue their sibling rivalry, Anna was saddened to find that her sister had somehow lost all memeory of her. Now, rather than fighting, Anna felt the need to help Nina and prevent her from again becoming an assassin.

Bryan Fury

Origin - USA
Fighting Style - Kick Boxing
Age - 29
Height - 186 cm
Weight - 80 kg
Blood Type - AB
Occupation - Collecting Brain Data
Hobby - Collecting Cigarette Lighters
Likes - Haircuts, Loneliness and his Pants
Dislikes - Bright Sunlight


Bryan Fury, an officer in the International Police Organization was killed in a shoot-out in Hong Kong.

Bryan's corpse was transported to the laboratory of a man named Dr. Abel. This 88-year-old scientist was fairly famous in the underground society, but his findings were often preceded by Dr. Boskonovitch's. However, at last, he came to the last step of completing his master project... the Cyborg Army. Dr Abel thought that a perfect cyborg must have the mechanics built by his rival, Dr. Boskonovitch and reanimated Fury's body and sent him off to collect this data.

In his former life, Bryan was known as a skillful detective, but on the other side, he was always followed by dark rumors. Investigating the Hong Kong drug trade, Lei Wulong discovered that Fury had connections with drug dealers.

Bryan sneaks into the 'King of Iron Fist Tournament', targeting Yoshimitsu who has strong ties with Boskonovitch.

Dr. Boskonovitch

Origin - Russia
Fighting Style - Everything That He Knows
Age - Unknown
Height - Unknown
Weight - Unknown
Blood Type - Unknown
Occupation - Research to Revive His Dead Daughter
Hobby - Chess
Likes - Vodka
Dislikes - Unknown


Dr. Boskonovitch was a leading scientist of the former USSR. At the age of 12, he designed an new type of ballistic missile, and instantly became famous in the scientific world. After losing his own daughter, Boskonovitch has been doing research on human resurrections and cold-sleep machines. Through these experiments, he became active in cloning and the creation of andriods, such as Jack.

With no sense of good or evil, he works only to somehow revive his daughter.

During the first King of Iron Fist tournament, he was captured by Kazuya Mishima and was forced to do genetic research pertaining to martial artists. However, he was also able to created a new type of cold-sleep machine. He is responsible for saving Yoshimitsu from death, and Boskonovitch himself was also saved from the Mishimas by Yoshimitsu.

Now, Boskonovitch is infected with a mysterious disease. In order to cure himself and to revive his daughter, he needs the blood of the fighting god. He is the only man in the world who knows the truth behind the mysterious fighting god in this tounament.

Eddy Gordo

Origin - Brazil
Fighting - Style Capoeira
Age - 27
Height - 188 cm
Weight - 75 kg
Blood - Type B
Occupation - None
Hobby - Leadership Training
Likes - Power
Dislikes - Weaknesses


Eddy was born into one of the richest families in Brazil. Since he was a small boy he knew he would one day take over the family business. He was well-liked in his home town because he was a hard worker who treated others as his equals.

One day, when he was 19, Eddy came home from school to find his father shot and dying. He recalled that his father had been unusually nervous and fearful in recent weeks.

Eddy's father working to destroy the drug cartel in Brazil. His untimely death occurred just when he had obtained enough evidence to put the kingpins away for good. In his last breaths, Eddy's father told him, "Now is not the right time to fight. Falsely admit to the crime and hide in prison. Only there will you be safe". Eddy went along with his father's last wish and the model student went from a life of luxury to incarceration as a murderer.

Prison life was hell and not a day went by that Eddy didn't vow to get even with his father's killers. One day during a prison riot he watched an old man with great power fighting using a technique he called Capoeira. For 8 years Eddy practiced until he became a master and could be considered a lethal weapon.

Upon his release from prison, Eddy heard about the 'King of Iron Fist Tournament 3' and the MFE. He decided to enter the tournament, believing he could persuade the MFE to help him seek his long-awaited revenge.

Forest Law

Origin - USA
Fighting Style - Martial Arts
Age - 25
Height - 177 cm
Weight - 66 kg
Blood Type - B
Occupation - Second Master of the Martial Dojo
Hobby - Shopping
Likes - Credit Cards (Paul got Forest to pay his tournament fee as well)
Dislikes - Riding on the back of Paul's Motorcycle


The proud son of Marshall Law, Forest trains at his father's dojo to achieve Law's success and greatness. As a protective father, Marshall has forbidden his son from entering any contests outside the dojo. Marshall's long-time friend and competitor Paul Phoenix visits once every few months to spar with Marshall. One day when Paul arrived, Marshall was away supervising the building of a new dojo. Paul insisted that Forest join him in some training exercises. Forest declined knowing that his father would disapprove. But Paul wouldn't take no for an answer.

Unaware of Marshall's restrictions on fighting, Paul suggested to Forest that he join 'The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3'. Paul sold Forest on the idea by telling him he's a better fighter than his father. Forest knew his father would be angry, but he had to prove that he was worthy of one day inheriting the dojo. Marshall was enraged when he found out what happened. To him, it was as if his son had been kidnapped.

Gun Jack

Origin - Unknown
Fighting Style - Power Fight
Age - 7
Height - 220 cm
Weight - 170 kg
Blood Type - Plutonium
Occupation - Purpuse Unknown
Hobby - Being an Ultimate Weapon
Likes - Analyzing Itself
Dislikes - Scrap Factory


When Jane, now a physicist, was eight years old, she was rescued from a bacteriological war by the Russian military robot Jack-2. However, Jack-2 was later destroyed by a satellite weapon as Jane, still a young girl, watched in horror.

Jane, now 27, could not forget the nightmare of Jack-2's having collapsed beside her. She spent ten years restoring Jack-2 to 90% functionality, but it seemed to have lost the humane characteristics that set it apart from Jack-1.

Jane worked hard analyzing the program in order to return to Jack2 the gentle soul which had saved her life. Through detailed analysis, she found that most of Jack-2's programming was created by Mishima Heavy Industry, one of the subsidiaries of the Mishima Financial Empire. Moreover, she discovered a hidden program... 'Project Gun Jack'. It laid the groundwork for a new weapon, a pivot gun.

In order to restore Jack-2 completely, Jane had to approach Mishima Financial Empire and solve the mystery of the project. She quickly installed the hidden program and brought to Mishima Financial Empire the newly dubbed Gun Jack.

Heihachi Mishima

Origin - Japan (Although Japanese government denies it)
Fighting Style - Mishima Style Fighting Karate
Age - 73
Height - 179 cm
Weight - 80 kg
Blood Type - B
Occupation - Leader of the Mishima Financial Empire
Hobby - Meditation and Bathing
Likes - Ruling the World
Dislikes - Nothing


Heihachi retrieved the Mishima Financial Empire by defeating his son.

Scheming to further develop the MFE, Heihachi organized "Tekken Force", the MFE's private corps and dispatched them to settle disputes and brought waste land under cultivation to feed the poor countries of the world to gain support of leaders worldwide.

Fifteen years later, a secret excavation by the Tekken Forces in Central American ruins unearths an unusual find. They were annihilated by a mysterious being.

Heihachi realized that the mysterious being could be the legendary God of Fighting, and took action to realize his life's goal, to capture the God of Fighting and therefore rule the world.

One day, Heihachi was visited by a 15-year-old boy named Jin Kazama. Being informed that Jin was his grandson and hearing what had happened to his mother Jun, Heihachi reasoned that the God of Fighting thrives on the "strong souls" of others. Heihachi trained Jin to use him as a decoy to lure the God of Fighting

In Jin's nineteenth year Heihachi declared to the world that the third 'King of the Iron Fist Tournament' was forthcoming. At the same time he noticed that Jin, the youngest of Mishima bloodline, began to show the same "dangerous power" as Kazuya had. Heihachi decided to dispose of Jin after he lured the God of Fighting in order to end the doomed destiny of the MFE.


Origin - Korea
Fighting Style - Tae Kwon Do
Age - 19
Height - 181 cm
Weight - 68 kg
Blood Type - O
Occupation - Street Punk
Hobby - Yachting
Likes - Rock n' Roll and Street Fighting
Dislikes - Mishima Style Fighting Karate and Jin Kazama


A student of Tae Kwan Do who works out at Baek Doo San's dojo, Hwoarang makes a lot of money through dishonest gambling wagers. As part of what's called a fraud team, he and other members pick fights for money. They manipulate the odds by concealing their true strength. He escalates the odds against him and makes what appears to be a foolish wager. His opponents soon realize they're the real fools when Hwoarang soundly beats each and every one of them.

One day, members of the Mishima Group came to town, including among them Jin Kazama. Hwoarang talks them into his game and is matched against Jin. Hwoarang embarrassingly can only manage a draw. He hangs his head in disbelief at the first blemish in his perfect career. Sickened at the thought of having to tell his teacher Baek the bad news, Hwoarang vows to practice every day to guarantee that it would never happen again. Then, terrible news. The God of Fighting claims Baek as yet another victim.

Hwoarang now has a purpose in life. He will participate in the tournament, beat Jin Kazama and seek revenge against the God of Fighting.

Jin Kazama

Origin - Japan
Fighting Style - Advanced Mishima Style Karate, Kazama Style Defense
Age - 19
Height - 180 cm
Weight - 75 kg
Blood Type - AB
Occupation - Martial Arts
Hobby - Forest Bathing
Likes - Mother's Precepts
Dislikes - Deceiving Others


At the age of 15, Jin found out that he was Kazuya Mishima' son. At the same time, he lost his mother, Jun Kazama. Jin trained himself under the supervision of Heihachi with the intention of defeating the "God of Fight", who is supposed to have killed his mother. Heihachi was not only his grandfather, but a reliable teacher.

Four years have passed. Having mastered the Kazama style of Judo and Mishima style fighting karate, Jin starts to take action as a martial artist.

Julia Chang

Origin - USA
Fighting Style - Various Chinese Martial Arts
Age - 18
Height - 165 cm
Weight - 54 kg
Blood Type - B
Occupation - Studying Archeology
Hobby - Hunting
Likes - Buffalo
Dislikes - Mishima Financial Empire


Julia studies archeology in Michelle Chang's tribal lands. As a baby, Julia was deserted in the ruins of ancient Native American settlements, where Michelle found her. Michelle rescued Julia and brought her up with love. Julia loved Michelle and her adopted tribe and trained with Michelle to protect her beloved homeland.

When Julia was 18, stories of sudden disappearances of famous martial artists all over the world began to reach the tribe. The tribe knew the cause, which was contained in the tribal legends...the legend of the God of Fighting. People in the tribe feared that Michelle's pendant, the key to Native American sacred treasure, had something to do with the disappearances.

With apprehension spreading through the tribe, Michelle left for Japan to ask Heihachi why he had sought to take the pendant during the second tournament. Michelle hoped to learn about the origin of the God of Fighting's power. Michelle did not return. Julia suspected Heihachi and now seeks him out to discover the truth.


Origin - Mexico
Fighting Style - Wrestling
Age - 28
Height - 200 cm
Weight - 90 kg
Blood Type - A
Occupation - Professional Wrestler, Manager of an Orphanage
Hobby - Helping Orphaned Children
Likes - Drinking Beer in Victory with Armor King
Dislikes - Tears of Children


He's really King the second. Raised in King's orphanage, he was 24 years old when the original King was killed. He put on the mask and assumed the role of King's successor, in order to honor his mentor and save the orphanage.

The new King had only watched his mentor and really was incapable of fulfilling the legend. Armor King, knowing who killed King, felt an obligation to prepare King the Second for a rightful revenge.

Four years have passed and King the Second is now a skillful wrestler. Feeling the time is right, Armor King tells his student that the God of Fighting was responsible for King's death. Armor King breaks down in tears as he tells the gruesome story. King the Second now knows his purpose in life.


Origin - Heihachi's Pet
Fighting Style - Advanced Bear Fighting
Age - 8
Height - 280 cm
Weight - 210 kg
Blood Type - Unknown
Occupation - Bodyguard to Heihachi
Hobby - Training and Cooking Salmon
Likes - TV, Heihachi and Panda
Dislikes - Small Black and White TV (Because it's hard to see)


The first Kuma died of old age during its travels with Heihachi. Its child, also named Kuma, became Heihachi's second pet.

This Kuma is smarter than its father, and a good bodyguard for Heihachi. One day, when it was absorbed in watching TV, it suddenly went wild at the sight of a martial artist with a scarlet go-gi. It was Paul Phoenix!

Kuma has trained since that day to defeat Paul in battle. It doesn't think anything of the God of Fighting, only of defeating Paul.

By the way, Kuma is secretly in love with Xiaoyu's Panda.

Lei Wulong

Origin - China
Fighting Style - Five Style Chinese Martial Arts
Age - 45
Height - 175 cm
Weight - 65 kg
Blood Type - A
Occupation - Policeman
Hobby - Movies and Naps
Likes - Sony Products (Appeared in Sony Commercials)
Dislikes - Crime and Villains


He drove Bruce to the brink of total defeat at the previous tournament, but unfortunately he managed to escape. After the tournament, Bruce's homeward bound plane crashed against the ground. There once was a rumour that Kazuya's corp made it happen in order to silence him, but Lei thinks it might be a disguised accident and doubts if Bruce is dead.

For 18 years since then, Lei has solved a lot of international crimes. He is such an agile person that doesn't look 45 years old, therefore he is liked by everybody called by the name of "Super Police", and the crime organizations all over the world were afraid of that name most.

In the meantime, the cases that the prominent martial artists are missing frequently happen within the jurisdiction of his station. Lei, who was investigating the cases, was visited by Heihachi Mishima, the head of Mishima financial group, who asked Lei to participate in "The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3". Lei couldn't understand the reasons why Heihachi asked him to participate, but he made up his mind to participate hearing him saying "You'll see if you participate".

Ling Xiaoyu

Origin - China
Fighting Style - Hakke Ken, Hike Ken & Various Chinese Martial Arts
Age - 16
Height - 157 cm
Weight - 42 kg
Blood Type - A
Occupation - Student, Panda Caretaker
Hobby - Traveling, Visiting Amusement Parks across the World
Likes - Chinese Steamed Buns, Peking Duck and Shrimp Dumplings
Dislikes - Math Teachers


This young girl loves amusement and theme parks. Her dream is to build the perfect amusement park in China when she grows up.

She is both young and small in stature but Ling is a skilled martial arts expert. Many believe if she was more serious she could achieve real greatness. Having learned that the Mishima Financial Empire is rich and powerful she seeks out Heihachi (president and CEO) to make her dream a reality.

While vacationing in Hong Kong with her family, Ling stowed away on a yacht bearing the name, Mishima Financial Empire. Heihachi was not on board but Mishima's men discovered her soon after the ship left port and Heihachi was informed immediately.

Upon his arrival, Heihachi found his men beaten and strewn around the ship as if it was hit by a hurricane. She threatened that she would go berzerk again if he did not accept her challenge. Roaring with laughter, he promises to build the amusement park of her dreams if she wins the tournament.


Origin - Unknown
Fighting Style - Mimicry
Age - Unknown
Height - 178 cm
Weight - 95 kg
Blood Type - Sap
Occupation - Training Dummy
Hobby - Mimicry
Likes - Mimicry
Dislikes - Unknown


Mokujin is a training dummy made from a 2000 year old oak tree.

Mokujin has been kept in a museum for a long time, but when the God of Fighting awoke, it gained self-identity and started to act on its own. Some people say it is motivated by the desire to help martial artists and only God and Mokujin know for sure.

Nina Williams

Origin - Ireland
Fighting Style - Assassination Techniques based on Bone Martial Arts and Akido
Age - 22
Height - 161 cm
Weight - 49 kg
Blood Type - A
Occupation - Assassinate Jin Kazama
Hobby - Retracing Memories
Likes - Not Remembered (Maybe Tea with Milk)
Dislikes - Not Remembered (Perhaps Anna)


In the last tournament she was ordered to assassinate Kazuya, but an untimely quarrel with her sister Anna prevented it. Shortly thereafter both sisters were captured by Kazuya's corps and were used as guinea pigs in Boskonovitch's Cold Sleep No. 2 experiment.

They did not wake up for 15 years. Heihachi's private corps, the Tekken Forces went to the burial site and excavated the God of Fighting. This unearthing unleashed its spirit which awakened Nina's resting soul. Now controlled by the God of Fighting Nina acts robotically with the command to assassinate Jin Kazama.


Origin - None
Fighting Style - Unknown. Legend says it absorbs One's Soul
Age - Unknown, perhaps timeless
Height - Unknown, varying reports
Weight - Unknown, varying reports
Blood Type - Unknown
Occupation - None
Hobby - None
Likes - None
Dislikes - None


The legend of Native Americans says the Ogre was the war weapon which creatures from outerspace left on earth in ancient time. It understands entire structures of all living and artificial beings, and absorbed them.

It wanders the earth in search of strong souls.


Origin - China
Fighting Style - Advanced Bear Fighting
Age - 7
Height - 277 cm
Weight - 200 kg
Blood Type - Unknown
Occupation - Xiaoyu's Pet
Hobby - Taking Care of Flower Garden
Likes - Ling Xiaoyu
Dislikes - Kuma


She is cared for at Ling Xiaoyu's high school. To participate in the tournament, Ling moved to the Mishima Industrial College in Japan. Heihachi taught Panda advanced bear fighting so that she could act as a bodyguard for Xiaoyu during the tournament. Although Kuma is fond of Panda, she dislikes him and keeps her distance.

Paul Pheonix

Origin - USA
Fighting Style - Combined Martial Arts based on Judo
Age - 46
Height - 187 cm
Weight - 81 kg
Blood Type - O
Occupation - None. Still trains with intention of being Number One
Hobby - Motorcycles
Likes - Pizza, Smell of Gasoline
Dislikes - Japanese Freeways


In the last tournament Paul earned the right to fight Kazuya, but a multi-car accident on the expressway prevented Paul from getting to the match on time. He was forced to forfeit.

Through Paul enviable career, he has yet to win the one tournament that would mark him as being one of the true greats.

Last spring he received an unexpected invitation to the '3rd King of the Iron Fist Tournament'. With training still a part of his daily regiment, he is still in peak condition and feels he still has what it takes to win the big one. Thought now 46, he still has the eyes of an eagle with the strength and reflexes of a tiger!

True Ogre

Origin - None
Fighting Style - Unknown. Legend says it absorbs One's Soul
Age - Unknown, perhaps timeless
Height - Unknown, varying reports
Weight - Unknown, varying reports
Blood Type - Unknown
Occupation - None
Hobby - None
Likes - None
Dislikes - None


The legend of Native Americans says the Ogre was the war weapon which creatures from outerspace left on earth in ancient time. It understands entire structures of all living and artificial beings, and absorbed them.

It wanders the earth in search of strong souls.


Origin - None
Fighting Style - Manji Ninja Arts
Age - Unknown
Height - 178 cm
Weight - 63kg
Blood Type - O
Occupation - Leader of the Manji Clan
Hobby - Watching Sumo Wrestling and Net Surfing
Likes - Video Game Arcades (Especially those in Shinjuku, Japan)
Dislikes - Villains and Poor Losers (Videogames)


Boskonovitch created the Cold Sleep machine during experiments in his search for eternal life. The technology, still unproven, was used to preserve his young daughter who suddenly passed away.

Yoshimitsu raises research funds and as the leader of the "Manji" party he helps the poor and disadvantaged. Yoshimitsu visited Boskonovitch when he learned of the many martial artist disappearances. The "Yo-man" was surprised to find Boskonovitch suffering from a mysterious pathological organism. It's believed to have been contracted during lab experiments while making the Cold Sleep machine. Like some weird sci-fi story, Boskonovich claims he needs blood from the God of Fighting to complete his research and bring his daughter back to life. Indebted to Boskonovitch for saving his life, Yoshimitsu enters the tournament to help an old friend.



PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 1:31 am
Tekken 4

Bryan Fury

Origin - USA
Fighting Style - Kick Boxing
Age - 31


Bryan came to the realization that his life was quickly coming to an end. Two years ago, the Mishima Zaibatsu recruited Doctor Abel as its top scientific advisor. When this happened, Abel abandoned Bryan without giving a second thought to the now-obsolete cyborg's well being.

Bryan knew that the only person capable of extending his life was Abel, his creator. Bryan despised both Heihachi Mishima, the man who took Abel away from him, and Abel himself for abandoning him.

One day, Bryan heard news of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, and decided to enter the Tournament. He entered knowing that it would probably be his final fight. As he trained, Bryan sensed that his death was quietly approaching.

Despite his impending death, Bryan's physical strength did not diminish. On the contrary, Bryan's muscles flowed with energy that made him more powerful than before. Along with this new strength, Bryan developed an almost uncontrollable rage that also manifested itself in his outward physical appearance.

Bryan staked everything on this one hope — if he won the Tournament, he would become the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu. More importantly, if Bryan defeated Heihachi Mishima in the tournament, he could easily take total control over the Mishima Zaibatsu to do his bidding.

If all went as planned, Bryan would command Abel to modify his body to prolong his life. This would also be an opportunity for him to upgrade his body.

It would be his opportunity to upgrade himself to the most powerful being in existance.

Christie Monteiro

Origin - Brazil
Fighting Style - Capoeira
Age - 19


Christie is the granddaughter of the Capoeira master who taught Eddy Gordo the art of Capoeira during his incarceration in prison. While in prison, Eddy swore an oath to the master to pass on the art of Capoeira to his granddaughter.

Eddy sought out Christie shortly after his return from The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 and taught her the art of Capoeira, just as he promised his master. After only two years of tutelage, Eddy turned Christie into an impressive fighter.

But soon thereafter, Eddy abruptly disappeared, leaving Christie only with the words, "I must seek vengeance against the enemy responsible for the death of my father."

Troubled by his sudden and mysterious disappearance, Christie chases after Eddy with her only lead — The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4.


Origin - Unknown
Fighting Style - Mimic
Age - Unknown


Combot is a general-purpose humanoid robot that Lee Chaolan entered in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 as a part of his scheme to win.

Combot is unlike any other humanoid robots developed to date. Besides its default set of motor functions, a powerful learning AI function enables it to mimic perfectly any human motion captured on its mocap sensor arrays. With this ability, Combot is suitable for a wide spectrum of applications from childcare, housekeeping, service industries, and even military duty.

However, this Combot is a unique version customized for hand-to-hand combat. In fact, its development was rushed so that it could be finished in time for the Tournament.

Lee Chaolan’s plan was to have Combat memorize a variety of fighting styles as it progressed through the Tournament. His ultimate goal was to create the most powerful hand-to-hand combat weapon in the world and win the Mishima Zaibatsu at the same time.

Unfortunately, the development team did not have sufficient time to debug Combot. As a result, a few bugs remained in its memory subsystems when the Tournament started. These bugs prevent Combot from mimicking more than one person’s moves each time it is powered up.

Craig Marduk

Origin - USA
Fighting Style - Vale Tudo
Age - 28


Undefeated for four years in the professional circuit, Craig Marduk was once a respected and feared Vale Tudo fighter. However, Craig is expelled from the professional ranks after being linked to a minor scandal. Bitter against his peers and society, Craig’s wrath consumed his soul.

One day, Craig started a bar brawl in Arizona and killed an opponent during the fight. Convicted for second-degree manslaughter, Craig was sentenced to 10 years in the state penitentiary.

Two years later, Craig was mysteriously released from prison. Some anonymous “benefactor” had apparently paid off numerous judiciaries to arrange for Craig’s release.

An envelope is delivered to Craig shortly after his release. Craig opens the envelope to find a plane ticket and an article about The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4.

Heihachi Mishima

Origin - Japan (Although Japanese government denies it)
Fighting Style - Mishima Style Fighting Karate
Age - 75


Two years ago, Heihachi failed to capture Ogre. He made his researchers collect blood and tissue left behind by Ogre and attempted to create a new life form by combining its genetic material with his own. The experiment failed, however, and Heihachi learned that he lacked the Devil Gene necessary to integrate Ogre’s genome into his.

In order to obtain the Devil Gene, Heihachi searched for Jin, who transformed into a devil during the last Tournament. During the search, Heihachi learned that the body of his son, Kazuya - whom he killed 20 years ago - was stored at a cutting-edge biotech firm called G Corporation.

Heihachi ordered his Tekken Force to raid G Corporation in an attempt to obtain Kazuya’s remains. They obliterated G Corporation’s laboratory, and the mission appeared to be successful. …That was until Kazuya, revived by G Corporation, retaliated and caused the mission to fail.

Heihachi needed Kazuya or Jin’s body to create the new life form. After much deliberation, an evil smile crept onto Heihachi’s lips.

The next day, an announcement was made for The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, with the Mishima Zaibatsu as the prize.


Origin - Korea
Fighting Style - Tae Kwon Do
Age - 21


Hwoarang was drafted into the military back in his homeland of Korea and was assigned to a special operations division. Although his successes in various missions were highly regarded along with his prowess at Tae Kwon Do and combat techniques, his penchant for disobeying rules and orders gave his senior officers more than a few headaches.

Hwoarang was uninterested in military life and felt a strange emptiness within him. He longingly recalled the days of hustling money in street fights and the rush he experienced from hand-to-hand combat. He often thought of one fight in particular ...the fight against Jin Kazama. These longings could not be quelled by the military.

One day, Hwoarang found out about the announcement of the next Tournament. Hwoarang’s blood stirred. He would defeat Jin, Heihachi Mishima, and anyone else who dared to challenge him to claim the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Filled with excitement he hasn’t felt in years, Hwoarang slipped out from the military base and headed for the Tournament.

Jin Kazama

Origin - Japan
Fighting Style - Traditional Karate
Age - 21


Brisbane, Australia... a city crowded with buildings, new and old. Nestled amongst the towering buildings of this city was a small dojo. A young man trained there, his face covered by the hood of his jacket. This young man trained there quietly...

... The young man was Jin.

Day after day, Jin trained in the traditional art of karate. Ever since Heihachi's betrayal, Jin loathed everything about himself. His Mishima bloodline, his fighting style, the Devil gene in his blood, everything. He unlearned the Mishima-ryu fighting style thanks to the dojo master's training and mastered traditional karate.

Jin's thoughts burned with the desire to destroy the evil Mishima bloodline, the bloodline of his grandfather, Heihachi Mishima, and his father, Kazuya.

One day, Jin heard rumors that The King of the Iron Fist Tournament 4 was announced.

A once in a lifetime opportunity to exterminate the Mishima clan... Without hesitation, Jin hardened his resolve to enter the tournament.

Jin hit a sandbag with his sharply honed kick. The bag burst open violently, and sand poured out of the bag...

Julia Chang

Origin - USA
Fighting Style - Various Chinese Martial Arts
Age - 20


Julia was a college student studying archaeology. One day, she discovered that her native homeland was in danger of being covered by an encroaching desert; this was brought on by today's rapidly changing global ecosystem. Julia wanted to save her home, and she began her studies on ecosystem restoration.

Julia joined an advanced genetic research group led by Professor T that studied the biological mechanism of reforestation. Professor T's research grant came almost exclusively from G Corporation. In fact, G Corporation's supercomputers located at their high security research center were used for computationally intensive biogenetic analysis and ecosystem modeling. All their project data was stored on G Corporation's file servers as well.

Julia was absorbed in her daily research, waiting for the day when her work on ecosystem restoration would be complete. When her project was completed, she would save her home.

One day, Julia learned from Professor T that their project was on hold indefinitely. The Mishima Zaibatsu attacked G Corporation's high security research center and stole all their project data. Julia didn't know a thing about G Corporation's secret research projects nor did she care about them. Yet she knew that she had to retrieve her data from the Mishima Zaibatsu in order to save her home from becoming a desert in a few years time.

Julia searched the net to gather information regarding the Mishima Zaibatsu. Her eyes lit up when she saw a web page announcing The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4.

Kazuya Mishima

Origin - Formerly Japan (He abandoned his nationality)
Fighting Style - Mishima Style Fighting Karate
Age - 49


Defeated by Heihachi and thrown into the mouth of a volcano twenty years ago, Kazuya was brought back to life by G Corporation, a biotech firm making revolutionary advances in the field of biogenetics research. With G Corporation’s aid, Kazuya investigated the mechanism of the Devil Gene that resides within his body by subjecting himself to genetic experiments. Kazuya believed that once he unlocked and controlled the power of the Devil Gene, he would be powerful enough to defeat Heihachi and destroy the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Twenty years later, the Tekken Forces attacked a G Corporation research facility without warning and succeeded in stealing research data for the Mishima Zaibatsu. Kazuya learns that he was also a target in the attack. Infuriated that Heihachi once again ruined his plans, Kazuya is determined to seek his revenge against Heihachi more than ever.

Kazuya instantly recognizes the announcement of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 as a trap set by Heihachi to lure him out. Despite this knowledge, Kazuya enters the Tournament it is his chance to defeat Heihachi.


Origin - Mexico
Fighting Style - Wrestling
Age - 30


Armor King, King’s mentor and foster father, was dead. King pledged on Armor King’s grave that he would seek revenge against the man responsive for his mentor’s death.

The man was currently serving time in an Arizona State Penitentiary. With the money he saved from professional wrestling tournaments, King arranged for the murderer’s release from prison and sent him a plane ticket.

With his plans in motion, King headed for the Tournament to await his sworn enemy, the Vale Tudo fighter.


Origin - Heihachi's Pet
Fighting Style - Advanced Bear Fighting
Age - 10


The first Kuma died of old age during its travels with Heihachi. Its child, also named Kuma, became Heihachi's second pet.

This Kuma is smarter than its father, and a good bodyguard for Heihachi. One day, when it was absorbed in watching TV, it suddenly went wild at the sight of a martial artist with a scarlet go-gi. It was Paul Phoenix!

Kuma has trained since that day to defeat Paul in battle. It doesn't think anything of the God of Fighting, only of defeating Paul.

By the way, Kuma is secretly in love with Xiaoyu's Panda.

Lee Chaolan

Origin - Japan
Fighting Style - Mishima Style Fighting Karate & Martial Arts
Age - 48


After he betrayed Heihachi and sided with Kazuya at The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, Lee was expelled from the Mishima Zaibatsu.

For quite sometime, thoughts of revenge consumed Lee. Eventually, he realized that it was pointless to kill an old man who probably had only a few years left in his life at best. With that realization, Lee distanced himself from fighting and moved to a mansion in the Bahamas to lead a solitary life.

One day, he discovered a huge sell-off of G Corporation’s stock online. Lee’s intuition told him that something happened within the company. His intuition was correct. He hacked into their classified computer network and accessed their internal corporate communications. Lee learned that the Mishima Zaibatsu attacked G Corporation and caused significant damage to their research facilities.

He also came across information that a new life form under development by the Mishima Zaibatsu would be completed by next year. In order to complete the life form, however, it appeared that they were missing a critical component...

Oddly enough, an announcement was made for The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 around the same time. Lee’s fading passion for fighting was rekindled - along with his resentment towards the Mishima clan.

In order to prevent the Mishima Zaibatsu from discovering his true identity, Lee signed up for the Tournament online under a false name. As an additional measure to mask his identity, he dyed his gleaming silver hair purple.

Lei Wulong

Origin - China
Fighting Style - Five Style Chinese Martial Arts
Age - 47


Lei's life was consumed as usual by police work. Unfortunately for Lei, his live-in girlfriend got fed up with Lei's workaholic lifestyle and dumped him in favor of Lei's assistant. Ironically, the assistant acted as a liaison for Lei whenever she wanted to get in touch with him at work. When Lei found out about this, he became extremely depressed.

Around the same time, Lei botched an operation to bring a crime syndicate to justice. Lei failed to capture an agent of the syndicate who would have enabled the police to take down the syndicate's boss. The failure cost the police force two years worth of intense undercover investigations.

Rival detectives who were jealous of Lei's stellar case record saw this as an opportunity to damage Lei's career. Unbeknownst to Lei, the rivals reported to Lei's superiors that he botched the operation by "allowing personal affairs to affect his job performance." As a result of this betrayal, Lei wound up on a one-month suspension from active duty.

Soon after his suspension, Lei learned from an informant that the syndicate was plotting to assassinate a boxer participating in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. The syndicate apparently hired an assassin for the hit.

Lei thought that he could gain valuable information from the boxer about the syndicate. If all went as planned, he could also capture the assassin and establish a plausible connection between the assassin and the syndicate. Lei reasoned that this would aid efforts to bring the syndicate down.

Lei entered the Tournament with the hope of redeeming his honor.

Ling Xiaoyu

Origin - China
Fighting Style - Hakke Ken, Hike Ken & Various Chinese Martial Arts
Age - 18


Ling was a junior at Mishima High School. She still lived, studied and trained as a ward of the Mishima Zaibatsu. But lacking any particular goals, Ling grew tired of her everyday routines.

However, one day, she received an anonymous e-mail that warned her of Heihachi’s evil intentions and the danger to her life. Ling replied to the e-mail, but she did not receive any further messages from the anonymous individual.

Ling’s intuition told her that Jin, who had been missing since the last Tournament, could have sent the message. She believed the message and started to suspect Heihachi and the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Upon hearing the announcement of the next Tournament, Ling made the decision to enter — hoping to be reunited with Jin and to unveil the truth behind Heihachi and the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Marshall Law

Origin - USA
Fighting Style - Martial Arts
Age - 48


Marshall Law was a successful businessman - he managed a newly established dojo and even owned a nationwide Chinese fast food chain called Marshall China. Unfortunately, he lost a franchise war against a competitor and had to declare bankruptcy a year later.

Unable to deal with his failure, Marshall fell into depression and spent his days at home in a drunken haze. Then one day, a notice for the Tournament arrived at his doorstep. Marshall’s eyes flashed with renewed vigor. After a month of intense training, he beat himself back into top physical form.

Something ignited a fire within Marshall. “This is it,” he said to himself, “I must place everything on the line for this Tournament and win!” The fire within raged hotter than ever before.

Nina Williams

Origin - Ireland
Fighting Style - Assassination Techniques based on Bone Martial Arts and Akido
Age - 24


After the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, the Mishima Zaibatsu used Nina as an experimental test subject for cryogenics research. Fifteen years later, Nina was released from cryosleep and appeared in the third Tournament. She fought through the Tournament while suffering from cryosleep-induced amnesia.

Since then, Nina disappeared from the reaches of the Mishima Zaibatsu and spent her days carrying out missions as a contract assassin. To this day, she has been unable to regain memories of Anna or her personal life.

As a woman without memories or close relations, the only person Nina could count on was herself. Carrying out her hits for profit was the only reality she could rely on.

One day, Nina received a new contract from a Mafia organization. The target of the contract was Steve Fox, a boxing world champion. With a little research, Nina discovered that Fox was a participant in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. Nina set her sights on completing her new mission and infiltrated the Tournament.

Paul Pheonix

Origin - USA
Fighting Style - Combined Martial Arts based on Judo
Age - 48


Paul went undefeated through the entire The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 and was even victorious against Ogre. Swelling with pride, Paul returned home. However, Paul’s happy ending was short-lived. Unknown to Paul, Ogre morphed into his second form - True Ogre - and the tournament continued after his departure.

Although Paul asserted that he was the true champion of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3, few believed him and even those that did eventually grew tired of his attitude. Friends and admirers slowly disappeared, and his dojo eventually went out of business from the lack of students.

One day, Paul came across a newspaper flyer announcing The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. Burning with the desire to win this Tournament, he decides to give it his all once again to prove that he is the one true champion, once and for all. He has to win!

Steve Fox

Origin - UK
Fighting Style - Boxing
Age - 21


As a young British boxer enjoying his run as the world middleweight champ, Steve Fox was at the top of his game. He had everything he wanted, except for one thing... his past. Adopted in his infancy, Steve never knew the identity of his biological parents or the origin of the scar on his arm.

One day, Steve is ordered to throw a fight by a Mafia betting high stakes on the fight. Steve refused to cooperate and won the fight regardless of the threats made against him.

Unfortunately, the Mafia made good on their threats and put a price on Steve’s head. With the Mafia in hot pursuit, Steve fled England for the United States to lead the life of a marked man. But no matter where he hid, he could not completely shake the Mafia henchmen.

Steve realized that no matter what he did, the Mafia would eventually catch up and kill him. No one would ever know that he was killed, nor would he ever learn the truth about his past. With this realization, Steve decides to put himself in the limelight again and enters The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4.


Origin - None
Fighting Style - Manji Ninja Arts
Age - Unknown


As the leader of the Manji Party, Yoshimitsu dedicated himself to providing food, medical assistance, and shelter to the ever-increasing number of political refugees around the world. Unfortunately, with a constant lack of necessary funding and manpower, Yoshimitsu was unsure about the future of his organization.

When Yoshimitsu heard about The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, he envisioned a union between the Manji Party and the Mishima Zaibatsu. With this dream in mind, Yoshimitsu decides to enter the Tournament immediately. He must defeat Heihachi Mishima at any cost.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 1:32 am
Tekken 5 / Tekken: Dark Resurrection

Anna Williams

Origin - Ireland
Fighting Style - Assassination Arts
Age - 22


Sister and rival of Nina Williams, Anna had been leading a dull and boring life since the disappearance of her sister. That all changed one day when she received a phone call from Nina.

Several days later, the two met again after having been apart for two years. However, upon seeing her sister's face, Nina immediately opened fire. Anna returned fire and the ensuing gun battle lasted for days.

Both sides failed to land a decisive blow and it was decided they would settle things at the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

Anna vowed to eliminate her sister once and for all.

Armor King

Origin - Unknown
Fighting Style - Pro Wrestling
Age - Unknown


The mysterious masked wrestler, Armor king.

With iron armor and a black jaguar mask he is a wrestler shrouded in mystery. His identity and intentions are unknown.

Asuka Kazama

Origin - Japan
Fighting Style - Kazama Style Ancient Martial Arts
Age - 17


Ever since she was a child, Asuka had received training in Kazama Style Traditional Martial Arts from her father. Born with a strong sense of justice, Asuka was well known around Osaka for breaking up fights in the neighborhood.

Upon returning home one day, Asuka found pupils of her father had been roughed up. She learned from her father's pupils that an unknown Chinese man showed up at the dojo, severly beat them and sent her father to the hospital.

Several days later, an interpol detective from Hong Kong came to investigate the incident, mentioning that the suspect is most likely planning to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament. Upon hearing this, Asuka decides that she too will enter the tournament.

Baek Doo San

Origin - South Korea
Fighting Style - Tae Kwon Do
Age - 48


Tae Kwon Do master and Hwoarang's mentor. Baek was on his way home from teaching Tae Kwon Do out in the country when he was attacked and lost consciousness.

Baek later awoke in a military hospital. An official from the Defense Department was present and explained that Baek had been in a coma for over a year. The official persuaded Baek to become a Tae Kwon Do instructor for the military once he recovered.

A year later, Baek was teaching Tae Kwon Do at a military base when military brass convinced him to contact Hwoarang and ask him to return. The two met again for the first time in two and a half years.

Two months later, Baek asked Hwoarang to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 in order to test his skills in Tae Kwon Do.

Bruce Irvin

Origin - USA
Fighting Style - Kick Boxing
Age - 53


Bruce Irvin, famous within the personal guard of Kazuya Mishima.

21 years earlier, Kazuya was defeated by his father and Bruce decided to leave Kazuya's group of mercenaries. Bruce traveled the globe working as a mercenary for various organizations.

One day, Bruce learned that Kazuya, who he thought to be dead, had fought in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. He also learned that the Mishima Zaibatsu, without Heihachi, was scheduled to hold the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

Bruce, who had survived countless conflicts on battlefields across the globe, sensed something sinister about the tournament but at the same time felt a rush of excitement. He had grown bored in recent times and it looked as though the Mishima Zaibatsu was about to provide some entertainment.

Bryan Fury

Origin - USA
Fighting Style - Kick Boxing
Age - 31


In order to receive technological upgrades to his cybernetic body, Bryan entrusted himself to Dr. Boskonovitch and drifed into a deep sleep.

Upon regaining consciousness Bryan realized that his body remained unchanged. Dr. Boskonovitch explained that Bryan's body contained many complex machanisms that would require more time to be fully understood but he was able to install a perpetual power generator as an emergency measure.

"Perpetual power generator?... Incredible". Bryan exulted.

Bryan shoved Dr. Boskonovitch out of the way as he headed for the door. Several members of the Manji Clan try to stop him but are sent sprawling to the ground as Bryan leaves the secret base of the Manji Clan behind him.

A few days later, Bryan learns that the King of Iron Fist Tournament will be held again. Bryan decides to enter, thinking it is the perfect test of his newly installed perpetual power generator.

Christie Monteiro

Origin - Brazil
Fighting Style - Capoeira
Age - 19


Christie Monteiro, granddaughter of a Capoeira master.

Christie went to the prison where her grandfather is being held as he was to be released after a long incarceration. Prison life had been hard on her grandfather. He had become emaclated to the point he ws barely recognizable.

Christie immediately took her grandfather to a hospital, where she was told that her grandfather had been diagnosed with an incurable illness. Without treatment, he only has about six months left. If only she possessed the advanced technology of the Mishima Zaibatsu, she might be able to save her grandfather...

Several days later, Christie finds out that the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 is scheduled to be held. She decides to enter the tournament, seeing it as a chance to save her grandfather.

Craig Marduk

Origin - Australia
Fighting Style - Vale Tudo
Age - 28


Undefeated Vale Tudo fighter Craig Marduk was infuriated over his loss to King in the previous tournament. After being released from the hospital, he endured a harsh training regimen which enabled him to hone his body into the ultimate weapon.

One day, Marduk entered a Vale Tudo tournament wearing a black jaguar mask. He succesively downed every opponent in his path and announced his intent to face King once more.

The two will meet again at the King Of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

Devil Jin

Origin - Japan
Fighting Style - Advanced Mishima Style Karate, Kazama Style Defense
Age - Unknown


Jin, overcome by the devil gene.

With the destruction of Honmaru, Jinpachi was finally released from his long imprisonment. Seeming to coincide with this event, the Devil Gene within Jin became activated.

Two months later, Jin was completely taken over by the Devil Gene, transforming into an evil destructive life form.


Origin - Russia
Fighting Style - Sambo Wrestling
Age - 26


The coldest ground covered with an enormous river.

While conducting a geological survey for the purpose of resource development, a peculiar body was found beneath the endless frozen soil. The military quickly dispatched the Special Forces to quarantine the area, they later relocated the unknown body to their laboratory in total secrecy.

One month later, the military headquarters responsible for investigating the unknown body, thought of giving special orders to one man involved in the excavation. A man named Dragunov, a member of the Special Forces, the very symbol of fear on the battle who has been dubbed the White God of Death because of his overwhelming fighting prowess.

Dragunov stood silently, nodding his head in approval, as he received orders to go to Japan.

Eddy Gordo

Origin - Brazil
Fighting Style - Capoeira
Age - 29


Eddy Gordo, legendary Capoeira prodigy.

Eddy's master was about to be freed from prison after a long incarceration. Eddy went to the prison to meet his master but instead found a frail old man that was only a shadow of the strong Capoeira master he once knew.

Upon taking his master to a hospital, Eddy was told his master had an incurable illness and had less then six months to live. However, it may be possible to discover a cure if they had access to the technology and resources of the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Several days later, Eddy decides to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 with Christie.

Feng Wei

Origin - China
Fighting Style - Chinese Kenpo
Age - 26


Master of Chinese Kenpo, Feng Wei continues training on his path to become the strongest fighter alive.

As a young boy, Feng Wei began training under a Kenpo master who was so skilled he was known as Shinken, or one who possesses 'Divine Fists'. As he matured Feng Wei became, without a doubt, the strongest fighter at his dojo.

In his quest to be the strongest however, he broke the dojo's rules forbidding contests with martial artist of other styles. When his master tried to interfere, Feng Wei killed him. It is during this confrontation Feng Wei learns that, in order to truly master the art, he must learn the secrets hidden in the Shinken scrolls that were stolen by the Mishima clan.

Feng Wei enters the King of Iron Fist Tournament intent on recovering the secret scrolls.


Origin - Japan
Fighting Style - Sumo Wrestling
Age - 55


Ganryu had been the youngest ever to attain the rank of Ozeki in Sumo.

Ganryu established a Sumo dojo in Hawaii as part of his plan for a luxurious retirement. Even though he was rejected by Michelle, he was happy at how things had turned out.

One day, Ganryu was watching a video of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 and spotted Julia Chang, reminding him of Michelle. He immediately fell head over heels in love with her. He also learned that Julia had entered the tournament to recover the reforestation data from the Mishima Zaibatsu.

It was shortly after that an invitation for the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 arrived. Ganryu thought it was a perfect opportunity to recover the reforestation program by winning the tournament. Surely Julia would fall madly in love with him if he were able to recover the data.

Heihachi Mishima

Origin - Japan
Fighting Style - Mishima Style Fighting Karate
Age - 75


Head of the Mishima Zaibatsu and sponsor of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Heihachi Mishima.

After losing to Jin Kazama, Heihachi was cornered by a group of Jack robots in Honmaru. Heihachi and Kazuya began to fight off the Jacks together but Kazuya fled and Heihachi was caught in the explosion when the Jacks detonated.

The tremendous exlosion would have killed a normal man but Heihachi, no ordinary man, managed to survive.

A month later, Heihachi learned that someone had taken control of the Mishima Zaibatsu and planned to hold the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Heihachi, having fully recovered, was determined to enter the tournament.

"I don't know who's behind this but the Mishima Zaibatsu is mine!"


Origin - Korea
Fighting Style - Tae Kwon Do
Age - 21


Tae Kwon Do ace and rival of Jin Kazama, Hwoarang.

Hwoarang was taken into custody by the South Korean military during the last round of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, keeping him from his long awaited fight with rival Jin Kazama.

Hwoarang was taken to the Korean embassy where he was brought before the ambassador. "You have received an official pardon granting you immunity from charges related to this incident. Also, we have received urgent military papers addressed to you. Please read them immediately!"

After reading the papers Hwoarang stood up abruptly. "I can't believe it. Are you sure this is correct?"

Two months later, Hwoarang finishes his military service. With nothing holding him back, Hwoarang is free to persue a confrontation with Jin Kazama.


Origin - Unknown
Fighting Style - Brute Strength
Age - 0


Beloved Jack-5... Two years ago, a physics scientist named Jane tried to sneak into Mishima industries with Gun Jack but were discovered by a Tekken Force patrol and were fired upon. Gun Jack placed himself in the line of fire to protect Jane, however, after the hail of bullets stopped Gun Jack had ceased to move.

The day after, Jane was found and rescued by a G Corporation freighter. Jane joined the robotics division of G Corporation and succesfully created Jack-4. Jane used data collected from Jack-4 and began work on a newer model, Jack-5. She saw the upcoming King of Iron Fist Tournament as the perfect chance to test the latest model, equipped with state-of-the-art technology.

Jin Kazama

Origin - Japan
Fighting Style - Traditional Karate
Age - 21


Jin Kazama, son of Kazuya Mishima and Jun Kazama.

After the grueling battle between Kazuya and Heihachi Mishima, Jin takes flight, leaving Honmaru behind. He is overwhelmed by an evil presence and loses conciousness.

Jin wakes to an unknown voice and sees a mountiain forest, which appears to have been ravaged by a giant tornado.

However, Jin had no doubt that he was responsible for the destruction. Upon returning to Yakushima, Jin was plagued by reoccuring nightmares. Jin could feel the influence of the devil gene growing stronger.

"It is only a matter of time before I am completely overcome by the devil gene".

Although he has no direction, Jin begins his journey guided only by fate...

Jinpachi Mishima

Origin - Japan
Fighting Style - Mishima Style Karate
Age - Unknown


Founder of the Mishima Zaibatsu, Jinpachi Mishima.

Jinpachi was once a renowned martial arts master, famous throughout the world. However, after being betrayed by his son Heihachi he lost the Mishima Zaibatsu and faded into obscurity. As Heihachi began to steer the Mishima Zaibatsu into the military industry, Jinpachi plotted a coup d'etat but failed and was imprisoned in an underground prison.

For decades Jinpachi endured until, after a tremor, the prison seal restraining him weakened. Jinpachi, filled with inhuman strength, unleashed all of his power and broke free.

Jinpachi, surrounded by an evil aura, grinned devilishly as his eyes glowed a fiery red.

Julia Chang

Origin - USA
Fighting Style - Xing Yi Based Martial Arts
Age - 20


Julia Chang continues her research on forest rejuvenation. Disappointed that she was unable to recover the reforestation data during the King Of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Julia returns home and resumes her research. Each time her work hits a dead end, she is reminded of the data that she was unable to retrieve.

At that point she received a letter addressed to her in a foreign language. Attached is an announcement of the King Of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

In order to fulfill her hopes for forest rejuvenation, Julia decides to enter the tournament.

Kazuya Mishima

Origin - Formerly Japan (He abandoned his nationality)
Fighting Style - Mishima Style Fighting Karate
Age - 49


Son of Heihachi Mishima and the one who possesses the devil gene, Kazuya Mishima...

During the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Kazuya suffered a defeat at the hands of Heihachi and later Jin at the Honmaru. When he finally regained consciousness he was surrounded by a Jack-4 squad.

"G Corporation! So they plan to take me out too"

Kazuya teamed with Heihachi to fight off the successive waves of Jacks until he saw his chance and left the Honmaru without Heihachi.

He morphs into a devil and takes flight just as the Honmaru explodes. Kazuya, determined to exact revenge on those who betrayed him, decided to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.


Origin - Mexico
Fighting Style - Wrestling
Age - 30


King, a masked pro wrestler who inherited the spirit of two champions.

After defeating Craig Marduk in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 and avenging the death of his master, King headed towards Marduk's hospital room to put an end to everything by killing Marduk. Before he can lay the finishing blow, King realized the foolishness of his desire for vengeance and walked away.


Origin - Unknown
Fighting Style - Heihachi Style Advanced Kuma Shin Ken
Age - 10


Kuma, loyal pet of Heihachi.

Kuma finally accomplished his goal of defeating Paul in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. However, Kuma's happiness was brought to an abrupt end with the death of his master Heihachi. Kuma lived in sorrow over Heihachi's death but, upon seeing the uncertainty surrounding the Mishima Zaibatsu, Kuma realized that saving the Mishima Zaibatsu would be the ultimate display of loyalty to his deceased master.

The chaos at Mishima Zaibatsu had already subsided when Kuma arrived and he was thrown out of the building by security. Kuma had no choice but to return to the mountains.

It was later that the Mishima Zaibatsu announced the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 and Kuma decided he would enter the tournament and take back the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Lee Chaolan

Origin - Japan
Fighting Style - Mishima Style Fighting Karate & Martial Arts
Age - 48


Heihachi's adopted son and rival of Kazuya Mishima, Lee Chaolan.

Lee had entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament in disguise hoping to defeat Heihachi. He was quite surprised when his opponent turned out to be Kazuya Mishima, who was thought to be dead, and was defeated.

In the confusion surrounding the death of Heihachi, Lee was scheming to take over the Mishima Zaibatsu but was enraged when he learned that someone else had already beat him to it.

Lee, believing it was Kazuya who usurped the Mishima Zaibatsu, was vexed that Kazuya had once again stood in his way. A month later, the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 was announced and Lee immediately decided to enter.

Lee was determined to settle the score with Kazuya in the tournament and claim the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Lei Wulong

Origin - China
Fighting Style - Five Style Chinese Martial Arts
Age - 47


Super detective Lei Wulong.

Lei once again made headlines after arresting several members of the Syndicate at the close of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4.

Lei soon became interested in a string of attacks on martial arts training halls throughout China and started an investigation into the matter. Among the victims were several reknowned Kung Fu masters that Lei knew personally.
Lei poured all of his effort into the investigation but the attacks stopped abruptly and the trail went cold.

One day Lei received a report that several similar attacks had occured on dojos in Japan. It was then that Lei began to suspect the events were linked and that the perpetrator would surely be at the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.


Origin - Monaco
Fighting Style - Street Fighting Style
Age - 16


She's a true daddy’s girl.

Lili is the only daughter of an oil tycoon residing in Monaco. Four years ago, while being attacked by a criminal group making profits from kidnappings, Lili suddenly became violent, and unexpectedly floored one of her attackers. It was at that moment that she first realized she took pleasure in defeating her opponents. However, deep down inside, Lili is a gentle person, she only wants to please her father, but she knows that he despises fighting.

Troubled by her situation, she tells herself "I don't want father to hate me…but I want to continue fighting". Her desire to fight couldn’t be contained, and for this reason, she uses a private jet to travel abroad to take part in street fights, which she enjoyed immensely.

One day, after defeating an opponent in San Francisco, she acquired an invitation to martial arts tournament. Lili noticed that the sponsor of the tournament, the Mishima Financial Group, caused her father much trouble. With the assumption of the Mishima Financial Group becoming a useful asset to her father, she was determined to take part in the tournament.

Ling Xiaoyu

Origin - China
Fighting Style - Hakke Ken, Hike Ken & Various Chinese Martial Arts
Age - 18


Ling is a high school student who is on a personal mission to save the Mishima family.

In the previous tournament, ling was saved from the evil plans of Heihachi by Yoshimitsu, who taught her the history of the Mishima family. Hearing this, Ling began to believe that the root of all misfortune surrounding the Mishimas started with Heihachi's cruel upbringing of Kazuya.

When Ling heard of the death of Heihachi, a tear came to her eye. "If only I could turn back time..." Ling said with a hint of sadness and regret.

Later, Ling happens to meet a brilliant scientist who claims that he can make a time machine as long as he gets the funding for development.

Under the condition that she will be first to use the machine, Ling pulls out the wadded scrap of paper in her pocket... an invitation to the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

Marshall Law

Origin - USA
Fighting Style - Martial Arts
Age - 48


Martial arts master and expert chef Marshall Law.

After a failed restaurant business, Marshall Law entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament hoping to get back on his feet again. However, he failed to win the tournament and didn't even have the money to fly home. Marshall ended up staying in Japan and working at a famous Chinese restaurant as a day laborer.

A month after the tournament, Marshall received a phone call from his wife. Forest had taken Paul's motorcycle for a joyride and ended up causing a major traffic accident. Marshall needed an enormous sum of money to cover the property damage and hospital bills. He soon realized that, in order to raise enough money to bail out Forest, he had no choice but to enter and win the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

Nina Williams

Origin - Ireland
Fighting Style - Assassination Techniques based on Bone Martial Arts and Akido
Age - 24


Her past still shrouded in mystery. Nina continued her life as a contract assassin.

Although Nina discovered that Steve Fox was her biological son after receiving information from the Syndicate, she remained emotionally unchanged.

Soon after, the Syndicate was taken down by Hong Kong detective Lei Wulong and Nina no longer had a motive for assassinating Steve. She instead decided to concentrate her efforts on uncovering her past. Nina believed that payiing her sister Anna a visit might help in recovering her memory.

Upon meeting up with Anna the two engaged in a fierce gun battle. The battle lasted for days but neither side was able to finish the standoff so it was decided that they would meet again at the recently announced King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

Paul Pheonix

Origin - USA
Fighting Style - Combined Martial Arts based on Judo
Age - 48


Self-described 'most hot-blooded fighter in the universe'. Paul Phoenix.

"This time I'll show them. I'm gonna win this tournament!" Paul thought as he tried to contain his excitement about facing off with Kazuya Mishima, a rival he hadn't fought in over twenty years.

However, Kuma stood in his way, as always. Paul started out well against Kuma but soon began to feel desperate because of Kuma's tenacity. Paul realized he had been overconfident when he was dealt a severe blow by Kuma and lost the match.

Reflecting on his loss to Kuma, Paul realized that he had forgotten some important lessons and had stryaed from the path to becoming a great fighter. He decided to start over again in order to discover that which he had lost.

Two months later, Paul entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. "I'll win this tournament and prove to everyone that I'm the greatest fighter in the universe!"


Origin - Unknown
Fighting Style - Ninjutsu
Age - Unknown


Codenamed 'Raven', he is known as one of the most skilled and ruthless agents from a certain government intelligence agency to which he belongs. Other than the x-shaped scar on his face, little is known about him.

While on a mission to investigate connections between Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation, he witnesses Heihachi Mishima being assaulted by a deployment of Jacks and the explosion that ensues when the Jacks self-destruct.

Afterwards, news reaches Raven that The King Of Iron Fist Tournament will be held. Raven decides to enter in order to gather intel about the tournament and the motives of those behind it.

Roger Jr.

Origin - Unknown
Fighting Style - Commando Wresting
Age - Unknown


Roger Jr. is the second generation of kangaroo that were genetically altered and bred for military use.

Roger was the first kangaroo born at the Mishima Zaibatsu biotech lab run by Kazuya. Shortly after Roger entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, Roger Jr. was born and the family lived in peace.

However, one day Roger was taken away from his family. Feeling the recently announced King of Iron Fist Tournament might provide clues to his father's disappearance Roger Jr., tucked away in his mother's pouch, decided to enter the tournament.

Steve Fox

Origin - United Kingdom
Fighting Style - Boxing
Age - 21


World champion and boxing extraordinaire. Steve Fox.

In entering the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Steve had hoped to gain international exposure and clues that would help unravel the mystery surrounding his birth. Steve, with the cooperation of Lei Wulong, found out about Mishima Zaibatsu's evil designs and the Zaibatsu's involvement in his conception. He made up his mind that he would see to it Mishima Zaibatsu never made this mistake again.

Shortly after, the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 was announced and Steve decided to enter. Steve was full of confidence as he set off to win the tournament and destroy the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Wang Jinrei

Origin - China
Fighting Style - Xing Yi
Age - 105


Long ago, Wang had a close friend from a distant land... Jinpachi Mishima. Just as the world was about to be engulfed in the flames of war, his friend come to him and said "In order to bring about peace the Mishima clan must be destroyed".

Jinpachi disappeared leaving these words behind. Some time after, Wang learned of the death of his friend as the world was embroiled in war.

Thirty years later, Wang was living in isolation when an invitation to the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 was delivered. Along with it was a message... "I need your help old friend. Seek me out, Wang Jinrei".

Believing his friend to be dead, Wang Jinrei was quite surprised by the message and decided to enter the tournament to look for Jinpachi.


Origin - None (Originally from Japan)
Fighting Style - Advanced Manji Ninjutsu Arts
Age - Unknown


Yoshimitsu, head of the Manji Clan, plans to use money from winning the tournament to help the starving people of the world.

At the end of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Yoshimitsu broke into the Mishima Zaibatsu vaults and stole the money for his own. During this operation, Yoshimitsu notices the fallen Bryan Fury and takes him to Dr. Boskonovitch.

One month later an S.O.S. goes out from Dr. Boskonovitch's research facility. Yoshimitsu rashes to the facility and finds everything in ruins and many members of the Manji Clan slaughtered. Yoshimitsu finds the defeated Dr. Boskonovitch in the deepest section of the research laboratories and learns it was Bryan, with his newly implanted perpetual power generator, that was responsible for the carnage.

"He destroyed those who helped him... I'll never forgive hom". Yoshimitsu's fist shakes with anger.

When Yoshimitsu hears that Bryan has entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, he signs up as well, seeking revenge on behalf of his dead Manji Clan members.


Dead Twisted Romance
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:26 pm
Reserved for Raping Nathaniel Gecse  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 7:21 pm
Dead Twisted Romance
Reserved for Raping Nathaniel Gecse
rofl lol, why? did i do something wrong?  


Pwn of Prophecy

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:56 am
Nathaniel Gecse
Dead Twisted Romance
Reserved for Raping Nathaniel Gecse
rofl lol, why? did i do something wrong?

Nice copy and paste... stare

Kidding! You beat me to it. xd  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:09 am
Pwn of Prophecy
Nathaniel Gecse
Dead Twisted Romance
Reserved for Raping Nathaniel Gecse
rofl lol, why? did i do something wrong?

Nice copy and paste... stare

Kidding! You beat me to it. xd
sweatdrop I was worried I was gonna get flamed for it but I thought that It was better than nothing...right? neutral  


Dead Twisted Romance
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:04 pm
Nathaniel Gecse
Pwn of Prophecy
Nathaniel Gecse
Dead Twisted Romance
Reserved for Raping Nathaniel Gecse
rofl lol, why? did i do something wrong?

Nice copy and paste... stare

Kidding! You beat me to it. xd
sweatdrop I was worried I was gonna get flamed for it but I thought that It was better than nothing...right? neutral
Well I love that you have been working on this thank you so much. You get raped out of my happyness heart 3nodding  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:27 am
Dead Twisted Romance
Nathaniel Gecse
Pwn of Prophecy
Nathaniel Gecse
Dead Twisted Romance
Reserved for Raping Nathaniel Gecse
rofl lol, why? did i do something wrong?

Nice copy and paste... stare

Kidding! You beat me to it. xd
sweatdrop I was worried I was gonna get flamed for it but I thought that It was better than nothing...right? neutral
Well I love that you have been working on this thank you so much. You get raped out of my happyness heart 3nodding
Oh, well then I hope ur always happy with me. wink rofl  


Dead Twisted Romance
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:30 pm
Nathaniel Gecse
Dead Twisted Romance
Nathaniel Gecse
Pwn of Prophecy
Nathaniel Gecse
Dead Twisted Romance
Reserved for Raping Nathaniel Gecse
rofl lol, why? did i do something wrong?

Nice copy and paste... stare

Kidding! You beat me to it. xd
sweatdrop I was worried I was gonna get flamed for it but I thought that It was better than nothing...right? neutral
Well I love that you have been working on this thank you so much. You get raped out of my happyness heart 3nodding
Oh, well then I hope ur always happy with me. wink rofl

Oh more than you know lol wink  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 3:11 pm
LOL i think nathanial pretty much covered everything xd  


Dead Twisted Romance
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:37 pm
Yeah, awsome job 3nodding  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 11:04 am
Michelle Chang

Age: 18 (in Tekken 2)

Orgin: USA

Michelle is a half-Chinese half-Native American female from Arizona and the foster mother of Julia Chang.

Her parents are deeply spiritual people. She learned knowledge from both her Native American mother and her Chinese father.

Her father had divulged knowledge of his tribe's ancient treasure, but despite playful pleading, he never revealed the exact location until her 18th birthday, when he presented her with a priceless pendant engraved with the treasures whereabouts. The pendant allegedly could control and subdue great powers and spirits.

Soon afterwoods, Heihachi's men kidnapped her father, Bernard Chang, and tortured him to death in a quest for answers. With Kazuya at the head of the Zaibatsu, a new terror seeks this elusive tribal treasure. Then Kazuya's men kidnapped Michelle's mother,hoping she will reveal the location. Desperate to rescue her, Michelle entered the tournament.

Julia Chang
Vice Captain


PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:04 pm
there, finally finished  
The Tekken Force

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