Feel free to move this or let me know if I've violated any rules. I double checked the rules but I could be wrong. It would be interesting to see how many guild members are interested in going through with it.

Summer Art Crash-Course for Self-Evaluation
Last night I was creating essentially a syllabus and checklist for something I want to do this summer. I'm transferring to a different university this fall to finish the meat of my BFA, and before I transfer, I want to push myself to produce some pieces in all sorts of mediums. It'll be a really harsh course, but it's something I need to do for myself.

As I was creating it, I began to wonder if others would like to join me. Kind of like dieting, pushing yourself in any direction is easier when you have some others doing it as well. I've got the course set up with 12 pieces done in total by August 15th, along with five minitests, a midterm and a final that outlines basic skill reviews and gets a very very general knowledge on classic and modern art. On top of it, I have daily sketches (Such as Portrait Tuesdays, or Figure Study Saturdays), and you can fill one larger sketchbook other than the daily sketches by the end of the course.

I'll be rather hard on myself, and attempt the course in full. However, I'll let anyone else that decides they'd like to go through with it to choose what all they would like to do and opt out of. If you just want to go through with the pieces, you could just do the tentative piece schedule. If you just want to get backgrounds on artists, I do have a 250 word paper set up just about every week and a longer final paper set up that will have you focus on two artists due August 15th. If you just want to review technical skills and history, you could look at studying for the tests, and if you're wanting to get yourself in the habit of daily sketches and filling sketchbooks, you could focus on that as well. There's no need to go the insane route if you don't want to =P

So, anyone game?

I finally created a guild for this. If you'd like to go ahead and join, you can find the guild here. Please do not donate to it! In the mean time, this will serve as a discussion about art courses, the course itself and how it should be ran, and other things related.