Here's Chapter one, remember what I told you about treating them like equals.
Okay, so I have a treat for you.
You want to talk to one of them?
Here, step up to the gate and give me a minute.
Now listen to me, okay; do NOT make him angry, do not make him hungry, and for the love of God DON'T make him aroused.
I'm gonna be standing out here in case anything goes wrong.
Don't be tense, if you're tensed up, so is he; but don't worry, he's a nice guy.
See, I told you it would go well.
I'm glad you didn't do any of those things I told you not to; especially that "Don't Arouse" one, his hormonal glands release this bleach smell that permeates the entire aisle.
Once you get past that and the way he looks he's nice to be around.
So here we are at 4a.
More to come, not a full chapter, lost will to write.