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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 5:37 pm

MY LITTLE ANGEL: The beginning of the end
By Lisa L. aka ME!
"Will u always be with me, holding me, kissing me, saying u will always love me?"
"Of curse I will always be with you!"
-that was last week and now u r with some1 else, why r u doing this to me, you said I was the one, u wanted to marry me! Now you are all over this other girl, r u crazy.
But I look in the mirror and answer myself...it was never meant to be, all the lonely nights, all the messages I left you. Now I understand, u wanted my friend so u went out with me and when u finally met her it all went downhill, how could I be so blinded, I hope u r happy about this cut on my arm!
-That was the last thing I remembered about my life, for I died that night, now I am looking at u from above and u look happy I am gone. The sky turns black in the blink of an eye. I was sent to hell for trying to kill u, fortunately it almost killed u, c u in hell...
I was in a cell, and I could hear at least a thousand souls being tortured.
A man in a dark coat opened my door and told me I was needed for a special mission, I thought he was joking and really was going to take me to be "punished" for my sins, but I soon found out I rather be killed a hundred times than what I was about to get myself into, the killing of him.
I never really remember that meeting, I only can recall a pair of red eyes, and the next thing I remember was waking up in a park with a guy standing over me. I looked up to see a brown hair, 1 blue eye and 1 green eyed guy who looked my age before I died, it was him.
"Are you ok, I am Jake by the way."
"Yeah but I think I hurt my ankle, and I am Lisa."
"Um do u need a hand?"
"yeah thanks"
"I'll take u 2 my hose I can fix it, and yes I am happy to do this 4 u."
Jake carried me into a pretty nice sports car and took me to this huge house, out of the corner of my eye I saw him staring at me. He carried me bridal style into the house up some stairs and into a green and blue room, I guessed it was his from the video games.
"Yes this is my room."
"How do u do that?"
"do what?"
"read my mind"
"I will tell you later you need to rest."
He pulled a blanket over me and got up to sit in a chair across the room as I slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep.

"I know master I will do what you say, I know I have to." I awoke suddenly to hear a door slam, I was alone in the dark room,
"it must be night"
I got up and walked to the window, I felt my wings trying to come out, I opened it and jumped out, I noticed John sitting on the steps, I quickly let my wings out be4 I got too close to him. He was talking to some1 that must have been hiding where I couldn't see
"I know she is here to kill me but I just cant hurt her, its like she wasn't meant to be evil." I was shocked John knows who I am, I thought he had no clue.
"You have to kill her no matter if you like her or not Jake."
I quickly flew back to the room, carefully so I wasn’t noticed. Apparently I was noticed because as soon as I got to the window I found John waiting for me.
“Who and what are you Lisa?”
“I could ask you the same question Jake.”
“I am an apprentice to a death angle, so why didn’t you tell me who you were Lisa?”
“Because I am here to kill you.”
“Lisa please, you don’t have to do this.”
I could see how scared he was, he knew I had to so why would he even bother begging?
“Lisa please I can’t die, I need to live!”
“I needed to live too, but after what happened to me I have no heart, no emotions, I feel nothing inside, that’s why I do what I do. I wanted to live but I was to blind to what life was and I took it away.”
I lied I did feel something…rage. He didn’t see it but inside I felt like ripping out “His” heart and hold it in my hand while it was still beating. I knew what I had to do…I had to find a safe place to hide. Maybe I could go to England; the vampires will know what to do.
“Lisa are you ok?”
“Um yeah, how fast can we get to England?”
“I think about one and a half hours, why?
“We need to leave, now.”
“Um ok, like this second?”
“Yes, the reservations have been made let’s go.”
“Um the airport is an hour away.”
“Not with my driving.” I grabbed the keys and pulled Jake down the stairs and to the car.
“Um what are you doing?” John looked at me like I was crazy.
“Just loading my guns.”
“Oh, um may I ask why?”
“Lets just say the hotel isn’t as friendly as you are.” I got into the car and hit the gas, “You better hold on.”
Before he could say another word I was out of the drive way and already down the street.
“Slow down we’re gonna get killed!!!”
“I’m already dead I have nothing to lose.” I couldn’t believe I said that, but at least it shut him up. The whole trip was silent; when we got to the airport I went up to the side of an old abandoned building.
“Where are we?”
“At the airport duh.”
“This is the airport?”
“If you just shut up you will find out!” that left him shocked, I am good like that.
I walked up to a door and knocked, a guard asked what I wanted I whispered one word that should have let him know I am in charge. He quickly opened the door for me.
“What did you tell him?”
“Jake, there are some things you shouldn’t know.”
We both got inside and found that there was a private plane waiting for us. I walked up the steps and took a seat, surprisingly I found three vampires that walked right up to me.
“You are Lisa right?” the tallest one and by far the cutest asked me.
“Yeah can I help you?” I practically yelled at him.
“You are a feisty one aren’t you?”
“Want to see what happens when I take a gun and shove it up your,”
“Ok I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He cut me off, what a jerk.
“You better be sorry, so what do you want?”
“We are just here to escort you to the umm you know where.” He said looking at Jake.
“Well thank you but could you like go sit at the other end of the plane?”
“Whatever you wish madam.” They left very hastily to there seats.
Jake just looked at me like he wanted to butt in a sly comment.
“Shut it John.”
“Ok, whatever you say…madam.” He grinned evilly.
“Whatever.” I just rolled my eyes, as the plane started moving.
I griped the seat for my life, I hate planes they remind me of scary movies where some guy stalks you and wants to kill you on a plane ride.
“Don’t worry I will protect you from a stalker.” John whispered.
“Thanks” I knew this was going to be the last normal thing I will ever do again.
I soon fell asleep to the sound of the motor, for some reason I felt safe with Jake.
I suddenly awoke to a bang, I looked to see John rubbing his head and the vampires laughing.
“Sorry I hit my head on the roof, I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“Its ok Jake, are we almost there?”
“Yeah we are landing in a few minutes.”
“Oh ok, thanks.”
“No problem”
The last few minutes all you could hear was the whispers of those morons.
They looked at me like I was crazy but who cares all I wanted was to get off this plane and away from them. I noticed Jake who was just staring into my eyes. I quickly looked away, I hate getting all emotional, it makes you vulnerable.
“Are you ok?”
“No Jake, I don’t think I will ever be ok.”
Soon after that we landed, and when I looked out the window there were three sports cars waiting. The vampires walked up to me.
“Ready to go?”
I didn’t answer I was too busy noticing that it was getting late and I was hungry, I could tell Jake was too. I searched my pockets and found a candy bar I threw it at John.
“Eat, now.”
“Aren’t you hungry?”
“No I can’t eat, its not allowed.”
He looked at me puzzled.
“To me human food is poisoning, I can only drink water and eat the food I am sent to from my master.”
I really didn’t care what he thought about that, right now I was too interested in the cars.
“Hey you, yeah you, fang boy, can I drive the red one?”
“Um no that’s my car.”
“Well that’s just to bad cause I am driving it.”
I quickly jumped up and ran off the plane and got inside the car.
“Now I am defiantly driving this one. Who wants to ride with me?”
Jake got in the passenger and the fang boy went in the back.
“You better not crash my baby.”
“I wont I will just rip it to shreds.” I smiled and started up the engine.
“Do you even know where you are going?”
“I lived there for three years I think I would remember.”
I lowered my window and shouted out to the other guys “First one to the house wins a kiss from me!!”
Suddenly they were both racing for their lives.
“What losers.” I said rolling my eyes, I pressed on the gas. ”You both better hold on, I’m gonna win.”
I went full speed down the highway, I knew this was the faster car out of the three so I was catching up quick. I noticed the fang boy clenching his seat.
“So fang boy what’s your name?”
“Eric, and please Lisa be careful with my car.”
“Sure, whatever you say.”
I steeped on the gas harder and I was driving in and out of traffic. Pretty soon I was in front of the guys and I knew I would win. I slowed down a little so I had both guys next to me.
“If neither of you win, I will kiss someone else!”
They both tried to be the fastest but I was beating them, the big turn was coming up, the guys slowed down quickly. Everyone who has tried to make this turn fast has died, except for one person…me.
I stepped on the gas and prepared for the turn.
“Holy Jesus, Lisa we are not gonna make it!”
Both of the guys looked like they were about to crap themselves. I turned the wheel hard and cleared the turn like I could have done it in my sleep.
“Yeah but it was fun.” Wow Eric must love this car, what a nerd.
“Lisa you like racing don’t you?”
“Jake, you don’t even know the half of it.” I said with a smile.
I pulled up to a marvelous castle, “home sweet home.” I whispered.
I got out if the car and watched as the other guys came up.
“You guys are so slow!!!” I yelled.
“Well we can’t all be as crazy as you!”
“Whatever, now who am I going to kiss?”
“I vote me!” Eric practically screamed.
“No I am going to kiss the person I know I love.”
All the guys looked at me begging, “Sorry guys, my lover is inside.”
They all looked at me weird, but I ignored them and walked up the steps to the giant doors, “Is anyone coming with me cause I need an escort?”
“Ok I am coming!” Jake ran up to me, “happy now?”
“extremely” I kissed him on the cheek, “congratulations you have been kissed by me and lived to tell the tale” I smiled, he started blushing.
“Well here goes nothing,” I said as I opened the doors.
Everyone turned to look at me, the huge crowd of vampires turned dead silent. A older looking man came up to me and bowed his head “Welcome Miss Lisa, we have been waiting for you.”
“Thank you for having me, it’s a pleasure seeing everyone again.”
“Would you like something to drink?”
“Yes please.” He took a wine glass full of blood off the table next to him and handed it to me.
“Thank you” I quickly drank the warm blood. “Now where is my dear Damien?”
“You rang?” I jumped to his voice from the top of the stares, everyone in the room bowed, except for me. I walked around all the others leaving Jake at the door, I met a tall, strong figure at the bottom of the stares. “Hello Damien, long times no see.”
“Yes it’s been a while, lets go up to my office to talk, bring the boy with you.”
“Jake come.” I barely spoke loud enough for him to hear, he quietly came to my side and took my hand as we went up the stares. This is going to be a hell of a time!
We were led to an office with two chairs in front of a desk with a fireplace and a wall full of books.
“Lisa, you know the war is coming up fast, we need you not to make the same mistake as before.” Damien was talking about before I killed myself, I was supposed to kill my lover, my emotions took control and I ended up dead.
“I understand, it will never happen again.”
“It better not, I can already see it in your eyes, stay away from him Lisa, revenge is not the answer. You can see where that landed you.”
“Lisa calm down, I know you changed, but old habits die hard.”
“I want to go to my room now.”
“It’s your old room, do you remember?”
“Yes I do, where is Jake staying?”
“There is a spare bed in your room, we don’t have any rooms open.”
“Oh, ok see you later Damien.”
“Lisa be good.”
“Am I ever good?”
I left with Jake still holding my hand, there is something defiantly different about him, I don’t know what it is but hopefully I can find out.
“You will find out soon.” Jake said kissing my cheek.
I blushed, hope this doesn’t turn out like last time, I don’t think I will get any more chances.
Suddenly there was this loud crash downstairs. I pulled Jake to the top of the staircase; I looked down and saw my enemy with his minions with guns surrounded the other vampires.
Jake held me close, “Lisa, run!”
“Not without you,”
“You wont make it, now go!”
“Bull s**t!” I pushed him into the hall and told him to go 2 doors to the left.
“I am not going without you”
“That’s just too damn bad.” I pushed him and grabbed my gun from my ankle, I pointed it at the minions and fired, in less than 3 minutes they were all dead but him…
The hooded man looked up at me, ”Ah, Lisa what do I own this honor.”
“Shut it Tommy! Now don’t move or I’ll shoot your brains out you filthy load of crap!”
“I see you aren’t any better with your cursing.”
I quickly walked down the stairs watching Tommy out of the side of my eyes. I took my handcuffs from their hiding spot in my back pocket. “Now are you going to be a good boy and let me put these on you?”
“Of course not, after all you are the best fighter. Lets see if you still have the magic moves after death.” He smiled evilly.
I threw my gun to the floor and prepared to fight, ”Bring it on b***h!”
“With pleasure my dear.” He tried to punch me, but I ducked and threw him across the room with a sidekick.
“I see you still work out.” He managed to grunt out a laugh.
“You should give up before I kill you.”
He didn’t answer he only faded behind me and held a knife to my throat.
He whispered in my ear “I win.”
“You wish” I grabbed the knife and threw him over my shoulder and knocked him out with a punch to his jaw.
“What an idiot.” I looked around the room, everyone was just staring at me, most were in shock that I just took out the famous death dealer.
“Someone lock him up in the dungeons.” They all just stood there staring at me, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR YOU WANT HIM TO WAKE UP!!!” that got some of the guy’s attentions and they picked him up and carried him away.
“Very good Lisa, glad to see you still have the fire in you.”
“Thanks Damien, where’s Jake?”
“He came into my office panicking about someone shooting at you so I am here he is somewhere in the crowd I think.”
“Lisa I am right here.” He ran through the crowd and hugged me, ”Are you ok?”
“Yeah I am fine, I thought he would actually be a better fighter, guess I was wrong.”
“You sure you are ok?”
“I am fine, I promise.”
“Good, don’t you ever scare me like that again!!”
“Yes dad anything you want.” I laughed at his caring smile.
“Well excuse me for freaking out that you had a gun in your hand, I figured you wouldn’t be that crazy.”
“Maybe you should guess again.” I gave him a small peck on his lips and he started blushing.
I looked up at Damien, “You two should get some rest you are going to have a long day tomorrow. I started walking up the stairs with Jake following, when I got up to Damien he pulled me to him “Don’t do what I know you are going to do.”
“You aren’t my father so stop acting like it.” I pulled my arm away and walked to my old room, I remember ever inch of the walls full of posters and the massive bed with red silk sheets.
“I think your bed is on the floor, the vampires aren’t very nice to guests, sorry.”
“It’s ok I am sure I can manage.”
“Just don’t go to sleep without a cross on.” He looked at me like I was insane, ”You don’t know them like I do, if one gets drunk you’re a dead guy for sure. Don’t worry too much I am going to bed with my gun so you will be safe.”
“Thanks I feel so special.” He said with a smile.
“You should feel special you are the only guy that survived a kiss from me.” I said with a small laugh.
I went into my bathroom and changed with the clothes that I packed in my suitcase, when I stepped out I found Jake in only boxers reading a novel on his blow-up mattress.
I sat next to him, “Whatcha’ reading?”
“Love story, please don’t laugh.”
“I wont, your secret’s safe with me.” I kissed his cheek, “Well looks like its time for bed, night.” I got up but Jake grabbed my hand, “Can I sleep with you tonight?”
“Um, sure.” I felt my face get red. We both got into bed, Jake put his arm around my waste and he moved closer so my head was against his chest.
I turned to him and softly kissed his lips, “Lisa, you know we both shouldn’t but I want to be with you, I care about you but I barely know you.”
“Jake, you are so different form other guys, you may barely know me but I can’t tell you about me, I don’t even know anything besides all of the sadness and pain I have been through.” Oh no I felt the tears coming, I tried to hold them back but I couldn’t hold on for too long. I turned around so Jake wouldn’t see I had a weak side.
“Lisa, I know you are crying, you don’t have to tell me anything, I just don’t want you upset.”
I turned to him with tears silently falling down my face, he kissed me, “It hurts to see you crying, please don’t cry.” I stopped crying and just closed my eyes and put my head to his chest and fell asleep listening to his heartbeat. I woke up to a door opening, I was still in Jake’s arms, and I quietly turned to find Tommy standing at the door, “I see you are comfy.”
I slipped out of Jake’s arms careful not to wake him,
“What do you want?”
“Only to see you baby, don’t you miss me?” he grinned.
I pulled out my gun and pointed it to his head, “You even think about it, I will kill you.”
“Fine I’ll leave, just remember you can’t always be around your precious human boyfriend.” He walked away and I closed the door and locked it.
I carefully slide back into bed with Jake, I knew he had woken up but I didn’t say anything. He put his arm back around me and kissed my head. I fell back to sleep hoping for a better tomorrow.
I woke up an hour after Tommy left, I never sleep well, and I have too many nightmares about the day I died that wake me up countless nights. Jake was still sleeping so I got up and quietly went into the bathroom. I took a warm shower and felt someone watching, I opened the door to find Jake looking at me, “Can I help you?”
“You can let me in,” he said with a smile.
“Too bad you came a little too late cause I am almost done.” I closed the shower door, but Jake threw open the door still in his boxers, pulled me towards him and passionately kissed me. Somehow we both ended up under freezing cold water kissing, then the bathroom door busted open and Tommy ran in with the vampires that led us to the house next to him, “Hey baby, time to go.”
“GET OUT!” I yelled even if I knew there was no use, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I ran up to Tommy and slapped him hard. “I told you to leave and never come back.”
“Well Elizabeth, I wanted to hold you again.” He came towards me but Jake pulled me behind him.
“If you touch her, I guaranty your death.” I have never seen Jake that angry before, me being as weird as I am I kind of thought it was hot. Tommy ran towards Jake with a knife in his hand, then something weird happened, Tommy stabbed himself in the heart.
“It’s…it’s…you! The one the dark lord talks about…it’s you!” I watched as Tommy slowly went into a blood lost coma. The vampires picked him up and faded out of the room.
“What did he mean it’s you?” I whispered.
“What did he mean by Elizabeth?”
“It was my name before I died, so will you answer my question?”
“Yes but I can do more than answer it I can show you.” He looked at me strange.
“Um, what do you mean show me?”
“You’ll see.” he just smiled, then I noticed his eyes were not their normal color, they were red!
“My eyes are red from my father, my heart beat is from my angel mother, my family is famous for the deaths they caused, I am not like them, I am different, that’s why I didn’t tell you I was part of the famous death dealer family.”
“WHAT! WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME, THAT’S WHY YOU ARE HERE, TO KILL ME AREN’T YOU?” I was screaming at him, but I felt some regret because I actually trusted him.
“Lisa, calm down, I don’t want you to feel bad, I just didn’t want to lose you, and I love you.”
“Love me enough to kill me right!” I ran out of the door and went down the stairs with people sticking their heads out of their rooms, I didn’t care, I just wanted to get out of there, get away from everyone and away from all the memories of my death. I let my wings out and flew out the front door, into the sky, and towards the forest of no return.
I always go there to talk to my mother; she is a mother to all, its kind of obvious since her name is Mother Nature. I flew over the big oak tree where she stays, I made a sharp turn and landed softly on the ground next to the huge tree, if Jake followed he would be captured by Mother Nature or as I call her mom’s animals.
“Oh mom, what have I done to deserve all these bad things in my life.” I cried to the tree. An old women came out of the tree, “Elizabeth, is that you my child?”
“Yes mom, it is I.”
“I heard you came back, well hardships in life are what sculpts a person, without them, we are all lost souls.” I heard a guy scream,
“That’s him now mother.” I motioned to leave.
“You are not leaving, you need to work things out.”
“Fine mother, I just hope things work out.” I took a few steps towards the tree and sat down. Not long after Jake was on the back of a bear looking scared half to death. He jumped off the bear and ran towards me, “Lisa, I am so sorry, please believe me I will never hurt you its just…” he paused looking behind me.
I turned only to see the one person I hate, Luke, my ex boyfriend, the one I killed myself over. Jake saw my eyes start to tear up, “Who ever you are leave us alone!” Jake yelled to him.
“I have to talk to Elizabeth,” he gave out his hand, “please come with me.”
“Never again!” I cried out, I turned to Jake and buried my head in his shoulder.
“I’ll take you home baby.” He picked me up and I passed out with him holding me.
I dreamed of how sad I was when Luke had kissed her, and then how I killed myself, but when I saw Jakes face I knew he was a good guy, but why wouldn’t I let him in….
I woke up in my room, blinds shut, but the patio door was opened. I quietly snuck out to find Jake holding a cup of coffee staring out into the sky; I went behind him and hugged him. “Good morning.” I whispered in his ear. He spun around and kissed my forehead.
“I am sorry about yesterday.” I cut him off,
“No Jake, I am sorry, I get really defensive and I am so sorry. Don’t say anything just hold me.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. He held me and pulled away so I could look in his eyes.
“Lisa tell me, why do people call you Elizabeth?”
“Jake, that is something I don’t want to talk about right now, sorry.”
We stood in silence for about an hour just holding each other. I started shivering because the cold wind was hitting my bare arms and legs. Jake picked me up and carried me into the room. He laid me down on the bed never letting go of me, “Lisa, I love you.”
I smiled, “I love you too.” We started kissing and he played with my hair, which made me smile.
A knock came from the door, “ELIZABETH CODE 3!” With out hesitation I grabbed my guns.
“Jake stay here, don’t let anyone in, not even me” I put on my jeans and threw my jacket over myself. “Take my gun, if anyone comes in shoot.” I ran out before he could answer, I quickly moved to the staircase and looked down, it was a battlefield with vampires and ware wolves killing each other.
“ELIZABETH HIT THE EMERGANCY GAS!” a yell came from the crowd.
There ware wolves started to climb the staircase, I ran down the hall to the office. I closed the door behind me and dashed behind the desk. I found a red button and slammed my fist down on it. The ware wolves barged through the door just when the gas started coming out of the air vents. I started shooting them in the head while they choked on the floor, after they were dead I ran back down the hall to see what damage had been done. All ware wolves were dead with 3 vampires wounded. The gas stopped flowing out and the ware wolves were pilled into the dungeons. I walked back to my room where I found the door smashed open.
“JAKE!” I ran inside only to fine blood on the floor and a note on the bed. I picked up the note it read:

If you ever want to see
Your loving boyfriend again
you will come to the Inca ruins at 12 pm
tonight. Tell no one or else the boy dies.
~Your loving Luke

I grabbed all the guns in my closet that could be used as a house and prepared to leave.
“Elizabeth where are you going with all of those?” Damien asked looking at me suspiusly.
“I’m going to finish my job.” I said as I walked out the door and jumped over the stairs, my eyes were blazing from the anger that raged inside of me. I threw open the front door and walked down the path, not looking back at the eyes of all the vampires staring at me. My wings broke through my jacket and I quickly flew up past the clouds and made my way to the ruins to finally kill the one I died over…Luke.
I looked down only to see Jake blindfolded and gaged laying on the ground in the middle of the ruins.
“OH MY GOD JAKE!” I flew straight towards him hoping I wasn’t too late. I untied him and saw that he was knocked out. I blinked him back to the manor while preparing to fight.
“LUKE COME OUT YOU COWARD!” I screamed. I was ready to start ripping the place to look for him when I heard a whistle from behind me. I turned only to find Luke with about 30 ware wolves behind him.
“Hello my dear sweet Elizabeth.” He grinned.
“That is not my name and I am not yours anymore Luke.”
“We’ll see about that.” he laughed.
I knew this was going to be a long fight and I wasn’t going to win. I looked around at all of the ware wolves staring down each one by one, the second I looked away the died instantly, I guess the devil gave me some power after all. In minutes everyone was dead except Luke. He looked at me like I was his biggest fear.
“How…how did u…oh my god you are the one. The one they talk about in the underground, I thought it was a lie, I thought u never really died just became a full vampire.”
“No Luke I did die, I killed myself because of your mistakes your hurt. Your Elizabeth died that day, now I am stronger, and I have no heart, no emotions…nothing, all because you took that away from me.” I looked away trying not to kill him with my eyes. I pulled out my sword and prepared for a fight.
“Elizabeth, I never knew, I am so sorry.” He looked like he was going to cry.
“That’s bull and u know it, u knew what you were doing with that girl, and since u killed me I will kill you.” I started moving towards him.
“Please don’t baby I need you, I miss you!” he pleaded but I knew either way I would have to kill him, he not only hurt me and took my life but he took the lives of too many inoscent people to be alive. He was on his knees looking up into my eyes just like he use to right before he said he loved me.
“Luke, don’t say it!” I looked away, a tear rolled down my cheek.
“I will always love you, no matter what.” With that he closed his eyes and prepared to be killed.
“I am so sorry it had to end this way Luke, I loved you too.” I took the blade and swiftly cut off his head. “I will always remember you Luke…always” I whispered while staring at the pool of blood around me.
“LISA!” I turned to find a ware wolf behind me, “You have killed my son, NOW I SHALL KILL YOU!” the ware wolf charged towards me, I stood there in complete shock…
A beam of fire cam across the ruins and killed the ware wolf. I turned to find Jake with glaring red eyes and an enchanted sword on his hand. I ran towards him as fast as I could.
“JAKE ARE YOU OK? YOU’RE NOT HURT ARE YOU? HOW DID YOU DO THAT?” I stared rambling on and on, he hastily pulled me to him and leaned me over, “It’s all magic just like this kiss.” And with that his lips touched mine, it was the most simple yet most romantic thing I have ever experienced. When his lips left mine he just held me and looked down into my eyes, “I will never hurt you, never do anything to cause you pain, I swear to you, I love you Lisa.” I saw the passion behind hid eyes, he really meant it.
“I love you too Jake.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.
“Lisa,” he pulled away, “ I can’t, we can’t, and you know that, yet we still manage to fall in love.”
“Jake I know, which is why I am leaving.” He turned around and I saw tears in his eyes.
“Leaving, what do u mean leaving?” he barely spoke loud enough for me to hear.
I walked to him and looked into his sad eyes, “You will be safe at the mansion, never forget me, I love you Jake…goodbye.” I turned away and let out my wings, I flew up into the sky and made my way to a new beginning, never looking back, never holding on, just leaving it all behind me.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 7:28 pm

I don't get this story.

Didn't I say that once? I remember telling you the problem with this story. It jumps around too much, and you'd do well to use a LOT less dialogue; if not, use a lot more non-dialogue.


Manah Uchiha

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:19 pm

I don't get this story.

Didn't I say that once? I remember telling you the problem with this story. It jumps around too much, and you'd do well to use a LOT less dialogue; if not, use a lot more non-dialogue.

I'd have to agree...but it's still kinda cool...I did a lot of writing last night-but for some odd reason I think those ideas should have remained in my head...it doesn't seem as good on paper...
Art and Poetry

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