Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:41 pm
Victor glanced down at Lily nodding sadly. "I'm leader now..." he said quietly
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:43 pm
Damon shook his head and followed Victor.His blade hitting the dirt.
"You mustn't be so worried cousin.I said only if something happens in the mines."he said with a chuckle and hit him in the shouldar before walking into the temple.
Malik sighed.
"What is up?"he asked.
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:49 pm
Victor rubbed his shoulder staying quiet knowing something might happen in the mines. He glanced over at Malik but Luke finished it.
"We are being hunted. Tracted huh?" Luke asked.
Victor nodded sighing. "Clarrified with your depletion of your guardians"
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:58 pm
Lily smiled as she saw Damon walk into the temple, but she didn't follow. She just sat back down and folded her wings around her as the others talked. "When aren't we being hunted?" she muttered under her breath as she heard what Luke said.
Dawn put her hood up and started walking away from the group. She decided to get a head start and she headed in her own direction. She knew the others were leaving at some point so she decided to just leave early. She was just imaptient at the moment. She hid herself in the shadows, but wouldn't wander too far in case she was needed.
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:59 pm
Damon punched a whole in the tiles of the temple pulling it up.He sighed. "Victor..Malik..you two first.Luke..Valcom..Val..you next."he said. A blazing figure began crawling from underneath the earth in Damon's sight of the mines.The figure slowly pulling its head up and growling before fading into the blackness again. Graphos Servant Of Fire God: Raphael stood next to a tree watching the Kabuato's with a chuckle.He hadn't quite fooled them yet into a false sense of security.He nodded and motioned two fingers forward. "Wait for Victor to get alone..understood?"he said softly and all the pains dispersed.
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:05 pm
Lily began to feel a presence of something dark and sinister. Or at least it felt like something she would consider dark and sinister. She bit her lip and shook her head as she began to look frantic. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down as she ran her fingers through her hair. "It just never ends." she said quietly as she stood up.
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:09 pm
Luke nodded then turned seeing Valcom, Valaria and Lucius already heading over. He supported his sister concerned.
Lexi shook her head smiling. "I'm fine" she said softly.
Victor nodded then started walking. He frozed in place narrowing his eyes. "Ah burning in hell...literrally" he muttered feeling the fire in his veins reacting.
Kira nodded pulling out the cresent dagger she made.
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:23 pm
Damon enterd last his sword reflecting a crimson light.
"Be carefull all of you..there are much more dangerous things in these mines then outside."he said and he sighed as they came toward a room..where bodies lay everywhere.Templar and demon alike..this was no simple.."mine" obviousilly.
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:26 pm
Last few battles fought here at the Templar temple..." Victor muttered while a fireball flickered in his palm as he lead the others. He heard his sister behind Lexi. Malik and Valcom behind him. The Frost twins in between with the neko twins. The others as well
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:40 pm
Damon simply walked next to his cousin and sighed.
"You hear that?'he said.A slight noise was coming from down the hallway.Damon..slowly lifted his blade.
The figures in the hallway slowly stalked toward them.Carrying former templar and demon blades..the men looked like they had become possessed with a dark evil.There eyes a dark red as they came toward the group that had invaded there mines.
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:53 pm
Valaria blinked quietly pulling out a thin sword that her Uncle Luke made for her. He also made a weapon just custom for Lucius.
Hell...I heard that" Victor muttered back to his cousin quietly drawing his blade out as well.
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:56 pm
Lucius smiled and he let his claws out.His figure jumped over Damon and Victor jumping down taking down a group of 3.
Damon charged and cut quickly into one attacker.He disappeared momentarily in the barrage of mysterious fighters.His red blade flashing threw the darkness even as he fought them.
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:14 pm
Valaria lightly sliced her finger with the blade flicking the blood letting it freeze and shatter a group of three that was attacking Kira from behind.
Kira was handling approaching group as she fought glancing noticing her brother jumped over her intercepting the incoming fighters his blade bursting into flames every so often
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:18 pm
A loud growl echoed down the mines and Damon cursed as the attackers actually began to run.He turned and waved forward.
"RUN GOD DAMN IT!"He growled.
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:46 pm
Kira took the neko twins hands running behind her brother.
Victor gritted his teeth fitting the instincts to turn back. He glanced behind at Malik. "I can't help him I got duties to protect the others...will you?" he asked quickly not wanting his cousin to die
Luke watched making sure everyone was ahead of him.