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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:20 am
She'd meant to get there sooner, but a few things had come up. Still, she made no excuses for being late. No company she needed to catch up with, and nobody had really..come with her (not that she hadn't tried, but she seemed almost tense that day. The pricolici said nothing as she stepped into the unfamiliar room, seeming almost bothered by it, though she tempered her expression to not seem offensive to any of their four hosts.

Looking over the four of them calmly, she then moved to take her place near the back of the forming group. She had no intentions to stick out that day. No, she had come to see what the fuss was about, and then it would be time to leave once again.


Tomoko had been hesitant about joining in on the party of things going on, but still the kitsune also stepped into the room and looked around nervously, looking for any faces she recognized to go stand near. She noted Cymbeline when she walked in and tried to not let her tails puff up in a fearful response to her.

First impressions were difficult to shake.


Sura was there, but seriously, how could you not notice the most likely to be tallest thing in the whole room? She would do her best to not step on people. After all, she knew like...one person there, and even them she would not seek out. Curiosity was all she needed to feed in this case.

Enough to tell the mother-father creature.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:22 am

Aisa had met a lot of student's inquisitive stares, simply turning her head to the next student as she met their curious eyes. One student .. Roch had even done a little salute that brought the tiniest bit of amusement to her expression, one corner of her normal frown twitching, as if she couldn't help herself. Her irritation subsided somewhat, allowing her tense figure to relax further into the couch. Her gaze fell on Mitsu, Mortimer and several other students, aware of their similarly watchful gaze on her. But besides Riley, few dared to speak .. At least, not to Aisa alone. Shun was one of the first to do so, drawing the heir's fascination.

He was so quiet. Perhaps, the sincerity of his words sparked a lingering glance. The time for glances were over, however. The doors to the co-ed washroom screamed shut, the screeching of metal announcing the start of the meeting.

They needed to utilize their privacy to the best of uses. There were no soundproof walls or holes for boogeymen to listen through .. Although, how they managed to accomplish some of their feats under similar circumstances was something many could not say. Boogeyman had ears everywhere. But they would have to make sure that those ears did not travel here. Especially when it concerned such a .. sensitive topic.

The heir to Death stood in front of the students, attracting the glances of students with some furious hand-waving, silencing the room. While that worked mildly, it appeared that the students in the back of the room didn't see, their voices carrying to the front. But the familiar blue color of a pendant, grey and embedded with a very familiar symbol was held up, meant to catch the last remaining traces of attention. It was a deactivated one and purely ornamental .. but many would recognize the symbol well.

"A hunter pendant. Which all too many of us recognize, I'm sure. What that bloody newspaper denied--

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"-- are the enemies of our existence. They're humans, one of our sources of fear. But they've realized our existence .. and they've taken our kind to fuel their rather extensive war against us."

She looked at several shocked faces.

"Yes, us. At one point, those weapons that we recently fought against in our last trip out was us. But don't be fooled. They are no longer halloween. Do not count them amongst our ranks. We are halloween. They are not."

Aisa was having quite the hard time, muddling through the fear and insanity in her head that covered her view with a fog of black. It was hard to suppress it once she thought of them. But she forced herself onwards, through the heavy chains that leashed her once-coherent self back, a hand managing to free herself through the chains to speak clearly like she once had.

"These are what we use to identify them. Although, their white domain of attire is hideously atrocious and another defining factor." She dropped the pendant on the couch at this point, disgust in her expression, as if the pendant contained something contagious or poisonous. "We know that they've infiltrated halloween. Not in their human forms .. but these.." She twirled a purple feather between her fingers, iris eyes staring at the crowd of students with a show of suspicion.

" .. crumbling forms. They look like us. It's an easy matter to infiltrate, if not caught by staff. But it's not perfect. They crumble.. Sometimes, they just don't fit in. it's an odd feeling .. You notice something isn't right. Sometimes their smell is off .. or perhaps, they're acting too hard. But one needs to check. Stab them, perhaps? If you're a student, your fear will replenish. However, a hunter .."

Aisa trailed off with a loud snap, the pendant airing a brand new crack.


revenant aria


Interesting Conversationalist

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:24 am
“They have that advantage,” Eris replied, unbidden, from where she stretched luxuriously from the throne, warm brown eyes dancing with a dangerous, malicious glee that twisted her plump red lips into a devilish grin. While Aisa spoke, War’s heir had unfolded herself languidly from the brilliant gold and plush red cushion that had almost camouflaged her, straightening first one leg, then the other to slip them to the floor. Her black stilettos were missing, leaving her feet completely bare, but even so on the velvety carpet they wouldn’t have made a noise regardless as she stood, her eyes wandering disinterestedly a little to finally settle on Death. At her kin, the sorrel-haired horsewoman’s smile broadened, her eyes widening a little with excitement, the start of their meeting clearly thrilling her. Placing her fingertips on the arm of the couch where the other three lounged, she slid her hand slowly up along it, her silence spanning into almost uncomfortable, so quiet even the slightest breath might have echoed in their marbled lair. It was at this point that Eris laughed a little under her breath, as if struck by something particularly funny, turning away from the couch to lean against it, her arms behind her as she smiled a little too sweetly at the students whom had assembled. “They found a way in. The clever little things… they somehow managed to look like the things that revolt them most. If it wasn’t such a nuisance, I’d think it delightfully ironic.”

Her voice had taken on a razors edge as she put a certain infliction on that word, the sugary purr almost turning into a hiss. Her smile, still curling the corners of her lips, had lost some of its pleasure, and she turned a heated stare at the pendant on the ground, the carpet around it beginning to smoke, forever leaving a darkened imprint where it lay right then.

“An advantage… because we possess no such skill. We cannot meet the hunters in their beds, slit their throats while they sleep. Because, clever little things they are, have set up a shield around their base, a shield that … that rejects FEAR. The more FEAR you possess, the stronger you are, the more it steals the very essence from your bones, burn your very soul the moment you try to get through.” There was a little shiver, then, that traveled up her spine, her muscles coiling beneath her skin. Arching her back a little, Eris let her eyes slide closed, the black feathers in her wings bristling as she tensed, not bothering to fight the memory. She relaxed only marginally as she paused, tilting her head and inhaling deeply, her smile returning. “Clever, isn’t it? The stronger you are, the harder it is for you to enter. And then there’s that delightful mist…” At this, she laughed again, resting the fingers of one hand against her cheek, eyes sliding open to move thoughtfully over the crowd of students. “Some of you might remember the island.”

Some of them might have nightmares about the island.

“As we has have been able to gather, there are at least two Master-hunters who are in charge: Caelius, Master-hunter of the scythe, and one known only as ‘Dr. H,’ who masters a whip. The rest gather in underling ranks beneath them, dying quickly and frequently.” At this, another smile blossomed across her face, mood lightening considerably as she recounted this, her eyes becoming a little dreamy, as if recalling a fond memory, “They often send out their freshest ones to die first.” Giving a little shudder, Eris relaxed completely again, the danger of a potential outburst quelled for the time being. Bending her knees a little, she drew them up to her chest, curling her arms around them as she perched herself on the arm of the couch, expression suddenly turning thoughtful. “There was also a pretty blonde girl, but I can’t quite put my finger upon her name…” In the end, War’s heir shook her head a little, waving her hand a bit dismissively, her shoulders rolling upward in a relaxed shrug, as if it were of little importance.

“She is but an underling. To the Master-Hunter with the whip, if I recall… a dangerous man of the cunning type, deliciously twisted… you would think he’d be one of us. It doesn’t matter. Caelius, however…”

Something in the air crackled suddenly, and the room might have gotten a hint warmer. Eris let the sentence die, but there was something there that rang of a hatred that ran much deeper than just despising the hunters. Eyes practically glowing with flickering flames, her tone grew lower, losing all prior amusement, temper flaring before it faded again.

“Should you find yourself in a fight against either of them, do yourself a favor: do not fight. Run. Not for your life – for your FEAR.”
PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:24 am
Invictus took a moment, nodding to both Malodore and then to Calder. "Thank you for coming to join our...gathering...." his voice took a strange tone to it, though he didn't clarify as to what it was before Aisa rose and began to speak, producing an item that made even Conquest's hand grip into an angry fist, knotting the long fabric of his clothing up between his fingers. Still, his expression remained steeled and unchanging, that tight fist the only show of any sort of anger or frustration in the smallest of the horsemen, even as Eris soon began to speak as well.

So many memories were still muddled about in his head. Some were more clear than others, others were like a horrible drug induced trip of colors and swirls, and some weird shades of tree like colors. For the most 'clear' of the Horsemen, and also having a pride in his recollection of details, Invictus certainly had some of the haziest memories of some days. Some of their time seemed to simply blur together, while other figures - as Eris mentioned them, stuck out like burning images. Phantoms of things he would never get out of there over the next several millennial of existence. It was twisted, really. Humans would gain immortality in the minds of monsters.

"Their weapons, as mentioned previously, were once of our own..persuasion." he gave those assembled a long and cold stare. "Do not question why they have chosen to serve human masters. Stare one of those weapons down in battle, and you'll not have the time to discuss such matters with any weapon, even if it is inclined to speak to you. Your first focus in such a situation should be to not get hit."

It was a sort of 'dumb' statement, but it seemed there was logic to the Horseman's words.

"Being once a creature of FEAR, they feed off of it just as much as we do, and from it they gain power. However, unlike us, they do not cycle it through them in the same manner we do, and thus their partners are forced to find middleman sources for FEAR. All of you are able to feed this need of theirs." to Conquest, it was straightforward. Get hit, things go wrong, however... "This feeding will allow them to produce techniques that may be remnants of our own FEARs, stronger and more effective strikes come with it. In turn, however, this energy diminishes quickly after use, so if you can't avoid getting hit to begin with, avoid that attack and they won't be able to try it again without more...feeding..."

Several of those students present had felt the 'feeding', and a familiar 'numb' sensation tickled Invictus's skin, memories of those weapons. The God-forsaken Horsemen? Yes, but that didn't mean that even they hadn't had some... 'fun'...with the hunters. They hadn't learned such information by being all powerful, as it was.

He didn't waste any time in continuing; "These hunters, while human, are not naiive nor foolish. They recognize their weaknesses and have come to greatly compensate it by using the one thing that they have. If you find a lone Hunter that is at your level of ability, destroy it, as you may not get another chance as soon as others arrive. Our kind can be overrun by a group of hunters, as they have learned to play their strengths into functioning units. They take their numbers and use them to attack strong. Stronger than could be expected." His expression remained neutral. He'd seen even the most outnumbered swarms of human warriors take down foes mightier than themselves - those damned Spartans, if he recalled, were the most prime of examples.

"Some of you may have seen what a handful of their numbers can do underneath this hive-like behavior." If he'd been one to make an analogy, the higher ups of the Hunter units were closer to being the 'Queen' bees, while the newest and most eager of blood became the stinging gatherers who were thrown out into the world to explore...and investigate, but also to be the first ones harmed.

"However, the humans have forgotten that we too can play that game. It is for that reason, that we have extended our halls and our knowledge, as it is. Whether it is curiosity or courage that has brought you here to see our intentions, know this;

By entering these halls, you now have the opportunity to stand as a unit and learn to properly fight these hunters while the adults try to cover up the truth and put you all in danger.

It is up to you as individuals to decide if you are willing to risk pain, dissipation, and the dangers that the hunters bring with them as well." Invictus's hand curled into a fist. "Now, I realize that was a lot to take in. Any questions?"


The Door has been closed!
  • This is to keep any Boogiemen from overhearing the discussion that the Horsemen are having with the students.
  • However, if you have yet to have posted a student in here, or miss out on this RP, do not fret! You can post someone having barely made it before the Horsemen closed their doors to prying ears.
  • Furthermore, you do not have to be present at this RP to be a part of the battle related lessons the Horsemen will be teaching.
  • If you have a question for the Horsemen, please make it obvious to find in your post so that one of us can spot it and answer it for you!


Beloved Werewolf

Grey Dragon

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:16 am
Cymbeline remained by the door, silent during her siblings' speeches. Her own rambling thoughts were not conducive to proper motivation, but she lingered like a shadow in the back, the soft click of her heels herding students closer to the other three horsemen as she watched and paced. These would be their new soldiers, to take and to train to the best of their ability.

And so she sized them up. Watching reactions, listening to the whispers floating through the crowd and floating through her mind. If they felt the pain of their fellow Halloween creatures as keenly as herself and her siblings, they would fight. They would stand and shed blood and taste revenge for all the acts those humans dared to perpetrate...

"We can teach you~" She whispered into the back of the audience. "Teach you their ways, teach you how to best them."

Her laughter was barely a hiss of breath through her bare ribs. "Don't you want to best them? Those humans who enslaved our brethren, and brought their dirty bloodshed to our front door? We have a promise to fulfill."

Any students who had been on that field, watching the death of their teacher knew what promise the ghoul spoke of.

Halloween will never die.

"Ask your questions. I see them in you." Another harsh, breathy laugh in the near silence, her glance darting between the other three heirs.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:33 am
Shun didn't say anything further as Aisa glanced at him after he had spoken to her. In any case, it seemed that things were about to begin. He moved back over towards Mitsu and the others while listening carefully to what the horsemen each had to say. Some of the knowledge provided was things he had gathered during his time at the house, but there was plenty of new information as well.

There was something about the way the lot spoke. The occasional shudders and whatnot. It was as if they were trying to hold something back. In a sense, it reminded him of when Eris was about to lose it in that room. Something must be plaguing them all. Either that, or they were just all somewhat insane.

Maybe both.

The Reaper glanced away at the warning of fleeing from Caelius and Dr. H. He was the fool who tried to engage with the former.


Jericho looked up as the horsemen called for things to begin. Crossing his arms, he recalled a lot of this information already. The mention of those weapons being FEAR stealers put a chill down his spine. He remembered. And that damn fog.

The dragon closed his eyes for a moment, to try and block out some of the memories that were wafting back to him. Those hallucinations that seemed to be far too real. He remembered them all perfectly, far too well. Gritting his teeth, he reopened his eyes and stared at the horsemen up front. The news of the barrier was new, but he supposed it made sense.

"I have one. Is there a way to destroy these weapons? The Humans.. they're nothing without them, right?" he asked.  

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

Ice Queen

Dapper Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:01 am
"That. JACKING. b***h!" Roch snarled, his hands fisted at his sides, rage on his face. "I KNEW her voice was wrong! Jackdammit, I could have gutted her so easily! I had my jackin' guitar in my HANDS! Not knowing anything--" It seemed he'd run into a golem before. "And what about that one guy? The one that didn't know about battling minipets and s**t? I've TALKED to those jackers, been NICE to them!"

He looked as if he was going to go out and hunt them down right then and there.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:08 am
Hel crossed her arms as one by one, the horsemen started to speak. The reaper’s brows were pulled down through out most of it, and like her fellow students, she found herself incredibly troubled by the information they were being told. Her fists clenched. She didn’t like how everything seemed to add up…that they were weak. Hel’s head whipped around as Roch suddenly exploded. “Calm yourself, friend.” The ghoul called out. “I understand your anger, but here is not the place to vent it.” The valkyrie turned her head towards Jericho as he asked his question, and it sparked one of her own.

She looked back towards the horsemen and asked, “Is there a way yet to revert those who have been converted to weapons?”

That was something to fear more than a permanent death in the valkyrie’s eyes. To be a tool turned against her own kind.  



Unstoppable OTP

27,425 Points
  • Falling For You 25
  • Married 100
  • OTP 200
PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:17 am
The tall strix had insinuated himself right in the center of the crowd, enjoying the bustling energy around him. He listened with wide golden eyes and rapt attention as the horsemen described the current events. He was new and he hadn't been on the field trip but all of this information seemed to fit together with what he'd heard through hearsay.

He was amazed and horrified at the idea of anyone turning a ghoul or boil into a weapon and just the thought of meeting humans sent a shiver up his spine. He wanted to meet a human badly. His hunger gnawed in the back of his mind but he simply pushed it aside.

He had no questions of his own but he did move back, finding a wall to hug while those with experience and real inquiries stepped up to speak. He bumped into someone behind him, only his head turning to apologize.

"Sorry about that. Oh hello!" Muka recognized the long horned ghoul from a brief moment in Acting class. As new students, perhaps they could work out all of this on their own?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:20 am
Damien managed to calm down and let go of the tatzel once the horsemen... horsewomen? whatever, once THEY began to explain and explain alot of what they knew. the hound nodded along at what the knew and took careful note of what he didn't, and there was alot to take note of. "Their weapons were once residents of Halloween?" he said again, the message behind that just didn't want to set itself into his brain, that they were once here, living a life and now they were in weapons away from home, and their loved ones. It brought a chill and made his tail twist around his leg.

Not to mention the fact that they would feed of their own bodies, the numbing cold that his once pierced ear felt it but as it healed it went away. the said appendage now flicked about without a care. It was hard not to shake visibly at the mere mention of the island and its horrible fog. everything it showed and did to them was insanely horrible, or just insane to put it bluntly. And the damn Hunters were smart, putting up a shield to block them out, now if only they could do that here.

After turning around to hear Jericho's question, the hound perked up with a follow up to the statement.

"Yeah, and someone from Halloween had one of those weapons and was using it against them, until it got damaged." he added quietly, there was no need to name who it was. "If we can't destroy them, maybe there is a way to disable them?"

The Boil even had to poke Levi a few times in the arm, rather painfully, just in case she began to crack and collapse much like the suits that Aisa had held up.  

Bloodlust Dante

Fortunate Hellraiser

Toshihiko Two

Sugary Marshmallow

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:24 am
"No questions," Barth said. "But if I may, I had some things to add."

"I realize things here are taking a turn for the militant. That is, after all, Red's legacy. Dealing with the physicality of things. However, Wars are not always fought with sword and claw. I won't begrudge things being steered into a...decidedly bloody direction,"

He adjusted his stained shirt, looking at the Horsemen.

"But as Jericho and... err, others, have pointed out, there is only one thing separating these humans from the other sort. I disssagree that the weaponized victims of the humans are no longer Halloween. They are alive. They have been transmuted, by what I believe to be a combination of technological and magical forces. Some of you were there in the cages. Some of you...saw. That can not be the end. ...Knots tied can be untied. And unlessss present company understands the processes necessary to revert them, what we really need is a research division."
PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:38 am

Zurine had absolutely no idea what the horsemen in the front and the one who kept pacing about in the back were talking about - she had not been at the school long enough to have processed the disaster of the last field trip and t most had only heard the vaguest of rumors regarding hunters...which up until now she'd considered just exaggerated stories.

But..most of the students in the room seemed to be taking it all quite seriously and the information she heard spilled from the horsemen's lips was..well horrifying to say the least, She certainly did not want to be turned into some weapon and weilded again her kind...she most definitely did not want even those she had only met briefly to met that fate either. It would be terrible wouldn't it? Did the weapons know, could they still think or feel but just have no control ? It would be awful either way she decided, and quite frankly she would rather just cease to be then be put to such a use.

Of course it seemed like the only way to ensure that such an outcome occurred was to destroy these so called hunters and ironically enough put herself in the line of fire for just such a fate. She was still pondering this Dilemma when someone bumped into her and startled out of her thoughts she gave a slightly wide eyed look to the owlish boil, she recognized him instantly from the class she'd been kicked out of and in the face of so much new information quickly latched on to this brief familiarity "Hello!" She greeted him in a quiet voice, not wanting to disturb those who were asking legitimate questions nor wanting to miss whatever answers were given "What do you think about all of this?"


Eloquent Raider



PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:23 pm
As soon as Shun returned to her side Mitsu reached out to take his hand, her slender fingers intertwining with his. She turned her attention to the horseman as they began their explanation, giving them details they had already learned on their own as well as new information. Her hand tightened around the reaper's when she learned that the humans had infiltrated their home. She had been under the assumption...perhaps the illusion that here they were safe. If the humans had come this far what was to say they wouldn't be able to improve what they had?

As questions echoed all around them Mitsu noted some speaking questions she herself wondered. Could the weapons be changed back? Surely it was possible if they were changed into weapons in the first place. Barth's words caught her attention as he stated they were victims. Would it be right to destroy them if that were the case? It wasn't like they could move or escape their handlers.

Feeling Shun shift beside her, Mitsu looked toward him as he looked away. She squeezed his hand lightly, he hadn't been the only one to foolishly engage a hunter. It was probably because of her that he had at all. Leaning toward him she pressed into his arm wondering what was going to happen from here. It was obvious there was no turning back, she would be on edge wondering if every new student she saw was a fake persona.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:39 pm
Too much information at once indeed. Had Mortimer not been on the trip, he might have been overwhelmed. As it was, he was grimly well aware of most of what the horsemen said, having seen these head Hunters first hand: Dr. H's whip had caught some of his allies during the trap-destroying process, and Caelius . . . Caelius had been the one fighting Red. And their weapons, their would-be Halloweeners . . . Was that what would have happened to the students who had been caged?

He shuddered. And then he shivered again when he met eyes with Aisa, the one who had pushed him back when they had been assaulting the tent. Was it still a good idea to find her, ask her to teach him to fight? He didn't know what heir she was specifically, and to be honest Mort couldn't remember the four clans at the moment; he only had second-hand info anyway. But would that matter? All of them were intimidating . . . He scooted as softly and unassumingly as he could towards Zurine and Ulmuka, faces he could discern were friendly and known.

An older boil spoke up, one Mort remembered, one who had been trapped in the tent when the snot had helped. His suggestion about a research team was a good one. "Must have b-books on them," the zombie added. "O-Or humans with FEAR sensitivi - senti - s-sevin - who're a-aware of FEAR."

Supposed myths or not, there had to be some lore, right?

But what really got him was the fact that there were golems, fake students, spies among them. His body went a'tingle with sudden paranoia. Maybe some of the Hunters might have issues, but what about the older ones, the ones who knew about their culture and lingo? What if he had met one without knowing, what if he had passed on information like an idiot?

Lightly, the zombie hugged himself and looked thoughtful.

"Can . . . Can l-learn to spy back? Look human, s-sneak into base? Is there tech to hide FEAR?" The professor had managed somehow . . .


Anxious Spirit


Tricky Pants

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:52 pm
There was some arm rounding her neck now and the ghouls ears perked at the sudden surprise of it. As soon as she recognized those familiar claws and that slight wet-dog scent, she eased, allowing herself to be head locked temporarily by Demi. Same as you, I'd reckon, Rex. Duty calls. They were in a washroom, but she hadn't considered the double meaning; it was the call of the horsemen that she knew they'd both been interested in.

Demi wasn't the only familiar form to appear. Holly was there and the tatzel then instinctively placed her hands over Demi's arm at her neck to say let go now. She knew Lizzy had met both of them before so introductions weren't going to be necessary. They were all joining in this same secret plot. None that I know of. They haven't gotten' in ta ... anything tricky yet. She felt there were plots afoot but that was all she had to go by; gut feeling.

The screeching of the doors sounds and Aisa produced some furious waving that caught her attention then. Demi released her fully and Levi met eyes with the heir to Death when she spoke. Or rather- her eyes grew wide when Aisa pulled out a necklace like the one from the icy hallway when Arel and Red fought. She hadn't been tot the island or learned the events which happened there yet, so all the tatzel knew was that this had something to do with that day in the hallway. It had to do with why they went to the haunted house in the human world- and why Red brought them there. This necklace- why was it so important?

A HUNTER Pendant.

Hunters. She remembered them. If there was one thing Levi hated, it was to be enslaved under another. Being caught up in a net wasn't her best moment at that house and she immediately growled at remembering the net.

She whispered quietly so she could still hear the heir, repeating the words. ...enemies 'a our existence. They sure seemed like it in the canyon; they'd tried to enslave and destroy herself as well as her peers and professor. She was even further surprised to learn where their source of powers came from. From them. Or critters that were once like them. Oh Jack. That was a terrible fate to fall upon; to become a force to fuel your enemies? She wouldn't wish it on the mouthiest of boils she knew. Levi continued to listen to Aisa, accepting all that she'd spoke of and trying her best to understand the crumbling forms ...

When Eris spoke up, Levi's glance changed over to her, accepting the information once again. Eris had just about summed up how she herself felt about this whole act of trickery on the part of the hunters. Sure- they were the enemy and had done terrible things to her and the others but... it was an act of trickery. Levi needed to analyze and nod at this plot of trickery that allowed the humans into their home. Had she ever met a hunter in crumbling form?

Straying thoughts like this ran at her mind a mile a second and Levi had to once again fix herself on the heir to War. They'd known much more about these hunters than she could have imagined. A shield that rejected FEAR indeed seemed problematic if they were to try and play at the hunters' game. Caelius. She remembered him. That wa the one who grabbed at her and flung her at Red in an attempt to disarm their professor. In turn, Red had pushed her out of harms way... it was all his fault, the fight against Red. She was storing this important information for later unpacking. All of it seemed so critical to her very being- the existence of Halloween itself. Eris didn't seem to take all that well to Caelius either; and with good reason. They'd fought as well that time. But she was advising her to... run? Her ears flattened are the prospect of leaving a challenge made to her but- this was also coming from one who knew the art of War. If this was a clear battle that was not to be had- Levi would respect the horsewoman's advice. She knew what she was talking about, the tatzel was sure.

Her ears perked up as the smaller of them spoke. He enlightened about the way their weapons would feed on them as residents of Halloween who held and replenished FEAR unlike them. A smile arose when he brought up the possibility of bringing down a hunter at their own level- ...it was a relief to know she would be able to at least attempt to stand her ground in some situations with them. She'd fight the hunters, alright.

And they'd be trained to do it. Oh- she would join without question. A chance to not only challenge those she owed payback to but learn new battle methods from sources she knew to be superior to her. It was a definite move for her to follow the horsemen into their training and do her darndest to show them the worth of Halloween.... even at the threat of dissipating again.

She'd listened to everything but the back of her mind continued to focus on the words of the horseman. It wasn't till Demi perked a question while poking at her that she spoke again. He wasn't being gentle about this poking either. What was he- Dangit, boil! I'm 'ere! She retaliated by pinching at his arm. She was not a fake; apparently, neither was he. Good.

She liked the idea of one of her fellow peers: hiding their FEAR? Could they mask what they were like the humans did?

Yeah, there's gotta be 'a way 'a tricking' em out 'a what we are like she did... or do 'em weapons cause 'a problem? Could they rat 'on us n' pick us out anyways? She looked to the horsemen for answers; Red had done it but whether or not that was a success story decidedly rested on the use of these weapons. Hers seemed to have tried to take over or do something to her. She hadn't really dissipated. ...Do they talk still? It seemed a bit foolish to ask- they were weapons... but she could've sworn at their meeting the hunters that some of them seemed to be talking to...

The more they knew, the better their chances at success over their opponents would be, right? Foolish or not- she had to ask.

Bloodlust Dante

((sorry for giant ohgods))  
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