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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:28 pm
A soft frown creased his lips as he eyed the bracing stances that the Galactics were taking, Like they were getting ready for something to move.
That was his first hint, realizing the sounds of the engines winding up was his second.

"Guys might wanna hol-"
He was starting to say, sliding one of his own feet out and reaching a hand up to touch the wall, but the jarring movement of the room silenced his warning.
It was a little more then he expected, and he was staggered backwards, but was able to move and adjust himself quick enough to avoid losing his footing.
That was when he felt someone fell into him. "Woh!"

His good arm caught Tambrey before she fell into, and toppled Jerome as well, hoisting her up back to her feet with relative ease, though the momentum pushed him back a few steps, where he ended up bumping into the wall.

Jerome let out a hiss of pain from the jarring on his bad shoulder.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:47 pm
Aulus' remark earned him a grin before Tambrey realised that the only reason she wasn't on the floor was due to someone catching her. In fact, she was actually... upright, but said someone had just made a noise that suggested she'd managed to accidentally hurt them.

"Oh frak; are y' alright?" She turned to Jerome quickly, looking for the injury, or re-injury. "I'm so sorry..."

She clearly was rather horrified at the idea she might have inadvertently injured a team mate.  


Feral Nerd


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:15 pm
Jerome's grip loosened from around her, once he felt her start to pull away, She turned and spoke to him seemingly worried about the sound of pain that he had made.

He kept his lower back against the wall to lean against it, head bowed lightly and moving his arm away and over to his shoulder, though not daring to really touch it.

"S'good." He growled deeply, shaking his head before he lifted his gaze up to her. "Ganna hurt worse then that before this is all over."

To show he was okay he straightened back up, ignoring the protestant pain while reaching out and gripping a hand on Tambery's shoulder.
"S'all okay? nice a' them bastards t'give us a heads up, hn? ********." he growled, annoyed with the Galactics. They probably got a kick out of it, and that pissed him off.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:01 pm
Tambrey frowned slightly at the answer. She supposed it was likely but, still, she rather hoped that things wouldn't be hurting more. Maybe they'd be so incredibly lucky that all of sudden... this would be done and they'd get out without further serious injury. And maybe Spoinks would grow wings and fly...

"Hm. Okay." Tambrey certainly didn't trust that it was 'fine', but there seemed to be little they could do about it even so. "Just... I don't know. Try not to... move it much or... whatever a doctor would say." She wanted to apologize again but that seemed like it would be overdoing it.
She turned when he commented on the Galactics and nodded.
They... had braced themselves just beforehand. No heads up when clearly they'd known. She made a note to try and watch the guards a little closer.
Every detail could be useful after all.  


Feral Nerd

Rocket Agent Jerome

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:27 pm
A smirk spread crossed Jerome's face at Tambrey's words Though it did look a little tired, it portrayed both amusement at an inner thought, and gratitude.
"Right, Right. Never been too good bout that though"
He took the next couple of seconds to slide down the wall, and sit himself in a more comfortable position, moving his good hand back over across his chest, rubbing it lightly as if he wanted to touch his splinted arm, but not daring to.

She was right though, Though it was the not moving part that he didn't like.
he furrowed his brow, looking down at his arm with a look as pissed off as he had given the Galactics a second ******** why did he have to get himself hurt!

"S'yer name?" He asked Tambrey, a little more gruff then he had intended.  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:20 am
"I've don't think I know anyone who is," Tambrey replied agreeably though concernedly as she turned back to glance at Jerome for a moment "But, uh, the better shape you can keep it in, the better for when it's time to go right?"

She get her eyes on him as he slid down the wall, looking ready to dart forward and prop him up if he started to.. tilt or something.
The look he gave the arm, she supposed, was understandable- an injury like that was certainly frustrating and she supposed her own arm had probably received a few from her after it had been broken. She'd been taken right back to base to recover, however, and the frustrations had been day-to-day tasks. Stuck out here and injured... She sighed and looked around again, but was pulled back when she found her name being asked for.

The grunt glanced back out at the guards before answering carefully, not wishing to be overheard.
"It's Tambrey. If we're being form'ly introduced, I'll be needing what you like to be called?"  


Feral Nerd


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:56 am
Jerome shook his head at her comment, showing that he didn't really know who was good at listening to doctors either.
Not for lack of trying though, being told not to move around so much just didn't always happen, even if he intended it to or not.

She seemed to know, and instead offered a different way to look at it, saving up his energy for what they needed it.
While it was a reasonable option, it was followed by a comment he felt was a bit more optimistic that realistic.

Tilting his head up enough so that the light brow of his eyes could shift up to look at her, contrasting rather shockingly with the usual dark coloring around his form.
He searched her face, but didn't say anything, though the silence probably spoke his doubts for him.
The quiet gaze did not criticize her, simply deciding it was best not to dash what hope she might still be holding onto, at least for as long as she could.
Though in all reality, maybe she didn't even believe those words herself.

"Tambery." He repeated, keeping his voice just barely under a growl, taking her smart lead on not letting the guards hear too much.
"Pretty fancy name" he noted, as a gentle complement, or as close as one like Jerome might come to.
He would try to remember it, though knew he probably wouldn't.

She then asked for his name,
"Jerome" came his reply, lifting his head up a little higher and shaking the now messy dreadlocks from the right side of his face.
"M'called Jerome."  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:54 pm
Sure, the look and the silence spoke enough about the situation that she understood, but it was responded to with a slight tired smile; she knew her words were a long shot, a far-away chance, but still held that there was, after all, -a- chance, no matter how small.
The grunt wouldn't be giving up totally just yet.

Those eyes were pretty interesting. She remembered the first few times she'd caught see Jerome; she'd had to look twice, hadn't been sure what to make of the obsidian eyes and detailed tattoos... Her first impressions had been somewhat a contrast to the impression she was finding now.
This man, though a little unconventional in appearance, wasn't all that intimidating after all- or maybe that was because he was hurt... Or because they were all in the same situation.

"Jerome. Classical; 's nice." She mirrored the process of repeating the name, somewhat like tasting it, and adding a compliment. "I've never heard mine called fancy before now." She told him, honestly, with that same tired smile as she moved to sit down too. "Nice to meet you, Jerome."
She did forgo the traditional gestures of introduction at least; no need to draw attention to themselves like that.  


Feral Nerd


Unstoppable OTP

PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:47 pm
Xander shook his previous thoughts away after a moment or two then sat up and looked around at everyone to see who had tumbled and who didn't. "Everyone ok?" He asked, eyes going from Lore to Jerome to Tambrey. Thankfully Aulus had managed to keep his self and Hayes from being thrown around so that was one less worry.  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:12 pm
He understood, He did, seeing the small smile from her, and the weight behind of from the previous eventing.

"Hn, D'nno" He answered, letting his head lean back against the wall as Tambery chose to take a seat as well "Ain't hear one like it before."He admitted, with a gentle shrug of his good shoulder.
A soft grin crossed his lips, "could same the same thing about mine bein' called Classical."

When she said it was nice to meet him, the gangster let his head roll slightly to the side to look at her, before he jerked his chin out lightly in a way of his "Likewise"

It was a little strange to think of her as part of the same gang... well really same team with place like this.
She seemed like a well learned, more politely spoken, and really caring with how much she'd been lookin' out for the others when they would find themselves hurt, or in trouble.
She was a women someone Jerome would have had nothin' to do with back on the streets.
In fact, as he looked around, everyone here was someone he couldn't really imagine having contact with in his old life.
So strange that a place like Team Rocket they would end up workin' together, and dying together.

Someone moved over toward them, one of the other Rockets speaking loud enough for them to hear.
When Jerome looked over, it was the blond boy he had recognized from a previous meeting, a very brief previous meeting.

"Take more n'that to knock me on m'a**." Jerome replied for himself in a rumble, a soft cold glare directing past Xander, to whatever Galactic was standing out in the room.
It only stayed for a couple of seconds though, looking back at Xander with a more mild expression.  

Rocket Agent Jerome


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:05 am
As the conversation washed over him, Aulus Pondered. Usually he was good at being decisive and certain - unless it had to do with mushy relationship things - but right now he felt incapable of doing anything much, especially something like getting up and talking to the guards. Eventually however he decided enough was enough and squeezed Hayes’ shoulder gently; “ ‘scuse me a minute.”

Shifting away from his partner he pushed himself to his feet and moved to the front of the cell, grimacing internally at the stiffness of his muscles. At Xander’s question he managed a very tight, very forced looking smile. “For a given value of alright,” he muttered, “hang on a bit, I’m going to see if I can get those lot to pay some attention to us.”

On with business before he chickened out then. After last night, or this morning, or whatever time it had been when they’d been dragged back to the cell he doubted the guards would take him seriously... but then he doubted they would take any of them seriously really. They were prisoners, they had no leverage or power to intimidate whatsoever.

He cleared his throat and lent against the bars to address the guards.

“Look, I’m sure you’re very busy there but do you think you could see about getting us fed? Or are starvation and dehydration part of the plan?” He hadn’t had anything to eat or drink since before they’d entered the museum and he was absolutely parched, would have been even if he hadn’t been running around and then crying copiously. Still wasn’t hungry though, but if food was on offer it would be sensible to eat something; if there was a chance to escape - no matter how unlikely he found that possibility - he needed the energy to take it.

They’d probably take somebody else away soon. He wondered who they’d pick.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:20 am
"A mother's wishful thinking..." Tambrey responded, apparently regarding her own name, because she moved back onto his. "Jerome's a name 's been around a long time- I've only seen it once before yourself and that was from.. uh.. a book." She sounded like she was 'admitting' something by divulging she'd only read the name in a book before, but then followed up, somewhat quickly, with "It was a good book".
It was nice, though, she decided, to receive that response of 'Y'too' and that gesture. Her thoughts possibly ran along a similar line to Jerome regarding the company; the Rockets, sorted into teams like these, could sometimes seem like an odd, or unlikely, bunch, but here there were after all.

Xander's questioned earned the tired smile sent his way now.
"Seem to be unbroken, thanks Xander; how about you?" Her gaze looked him over- it wasn't like she'd much be able to note new scrapes or bruises, but anything more serious, at least.

She listened to the other responses- to Jerome's rumble and then Aulus' as he moved and asked about food and drink.
It was a little easier to deal with when /not/ thinking about it; Aulus' sensible request proved to be a cue for her stomach to inform her that 'yes, it was missing a meal, thank you' while she frowned at the idea of dehydration. Her mouth was dry and her eyes were stinging- of course it wasn't helping that she was missing her glasses.
"Cup of tea'd be nice..." She found herself quietly commenting, eyes on the exchange at the bars.  


Feral Nerd

Rocket Agent Jerome

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:56 pm
One of his eyebrows arched slightly when she brought up that fact about his own name that he actually didn't know.
He didn't really think much about the origin of his name, or at least the name everyone called him by.
"Heh, Didn't know that." He replied truthfully.

A slight grin joined the raised brow when she mentioned hearing it for the first time from a book, She certainly seemed the kind that read a lot, he got that vibe from her since the museum.
"y'read a lot then?"

This was helping...
The warn hand that had been rubbing at his chest was eventually draped back down across his lap as the stillness helped the pain subside back to a dull throbbing ache.
He seemed to relax a little more, though his shoulders remained pretty stiff,.
It helped a lot to have someone to talk to, even if the conversation was hushed, and limited.

Though Jerome was not a man of many words, keeping his thought to himself most of the time, he was usually more then okay to just have the company, or to just sit and listen so someone else.
Just to have someone there, even if it was someone he didn't even know, like this Bookworm here with him now.

It was something he had experienced a lot with his roommate, if anyone could talk up a storm it was that dude. It wasn't unusual for them to sit for periods of time, usually before they turned in for the night, or while they were getting ready in the morning to be filled with Izaya’s rambles. Rambles that were easily spurred on with simple noises or gestures from the gangster himself.

Jerome never minded, on the contrary, he had gotten quite used to it.
The Japanese man's pondering, explanations and opinions, sometimes joined, or cut off by the antics of their pokemon (Most often the Purrloin twins, and Bro').
Jerome had not been able to witness anything that could annoy, or frustrate the other grunt more then when the Pokemon decided not be behave.

The memory drew a soft snort of a chuckle from Jerome but it was short lived as he then wondered for a moment if Bro', Boss and Hirss found they way back...
His eyes sought out Shadow, the youngest kid in the group... he had actually had the Purrloin that belonged to Izaya, and Celty. Jerome wondered why.

Scars got to his feet, and had walked over, talking loud enough for everyone to hear, since he was trying to get the guard's attention.
Some water would be really awesome...

He watched Aulus at the bars, wondering what the Guards would do about the request, or if they might make Aulus regret asking.
but he kept and ear in with Tambrey and Xander.
"The ******** are we in anyway?" He asked "Another ship er somethin'?"  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:00 pm
Xander gave Jerome a half smile. "Good to know." He said then glanced at Jerome's bad arm, hoping that it hadn't taking any more damage even after his team mates reassurance. His attention turned to Aulus when he got up and gave him an equally strained smile back. "Just be careful ok?" He asked in response to Aulus' intent. The big guy didn't look as bad as he had when he had been brought back but Xander still kept his eye on him as he went about trying to get them food and drinks.

Tambrey got a quick look though when she addressed him and a smile. "I'm glad. Nothing like ruining a day by waking up to explosions, being tossed around and finding new injuries." If the last been had a hint of humorous sarcasm, it was simply him attempting to keep the situation lighter for the moment then what it could be. "I'm fine Tam, nothing sleeping in a real bed wouldn't cure."  


Unstoppable OTP


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:54 pm
"Apparently 's a lot." Tambrey replied to Jerome, with emphasis on 'apparently' "I just read when I feel like reading... 'S something to do and I like books." Poor bag-traveling book; she wondered, briefly, what had been done with it and the other things that had been in her bag.
"How about you? D'you read much?" Her first impressions were telling her 'nope' but other parts of her brain were scolding her with a book-themed metaphor. He /might/ read a lot. how would she really know?

Xander's answer got a nod and a smile combined in a little quirk of her head- it wasn't exactly a 'snort' of laughter, but it was probably closer to one than it was to anything else.
"Good, I think tha' goes f'r most of right now."

Jerome's question was met with a little widening of her eyes and raising of her eyebrows. Right! Of course!
They'd come -right into- it and hadn't seen it from the outside.
"Eh. Castle Wulfenbach... That's what I call it anyway. It's like... A really, really, really big airship thingy but y'know, with a great big Galactic base inside it."
Of course, with Aulus talking to the guards, she continued to keep her voice hushed.  

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