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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:26 pm
"Oh stop being a baby," Sera said with a frown, pausing her poking to put her hand, complete with stick, against her hip. "I didn't poke you that hard."

Agatha leaned down over the branches, idly pawing at the netting that held him aloft. She could cut through it very easily, given her lengthy claws, but watching him in mild distress was much more fun.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:27 pm
"Sneezely...?" Came a mutter from the man up in the net followed with a long paused and a "Sneazle, fool! I wouldn't have HAD to throw him if you didn't attack me!"
Twisting around again, thrusting a tangled arm down to try and wrench the stick away from the girl "Will you STOP! I'm not saying anything! and nothing you can do will make me!"


Rosie tightened her arms around the pokemon she was holding, watching with some concern as Sera walked over and antagonized the man, she had no idea who he was and what happened, but the fact that he had mistreated a pokemon didn't exactly bode well for him within a group of pokemon trainers.

Agatha, while assumed to be alone in the tree, would soon feel a hefty weight creak the branch she was sitting on, and shift the weight downward as something large and heavy moved up onto it with her.

A light hiss joined the voice of a large red and white striped snake coiled along the branches of the tree, large green eyes looking from the dark type up with him, to the humans down below.

The Serperior hissed louder, slithering over to dip his head down below the branch.  


Supreme Roisterer


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:47 pm
"I vote we leave him up there..." Lin muttered; he added 'being called a fool' to the things he didn't like about their new acquaintance.
"Oh! Hey!" He brightened up at the sight of a pokémon he /did/ sort of recognize... It was a funny coloured version of either the first or second thing that Jeeves would one day turn into... He wasn't -entirely- sure.
"I didn't know you could get them up here!"  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:55 pm
The sudden added weight on her branch startled Agatha, and her head jerked up as she raised an arm to either defend or attack with - with her deadly claws extended, of course - but the sight of the pokemon in front of her gave her pause. She recognized him, and as such retracted her claws with a slight huff.

Sera waved the stick around just out of his reach, though the sudden appearance of the oddly colored Serperior quickly drew her attention. "Double Stripe!" She said, as both Jacques and Isabella perked up a little. The grass-type was, at this point, incredibly familiar to them. The brunette didn't hesitate to ask of him, "Where's Ray?" The guy stuck in the net may as well have disappeared for all she cared about him now. Well, she still cared a little, but mostly because he was kind of fun to poke, even if she wasn't poking him at the moment.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:39 pm
"I don't think so, This Double Stripe Lin, one of Ray's pokemon. So if he's here then that must mean-" Rosie continued, pausing to look to the snake for an answer, the same question Sera came out and asked.

Green eyes flicked over to Lin who Double Stripe did not recognize, the others he did, and at the realization that they were friends. the snake perked his head for a moment, quickly slithering his heavy coils around the branch to hang his head lower toward the humans.

It would be hard for him to answer where Ray was, instead he glanced around the forest, to get his bearings, before letting a tongue flick out in one direction that continued further into the woods.

"So, she's okay?" Rosie asked the snake. her face splitting into a delighted smile when the pokemon nodded with a light hiss. "Please, take us to her."


The Legendary had no idea who the man in the net was, only that he was feeling intensely scared and angry.
She avoided going near the man, staying instead with Nicolette, and watching with wide eyes as the large Serperior, agreeing to take them to Ray with a flourish of excitement hissed and without a moment' hesitation actually squeezed himself into the top opening of the net.
the man within screamed and tried to struggle as the whole body of the red and white pokemon joined him, wrapping around the man tightly and with a sharp thrust of his body, snapped open the net, both Snake and man falling from the height and onto the ground.

The man was mostly hidden within a ball that was Double Stripe. though as the pokemon unfurled, keeping his tail wrapped with a painful tightness around his torso, his arms pinned along his sides.
Double Stripe looked to the trainers, and nodded for them to follow as he took the lead, dragging that grunting and struggling man along behind him.

The Jirachi's mouth fell open as she watched the odd snake slither away.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:56 pm
"Oh. Huh. He looks like candy cane." Lin could only think to comment, watching the serpent-like pokémon.
As the Serperior looked at him, he raised a hand in greeting, while Jeeves came and stood beside him, watching the stripe-y future evolution with mild interest.

As the man was dragged along, and Double Stripe was bidding them to follow, Lin smirked; smart snake.
"I like him."  


Feral Nerd

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:53 pm
Double Stripe's appearance was unexpected but reassuring, especially with the answer he gave in response to the question of Ray's location. Prepared to follow, he returned Rem to her pokeball to prevent her from getting separated. He wasn't sure he specifically approved of the Serperior's methods of transporting the man - certainly not as much as Lin, at least - he supposed it was probably the easiest way to keep him restrained as they proceeded.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:21 pm
The progress through the forest would have been much more efficient if double Stripe didn't have this human to drag along with him, especially since the man kept struggling and kicking, sometimes even yelling. in order to get him to stop the Serperior had to stop his progress and compress down onto the man with his coils until he ceased, and the only reason the human did so was because he would find no more air in his lungs to continue.

"Help me." The man finally took to gasping, after the third time this happened. "Get this thing off of me. Please."

This distressed Rosie, who still held the uncontentious form of the man's pokemon in his arms, and a Lopunny striding easily at her side.
The Lopunny rolled her eyes, while the shiny bunny's trainer couldn't help a sad expression.
"Just... don't struggle anymore." She told him quietly. "Please, I'm sure we're almost there."

He drooped his head down against the scales of the pokemon holding him, pating.
When suddenly the snake stopped, the man tensed as is getting ready to be constricted, but the only movement Double Stripe did was to quickly look around, jerking his head this way and that before he flung his head around the the group following him, hissing loudly in warning.

The Jirachi stopped moving, even her tails froze, though she failed to translate the command to the humans who might not have known what the Serperior was warning against.

"What?" Rosie asked, her eyes widening as she started to glance around.
All at once there was a light crack, and Rosie felt one of her leg being yanked out from under her.
with a yelp she was tossed to the ground, vanished under the thick vegetation of the forest, where she lost her grip on the Sneasel, and then without warning dragged up again by her ankle into the trees, by what appeared to be rope.
"Aahhh! What happened!? What is this!?" she yelped, trying to get her bearings, suddenly finding herself upside down and hanging from the air.


Lin would find a sharp clicking noise next to him, the brush parting and a tall figure stepping out from the wilderness.
"... Hm, Missed one, DS."

Ray's voice joined the group with a half grin on her face.  


Supreme Roisterer


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:33 pm
"Rosie!" It was a useless interjection, she was gone - up in the tree? - and something was moving in the undergrowth and-

"Какого черта is going on here?" Dith exclaimed, losing patience with the situation as his momentary panic for Rosie faded. Turning to Ray - who he recognised but didn't know - the huge man gestured up at Rosie and then at their captive. "Can you explain either of this? Everyone was worried for you, and now Rosie is up a tree!" Stress tended to bring out less than stellar English in Dith but he didn't stop to concern himself with that. Huffing out a breath and muttering something he turned to look up at Rosie, a frown of concern creasing his brow. "Are you okay? Not hurt? Here, if somebody can cut that I can catch her." Get everyone on the ground, then worry more about everything else.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:06 pm
Luke was not fond of surprises. It was extremely rare that he encountered any surprise that he particularly liked, and this was certainly no exception. Dith's cry was joined by Luke's, the girl's name reflexively in his voice as she was abruptly no longer standing on the ground. His reactions to follow were entirely nonverbal, however, the cane thoughtlessly discarded upon the earth as he searched for signs of injury - no indications of blood, as far as he could tell with his cursory observation - and then for an approaching enemy - also a negative result, the only person who appeared was-- Wait, that was Ray. He looked wordlessly, breathlessly between Rosie, Dith, and Ray, thankful that Dith could think clearly enough to produce meaningful speech; his own thoughts were consumed entirely by frustration that the only means he would have to cut the rope lie in Mieu's Flamethrower, and it somehow seemed like a poor idea to resort to fire in a thicket.  

Vice Captain



Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:23 pm
Lin's eyes widened as Rosie went down and then... up.
"What?!" He blinked, dumbly, slightly panicked but trying to think clear enough- panic never helped in Sandalwood... Except when running from something fire-y- and he supposed that wasn't exactly panic being 'helpful', more just reflex... Anyway. More traps...
Well... That might have hurt, but she seemed... okay?
"Jeeves, uh.. Help get Rosie down, please?" Lin told the Snivy, who disappeared up into the trees, in pursuit of the girl; his idea was to use vine whip and wrap to try and help get her down, though he wasn't sure if either of those could cut throw a trap- another pokémon might be needed for that.

He blinked as Ray appeared alongside him, and, as the others seemed to know her, caught up quickly, though he supposed introductions could wait until Rosie was extricated from the tree...  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:26 pm
Ray certainly looked, and smelled like she had been in the woods for two weeks. her clothes and skin were dirty, green plant stains over the fabric, though it held up surprisingly well and didn't look too frayed. her hair was all gathered back out of her face, freeing both her eyes, and keeping the usual well kept locks now greasy and unkempt out of the way until she could tend to it.

A wide grin spread over her face as the largest of the group rounded on her and began demanding explanations. She might have walked in on a very troubled situation but the she just couldn't get over the fact that she was staring at a group of people she wasn't going to have to fight against.
"Well, for one I think DS forgot to steer you around one of my traps."
This was answered as the snake flicked his tongue out.

"Hang in there Rosie!" Ray called up, with a slight snicker after she said that. Apparently her good mood couldn't be extinguished.


"I'm okay!" Rosie called once once she was over the initial shock, and starting to understand what had happened. Hearing her friends calling up to her. "I'm okay, I'm not hurt."
trying to get her bearings, unable to stop swaying long enough to see an individual for much longer then a couple of seconds. The Jirachi, alarmed and only spurred on with that feeling by the worry of everyone else, flew up to where Rosie was, reaching out to grab her and try and stop her from spinning and swaying, through only ended up drifting along with her, despite her efforts.


"Atta girl!" Ray cheered, walking over to the tree that she was in and starting to work her way up it.
"Yeah good one Snivy, hold onto her, and I'll cut her down."
About halfway up, Ray reached around the tree, pulling froth a line of rope, then with a swift movement, draw a large hunting knife out of her boot and slit the line.
Thankfully, Rosie wasn't dropped to the ground, with the help from Jeeves the girl was lowered back to earth, helped along by the powerless Jirachi.

Once Rosie was on the ground, Ray herself dropped to her feet from the tree, crouching low and opening her arms wide "Oh my gosh you guys! I can't even TELL you guys how HAPPY I am so see you! I mean it, your timing could not have been better, I could kiss you!"  


Supreme Roisterer

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:45 pm
Luke moved to help orient Rosie as she was lowered, kneeling beside her when she was safely on the ground and checking her over again just to be sure that she had indeed not been wounded in the unexpected turn of events. He reached a hand to brush remnants of foliage from her hair, offering quiet words, "You're sure you're okay?" Being jerked up by her ankle like that… This was a terrible place to have to deal with a sprain.

His attention was drawn to Ray as the woman dropped from the tree and spoke. It certainly seemed from her appearance, let alone her words, that she hadn't been on some leisurely camping expedition. "What have you been doing out here?"  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:08 pm
Containing the apprehension of being lowered back to the ground, though she trusted whoever was lowering her.
she felt much more relived when Luke came over to help situate her before she found the ground, reaching her hands out to him and holding on before she was able to sit up on her own.

Her face was flushed from being hug upside down, her hair tossed a little but otherwise, she appeared to be alright.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Just a little dizzy, but that's all." she breathed, sounding relived, and quickly moving to untie the rope from her boot.
thankfully the riding boots were a sturdy kind, and protected her ankle from what could have been a painful injury.
Cute, and practical~

Jirachi lowered herself with Rosie, drifting around the two trainers.
"Where did that come from?" She asked Looking back up at the trees.  


Supreme Roisterer


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:11 pm
"That, was from me, though it wasn't intended for you guys. Sorry. I honestly didn't know if you guys would show up at all." The tall women admitted with a shrug, slipping the survival knife back into her boot and standing up.
Eyes lingering on Luke for a couple of seconds, her eyes widening slowly and her mouth opening wide.
"You're walking! What?!"  

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