x3 thisismysn x3
Hi, dearie. What's up? I'm going to be having late responces because in working on linearting a picture right now. @_@
@[Ange de la Morte]: Haha, thanks. n__n
I'm doing fine~ I went over to one of my friends house to drop her off, and I stayed abit to jump around on her trampoline. XD
How are you? :]
Nothing nothing.
Just being bored
You drew the art in your sig, right?
If so, it's sooo pretty 4laugh Haha, yes, I did. And thank you. n__n
I'm getting alot of requests for art because of it too.
rofl But it's fun, more practice. : D
Yep, everyone seems bored, XD
My brother finally fixed one of our Xboxs, so I could play that after I'm finished with everything. :]
@[Ange de la Morte]: Ah, that sucks. D;
I only seen one of my friends since May 23th.